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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 24, 2024 9:30am-10:00am MSK

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this is a personal matter for this particular person. however, i confirm the beginning of attention to such an important nuance as the division of property during a divorce and they say that divorce proceedings are possible here. lawyers reverse surprises. until the divorce process has taken place, they cannot conclude such deals. or just purchase and sale, or something else, without the consent of the spouse, that is, this is a very interesting point, and also during a divorce, all property will be divided in half. to this it is worth adding the official comment from the press service in ailberis that, together with her new partner, she continues to work in a stable manner, fulfills all obligations in full, and the details of the divorce process, quote, are of no interest to business publications, of course, the press, business.
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authorities, and ordinary people, would not have shown interest in what was happening, if not for one thing. the place market in question is the largest in the country; according to the federal antimonopoly service, it has 47% of the market; accordingly, its activities concern a large number of people, employees, partners, clients, well, the word divorce in russian, it has many meanings, some are divorced, others are divorced, both yes... quite unpleasant, you have imprisoned me in the fires, that the self-written ink is magic, you will get it, the main thing is, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, mechanically, in those ancient times, when there were no gadgets, people used...
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magic, but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname that goes where it needs to go, that’s what they call me, because i’m taking it to the wrong place where you fool want to go, where you need to go, he doesn’t need a pen, who has a crush in his pocket, uh, uh, what started, flint, i can’t live without traveling, i soon got used to it. if watching video online stops working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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information comes about a plane that crashed at the airport of the capital of nepal, the kathmandu post reports that this plane belongs to suria airlines, it is a passenger plane, but passengers directly there were no passengers on board, the flight was carrying airline employees, there were 19 people, there is no data on survivors of this plane crash, the valdai club conference opens in tanzania today in... russia and africa against the backdrop of attempts by europe and the united states to increase pressure on the state of the african continent. and our special correspondent elizaveta khramtsova is now working on the ground in tanzania. we will find out all the details from her. elizaveta, greetings, what are the main topics on the agenda today? daria, good morning, indeed, at these moments the second african one starts. city,
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or already in the region in question, and darassalam was chosen for the second african conference - this is the largest city in tanzania, the former capital of a key city in terms of economy, logistics, there are three huge ports, 90% goes through darassalam trade not only in tanzania, but also in nearby landlocked states, therefore here today during the day at four... sessions they will talk about the prospects for the development of relations between russia and mainly east africa, but also other states of this continent, also representatives, for example, of egypt and ethiopia are present here among the lists of forty experts who participate in the dialogue,
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it is no coincidence that i highlight these states, because they were at the recent historic brix summit in johannesburg last year two of these. countries egypt and ethiopia have joined the brix format, and in general at today’s event there will be a lot of talk about the growing role of the global south about how exactly, exactly the format of cooperation within brix will help the countries of the global majority gain a foothold on the world stage, africa has long been declaring that it is tired of being just a raw material for the so-called civilized world, and russia, as a country that has never colonized... none of the states of this continent are here has enjoyed unconditional authority and support for many decades, and here experts today expect to learn about what practical steps our state can now offer to ensure that the role of
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african states on the world stage was just getting stronger, a report was prepared for today’s event, the prospects for the task of russian-african cooperation, there is an interesting map here about how contact... russia-africa, it’s very important that russia and the countries of this. take practical steps, these are exactly what the discussion will be about today, four major sessions
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in which the dialogue is moving, but it is also important that they are related not only to political issues, but a lot of practical issues will be resolved, even cultural cooperation, africa is interested in... 20 natural fires are currently being extinguished in buryat; every year fire destroys thousands of hectares of forest in the republic, leaving behind scorched earth. it takes
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more than one year to restore flora and fauna; aerial forest protection also comes into play here, and specialists actively participate in forest restoration. details in the report by arina vinokurova. before starting to green the forests of the republic, planting material is needed, it is prepared at the trans-baikal forest aviation base, well, there are about 120 thousand pieces in this area, well, today we are loading and we will plant this planting material on the territory of the zagraevsky forestry. these pines were sown a year ago, each seed was planted by hand, the work is very painstaking, and then the employees will have equally hard work on the territory. hundreds of thousands of future trees, all of them require care. the characteristics of these seedlings are covered by the root system; they are planted in a special peat substrate, which then takes the shape of a cup. this allows them to do better take root upon disembarkation. for better growth of seedlings, an automated greenhouse has been created at the base, the only one of its kind in the republic. special
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panels on top imitate the shadow of large trees, and the fire system sprays water as if it were drizzling summer rain. the conditions here are as close as possible to real ones, when young pines are enough... before planting small pines, it is necessary to prepare the soil; when the ground is already plowed, forest protection employees get down to business. at this location we are conducting a compensatory reforestation event in zaigraysky forestry. we have already planted 10 hectares, and now we plan to plant another 14 hectares. in his hands is a special pipe, behind his back is a basket of seedlings. in such equipment , forest protection employees go to the landing strip. everything on it is clearly calculated, every meter is a new tree. they work here tirelessly , until the end. news buryatia.
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billionaire elon musk accused american lgbt propaganda of, quote, taking his son away from him. according to musk, he was forced to give permission for his son to change his gender, convincing him that he might commit suicide. creator of spacex he said he wouldn’t just leave it like that. with details anton potkovenko. the wokeism virus, that’s what elon musk calls what happened to his son, whose name was xavier, and now he identifies himself as vivian jenna wilson, well, his appearance has changed, he doesn’t even want to know his father. wokeism from the english woke to awaken is a subtype of rainbow ideology, saying that everyone can suddenly realize that they are not the person they were born with. musk's son took the blocker.
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his social network x's apartment has announced a move from california, where the lgbt ball rules.
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an agenda for a much more conservative texas. the headquarters of musk's other largest company, spacex, is also moving. california, of course, has uncomfortable conditions for business. everyone is not happy with the huge taxes, naturally, that are paid in california and all this is layered on top of the liberal agenda. not everyone wants to live in a world where you have an unknown boy.
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in california this seems to work, but not with everyone, as the example of musk shows, who, having lost his son, does not want to also lose the business in the form in which he would like to see it, no unnecessary flowers. anton potkovenko, lead. in germany, the minister of defense was harassed at a pre-election event. the german media writes about this with reference to the police. according to law enforcement officers, near the meeting place of boris pistorius. 50 anti -social democratic activists gathered with voters in lepceg. parties. the protest quickly turned into riots. activists shouted anti-war slogans and called pistorius
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a warmonger. the minister managed to complete the event only after intervention police. and the german parliament proposed to take away russian-owned houses in berlin. a deputy of ukrainian origin proposed confiscating buildings that previously housed a military unit of soviet troops. according to her, now these houses are empty, and the proceeds are raised. real estate can be sent to ukraine. according to the deputy, attempts to take over russian houses are being made in cologne. at the same time, the berlin authorities do not yet see any legal possibilities to seize the building. in france, leftist parties have chosen their candidate for the post of prime minister. this was the head of the finance department in paris, thirty-seven-year-old lucie castet. this was announced by the leader of the europe ecology green party, marine tandelier. in a statement, the new popular front said the official, unknown to the general public, was working to curb tax
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fraud and financial crime. if she wins, the economist from the capital's mayor's office promised to achieve the abolition of the pension reform. the proposal to appoint caste to the post of head of the cabinet of ministers has already been sent for consideration macron, however, the french leader himself previously noted that he would not appoint a new government until the end of the olympic games, in his opinion, this could lead to unrest. a balloon carrying garbage from north korea landed at the presidential compound in siuul. this was reported by the ryunhab agency with reference to the security service of the president of korea. it is reported that there were several balls, they were also discovered. next to the buildings of the administration and the ministry of defense of south korea. the garbage was collected and sent to the chemical response team for examination. it is already known that it does not threaten the life and health of citizens. let me remind you that the dprk has been carrying out such actions since the end of may in response to the dropping of propaganda leaflets from south korea. in total , more than 3,000 garbage balls were counted during this time. and now about the weather, a state
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of emergency has been declared in the partisan urban district of primorye after extreme rainfall. in the same time. the rains began in areas of yakutia affected by forest fires. we'll talk more about this with tatyana belova, she's joining us. tatyana, hello, will precipitation have any effect? how to respond to a fire in yakutia and should we expect an end to the bad weather in the south of the far east? unfortunately, weather tests for primorye, judging by the forecasts , will continue after a short pause; heavy precipitation should not be expected in yakutia. according to information in the morning, five settlements were cut off from transport links in primorye. main reasons. water poured across the roads, in the partisan urban district, road workers themselves had to lay out the route and make a hole in order to reduce the water level in the river. it has exceeded a critical point, this threatened a complete transport blockade for several more villages. water drowns some villages, in the water, for example, the body of vinogradovka, anuchinsky district. the effects of extreme rainfall continue to affect sakhalin.
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today, a section of the road in the vicinity of uglegorsk collapsed. it connects the regional center with the village of bashnikov. the passage is closed, road equipment has moved to the site; if the restoration of the road takes longer or the rains further wash out the route, it has been decided to deliver food and medicine to the populated area by sea. the long-awaited rains came to yakutia, today, the remains were noted in the obiysky ulus of the republic, where the most difficult situation with forest fires developed. only recently was it possible to remove the threat of fire spreading towards the village of kyang kuel; the day before, the area of ​​the outbreak near the settlement exceeded 57. eastern siberia, most of the territory of the republic of sakha remains under the influence of the warm sector of the large cyclonic system. the weather is unstable with rain, but abnormally warm. a period of calm began in primorye. the cyclone is gradually moving into the pacific ocean. today tomorrow the weather in the south of the far east will be determined by an area of ​​high pressure. however, the influence of the anticyclone will not last long.
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tomorrow a new vortex will begin to form over china, and already on friday evening the coastal region will be under '. tomorrow, as the atmospheric front approaches , there will be more clouds, rain and thunderstorms are possible, but there will be little precipitation, about 7 mm. on friday and saturday it will rain in buckets, thunderstorms are likely, and with thunderstorms the wind will increase to 15-20 m/s. daytime temperatures will not exceed 19°. rainfall will ease on sunday
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the sun will come out and the air will warm up to +22. the closest ones are in yakutsk. the weather will not be determined by the anticyclone, it will be sunny without precipitation, today +26, tomorrow the day after tomorrow + 30-31, on saturday the atmosphere will be refreshed by downpour, about 10 mm of precipitation will fall and the temperature will drop to 23°. very light rain likely on sunday with a high in the 25s. well, a few words about moscow. the center of the country will remain under the protection of the anticyclone. the weather is partly cloudy, no precipitation, 26° during the day. tomorrow. possible light rain, thunderstorm, maximum temperature +24, no precipitation again on friday, 25° during the day. short thunderstorms are possible this weekend, but it will still be warm. so. fairytale chicken is needed for
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during a previous training session, that’s the whole reason. russian tennis player andrei rublev interrupted a series of four defeats and entered the third round of the clay tournament in croatia. the ninth racket of the world beat argentine carabella in two sets 6-4-7-5. in the first game , rublev's opponent. in the last game i made two double faults on my serve. second set the russian also completed the reception, converting the first match point. in the next round of the tournament in croatia, rublev will play with hungarian fabian morozan. another of our tennis players, aslan karatsev, also defeated briton billy harris at a tournament in atlanta the day before. at the competition in romania, the second, the russian mira andreeva confidently advanced to the second round in two sets; she was stronger than the representative of belarus alexandra sasnovich 6: 1-6-3. in the quarterfinals , andreeva’s opponent will be world number 202 from croatia , eliya bozkovic. more will play at the same stage one russian, elina avanisyan, who defeated croatian petra martic in three sets.
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in france, on the eve of the olympics , a surge in coronavirus is recorded. the world health organization recommends wearing masks in public. the french health minister considers this an optional measure. boc spokeswoman margaret harris said the positivity rate for covid tests was as high as 25%. at the same time, according to who’s basic standards, the figure is considered to be less than 5%. two of the athletes tested positive member of the australian national water floor team. they are already isolated from other participants in the games. mog excluded the international boxing association, headed by russian umar kremlev, from the list of recognized federations. the committee explained its decision by saying that the boxing organization allegedly did not comply with all the instructions issued to it. the association itself states that the real reason is that it allowed athletes from russia and belarus to compete under the flag and anthem of their countries. according to the president of the association, mar kremlev has a decision
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could be illegal, will be. the contested judges are unlikely to have a major impact on the boxing world. the international olympic committee, in these words, we excluded, what did they exclude, who did they exclude, we are an independent international organization, we are not appointed, we are chosen by countries, our world cup has already gone so high in ratings, we have a prize fund for the world championship 10 million dollars, we finance it through marketing, through advertising, tv rights, it pays off, our... main task is so that athletes can secure their future. attack moscow spartak alexander sobolev was suspended from training with the team. this was announced by the club's sports director tomas amaral. earlier, the media reported that petersburg zenit was interested in sobolev’s transfer. the twenty-seven-year-old striker’s contract with spartak runs until the summer of 2026. the transfermarkt portal values ​​the forward at 7.5 million euros. last season of the russian
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premier league. soblev scored five goals and made six assists in 27 matches. in the first round of the current championship, the football player entered the field in the starting lineup against orenburg and was substituted in the 67th minute without scoring any effective actions. real madrid became the first football club in history to exceed a billion euros in revenue in a season. and last season, real madrid's income amounted to 730,000 billion, excluding player transfers, and the club's net profit was about. million euros, and this is 32% higher than last year’s value. last season, real became the champion of spain for the thirty-fifth time in history, and also won the champions league and the country's super cup. this was the most noticeable news in the sports world up to that moment. couples chicken hit premiere chicken with new kari sauce at a great price. loyalty program.
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