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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 24, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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let's translate from clerical to understandable.
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it's scary if there are instructions. the theft of russian assets will be prosecuted by law, this is how the kremlin reacted to the west’s decision to direct income from sovereign russian assets to purchase weapons for ukraine. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov called it.
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euro, which should take place in early august next week. we aim to fund procurement from these funds to meet key military needs of ukraine, including air defense missiles for artillery. this money will also be used to place orders with the ukrainian military industry. the amount could have been higher, but hungary refused to allocate 6.5 billion euros for weapons to ukraine until kiev resolves the issue of oil transit from russia. perhaps this is one of the reasons that does not allow the european union to take rash actions that lead to higher prices. now the production of mineral fertilizers in the european union is unreasonably expensive, so the volume of russian consumption of russian fertilizers is growing. restrictions and the subsequent, so to speak, growth of sanctions, counter-sanctions, transfer of assets and
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so on, are not in the interests of the european union. it can be assumed that in the short term the blocked assets will not be transferred anywhere. russia's frozen sovereign assets of $300 billion haunt the west, of which about 5-6 billion are in the united states, most of them on the international belgian platform euroclear, which have been receiving income from investments since 2022.
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actions of the european union is essentially sponsoring terrorism, financing terrorism, and accordingly , international law can then, on full grounds, be turned against the european union. moscow has fairly good prospects for winning claims in international courts, including the un court. without feeling trust , at least wealthy saudi arabia, china and other countries may leave european assets. according to financiers, when the initiator of confiscation.
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i couldn't sit still because i was in normal shape. a person who can very easily come to terms with his conscience, he had task number one, to evade responsibility or mitigate it, i was sure that sooner or later this would not be revealed, very intense work, very responsible, because the criminal would not leave fingerprints for us at the scene of the crime,
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scientific and technical progress has a colossal impact on the development of criminology, everything coincides, the diligence of the investigator, the inevitability of punishment, you just have to ask the question, if not now, then when and if not us, then who? here in avdeevka people were driven to death, there was terror there, everything flies here it's flying, guys, the war is real, here people live completely differently, they didn't hurt you here until ours came, don't ask, i'll be like a wolf in the basement, i'll hide in the basement, when they're hammering, then here outside the window, just like that, you sit and think . whether you like it or not, during the last explosion there were 18 people left here under the slabs, who are still lying there, god help me, oh, thank you, that’s just it, we came here forever.
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service in one of the oldest pskov monasteries, snitogorsk, it stands on the high bank of the velikaya river, a mountain removed.
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the hole is the remains of an emergency exit towards the velikaya river. on july 9, 1941, the nazis took pskov; on july 12, the invaders were photographed in the monastery. at first, the headquarters of army group north was located in the center of pskov in the oktyabrskaya hotel, and later moved to a monastery, which the germans called wasserburg. here are rare photographs from a private meeting, in which the general himself, colonel görg lendeman, awards his subordinates. in july, forty years later , hitler would remove him from this post as having not lived up to expectations. surely lindyman visited
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in this bunker. here is the entrance itself, the gas chamber, here is the anti-gas attack, pressure relief valves, air ventilation, emergency exit, if you look inside, the ceiling has been made to resist spalling, special equipment, what if it even happened.
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stalin, these fortifications were built by 1940 under the leadership of general karboshev, after all, in 1941, thanks to them they managed to slightly delay the nazis; from july 2 to july 5, cadets of the leningrad artillery school fought here. according to german documents, the last pillbox was taken at 17:30 5 july. the fate of the cadets, as well as their names , are still unknown. this museum exhibition tells about the occupation of the island. it was born through the efforts of peter grinchuk, who 35 years ago led a group of search engines. on july 6, 1941, the germans captured the island; at the end of july , a group of underground fighters was created here. fearless pioneer klava nazarova.
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the germans served in dimyansk, but they failed to hold this cauldron. the germans supplied the troops by air; this was provided by planes from the veretye ​​airfield, near the city of ostrov. eleven on august 1943, an incredible story happened here: two soviet prisoners of war who worked at the airfield, twenty-year-old pilot nikolai loshakov and technician ivan denisyuk, hijacked a german plane. the wounded loshakov was able to fly the plane to our location. how is loshakov doing a combination somewhere? found, well, stole, let's say, german, denisyuk drove
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a tanker, provided the german planes with fuel, but they put the plane of the airfield commandant in public, they saw storch alone when the flights were underway, on the evening of august 11, and not to to this plane, one went across the field, the other drove up to the plane, until the guard there paid attention, you could flapping his ears, they flew into the planes, at first they didn’t even pay attention, because at that time they were taking off. other planes, and then the commandant saw that his plane was hijacked to catch up with a fighter, they simply weren’t found along the front line, they were almost shot down, then the germans, then almost ours... in occupied pskov , demonstrative executions immediately began to intimidate residents. museum of the history of occupation pskogo is only 2 years old. it is located on the ground floor of the house where the estonian sd security police, a punitive agency, was located in 1941-1944. here the pskovites were interrogated and tortured, from here they were taken to be shot in the village of gloty and
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moglin. after the war, war criminals were tried in open trials, and one resident of pskov, yakov grigoriev. as a witness at the trial in nuremberg, his wife and two children were killed in the village of loneva gora, estonian punitive forces shot 55 residents there, the village itself was burned, and if the commandant of pskov, major general heinrich revlinger, was hanged in leningrad in 1946, but some of the criminals were found and convicted only 40 years later. one of the residents of the village of loneva gora came to the baltic states and recognized the store seller as... the punisher who destroyed her village, after which she reported this fact to the internal affairs authorities, then these criminals were found and they were sentenced to trial in 1973, some of them were sentenced to death, some to long terms conclusions. in pskov during the occupation
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, two power structures were created, military and civil administration. it was organized here. after the war, it was established that about 150 thousand residents from the pskov region were driven to germany for forced labor. throughout the occupation, olga vasilyeva’s relatives, her grandmother, father, then an 11-year-old boy, and aunt lived in pskov. grandma maria worked in the infirmary where she lies. some crumbs, maybe they also brought food, but they did not yet know that in 2 years they would become the same prisoners near noenbrandenburg, also in a camp
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for russians, and when they had survived all this , they returned to pskov. then she was a grandmother from the horror of what she saw, despite the fact that , of course, our beautiful troy cathedral immediately caught her eye, nothing else but the tops of churches, she fell to the ground and began to sob, and dad told her, maybe this is a family legend , maybe that’s how it was, mom, don’t cry, we’ll rebuild the pskovs, we need these...
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the fatigue of the soldiers was felt, especially since there were losses, the troops needed rest, in addition, spring was still approaching, fogs began, rivers and swamps began to open up, this made it difficult for aviation and even the passage of military equipment, which is why these attempts continued literally for about a week, two weeks, then already in march the headquarters
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of the supreme high command ordered to stop the offensive . and preparing for defense, in april 1944 a new front was created, the third baltic, under the command of army general ivan maslennikov, he was given the task of conducting the pskov-ostrov offensive operation, now, after the defeat of the army center group at the beginning of july forty-four , the opportunity arises for the red army to attack. on july 12, the village of pushkin mountains was liberated, here in the village of mikhailovskaya in his family estate, alexander sergeevich lived in exile. pushkin, it was here that the great poet became interested in the history of his family and, more broadly , in the history of russia, and here he was buried near the walls of the svyatogorsk monastery. when they want to destroy a people, a nation, they destroy it. its culture history, this is exactly what the fastas did, in addition, they knew that when when the pushkin mountains are liberated, red army officers will come to bow to the ashes
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of alexander sergeevich. they mined not only the holy mountain, planting aerial bombs there, but also seriously mined pushkin’s grave, dug a tunnel under it, into which they planted mines, including those unknown to our sappers. it was not possible to evacuate the museum exhibits, a whole convoy with beautiful things in... in 1944 they tried to send it to germany, but fortunately it was intercepted, the estates were burned, but pushkin’s grave was not damaged, thanks heroism of sappers. then, as a sapper of the twelfth engineering sapper brigade and a number of several more sapper units, over the course of several weeks, we had to carefully clear the territory, meter by meter, of each museum of the estate and of the svyatogorsk monastery, and the names of the nine sappers who died during the battle are known. ..
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a flock of rifle divisions approaches the island city from the south, from there, the nazis mined two parts of this tsepny bridge, but fortunately the southern part of the bridge did not explode, it just sank and none of the red army soldiers was not injured, on the morning of july 21, the first to break into the city of ost were the soldiers of major rymar’s battalion, they eliminated the german sappers who were sitting here under the northern part of the bridge and thus the island was liberated, and this bridge from the middle of the 19th century has survived to this day. having liberated the island, our troops went behind the enemy’s pskov group. on july 22, the 128th
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and 376th rifle divisions entered pskov from the north and east. on july 22, the red army crossed the velikaya river in battle. well, the first one, for example, in the area of ​​the mirozhsky monastery on the left bank of the great roto crossed ivana golovko. she managed to suppress 15 enemy firing points there, gain a foothold there, and this ensured success later, in general, for the entire 374th regiment. by the way, ivan golovko, in this battle he was wounded and sent to the hospital, he was considered dead, and he was posthumously awarded the order of the red banner, and only several decades later, more precisely in 74, it turned out that he was alive. our troops entered completely destroyed pskov and had to be exchanged.
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have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread - this is peace, this is the most sacred thing that a person has, what is in every family. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution, the technical revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity. this is a universal language. over the past 2.0 years, bread has shaped our attitude towards life. this is the power of our country, its strength and power. every day i take a piece of black bread and always enjoy life. when confronted with bread, a person
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is literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought, we are very we hope you think so too. khersanez saw a lot and the courage of the ancient inhabitants who saved the city from scythian raids, and a miracle. the epiphany that happened here to prince vladimir. we are grateful to prince vladimir precisely because he laid this spiritual foundation for future national construction, and this happened right here in hersanes. the territory where the ancient greek and roman, the imperial borders with us, is a unique combination of peoples, times, cultures and civilizations. hersanez, returning to us, again christened russia with his grace. we will see a lot in ourselves by studying the history of our newcomers. persanez.
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the lybil of russian orthodoxy, this alone gives us the right to read crimea as russian. chersonesian, it should become a russian meca, which should attract people from different parts of the world. how chersonese became a kind of assembly point for russian statehood, spirituality and unity.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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russian troops of the southern group took control of the village of ivanodaryevka in the donetsk people's republic, the ministry of defense reported. other groups continue to position themselves. in several directions, inflicting fire damage on the enemy and holding back counterattacks by the ukrainian armed forces. egor grigoriev will tell you more about the progress of the special military operation. the roar of our alligators can be heard in the sky; on approaching an enemy target, the helicopter seems to make a jump.


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