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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 24, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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chief technology expert. start your business journey with sber support. they will open an account at sber-business, help with accounting, legal issues and connect the online cash register. and all this is free. we open the way to business. sberbusiness. yandex shares are now traded on the moscow exchange under a new ticker. nika yankovaya will tell you how the trading started and how the company is developing after the separation from the dutch yandex nv. nika, greetings, what areas is yandex currently involved in? daria, greetings, continues to develop search, urban, entertainment and educational services, as well as artificial intelligence technologies.
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ydex is a new ticker under which yandex shares are now traded on the moscow exchange. they were included in the first carteret list, which includes the most reliable and liquid assets. at the start of trading, the securities immediately increased by 10%, and then corrected slightly. last week, the dutch yandex nv closed the deal to sell russian yandex and completely withdrew from the group’s shareholders. by the end of july, it will change its name and stop using the brands of the domestic company, the new main owner of yandex, consortium one. she is a monopolist in several areas at once, they occupy about 90% of the russian market. based on this. the company has quite a lot of potential, it is a cash machine that brings in money, the start of trading within russia means that many people will invest in their savings, funds in the shares of this
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company, there should be no doubt about it, within russia the current state of yandex is more than not bad. yandex continues to develop search, urban, and entertainment services. and startups and data centers in finland, plus educational services, as well as cloud technologies, autonomous cars, artificial intelligence technologies and other areas. the company retained its businesses, services and assets with the exception of foreign rights to all technologies. as for the financial situation, in the twenty-third year, revenue increased by 53%. and this is one of the highest figures in the history of yandex. since 2011, the average annual revenue growth rate has been 36%. if we take the company as a whole, then i think that the company has a fairly good position in the market, there are a lot of services that occupy first place, this and yandex-taxi, so to speak, is film search in the online cinema system, and other services that allow us to be stable,
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let’s say, in the segment of providing various services and ensure further development, foreign assets have left, this is artificial intelligence, plans to focus on artificial intelligence, yandex also deals with services related to neural networks. well, yandex is essentially a business consisting of three parts, it is a search engine, actually known by yandex, and its share is growing, because the share
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google is gradually declining for a number of reasons, and accordingly, another quarter of the business is online commerce. from yandex mobile devices is preferred by 61% of russians. thank you, nika
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inkovaya spoke about the reorganization of yandex. a thousand hectares of forest burned in the kherson region as a result of attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. which drop enemy drones. my colleague alexander ragadkin assessed the damage. in the kherson region, the ukrainian army continues to burn forests along the dnieper. together with the main bohr, the positions of the russian army, but the local residents suffer the most. in this heat, houses burst into flames. they do not spare incendiary ammunition; they are mostly dropped from drones. thousands of hectares of man-made forest have already been destroyed. many private houses and buildings burned down. sanya, switch. walk around here, be careful , we're laying mines, where the hell did they throw the mines from, where did the fire come from, they dropped them
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from a drone, yes, yes, they dropped them, they threw the so-called bells, they scattered them, so you need to walk carefully, including when we are extinguishing a fire, we must always look at our feet, because it’s a very meager mine, viktor aschukin looks at the fire pit from the new storm shelter, not hiding his tears, i just came to the village council, and here... there is no such house, yes, but there’s no house, in the morning everything is fine, that’s what to do now, where to go, the second house, this is the second house, the first, and there are ruins along the first one, like my house, and i’ve lived in an apartment for a year and a half, and also burned, and also burned, the forest is here and is mown down like a scythe by flying shells, the ukrainian army is still hitting fire trucks, preventing them from extinguishing the fire. the tractor that was making the fire furrows was simply torn into pieces, and the cap
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of tractor driver oleg shmagin remained on the ground. the fire came from the pier all the way here, we went around it, firefighters, i was riding behind on a fire truck, we stopped there to put it out, the tractors went forward, but they just didn’t reach the populated area, one tractor passed, apparently it dug, the second a mine stopped him, what? he’s not there, he died, the tractor driver died right away, well , you can see too much from the technology, which one, which one power there was an explosion, a mine could have been planted by saboteurs, or a drone could have been dropped, for any destroyed equipment of the administration of the kherson region, ukraine pays a bonus, in these frames from a ukrainian armed forces drone you can see how a kamikaze drone flies straight into a fire truck, we are extinguishing the forest, and from the side the armed forces of ukraine really don’t like it, accordingly. there is a hunt for our state equipment and they say there is a bonus for destroyed, well, look, for state equipment, according to our information,
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they give 1000 hryvnia for a tractor, there is a fire, it doesn’t matter, even an ambulance, these forests were destroyed after the great patriotic war, to stop the spread of the oleshkovsky sands, they are called the largest desert in europe, this is a big environmental disaster, why if this is not stopped, everything will be very sad in the future, near the oleshkovsky dunes, our radian people... the sands will win, they are all they will take away, they will take away everything, the desert will expand, increase, because when they planted, the sand cut the seedlings so much that they cut them off, today they planted it, in the morning it is no longer there, and a decision was made, they planted trees, they grow quickly, maple, there acacia, they dug ditches, planted them, surprisingly, but even now... in the forestry enterprises of the kherson region they continue to grow crimean pine, it grows best in the sand and
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prevents its spread. we don’t lose heart, we work, we pursue our goals in the future, so that we get something for our children and great-grandchildren. our kadovsky forestry enterprise collects linden seeds, that is, well , we will restore the forest and not only with pine needles, linden, we will restore the glory of kherson honey before planting. flood by blowing up the kokhovskaya dam. now, when the reservoir on the dnieper became shallow,
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the region was left practically without water. it no longer enters the extensive system of kherson canals. the enemy began to use the so-called scorched earth tactics, well, the technology is clear, yes, at one time they burned forests in vietnam and thus tried to destroy the vietnamese partisans, they did not destroy them, they had the opposite effect. now this technology is being applied.
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the economy did not die in the kherson region, moreover, we are now such a reserve for the balance of grain for the entire country, because that we didn’t have any frosts and almost everything was preserved. the left-bank kherson region is the most fertile region of ukraine, there is amazing nature and several biosphere reserves, the famous scania nova with its african zebras and prozhevalsky's horses was just a few kilometers from the line. front, when explosions are heard, naturally, they all get scared, they run around like crazy, if explosions are heard somewhere nearby, then of course, this is a big, big stress for the animals, once the soldiers brought a doe wounded by shrapnel to the reserve, local veterinarians nursed her for a long time, but unfortunately they could not save her, this is our
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kestrel, the military also brought her, they brought her with a broken bone... the reserve again found itself under crossfire, while there are problems with animal feed, and there simply is not enough money even for gasoline, but now ascania nova receives the status of a federal reserve, funding should increase several times. we hope that with the transition to the federal level we will have the opportunity not to stand still, but to develop further, in
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improve the supply of feed to some extent. maybe build a new building for animals, update those that already exist, attract scientists here and maybe expand the zoo’s collection. the amazing climate of the azov-black sea basin makes the region a real health resort, an open-air sanatorium, despite the war, vacationers still come to the mud springs and salt lakes of the orabat spit. this is no worse than the dead sea in israel, although our level of danger, by the way, is higher. approximately the same where else you can see right away red herons and white storks and pelicans flying overhead? highmars and other rockets are also flying by, but i hope that soon this will all end and tourists from all over russia will come to us again to admire our beauties. alexander agatkin, alexander smirnov and valentin rutkevich,
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especially for russia 24 from the kherson region. extreme heat, persistent. in many regions this summer forced businesses to explore new directions, some are trying their hand at producing boats and motorboats for the first time, others are busy arranging places for fishing. see how businessmen make money from abnormally hot weather in a special report by taras kucherenko. the first who began to adapt to the abnormal heat of this summer were businessmen; a certified arctic beach was built in the mormon region last fall; there was a rescue tower, a warning system, a shower and a place for changing clothes, sup rental, and the swimming season opened here on july 1.
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prices are purely symbolic for renting sunbeds and sups, from 300 rubles. we have services such as a hot tub, rentals of sups, kayaks, barbecue areas, everything you need for a barbecue, everything you need to cook meat over a fire, over coals, we have everything. the water this year is warmer than last year, when it was only 17°, so more swimmers began to come to the beach. the vacation spot is located near mormonsk, on the shore of the large lake kanent yavr. the beach is wonderful. it is not inferior to the black sea coast, it is equipped with swings, water, sunbeds, sand, entry into the water is very good, and most importantly the water is wonderful, simply clean. tourists come here from all over country, the beach is located between mormansk and the famous tourist village of teriberka, you can see the vacation spot almost from
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the road, this is probably the only place that made an impression, yes, we got here when returning from teriberka, in fact teriberka is good, but this the place attracts with its energy, the beach is. with the advent of the beach, people began to relax more from two days to a week. summer heat brings people who used to come here for one or two nights, with good dividends for entrepreneurs. after after two years of existence, the moscow region factory of boats for athletes and fishermen reorients production. this summer, the trend of the season is boats for family holidays. produced in russia, slightly less fast than ours, this advantage allows us to give most of the boats to professional athletes, yes, for whom it is important not only to catch fish quickly, but also to get from point
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a to point b, because their time is regulated by all these stories. many clients take a conscious approach to purchasing, order boats mainly in winter, this year, a large influx of buyers occurred in the summer, people were tired of the heat, so they were looking for salvation in vodka on the water. in may it seemed that the summer would be cold, snow fell, there was a slight drawdown, that is, probably people were buying skis, and when the heat started, people became active again and decided to place orders, but the dealers became active, asking for it as quickly as possible, faster and in order to be on time so to speak, on hot days, be on the water and not only go fishing, but what can you do in the cold autumn, but just relax with your families. "we're going to the dacha to relax with friends, to rivers, to lakes, this year
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, due to the heat, there is record traffic on the roads from st. petersburg to the region, the checkpoint to the western high-speed ​​diameter from the scandinavia highway has been breaking absolute records for several months now. june this year was the hottest month on record in the northwest's history. there is also record traffic on our road. 7 million cars traveled along the wssd in june . to understand the figure, 2 million cars are registered in st. petersburg. revenue traditionally grows in summer from water and ice cream producers, and not even in comparison with the cold months, with the same period of previous years. this year , the abnormal heat in st. petersburg allowed stores to sell twice as many soft drinks as a year earlier. we drink lemonade, eat ice cream, it’s very hot, we’re saving ourselves as best we can, that’s right , we’re saving ourselves, we’re saving ourselves as best we can, we’re not
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going anywhere, this summer we’ll sunbathe in st. petersburg, this summer the demand for hotels and rental of country houses near various bodies of water is higher than ever, and not only in popular resort areas, but also in hotels, which were previously chosen more as a place for business trips from... in june-july , compared to the twenty-third year , the number of bookings outside the abnormal heat increased noticeably. last year there was no such surge of interest in countryside complexes and hotels with swimming pools. the peak of demand in the twenty-fourth year occurred on june 27-28. at the same time , ufa has become the most profitable destination for cool trips, for example, lakes kashkadan and soldatskaya. average cost of living there is 2.164 rubles. the petrukhino club hotel in the moscow region has made access to the swimming pools not only for its guests, but also for everyone
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for a fee. many come just to swim. as a rule, a huge number of people come on weekends, this is from friday to sunday, we have almost one hundred percent occupancy, at the pool, of course, a large number of people gather somewhere in the area after four and relax at our pool until late in the evening. don't sunbathe, we clean the pool we constantly look after him, because this is the main, let’s say, service, which is now very popular at the moment. while developing the business, they expanded the list of services here, for example, you can order soft drinks that will be brought from the restaurant directly to the pool, and they also come up with a special menu every summer. in such heat, you want to relax, swim and drink cold drinks. there are also two in the park.
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to begin with, we open the fishing rod, set the desired depth, that is, we try on the plus or minus. alexandra savicheva holds a fishing rod for the first time, first, we open the cushion on the reel, that’s right, now with a light wave we throw the float at the same time we release the fishing line. our pond is home to trout, carp, silver carp, crucian carp and sama. summer is the time for mosquitoes, it is not surprising that the peak sales of mosquito nets occur in july, this business is so profitable that orders in the summer allow entrepreneurs to survive the winter, the geometry nets company appeared 4 years ago, they began production on an area of ​​only 20 km, today they have expanded to 150, every day while it’s warm, they get it here about 50 orders per day. last year
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four worked there. this year there are seven assemblers working in two production facilities, and it turns out there is even a night shift, they don’t have time to do it, and this year we already don’t have enough of this capacity, today they produce 15 types of mosquito nets for almost every taste and color, the company makes turnkey products, its specialists measure it themselves, manufacture it themselves, install it themselves, the mesh is from china, this is the only country today. manufacturer, here we have different types of canvases shown, there is a micromesh - this is from the poplar midge, a common problem in moscow. this year the company received a record number of orders, and the same goes for competitors, says the director. the heat has had a positive effect on business, and now they are planning to further expand production and increase staff. only the most
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popular mesh will be produced at the new location. this year's trend. is a canvas, it consists of stainless metal, if you move 2 m away it will not be visible at all, this canvas is also environmentally friendly, in this year, the weather brought not only abnormal heat, but also rain, in the capital they came up with a way to make money on one or the other, this is how the umbrella sharing service appeared, now in the moscow metro at the station you can rent an umbrella, everyone, well, at least once in their life found himself in a situation where he was leaving... from the subway and he was caught in the rain, and he forgot to take an umbrella with him. at the moment, we have produced only five devices, four of them are installed at the metro stations, and these are festeh, leonozovo and yakhramskaya. while the project is a pilot, if muscovites like the service, it will be introduced at other metro stations. the device itself, which issues the umbrella, and the software for it are entirely russian- made. to take an umbrella, you need to point
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your smartphone camera. there are per-minute, hourly and daily rentals. within a couple of days of the service's operation, more than 600 passengers registered, and there were attempts, and there were certain small umbrella rental sessions. most likely, these are people who were primarily simply interested in how the service works. universal umbrellas, you you can use them against rain, against snow, and maybe even in hot weather for... people for whom it is uncomfortable to be under the sun. due to the heat, enterprises in the southern regions have to change their work schedules and install new air conditioners. the old ones can’t withstand this kind of weather and break down, and even in summer, manufacturers of climate control devices couldn’t even imagine such profits. in june , the number of air conditioner sales in krasnodar increased by 30% compared to the same period last year, approximately in rostov.
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by 80%. ukraine is ready for negotiations with russia, the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry said this: china, without going into details, moscow is waiting for clarification. iskander's precision strike, this is footage of the destruction of the command post of the ukrainian armed forces brigade in krasny liman. the target has been eliminated. a car bombing in moscow, a married couple was injured, an investigation is underway, the alleged perpetrator was caught on surveillance cameras. healthy lifestyle. at the forum in moscow , new approaches in medicine and the beauty industry are discussed.


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