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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 24, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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he wished the students to develop, to believe in themselves and in science. have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread is the world, it is the most sacred thing a person has, something that is in every family. bread created our civilization and contributed to it. our evolution, the technical revolution, this is both the future of humanity and the history of mankind, this is a universal language, over the past 2.0 years, bread has shaped our attitude to life, this is the power of our country, the strength of its imu, every day i take a piece i always enjoy life with black bread. when confronted with bread, a person is literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought, and we really hope that you think so too. khersanez saw a lot, including
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the courage of the ancient inhabitants who saved the city from scythian raids, and the miracle of epiphany that happened here to prince vladimir. we are grateful to prince vladimir precisely because he laid this spiritual foundation for future national construction, and this happened right here in hersanes.
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second russian-african conference the valdai international discussion club opened today in tanzania, with about 40 experts from russia and east african countries participating. our special correspondent elizaveta khramtsova is working on site, she is in direct contact with the studio elizaveta, greetings, how long will the conference last and what issues are the participants discussing? raban, good afternoon, four sessions will take place today, the first ended just a few minutes ago and... experts from african countries and russia
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are here discussing how to strengthen ties between our country and the states of the continent, in general, that it is worth holding an african conference here on the continent, an agreement was reached last year in st. petersburg, when before the russia-africa summit the first african session of the discussion club took place, and in general this is such a good tradition of the valdai club , as soon as a new format of a regional conference appears, be it, for example, that is, in some year events are held in russian cities, well, in some year russian experts come directly to the region in order to be closer to the region about which the dialogue is taking place, this year the second african conference is being held in the largest city of tazzani, darassalam, it is located on the shores of the indian ocean, it is an important trading center, there are three major ports in the region and the largest in country. is located right here,
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trade takes place here , military-technical cooperation takes place, and tanzania is noted by club experts as a dynamically developing country, and as a state that pursues a very balanced policy. it is very important that this is happening in tanzania, because tanzania really enjoys great respect and authority throughout africa, traditionally it is a platform for various discussions.
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directly on the margins, at an expert level, to discuss specific practical steps that should be implemented. of course, for africa, in recent years the most pressing issue is independence, as is often the case. cite the coffee market, it is estimated that it is now somewhere around 460 billion dollars, and so the african countries that supply raw materials, just listen, have in this market there are only 2.5 billion dollars, germany, which for obvious reasons is only involved in the processing of this product, earns 7 billion dollars from coffee, and africa has long been saying that it is ready not only to supply coffee, it is ready to engage in including production in tanzania and in the region in general, investments are expected, including in the gas sector, including in the issue of food, because there are large areas for agriculture and technological investments are expected, and the same this also applies to the production of oil and gas, if
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you look at the resource in africa, we have about 7.8 villages, the global resource for gas is in africa and 9.70. politics, economics, climate culture - these are the main directions that are discussed here within the framework of the african conference of the valdai discussion club. culturally, africa is very interested in continued cooperation in the field of
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education. the russian ministry of higher education and science is constantly increasing quotas for african students to study free in our higher educational institutions, but also here, of course. the fact that russia has never been a colonialist, therefore in russia there is a separate, there is a separate place in the history of this continent, as a country that, on the contrary, helped to fight for independence, developed technical cooperation here, in education also here on the african continent in russia traditionally i invested a lot, but speaking about global issues, of course today at the discussions, at the meeting they talk a lot about the role of the global south. global majority about what role brits plays in this process. let me remind you that last year, during the historic summit in south africa in johannesburg , a decision was made to expand this format, and two more states were added from the african continent, these are egypt and ethiopia, countries from
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these, representatives of these states are also participating in discussions talk about how the global majority is changing. egypt, this is ethiopia, tanzania, the host of our conference today is also interested in developing contacts with brix, and indeed, a fairly serious core of global states is being formed around brix. to the global south, who are interested in international relations being built on the principles of equality, so that they are not dominated, so that the west does not show signs of neo-colonialism. those ideas, those general conclusions that will be
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developed here in tanzania, in the future will form the basis for developing a program for the third russia-africa summit, scheduled for 2026 . elizaveta, thank you, from tanzania, where the conference of the valdai international discussion club is taking place, our special correspondent elizaveta khramtsova was there. now it's time for economic news. the moscow exchange has launched trading in yandex shares using the ydex ticker. they were included in the first quotation list, which includes the most reliable and liquid assets. last week , the dutch yandex nv closed the deal to sell russian yandex and completely withdrew from the shareholders. groups. by the end of july , it will change its name and stop using yandex brands. new main owner the first consortium became a domestic company. in russia, against the backdrop of the heat , energy consumption increased sharply, by 7.5% in july alone. the system operator of the unified energy system reported this to tas. a particularly difficult
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situation has developed in the south and north caucasus. the influx of tourists led to a record increase in consumption, by 20.5%. to avoid disruptions, they are introducing in the regions. temporary limitation of energy consumption. ukraine stopped receiving electricity from slovakia and romania. according to the european network of operators, electricity is not supplied to country since yesterday. of the day: experts believe that this was a response to a stop in fuel transit. we are talking about pumping oil to lucoil, which kiev suspended earlier. the concern provides approximately a third of hungary's total oil imports. slovakia receives up to 45% of all fuel from the russian company. innovatek more than doubled its net profit in the first half of the year. the company earned almost 342 billion rubles. this is stated in the report on international standards. revenue is up 17%. regarding hydrocarbon production,
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here the volumes exceeded 330 million barrels of oil equivalent. it was economic news, briefly. the crimes were committed on the territory of various constituent entities of the russian federation, having worked so much in the internal affairs bodies, i have never seen anything like this. if not now, then when and if not us, then who? 20 natural fires are
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currently being extinguished in buryatia, every year the fire destroys thousands of hectares of forest in the republic, leaving behind scorched earth, it takes more than one year to restore the flora and fauna, and here aviation forest protection and specialists also get involved. very painstaking, the employees will have equally hard work ahead. hundreds of thousands of future
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trees grow on the territory of the base, all of them require care. the characteristics of these seedlings are closed to the root system; they are planted in a special peat substrate, which then takes the shape of a cup, this allows them to take root better when planted. for better growth of seedlings , an automated greenhouse has been created at the base, the only one of its kind in the republic, special panels on top imitate the shadow of large trees, the irrigation system sprays water as if drizzly summer. rain, the conditions here are as close as possible to real ones, when young pines are strong enough, they are planted in the forests of the republic, these particular ones went to the zaigraevsky region. in the forest , work begins with the hum of a tractor; before planting small pines, it is necessary to prepare the soil; when the land is already plowed, forest protection officers get down to business. in this place we are holding a compensatory reforestation event in the zaegraevsky forestry. we have already planted 10 hectares, now we plan to plant another 14 ha, in their hands there is a special pipe, behind their back
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there is a basket of seedlings, in such equipment the forest protection officers go out to the landing strip, everything is clearly calculated on it, every meter is a new tree, they work here tirelessly , by the end of the week they will have planted 60,000 new trees, so far this very small pines, but one day they will become a large and majestic forest. arina vinokurova, oleg onosov, host of buryatia. here in avdeevka people were driven to death, there was terror, everything is flying, everything is flying here, guys, the war is real, here people are completely lives differently, you weren’t hurt here until our people came, don’t ask, i’ll see how the wolf hid in the basement when they’re hammering right here outside the window, so you sit there and think whether the next one is coming for you or not.. . at the last explosion, there were 18 people left here under the slabs, who are still lying,
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god help me, oh, thank you, that’s all, we have come here forever, thanks to the abnormally hot summer, russian business has begun to develop new directions, the number of companies is growing. in landscape business, boat and boat construction, organization fishing spots, additional services and entertainment appear on the beaches. see how they make money on high temperatures in a special report by taras kucharenok. the first who began to adapt to the abnormal heat of this summer were businessmen; a certified arctic beach was built in the mormon region last fall; there was a rescue tower and
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warning system, a shower and a place for changing clothes, sup rental, the swimming season was opened here first and... run more, the vacation spot is located near mormansk, on the shore of a large lake kanent yavr. the beach is wonderful, not inferior to the black sea coast, it is equipped, there are swings, water, sun loungers, sand, entry into the water is very good, and most importantly, the water is wonderful , clean, transparent, tourists from
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all over the country come here, the beach is located between mormansk and the famous tourist village of teriberka, you can see the vacation spot. almost from the road, this is probably the only place that made an impression, yes, we came here when returning from teriberka, in fact tibeda is good, but this place is the beach is attracted by its energy and is part of the aurora village campsite. previously people came here for one or two nights, but with the advent of the beach they began to relax more from two days to a week. the summer heat brings good dividends to entrepreneurs; after 2 years of existence, the moscow region factory of boats for athletes and fishermen will reorient production this summer to the seasonal trend of boats for recreation with the whole family. boats that are produced in russia are slightly less fast
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than ours, this advantage allows us to give most of the boats to professionals athletes, yes, for whom it is not only important. fish quickly, but also to get from point a to point b, because they have a time limit for all these stories. many clients take a conscious approach to the purchase, order boats mainly in winter, this year there was a large influx of buyers in the summer, people are tired of the heat, so they are looking for salvation in voduding on the water. you know, in may it seemed that the summer would be cold, snow fell, and there was a slight drawdown, that is, probably people were buying skis when the heat began, people with... became more active and we decided to place orders, but the dealers became more active, asking us to hurry up, quickly, so that we have time, so to speak, to be on the water on hot days and not only go fishing, but what can we do in the cold fall, but just relax with our families, we are going to the dacha
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to relax with friends to rivers, to lakes. this year, due to the heat, record traffic on the roads from st. petersburg to the region, the checkpoint to the western high-speed ​​diameter from the scandinavia highway has been breaking absolute records for several months now. june this year was the hottest month on record. observations on the history of the northwest. there is also record traffic on our road. 7 million cars traveled along the wssd in june . to understand the numbers in st. petersburg. traditionally, in the summer the revenue of water and ice cream producers increases, and not even in comparison with the cold months, with the same period of previous years. this year, the abnormal heat in st. petersburg allowed the store to sell twice as many soft drinks as the previous year. we drink lemonade and
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eat ice cream. it's very hot, let's save ourselves as best we can, here, yes, we are saved, we are saved. we can, but we won’t go anywhere, we’ll sunbathe in st. petersburg this summer. this summer, the demand for hotels and rental of country houses near various bodies of water is higher than ever, and not only in popular resort areas, but also in hotels that were previously chosen more as a place for business trips, say analysts from the booking service yandex travel. in june-july, compared to the twenty-third year, the number of bookings increased noticeably. last year there was such a surge there was no interest in countryside complexes and hotels with swimming pools. the peak of demand in the twenty-fourth year occurred in the twenty- seventh. june, while the most profitable destination for cool trips was ufa, for example, lakes kashkadan and soldatskaya. the average cost of living there is 2,164 rubles. the petrukhino club hotel in
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the moscow region has made access to the swimming pools not only for its guests, but also for everyone for a fee. many come just to swim. as a rule, a huge number of people come on weekends, this is from friday to sunday, we have almost one hundred percent. load by the pool, of course, a large number of people gather somewhere in the area after four and until late in the evening, relaxing and sunbathing at our pool. we clean the pool constantly and take care of it, because this is the main, let’s say, service, which is now very popular at the moment. developing business, they expanded the list of services here, for example, you can order soft drinks, which will be brought from the restaurant directly to the pool, and here every summer come up with...
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first, we open the fishing rod, set the desired depth, that is, try it on. plus or minus. alexandra savicheva holds a fishing rod for the first time. first, we open the pillow on the reel, yes, that’s right. now, with a slight wave, we throw the float, at the same time we release the fishing line. our pond is home to trout, carp, silver carp, crucian carp and sama. summer is the time of mosquitoes. it is not surprising that mosquito net sales peak in july. this business is so profitable that orders are made in the summer. allows entrepreneurs to survive the winter, the geometry mesh company appeared 4 years ago, they began production on an area of ​​only 20 km, today they expanded to
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150, every day while it is warm, they receive about 50 orders per day. last year there were four assemblers working there in two productions, this year there are seven assemblers working in two productions, it turns out there is even a night shift. they don’t have time to do it, yes, this year we already don’t have enough of these capacities. today, 15 types of mosquito nets are produced here, for almost every taste and color. the company makes turnkey products; its specialists measure, manufacture, and install themselves. the mesh is from china, which is the only manufacturing country today. here are different types of canvases, we have them depicted, there is a micromesh, this is from the poplar midge.
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this year the weather brought not only abnormal heat, but also rain, in the capital they came up with a way to make money on one or the other, this is how the umbrella sharing service appeared, now in the moscow metro at the station you can rent an umbrella, everyone, well, at least once in his life he found himself in a situation where he was leaving the metro and was caught in the rain, and he forgot to take an umbrella with him. at the moment, we have produced only five devices, four of which are installed at metro stations. these are fisteh, leonozovo and yakhramskaya. while the project is a pilot, if muscovites like the service, it will be implemented at other metro stations.
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the device itself, which issues the umbrella, and the software for it are entirely russian- made. to take an umbrella, you need to point your smartphone camera at the qr code, register and choose a tariff; there are per-minute, hourly and daily rentals. in a couple of days of the service’s operation, there were more than 600 small umbrella rental sessions, most likely these were people who were primarily simply interested in how the service works. umbrellas are universal, you can use them against rain and snow, and maybe even in hot weather for those people who find it uncomfortable to be under the sun. due to the heat, enterprises in the southern regions have to change their work schedules and set... new air conditioners, old ones cannot withstand this weather and break down, and even in the summer, manufacturers of climate control devices could not have imagined such
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a profit in june. air conditioners in krasnodar increased by 30% compared to the same period last year, in rostov by approximately 80%. tuufon eye drops are created specifically to nourish and restore the youth of the eyes. tuufon - triple action for health. eye, cool, i slept through my first exhibition, i’ll have to run, i’ll have to, dad, hi, look what i collected, let’s fly, well, it won’t turn on, thank you, dad,
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12:00 pm
soon, literally swarms without pilots, followed by missiles, the enemy launched a massive attack in the zaporozhye region, which our anti-aircraft gunners responded with, an attempted murder, an suv was blown up in moscow, two people were wounded, this is a married couple. investigators are at the scene. kamala haris is ahead of donald trump in the poll, although only by a couple of percentage points. the opponents exchanged sharp attacks. russian-african conference in tanzania. volday international discussion club gathers opinion leaders, who is participating and what the agenda is. smoke from wildfires in yakutia is already visible from space. what is the current situation, are there any threats to populated areas?


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