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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 24, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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the second one performs combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction, we are all the same here, we do the same work, the same tasks, get the traction, my record is 285, i couldn’t get on everything because i was in normal shape, well, salamati, alone one, it happened that they recognized you, what was the reaction, oh well, i say, well, yes, the first time i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave soon. it will be 2 years.
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hello, the on-air legal program is being hosted by the duty department, tatyana petrova is with you. love to death. the moscow regional court rendered a verdict trash blogger vyacheslav polikov. he was found guilty of the brutal murder of his eighteen-year-old fiancee in the summer of 2022. experts counted 15 stab wounds on the girl’s body. what caused such cruelty from the courtroom, report by vladimir bazov. in the hall of the moscow regional court , vyacheslav polikov remains silent, but this is unlikely to save him from fair punishment. the court has already made its conclusions and announced the verdict: guilty of murdering his eighteen-year-old partner. vyacheslav polikov, at least called himself as a blogger was almost not known to the general public. at one point he even changed his last name to molmygin. apparently, the old name no longer allowed hype. and then 2 years ago, it really thundered throughout the country. in crime chronicle reports. his partner is eighteen years old. sofia
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krasilnikova was found dead in her apartment in balashikha near moscow. the girl died from loss of blood - 15 stab wounds. at first the neighbors did not believe what had happened. maybe you heard some screams? no, there were no screams here, then there is such a thing that right here - audibility is not the same as in panel houses, it’s scary, of course, that such people exist. his friend, showman stas boretsky, undertook to protect palyakov. i don’t really believe it at all, because he is quite adequate and sort of decent. you talked to him, what did he tell you? he told me that he was not guilty, i believed him, but it immediately became clear to the investigators that the main suspect was malmegen polikov, because he hit big, and surveillance camera footage captured the man on the day of the murder near the house krosilnikova, however, the non-blogger did not walk free for long; six months later he was detained in st. petersburg. well, in short, i’m with you again, vyacheslav molmygin. according to some sources, sophia’s mother reported that polikov threatened to kill her daughter several times, but she never contacted the police; the odious blogger himself tried. twisted himself as best he could,
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called himself a fighter against prostitution, blackmailed his partners with intimate videos, contrary to his credo he was a pimp, was guided by the principle, black pr is also pr, this topic needs to be promoted, that i maniac that i held her, palikov was right about one thing, he really doesn’t have everything at home and the man needs treatment from a psychiatrist, he will undergo it in a colony. the moscow regional court sentenced vyacheslav polyakov to 16 years in prison in a maximum security colony, part of... sofia krosilnikova in the amount of 5 million rubles. vladimir bazov, dmitry vaskoboynikov, yuri lepatnikov, lead the duty unit. a major scam involving the apartments of deceased people, where illegal migrants were accommodated, has been uncovered in the capital. the attackers gained access to housing after the death of the owners, removed all valuables, and then rented them out. they looked for tenants exclusively among foreigners who... in
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russia without documents, denis voskovsky studied the double crime scheme. the defendants were brought into the hall one at a time, all wearing identical caps with low visors, so that... their faces were not visible. according to investigators, it was these seemingly unremarkable citizens who pulled off the largest housing scam. we looked for apartments of single owners who had recently died, and having made sure that there was no one inside, they broke in and changed the locks. this is exactly what happened with apartment 74 on the first floor in building 18 on koptevskaya street. no one was looking after this man, his mother died a long time ago and he was lonely, but he was absolutely not socially adapted. in the blink of an eye, a two-room apartment was rented out to newcomers, and in fact turned into a hostel, the number of migrants there, well, there were probably eight people, i asked them, where are you guys from, they were like, they all rented this apartment to us, here’s the district police officer came here several times, surprisingly, the eightfold increase
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in population density in a single apartment did not raise any questions from the district police officer; according to the same scenario , last fall an overnight stay was organized in konakovsky proezd, and more than a dozen migrants moved into house number three at once. they walked here at any time in large numbers, asked for money, asked something, the organizer of the criminal scheme, sixty-year-old muscovite alexey golovin lived on starokachalovskaya street, here under his control there were four apartments at once, in he lived in one himself, rented out others, cockroaches, some fleas, something else, the police special forces knocked on the doors of the organizers of the criminal rental early in the morning, after the first interrogations of the four arrested , the scale became clear. what they did in less than a year, they captured thousands of square meters in literally all parts of the city. in total, on the territory of the city of moscow, an organized group gained access to more than 150 escheat apartments, leased to at least 300 foreign citizens, and extracted criminal income of at least 72 million rub.
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during the arrest, all the people involved in the high-profile case presented themselves as unemployed or pensioners, but during the searches , in addition to large sums of money in their... personalities , dozens of laptops and phones were confiscated, which someone still continues to call, listen. the lawyers asked the court to place the defendants under house arrest, but the petitions were rejected, and to select alexey evgenievich golovin as a punishment for the accused , placing him in custody for a period of 2 months. gang members face up to 5 years in prison freedom, but this is only for fraud committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy. most likely, they will be charged during the investigation.
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in order to attract the attention of her ex-husband, now the baby is safe, olga zhurinkova was looking into whether the child’s mother would bear any responsibility. for poetic reasons, we are hiding this short video with computer retouching. in the footage, a twenty-two-year-old woman holds an infant child on her lap, first squeezes his cheeks, and then begins to choke him. baby is trying to break free, cries, but the strength, of course, is not equal. the mother smiles at this moment. fortunately, the child was not harmed; as journalists found out, daria massan recorded the creepy video to attract the attention of her ex- husband and the child’s father. the video recording was made last summer, but only now appeared online. two criminal cases have been initiated against the woman, based on the elements of crimes provided for in article 156
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of the criminal code of the russian federation, this is failure to fulfill obligations to raise a minor, and article 119 of the criminal code code of the russian federation, death threat. later, as... it often happens that in such cases repentance followed, although it did not look very convincing. excuse me please. there are two children, a one-year-old son and a four-year-old daughter. it turned out that this was not the first such case, and previously children were removed from the family, but were later returned. the investigative committee for the sverlovsk region is investigating a criminal case against a resident of the city of kamyansko-uralsky, suspected under the article of the criminal code of torture against two non-dried persons. according to investigators, the woman used violence against her young children. the situation is under the control of... the ombudsman for children's rights in the region, the reaction to the appearance of this video on the internet at that time was worked out by all authorities in accordance with the warnings, which means that children, children were taken from the family, handed over to grandmothers,
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similar videos of bullying the show was flooded with internet videos where adults abuse children a lot, here is a mother from krasnoyarsk doing, so to speak, raising sons. one is one year old, the other is three. according to her, she did not wish anything bad for the children, she simply humiliated them for the sake of views. my action, of course, well, how to say. well, i want to apologize. another example: a mother from nizhnevartovsk imagined herself to be a blogger and mocked her adopted children on her mobile camera. i took off my slippers, threw them at her, picked them up again, threw them with force and threw them again. in short, i threw slippers at her yesterday. most often , such content becomes public because people either they film it, post it publicly, or send it to friends and acquaintances, who then forward it to others. finding an excuse for such adult behavior is relative. i can’t have a child in any way, but what i would like, as a public figure, to draw attention to is that we do not have a single public
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institution that would support the family as a whole, of course the guardianship authorities must respond to this situation, today there is no help for single mothers, there is no help and diagnosis and the condition of the mother. consequences of bullying on camera, according to psychologists, can remain for life, special cruelty, such low -level psychopathy, and they were forced to strangle an infant. over an infant - this is, of course, beyond the bounds of a demonstration of all this for the purpose of manipulation, such women are dangerous for their children, for those around them, including for themselves. as for the story from kamensko-uralskoe, where a mother strangled a baby on camera, the woman is now under an undertaking not to leave. police completed investigations into two criminal cases in the near future materials will be sent to court. in a criminal case of torture, the investigation is in full swing, yes...
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these are the first images from the scene of the death of popular blogger tatyana azolina, better known as moto tanya. the dashing race on the highway near the turkish city of melas was the girl’s last. eyewitnesses filmed the aftermath of the fatal accident. a broken motorcycle flew over a fence in cuvée due to a strong impact.
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blogger tanya slowed down because she saw
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a car in front of her, but the one driving behind her is an investigation into the circumstances of the accident, which a blogger from turkey did not notice that she was slowing down and caught up with her from behind. it is possible that the blogger and her turkish colleague filmed a joint video for social networks, it is now working in a hospital, tanya’s motorcycle died on the spot before the doctors arrived, and there was another motorcyclist with them on the highway, presumably a certain one.
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he was driving and steering with his feet, but at some point he collided with a car and crashed to death. there are other road users, and if we are distracted, do not pay attention. behind the road, and even more so when we are filming some videos, we make turns, we do unpredictable actions, we strongly believe in our driving skills, this leads to disastrous consequences. judging by the pictures from social networks , before mota’s death, tanya stopped in izmir, and 3 months before the accident, the blogger published a video with comments from ill-wishers who wished her death.
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some are waiting for me to crash, while others have already buried me. these words to some extent. became prophetic for mototani, she was born in the omsk region, was fond of dancing and music, loved motorcycles since childhood, on her she traveled the country and the world on a bike, this year she received the title of travel blogger, she created a universal, understandable human image of a motorcyclist, so cheerful, mischievous, here she changed into some new year's costume, here she is in some funny image on a motorcycle having fun.
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him for the expiration of the statute of limitations from st. petersburg dmitry akimov. one of the most resonant trials in the petrograd court of st. petersburg will certainly go down in the history of jurisprudence. the case that has been considered in the temple of themis for 30 years overgrown with legends. many nuances have to be restored and collected bit by bit. the shot fired at the russian pop legend igor tolkova in october 1991 still echoes to
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this day. the first court hearing is held behind closed doors without the accused. valery shlyafman also. he has been living in israel since 1992, by the way, he changed his last name there, now he is valery vysotsky, now vysotsky in 1991, a hitman, here he is in the operational footage , he was the concert director of igor tolkova, after the death of the singer a lot of things indicated it was precisely because of his guilt that a few months after the murder he left russia, escaping through ukraine to the promised land. moreover, from the ninety-second year to the present time this information. he appears, he can be extradited to the russian federation, he understands this, he is afraid of this, therefore he has never left the borders of the state of israel. the murder of igor tolkova occurred just 350 meters from the courthouse, where
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they are now trying to put an end to this mysterious, complicated case, the sixth. october 1991, jubilee sports palace, here it is and the performance of the actor, poet, singer, voice of the era did not take place. tolkov arrived in st. petersburg a day before the concert, he managed to give an interview in which he once again showed himself to be a musician with an active political position. yesterday there was the cpsu, today the dpkr. yesterday the communists were squabbling, today the democrats are squabbling. in general, they are changing. at this moment , shlyafman also gets into the frame, who immediately receives the most forest-like assessments from the singer. this is my director. valery mikhailovich shlyafman, this is the most important person in my memory, if anyone wants to sign up,
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here you go. by the way, my friend is very good. and the orthodox cross does not bother us at all. and the star are friends, understand each other and work great. in 1991, tolkova’s star shone brightly on the horizon of the russian stage. the whole country sang his songs. he was invited to the most prestigious concert venues. in the anniversary concert, where that fateful concert took place, people gathered to sing along with the artist, but were dumbfounded by the announcement. stop, music, i said. stop, music. all the police present in the hall urgently unhook the cultural center anniversary, since igor talkov had just been shot. behind the scenes there was a shot at igor talkov. talkov is taken away free. but the powerless doctors could no longer save the artist, the first versions of what happened began to come forward just a few minutes after the tragedy, it became clear almost immediately that behind the scenes
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a dispute broke out over the order of going on stage, the bodyguard, who is also a close friend, of the most popular singer aziza at that time, igor malakhov , did not want to give way to tolkov, the conflict quickly escalated into a hot phase, malakhov took out a pistol when... knock the gun out of here, right here, right here, somewhere i took it out, they didn’t separate, they all clung to my hand, but when i was already falling, falling, i fired it somewhere in this area in the frames operational shooting, the gunman explains, he tried to snatch the weapon, i started to snatch it, for about three minutes i snatched it, but he still held it tightly, malakhov, in short , when i snatched it, let go, so i snatched it, i jumped up. to the side, like this, it was organised, like this, a shot was fired, like this, at me, now the investigators confidently, the hitman understood perfectly well what
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he was doing, in his presence shots were fired from malakhov’s revolver, bullets flew out of this weapon, they struck sparks when they hit the concrete floor, when he took possession of this pistol, he understood that he had a military weapon in his hands a weapon that poses a danger, after the shot the hitman... tried to hide the pistol, ran into the rattle room, i saw igor was gone, i ran to the toilet room, put it down like this, the door was open, and they started bringing igor in. the tolkova murder case could have gathered dust on the shelves in the archives, but the investigation resumed in 2021. then the investigators came to the unequivocal conclusion that it was shlyafman who shot talkov, which means that if the judge sided with him. the accusation, albeit in absentia, will be pronounced against shlyafman vysotsky, and the end will be put in this case 33 years later. dmitry akimov and andrey kupaev,
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conductor, duty department. i remind you that the entire operational feed of legal news in our telegram channels is run by an honest detective on duty. that's all for us, tatyana petrova was with you, see you soon at tv channel russia 24.
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here in avdeevka people were driven to death, there was terror, everything is flying, everything is flying here, guys, the war is real, here people live completely differently, you weren’t offended here until ours came, don’t ask, what will happen? the wolf will hide in the basement when... you are sitting here outside the window like this and thinking whether the next one is following you or not, at the last explosion there were 18 people left here under the slabs who are still lying, help me, god, oh,
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thank you, that's all, we came here forever.
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have you ever wondered what was would be with us if we had no bread. bread is the world, it is the most sacred thing a person has, something that is in every family. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution, the technical revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity. this is a universal language. over the past 2.0 years, bread has shaped our relationship. this is what our distant ancestors thought, we really hope that you think so too, the crimes were committed on the territory of various constituent entities of the russian federation,
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i worked so much in the internal affairs bodies, i've never seen anything like this. iler, as a rule, is the person who can very easily come to terms with his conscience. my number one task was to evade responsibility or mitigate it. i was sure that sooner or later this crime would be solved. it’s a very intense job, very responsible, because the criminal won’t leave fingerprints at the scene of the crime twice. scientific and technological progress has a tremendous impact on the development of criminology. all.
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in the south-west of moscow at this moment a residential building is burning eight-story house. the fire broke out on the upper floors and soon engulfed the attic roof. the total fire area is 2,000 m2. four people were rescued, no injuries were reported. by this time the open flame had already been extinguished. in the yuzhnodonetsk direction, russian motorized rifles improved their positions near the village of staromaiskoe. motorcycles are also used for attacks. this allows you to avoid getting comikat drones behind the vso.


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