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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 24, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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the health of all other population groups, children, older age groups, and in addition, determines the development of the country’s economy. also, within the framework of the forum, agreements will be signed between various funds, so the program is intense, we will keep you informed. daria. alexander, thank you, alexandra perfileva spoke about the work of the healthy society forum, which opened today.
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here in avdeevka people were driven to death, there was terror, everything flies, everything flies here, guys, the war is real, here people live completely differently, you haven’t been offended here yet ours didn’t come, don’t ask, i’ll see how the wolf hid in the basement when they’re hammering here for... so you sit and think whether the next one is for you or not, at the last explosion there were 18 people left here under the slabs, who lie until still, help me, lord, oh, thank you, that’s just it, we came here, forever.
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the crimes were committed on the territory of various constituent entities of the russian federation. i worked so much in the internal affairs bodies, i have never seen anything like this. iler, as a rule, is the person who can very easily come to terms with your conscience. he had task number one: to evade responsibility or mitigate it. i was sure that sooner or later this crime would be solved. very intense work, very responsible, because the criminal did not leave fingerprints for us at the scene of the crime twice. scientific and technological progress has a tremendous impact on the development of criminology. everything coincided, the diligence
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of the investigator, the inevitability of punishment, you just have to ask the question, if not now, then when and if not us, then who? program loyalty sberspasibo has been updated, every month choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%, gas station supermarkets,
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1:36 pm
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russia-africa. this format of work assumes that experts, and there are 40 of them here from various countries of the continent, from russia, offer not only their own keynote speeches read prepared speeches, but are also divided into mode. lively discussion with their own points of view on the most pressing issues in the development of relations between russia and the african continent. this is the second african session of the valdai discussion club. it is being held here for the first time on the continent. but this is generally the tradition of the discussion club, when
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a new regional format appears, it alternates working in russian cities and directly on the site so that experts have the opportunity to be as close as possible consider.
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contact our correspondent. and now
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well, if possible, we will try again time for economic news. in july, russian companies increased seaborne oil exports to the ssto to record volumes (945,000 barrels per day), which is 10% more than in june, the kepler report said. the main share of supplies came from china (83%). at the same time , india is also increasing its purchases, having sent three to the country in april. oil shipments, then in may there were already four of them, in june there were six. housing in russia will be reduced to 100 million by the end of the year. decrease by 9% by 2023. this was stated by deputy head of the ministry of construction nikita stasishin. he added that the rate of growth in prices for new buildings in the country is decreasing, the active phase has passed. in the future, the cost will increase no more than 5% per year. as rosstat previously stated, about 53.5 million were passed in russia over six months.
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launched trading in yandex shares, they were included in the first quotation list, which includes the most reliable and liquid assets. last week, the dutch yandex&v closed the deal to sell the russian one. yandex and completely withdrew from the group's shareholders. by the end of july, it will change its name and stop using yandex brands. consortium first became the new main owner of the domestic company. it was economic news. short. gazprom neft actively uses recycled raw materials. this year, the company launched environmentally friendly recycling of plastic packaging in the leningrad region, and earlier
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it was the first in russia to start refueling here with eco-fuel from used frying oil. from fast food restaurants. all the details in arthur's special report khodoreva. why did they start adding frying oil to marine fuel? behind this use there is a significant scientific and technical thought. why develop the economy by focusing on... ecology: compliance with environmental requirements , introduction of green technologies, today these are mandatory conditions for competitiveness. what is the connection between plastic processing and the oil business? our project is a shining example of the fact that a business can be environmentally or socially oriented.
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i have a secondary pellet in my hands high-density polyethylene, it is used for the preparation of re- cooking consumer products , the same shape, the same quality, the same. color, these are the basic requirements for these small plastic balls, then you can make anything from them , from pipes to flower pots, that is , this is the so-called second life, in this case for plastic, plastic is directly used for the re-production of consumer products , household, sanitary products, specifically in the company
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used, for example, for bitumen binders, the products of this enterprise, located in the city of gaccino, leningrad region, are produced exclusively from recycled materials, that is, from used plastic packaging, corks and other items made of polymer materials. the collection of such products is carried out by special plastic collection points in russian cities; for example, such containers are installed at gazprom neft gas stations. further, all plastic comes from such collection points. for processing, including this enterprise, the principle of operation both lines are approximately the same, they have a sorting conveyor, during which the products are sorted and large fragments such as metal and wood are removed, after which the stages of grinding, washing, drying, melting and
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obtaining granules occur, the raw materials are crushed to the required fraction in a shredder. washed, dried in a centrifuge, then melted and turned into a secondary granule. the product is in demand, production volume per year is up to 8,500 tons. our project is a shining example of what a business can be environmental or social orientation. that is, at the moment we have already formed a fairly large circle of consumers. in this case, these are local consumers located in the leningrad region, this. manufacturers of building materials and auto components. for gazprom neft, this is one of the circular economy projects that expands the company’s environmentally and socially oriented business portfolio. the products of this enterprise are already used both for their own needs, for the production of waterproofing roofing materials, so it is supplied to a wide range
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of consumers. well, here is the main difference between a and. regardless, that is, the total consumption of plastic will grow, both primary and secondary, and accordingly, the more we involve secondary. there is no problem with plastic itself; there is
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a problem with its improper disposal and improper and careless handling of the products used. if plastic can be said to return its primary properties, then other products, like deep-frying. oil, for example, they are used in areas of the economy where you would not expect, they fuel sea vessels with biofuel, behind this use there is a significant scientific technical thought, this includes the preparation of the raw materials themselves, and mixing recipes, which, on the one hand, should achieve the goal, namely reducing the negative impact, with on the other hand, to comply with all the most stringent requirements of equipment manufacturers, so as not to degrade the operation of ship propulsion systems, so yes, we are in favor of bio-components and their use in the transport industry
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there is significant scientific and technological progress. gazprom neft biofuels for marine transport are made by mixing low-sulfur marine fuel from the omsk oil refinery and used frying oil. this process. is called blending, we actually use a unique oil, this is a mixture of high-alue sunflower oil, this is most of the recipe, ordinary sunflower and sunflower oil, this combination allows us to achieve unique physical and chemical characteristics in its composition, very close to characteristics of olive oil, moreover, the oil is constantly filtered, that is, it is available.
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the fast food chain is the largest supplier of frying oil for gazprom neft's environmental project, but before it becomes marine fuel, this product is processed at a plant near moscow. it's already here. depleted fractions, when oil comes to us from fast food companies, it comes in blue barrels, we have a special laboratory, a special sample of the oil is sent there, since we need to track the quality of the received raw materials, the quality depends on what the fast food restaurant gives us directly, that is, in any case , this is frying oil, this is the oil that... comes split, and its quality depends on the heat, on any fragments of organic matter that get there, we ourselves understand that
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not a single day can be spent on the remains of those crumbs, and even potatoes that float in oil, you won’t get far on potatoes, yes, you won’t get far on potatoes. thanks to the gazprom neft project, two problems are solved at once important tasks: restaurant business participants safely dispose of used oil. shipowners can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of shipping by all together implementing, including the state’s circular economy program. you can never have one without the other, it’s about the environment, of course, and about the economy, these are always closely related things, of course, fortunately in the country we have very strict legal requirements, we strictly comply with them, comply in order to minimize all the waste that go to
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landfill and send them for recycling. only from this point in the center of moscow is used frying oil taken away for recycling twice a day. besides volume, quality standardization is a key issue. the menu is different, which means that the oil that comes into production is different. in fact, our secondary raw materials are waste vegetable oil, which has undergone all the necessary technological operations, such as sedimentation, double-degree filtration, fine and coarse filtration, and in some cases special heat treatment, that is, our product is biocomponent, waste plant matter, corresponding to the standard customer. the project for the production of a biocomponent is unique for our country. in a certain context, it is firmly focused on the domestic market, is able to involve even the smallest producers in the production of biofuels, the restaurant industry
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is... one of the sources of raw materials, there are also industrial wastes, oil wastes from industrial production, these are ethyl oil and shea butter and other other components, just in the area of ​​restaurant waste oils, the most mature preparation of components is being carried out, this makes the technology for bringing the component to use in fuel the most effective at the moment, like any new technology, at the starting stage. naturally, its implementation requires effort from both industry participants and government regulators, but in order not to be afraid to move forward, it is enough to remember the relatively recent past. over the decades, shipping has evolved from the use of coal and fuel oil to the introduction of environmentally friendly fuels, lng and biofuels. it is these sources of energy and movement of any vessel that are the future.
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thanks to. it significantly reduces the production of sulfur oxide and other substances in the world's oceans. well, these goals organically stem from the original goal of reducing the impact on the environment. the more components we use within acceptable limits, that is, without compromising the basic properties of the product and achieving the goals of safe operation of marine engines, the better and the lower emissions, therefore. obviously, expanding the use of biocomponents is a significant goal for us. compliance with environmental requirements and the introduction of green technologies, today is a prerequisite for competitiveness in all mining companies, including oil companies, today they cannot do otherwise - work either on the shelf or in complex, fragile, i would say,
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ecosystems. for example, in the arctic zone and in order to compete in the global market, of course, you must be green, you must be responsible, and this today this is not just a question of image, it is a question of competitiveness. with the growth of production scale and sales geography. according to experts, marine fuel with the addition of biocomponents can seriously compete with diesel, which is now actively used in shipping. the situation with plastic recycling is similar; we just need more production facilities where familiar bottles and bags are given a new life. most importantly, both projects demonstrate that ecology and economics do not contradict each other, but complement each other.
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russian artillerymen and tank crews are delivering powerful blows to the fortifications and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine, and the uragan multiple launch rocket systems are operating. a report from our war correspondent from the front line. contract killing in the north of moscow, an suv exploded; a video from surveillance cameras has already been published, showing explosives being planted under the car. in which condition. victims, what versions are investigators considering? kiev is ready for negotiations with moscow, this was stated during negotiations between the foreign ministers of ukraine and china. what is the probability that china will become the main mediator and how the kremlin reacted. burning everything in its path, in the kherson region, the ukrainian army sets fire to forests along the dnieper, using incendiary ammunition. what does this tactic lead to? more on this in the second half
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of the hour... in russia, special conditions will be established for family mortgages for the purchase of housing or the construction of individual houses. support measures will be in effect in small towns in regions where construction rates are low. the interest rate for families that meet the necessary conditions will not exceed 6% per year for the entire loan term. this is one of the instructions that vladimir putin approved following the results of the international economic forum in st. petersburg. the president also instructed to ensure the possibility of compensating regions for income lost when using the investment tax deduction. in addition, the head of state is awaiting a proposal for the free transfer of plots of land with unlimited circulation to persons who, at their own expense, will eliminate accumulated environmental damage. and the plots of land are like...


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