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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 24, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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beijing announced his readiness for negotiations with russia, there are practically no details at all, and yet, what could be the reason for such a change of position in kiev? in my opinion, it was outlined earlier, to say, we have never refused these negotiations, our president said back in june, please leave the constituent entities of the russian federation, people expressed a desire to return to their homeland, stop engaging in provocations, including interfering in nato, demilitarize, there will be a calm basis for serious big negotiations, we must do everything to secure our borders, to secure them.
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regions, our historical territories, their effective integration into a single, legal, cultural, educational space of our country. let me emphasize that it is extremely important that now residents of the donbass and novorussia regions have decent living and
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working conditions, so that people see prospects for themselves and their children in the future. this means that simultaneously with the decision priority tasks in the region. security, and this is certainly priority number one, it is necessary to quickly renovate housing, build modern houses, social and transport facilities, when we meet with the leaders of the republic, we first of all pay attention to this, it is necessary to create conditions for the dynamic development of industry, the agro-industrial complex, small medium-sized businesses, the economy as a whole, let me remind you that we have set ourselves... an integral goal by 2030 in the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions must reach the all-russian level in key areas that determine the quality of people’s lives. for this purpose
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, a special comprehensive program for the socio-economic development of four regions is being implemented. in 2023 , more was allocated for these purposes from all sources. rubles, well, we have solid numbers planned for 2025 and until 2030. this work involves not only federal departments, but also 26 state-owned companies, as well as 82 federal subjects, which have taken patronage over specific regions and settlements. actually the whole country, millions of people, volunteer and other public organizations support donbass and novorussia, help them unlock their colossal potential for creation and growth, establish a peaceful, prosperous life on the land, which... for centuries was an integral part of russia and has now
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reunited with his homeland. nowadays , residential buildings, hospitals, schools, utilities are being actively restored here , that is, those worlds that were promptly accepted give a real return government, first of all, bearing in mind, of course, timely and rhythmic funding, including... from the federal budget, of course, and of course, i would like to separately note the hard work of builders and other specialists, sincerely thank you all for your dedicated work, for planned and above-planned tasks have already been completed since 2022 on more than 19 thousand different objects; federal customers have completed work on 11.262 objects, including the construction of 62 apartment buildings,
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2,140 apartment buildings have been restored, as well as 321 educational, healthcare, cultural, sports facilities, and so on and so forth, overhauled, i already said more than 3.00, i talked about housing, now about roads, more than 3.00 km of roads have been repaired, over 500 bank branches have been opened , which is extremely important both for citizens and for the economy as a whole. in order to support business , a wide range of tools has been created, from preferential lending programs to a free economic zone regime. in general, according to the main areas and directions of socio-economic development, in each of the four regions there are certain results, the most pressing problems are being solved. there is, i hope, a change for the better, which people also,
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i hope, see, feel, notice, it is important not to slow down, to move forward consistently, stage by stage, to ensure the closest coordination between the federal, regional and local levels of government, civil society structures society, try to strictly adhere to the deadlines so that achieve all... the intended goals, while i would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is necessary to make maximum use of each region’s own resources, to more actively involve land and property into economic circulation on transparent , understandable rules, and revenues from rent for its use should replenish regional and local budgets, and of course, it is necessary to fully integrate the task of restoration and development of the donbass and novorussia regions into the system. updated national projects, do this already this year, if necessary, provide for
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they provide simplified access to certain support tools. let's discuss how this work is progressing, what should be paid special attention to, where to provide additional assistance, including listening to colleagues, during live broadcasts with several objects, or from several objects that. we plan to approve it, this will additionally be about 30,000 objects that will be
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built, restored and a whole series of program activities that should bring new regions to the russian average level, we are working systematically, according to you we are working on master plans according to the instructions, we have four master plans already ready, nine are in the works, in total, within the framework of the infrastructure program for life, we plan to include about 91 settlements in the priority strongholds that will be... most importantly, we have also developed a housing construction program with the involvement of extra-budgetary sources, and i want to say that we have good news, we have already rented out three houses entirely using extra-budgetary sources, this is the decision that you made regarding the mortgage, it showed its justification at 2%, huge the number of people willing, here we are with the governors just working out the sites, now
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there are already 3 million square meters, the total potential before the thirtieth year is 12 million. to launch with extra-budgetary funding for housing construction, a very popular program, thank you very much for this. we are doing a lot of work on roads, in addition to the 3.00 km of roads, we have included an additional 800 km in the plan, this is like the expansion of federal highways, these are regional roads, these are municipal ones, and this especially raises questions for the governor - this is the repair of the road network within populated areas. we are giving a special one for this. money and we see a good effect, if today we talk about who did how much, then our colleagues have already brought 600 km of municipal roads into proper condition on their own, this is very important for people, which means we continue to work according to the financial scheme, thanks to the development financial sector, thanks to your decision, in addition to promsvyaz bank, sberbank
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and vtb also actively began to enter new regions to increase their portfolios, lending, we also have a program to support small medium-sized businesses, the work of “my business” centers, microfinance organizations, and regional guarantee organizations has been launched. a huge amount of work is being done to restart the real sector of the economy, one of the most effective mechanisms was the free economic zone, exactly a year ago, just over a year ago, on july 1 , a law was signed, as of today 171 organizations have entered the free economic zone, it plans to provide work . in addition , the industry fund, which the ministry of industry and trade provides, has shown its work effectively, providing loans on preferential terms of up to 100 million rubles. at a rate of 1% for 7 years for modernization and 2% for 3 years for replenishing
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working capital, there are very large volumes of applications, and my colleagues and i are now working out with... santon alikhanov and denis valentinovich mantur we are working out the possibility of increasing this program, it is very in demand . payments of pensions, benefits, and social benefits continue; 2.5 million citizens, including 1.6 million citizens, receive pensions and various social benefits. if we talk about today’s facilities, for example, about medicine, yes, 200 facilities, both new and reconstructed, plus we and the ministry of health have made a program for the next 3 years.
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there are such hospitals that are very, well, the doctor, probably the head doctor himself will say, but it is very significant for all of us, because this is one of the first objects that we visited, when we were still in mariupol, which means when we still have there were fighting going on there, she didn’t stop working for a single day, and there a very good well-coordinated team, if we talk about the nakhimov school, but andrey romnich and i discussed, you will see, it means that this is an object, i will also say, world -class, a very good object, very worthy in the most beautiful place of mariupol. i am with you when we agreed on the park, remember, you looked carefully, this place was chosen, and today it is simply a decoration of mariupol, i think andrey aremovich will tell his colleagues about this themselves, thank you very much to your colleagues. if we talk about the education object, here are 1,300 education objects
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built, reconstructed over the last 2 years, 1,300, we are in the whole country. we are renovating about 1,700 facilities, and here 1,300 were done in 2 years through joint efforts, and of course , facilities such as the anakhinovo school will also be a very worthy contribution to education. in total, the ministry of education and i, for example, signed a program for 3 years of restoration of educational institutions, we have determined funding, we have determined the objects, what we will do, and this work continues, today a year-round youth educational center is also opening mayak center, which was created under the patronage of the administration.
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such a complex work, where everyone works together, and the government together with a lot, but i want to say that this is the chairman, and the presidential administration is very closely, all the heads of the regions, i would like to especially note the work, that is , the governors, all teams, in very difficult situations, we work in manual mode, so in case i want to tell everyone... many thanks to all our representatives of the ministry of defense, fsb, ministry of internal affairs, ministry of emergency situations, the russian guard, the prosecutor's office, all the regions are involved boss, i hope that all the tasks you set will be completed, thank you, thank you, you listed a number of works, but you started with the road network, the network, so maybe we’ll start, then with the kherson region, a section is being introduced there, it’s not like that it’s too big...
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nevertheless, it solves the most important strategic problem with the completion of this section, a land route from the southern regions of our country, from the central regions along the north of the azov sea to crimea and back, has been fully formed, a year ago it was generally impossible to travel here, drove along the side of the road, and today, these 17 settlements, 11 schools, 10... medical institutions, especially since there are three regional hospitals today, allow easy access from one place to
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another. it was important for us to complete this road in september, just in time for the school period. in general, i can say that over these 25 months, road workers have restored about 2.0 km of roads that connected everything.
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i would like to thank you, i'm sorry, hello, vladimir vladimirovich, i would like to thank you simply from the drivers route, it was simply impossible not to pass on those roads that we had traveled on before, well, practically not to pass by any transport, we drove through the fields, all the transport that was here over the years, this road was not made. precisely since the times of the ussr, not to mention, during the collapse of the ussr, there was nothing to be done there at all, well, on behalf of the residents,
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us, please accept our gratitude, accept our gratitude, very much, good, all the best, after all five bridges, overpasses, restored and built. so for a specific region, it seems to me that this is a good contribution to the restoration of the territory, yes , i would like to give the floor to the head of the kherson region, two words, tell me, dear vladimirich, indeed, a great job has been done, and it was correctly noted that for such a large powerful country 71 km seems to be not much , but for the kherson region and for the residents. kherson region, and what is most important for all those who are now traveling to crimea and back, this road has already connected the sea of ​​azov with
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the black sea and will continue. further, that is, we are already becoming very stable this overland route for passenger exchange and transport along with it, cargo flow, specifically with crimea, and of course, along with this road, i must say, many thanks to the road workers, i myself took an example from you last friday, drove by car, but i still looked around, after all, all the sidewalks have been done there, in all settlements there are more than 17 km.
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hello, dear vladimir vladimirovich, today we are opening the krasnodon maternity hospital after a major renovation, this is very symbolic, that this happens in the year of seven. the fighting in donbass continues, but despite everything, more and more babies are born to us every year. and the discovery is very important for the residents of krasnodon. maternity hospital, because it has a sixty-year history and the team survived in the very difficult year 14 for them, when krasnodon was cut off from lugansk under shelling and medical care was provided to our women in the basement of a medical institution without light, without water, but nevertheless the team survived lives were saved, not a single life, neither a woman nor a child, was lost, so today,
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when... a maternity hospital, already re-equipped according to modern requirements, opens, which is designed for 1,500 births per year, it will serve not only residents of the krasnodolsk region, and adjacent territories, this is very important, and i would like to say special words of gratitude from the doctors of the republic for supporting us since the difficult year of 1914, the humanitarian convoys that came to our republics with medicines and food food, with equipment allowed us to provide medical care to save the lives of our residents, and we retained our teams, we received wages, and today we already have the opportunity to develop, thanks to the team of the ministry of health, together with our leaders, today we are studying on the territory of the russian federation in various regions, we participate in federal programs and projects, thanks
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to this our institutions. security , new equipment is installed, we are trained to operate it, our residents receive compulsory health insurance policies receive medical care, free of charge, both on the territory of the republic and abroad, we have the opportunity for telemedicine consultations and referrals if treatment is necessary in federal centers for our residents, we are looking forward to the digitalization of healthcare, it is difficult, but we will definitely cope with it, we 'll get to it. specialists from the kulakov center helped us set up the obstetrics and gynecology service, and also words of gratitude to all the nits who are involved in our development our peaceful life in the development of medicine of the republic. and of course, our regional leaders are not just our assistants, they are our friends today, because hospitals destroyed by shelling are being restored, major
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repairs are being carried out, and today is the opening. at home, we are grateful to the region-chief of the tyumen region, because the tyumen region has repaired and re-equipped not only the krasnodonsky maternity hospital, it is also a city hospital, and a children's city hospital, today we have new equipment there on which we can work, providing medical care, and not only builders, doctors from all over the country have rallied to help us establish a peaceful life here and provide medical care. today, doctors from tyumen who work in krasnomdon, from other regions who work help us provide medical care throughout the territory of the lugansk people's republic, help us, in addition to this, they take our most severe patients to the federal centers, to the chief regions, our specialists travel for training, i want to say again with all my heart, vladimir vladimirovich, thank you for the fact that we are alive, for the fact that you...


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