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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 24, 2024 6:30am-7:00am MSK

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and the country's super cup. this was the most noticeable news in the sports world up to that moment. he imprisoned me in the fire pit. you can get your own magic ink. the main thing is van, hurry up. so give me the horse. mechanically in those ancient times, when there were no gadgets, people used magic, but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where you need it, that’s what they call me, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need it, he who has fire in his pocket doesn’t need a pen, uh, uh, what started, flint. i can't live without
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travel, soon, got used to watching videos online, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website,
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briefly about the main news of the middle of the hour. in the southwest of moscow , an eight-story residential building is being extinguished at this moment. the fire broke out on the upper floors and soon engulfed the attic roof. the total area of ​​the fire is 2.0 km, four people were rescued, no injuries were reported. by this time , the open flame had already been extinguished. on russian motorized rifles in the southern donetsk direction. us presidential candidate
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donald trump wants to arrange a debate with kamala haris, american media report that he demands several rounds of discussion, this could help get ahead of his rival in the ratings, now her popularity in polls is 2% higher. 12 robaks were rescued, seven more were missing . in buryat, forests damaged by fires are being restored. young pines were brought to the zaigraevsky district of the republic. and
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they were raised at the trans-baikal aviation security base, where a special a greenhouse that imitates the natural conditions for the growth of pine trees, arina vinokurova learned how to care for the future forest. before starting to green the forests of the republic, planting material is needed; it is prepared at the trans-baikal forest aviation base. well, there are about 120 thousand pieces in this area. well, today we are loading and will be disembarking. this planting material is on the territory of the zaygraevsky forestry. these pines were sown a year ago, each seed was planted by hand, the work is very painstaking, then the employees there is no less hard work ahead. hundreds of thousands of future trees grow on the territory of the base, all of them require care. the peculiarity of these seedlings is their closed root system; they are planted in a special peat substrate, which then takes the shape of a cup, this allows them to take root better when planted. created on the basis for better growth of seedlings.
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have become strong enough, they are planted in the forests of the republic, these particular ones went to the zaigraevsky region. in the forest, work begins with a bare tractor; before planting small pines, it is necessary to prepare the soil, when the land is already plowed, forest protection officers get down to business. in this place we are holding a compensatory reforestation event in the zayegraisk forestry. we have already planted 10 hectares, and now we are planning to plant more. 14 hectares. in his hands is a special pipe, behind his back is a basket of seedlings. in such equipment, forest protection employees go to the landing strip. everything on it is clearly calculated, every meter is a new tree. they work here tirelessly. by the end of the week, 60,000 new trees will be planted. for now these are very small pine trees, but someday they
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will become a large and majestic forest. arina vinokurova, oleg onosov, lead buryatia. in khakassia, near the city of abakan , drilling and blasting work was carried out at the quarry of mount samokhval. this decision was made in order to stock up on climbing supplies. it is needed to strengthen the river bed, which has overflowed its banks and now threatens to destroy the water intake well. to return the flow to its previous path, the department of engineering protection is constructing a dam. more than half of 115 m has already been filled. now the equipment has approached the most difficult section. need. in the caucasus, military personnel from 13 countries are preparing
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to conquer the highest mountain in europe, elbrus. the climb will be part of the event's project for peace. it was organized by the international military sports council. to the heights. people from russia, brazil, india, china, iran, ecuador and other countries, one team consists entirely of participants in the special operation, some of them, before climbing elbrus, had to recover for a long time from injuries. on behalf of the minister of defense and the russian federation, i wish everyone success in completing all disciplines without injury. disgracefully, well, naturally, everyone who arrived here is already a winner. an orange level of weather danger is in effect in the krasnodar territory until the middle of tomorrow ; heavy rain with thunderstorms, hail and wind are possible in the region. a downpour hit sochi
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the day before, some areas of the city were flooded, where extreme precipitation is still possible in the near future, olga mikhailova will tell you. how much precipitation do typhoons usually bring? russia 24 and fubus center. i'm olga mikhailova. hello. the megacyclone brings floods to the urals and the russian plain. the day before, the disaster manifested itself most clearly in the southern regions. so the heaviest rainfall since the beginning of summer hit sochi. roads and yards literally went under water.
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but the most impressive images of yesterday's bad weather are, of course, associated with the tornado. the giant crater was clearly visible from anywhere in the city. once on land, such vortices can cause serious destruction. fortunately, this tornado only strolled along the coast. european russia still remains the arena of confrontation between two atmospheric monsters - the kara anticyclone, which occupied the entire north of the russian plain and a huge cyclonic depression, pulling. from taimyr through western siberia, the urals, between the volga and don rivers to the black sea. all of its stormy fronts will be associated with the most dangerous weather phenomena in the near future. this map shows the forecast for precipitation accumulation until the end of the work week. you see, in southern russia the showers will fall on ubol, but in the pre-urals and
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southern urals in some places over 100 mm of rain may fall in three days. usually this amount of precipitation is brought by pacific typhoons. for example, in magnitogorsk. today one might say it is still the calm before the storm, but the coming night the showers will sharply intensify. nastya's bake will begin in the middle of thursday, when the intensity of precipitation will reach 25 mm in 6 hours. floods in such a situation are simply guaranteed. the city will continue to flood in the evening, as a result of the sum of two days , the entire july moisture norm will pour into magnitogorsk. and if the current atmospheric situation has made the precipitation regime extreme, then the temperature background, on the contrary, will continue to smooth out. northeast wind draft will not allow air in the mid-latitudes in the south get too warm. at the same time , heat from the baltic states will continue to flow into the arctic. it’s a paradox, but now the thermometer readings on the kola peninsula and on the kuban are almost equal. in murmansk on monday , the ninety-year-old heat record fell and
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today the meteorological statistics here can again be rewritten. the afternoon in the city is +29, which is half a degree higher than the previous maximum, which was recorded in 1938. in sochi , the intensity of showers will be halved to 15 mm in the next 24 hours. on thursday friday the weather will clear up in the resort capital. the thermometer will show +28. 30, well , another wave is expected at the weekend, another 26 mm of rain will fall in bad weather. in moscow, the rest of the week will be without extreme weather, the air will warm up to 25-27°, only on thursday afternoon and saturday evening thunderstorms are possible in the megapolis, but they will be weak and focal. that's all for me, goodbye. i choose rosselkhozbank. it has everything i need: high cashback, profitable deposits, and a convenient credit card. rosselkhozbank is bigger than you think.
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now a short advertisement, then we will talk about the growth of gazprom exports to europe. fairy chicken is needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken is for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken is for burgers at a delicious point. new carri sauce in chicken premier and chicken hit carry, try it at a delicious point! at
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an excellent interest rate, in the branch and online. your plan, a solid foundation. emvidio eldorado is giving out super discounts and 500 bonuses to everyone. notebook, huawei matebook v15 for only 49.999. chief technical expert. what we are we bringing savito back from our travels? cerisit grouts, a wide range of colors, protection from mold moisture, the ideal solution for any tile, adhesive from cerisit grout, real hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands, when the main trophy is right in front of you from 20 million, every 15. in just 100 rub. hunt, come out to win, stoloto.
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touch the croc star, burger king. votter, on fire, tastes better. loyalty program with... thank you, updated! every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even a percentage. we'll get better prices with a subscription. in chess, every move must be thought out. not all moves are obvious, but some of them can radically change the situation and the outcome
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of the game. and what solutions does a business have that allow them to achieve more through seemingly minor changes? now the economic news of constantine in europe is discussing the timing of freezing russian assets. alexandra, two options have been proposed, the second seems to be especially for trump. brussels offered the eu countries two options long-term freezing of the assets of the bank of russia, bloomberg reports with reference to the draft document. the first scenario is
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an indefinite block with regular reviews. the second is the extension of restrictions for fixed periods to 18.24 or 36 months, in other words, a long-term freeze may not be so long, in brussels they understand that a lot can change if donald trump comes to the white house. the republican, of course, is not known to sympathize with russia, but is interested in preserving the western financial system, which is based on confidence in the dollar and euro. it will be seriously undermined in the event of, in fact, theft of assets in these currencies. gazprom exports to europe in the first half of the year ... europe, despite all the efforts of the west , is again competing with china for the title of the main buyer of russian pipeline gas. from january to june, the eu purchased more than 14.5 billion cubic meters of gas from our country. pipeline supplies to china during this time amounted to 15 billion 200 million cubic meters, that is,
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the volumes are generally comparable. for some states, including austria, hungary and... gazprom remains a critical source of energy, while still increasing supplies, bloomberg notes. against this background, only populists can talk about a complete rejection of russian gas in europe. container transportation by rail increased by almost 9% in the first half of the year. russian railways spoke about this. in total , this includes both domestic transportation and export, import and transit. over 3,800 thousand twenty-foot containers were transported. if we talk. only loaded, then their number increased by 7.5%, which is almost 72% of the total volume of traffic. the leaders are categories such as timber cargo, fertilizers, cars, but most of all khimprom products were transported. the leaders are chemicals and soda, they correspond to almost 14.5%, and if in
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numerical terms over 400,000 teu. timber cargo is in the lead - almost 10.5%, er, chemical and mineral fertilizers, almost 8.6%. cars 8.5%, and then there are little things going on. new mobilizations in ukraine will cause great damage its economy, the washington post warns about this. those who do not have time to be captured, the publication writes, will prefer to hide from the employees of the enlistment offices and not go to work. at the same time, there are already more vacancies there than... applicants; as the conflict continues, the labor shortage in ukraine will only grow, this will put even greater pressure on the already weakened economy, which will collapse without financial assistance from the west, the newspaper recalls. at the end of the issue about currencies, the dollar today costs 87 rubles. 29 kopecks, the euro exchange rate is 9545, here at this that's all for now. alexandra. konstantin,
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thank you, now briefly about the main news of this hour. in the special operation zone near the village of staromai. according to the latest polls, haris is ahead of trump by 2%. the yellowstone geyser has awakened in the united states. a geothermal explosion scattered rocks and destroyed them. walking path of the national park, there were tourists standing there at the time of the eruption, but did not have time to run away, there is no information about the victims. immediately after the advertisement,
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a day in history, a selection of the most important events of this day in different years. official the city tourist portal "visit petersburg" invites you to st. petersburg. city of history and romance. architectural splendor, innovative museums, the highest level of excursion services, creative spaces and the unique atmosphere of the northern capital, in which everyone can feel like a st. petersburger, all this is a unique journey of impressions with family and friends. welcome to st. petersburg, the city where good mood is born. figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, performs combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we are all the same here,
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doing the same work, the same tasks. steel deadlift, my record is 285. i couldn't sit up because i was in normal shape. well, salamata, alone, it happened that they recognized you, what was the reaction? come on, i say, well, yes. the first time i arrived, i stayed there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will soon be 2 years. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on july 24, 1728 , russian sailors and pioneers set off, vitus bering and alexey chirikov. their voyage is considered the first scientific expedition in russian history. she was getting ready. even during the life of peter i, he ordered a ship to be built in kamchatka and quote: look for where asia meets america. and on that day
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, the ship st. gabriel sailed from nizhnekamchatsk, such a port city on the peninsula, with bering and chirikov. they rose north and passed into the chukchi sea through a strait, which they later named after bering, and then turned back. although alaska. were not found, we carried out instrumental surveys of the far eastern shores, for the first time they mapped the bays and bays of the island, their data was then used by all european cartographers. more than 10 years later, a second kamchatka expedition was undertaken, which also made many discoveries, but it cost berring his life, and chirikov still reached alaska, explored the aliud islands and thus marked the beginning of the russian exploration of the north american continent. in 1929 , the brian quelaga pact came into force, which, as they wrote then, outlawed war and excluded the resort to war, quote, as a weapon
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national policy and allowed the resolution of all international disputes and conflicts only by peaceful means. the initiators were the united states and france, secretary of state frank kallak and foreign minister arrestit briand, after whom the pact was named. at first , 15 states signed it, then there were 47 of them, all the leading powers, including the ussr, which, by the way, was the first to ratify this document. the problem was that the articles of the pact were declarative in nature and did not go beyond moral obligations. first offender the pact was formed by japan, which captured manjuria, then italy invaded ethiopia, and german aggression against poland led to the outbreak of the second world war. but after its completion, the principles enshrined in the pact were included in the charter of the united nations. on july 24, 1959, the leaders of the ussr and the usa, head of government nikita khrushchev and vice president richard nixon publicly
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clashed in a heated debate. they met in moscow, in sokolniki, at an american industrial exhibition. both were peaceful. khrushchev said that americans are smart people, and we need to compete, not fight. nixon agreed. americans, smart people, we always believed and knew about this. but when the conversation turned to american achievements in household appliances and technology, about the high standard of living of ordinary americans, the atmosphere became tense: there were no such refrigerators, washing machines, toasters and mixers in the ussr, and soviet workers could not have dreamed of it. then khrushchev said the following. we , too, you know, don’t beat flies, and if we’ve outpaced them in the missile range, we’ll catch up and let's distill it into others. we, too, you know, don’t hit flies with our nostrils, so to speak. he also meant color television. something nixon was especially proud of. part of the conversation was filmed on an american video camera, and this recording was shown on soviet television, albeit at an inopportune time. on july 24, 1900 81
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, secret masonic lodges were banned in italy; this parliamentary decision followed a scandal and political crisis associated with the exposure of the activities of lodge p2, propaganda 2, under the leadership of businessman licio gelli. its members were major statesmen, deputies, ministers, politicians, generals, the chief of the general staff, the prosecutor of rome, heads of intelligence services and other influential persons, they all swore allegiance personally to gelli. court. outlawed the lodge and classified it as a secret sect that had plotted to overthrow the constitutional order. the government resigned, but then the proceedings stalled. key witnesses were physically removed. much suggests that p2 was involved in political intrigue, financial frauds, kidnappings and terrorist attacks to undermine stability in italy. it is believed that she was connected with the mafia, neo-fascists, and the cia of the british mi-6. she was behind
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the explosion at the station. in bologna in the eightieth with numerous casualties. according to one version, the lodge’s task was to prevent communists and leftists from coming to power in italy. this is what this day in history was like.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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in the southwest of moscow a residential fire was extinguished this night eight-story building, fire broke out on the upper floors and soon engulfed the attic roof. the total fire area was 2.0 km. four people were rescued, there were no injuries, and by this time the open flame had already been extinguished. in the southern donetsk direction, russian motorized rifles have improved their positions near the village of staromaiskoe. motorcycles are also used for attacks. this allows you to avoid. us presidential candidate donald trump wants to debate kamala harissa. american media report that he requires several rounds of discussion. this can help get ahead of your opponent in the ratings. now her popularity according to polls is 2% higher. at least eight sailors died in the shipwreck.


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