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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 25, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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the results of a large meeting on the development of new russian regions - to accelerate the restoration of territories. suspected of underfishing - said the head of state. the main task of the car in the north of moscow is awaiting extradition to russia. the alleged perpetrator was detained in turkey just a few hours later. incident, the capital's court
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has already decided to arrest him in absentia, which is known about the motives of the crime. russian troops carried out a massive attack on the accumulation of enemy manpower and equipment. explosions were heard almost throughout the entire territory ukraine. what objects were hit about the situation directly on the line of combat contact? in the meantime, the prime minister of israel is calling on the american congress to create... entered into a confrontation with the police, however, not everyone in the meeting room is happy about netanyahu’s arrival, i call him a war criminal. investigative officers celebrate their professional holiday. vladimir putin congratulated current employees and veterans. the president thanked them , among other things, for their loyalty to duty and calling.
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dear comrades, congratulations to you all employees and veterans of russian investigative bodies on their professional holiday. first of all, i want to thank you for your firmness and integrity, for your productive, honest work, for your loyalty to your duty and calling, for your desire to always follow the best traditions. employees of the investigative bodies of the ministry of internal affairs, the investigative committee and... make an irreplaceable, huge contribution to the fight against corruption, terrorism and extremism, to protect the interests of society and the state, the life, safety of citizens, their rights and freedoms. today, in an era of dynamic changes in world, the technological revolution, migration flows, local conflicts, the formation of markets of the future, new risks arise, including cyber threats, trade,
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cross-border criminal groups, real criminal syndicates in the virtual and financial space. these challenges need to be responded to competently and quickly, improved investigative methods, introduced advanced approaches, digital solutions that allow not only to solve, but also to prevent crimes. and you must always remember that by exposing lawbreakers, you you restore the truth and...
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sometimes in very difficult conditions, at the risk of life, they carefully record and collect irrefutable evidence of the crimes of neo-nazis, punitive forces, their accomplices, terrorists and extremists. let me emphasize that those who try to intimidate people, split our society, play on religious or national feelings will never succeed; inevitable and fair retribution awaits them. i am confident that employees of the russian investigative bodies in all key areas of work will achieve new worthy results, show the best business and personal, moral qualities, professionalism, objectivity, true character, and of course, unconditional devotion to the fatherland and our people. i wish you success and all the best to your family. and to your loved ones,
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happy holiday to you, happy investigative officer’s day. vladimir putin also signed a law on conscription deferment for prosecutors . investigative committee. the corresponding document was posted on the website of the official publication of legal acts. it is reported that a deferment is available only to those who have received higher education in these specialties. this year , the state and citizens who suffered from crimes were compensated for damages in the amount of more than 80 billion rubles. chairman of the investigative committee alexander bastrykin stated this in an interview with a russian newspaper. he also said that he is now a law enforcement officer. authorities are taking measures to stop all kinds of abuses in the defense sector, according to the head of the investigative committee, during a special operation, this is the most important task. the crimes were committed on the territory of various constituent entities of the russian federation, having worked so much in the
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internal affairs bodies, i have never seen anything like this. iler, as a rule, is the person who can very easily come to terms with his conscience. he had task number one. to evade responsibility or mitigate it, i was sure that sooner or later this crime would be solved, very intense work, very responsible, because the criminal showed us fingerprints twice at the scene of the incident will not leave, scientific and technological progress has a colossal impact on the development of criminology, everything coincides, the diligence of the investigator, the inevitability of punishment, you just have to ask the question, if not now, then when and if not us, then who? in the donbass in novorosiya, it is necessary to renovate housing at an accelerated pace, build modern houses, social and transport facilities, vladimir putin stated this at a meeting on the socio-economic development of the regions. the president also recalled that by 2030
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the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions must reach the all-russian level in key areas. maria filippova will talk about the main topics of the meeting. the main task, the president emphasizes, is to provide decent living conditions for residents of new regions. to achieve this, it is necessary, among other things , to accelerate the pace of construction and restoration of housing, construction of roads and other important infrastructure. in terms of the level of provision, new entities should not lag behind other regions of the country; a special program will help with this. it is necessary to create conditions for dynamic development industry, agro-industrial complex, small medium-sized businesses, the economy as a whole. let me remind you that we have set an integral goal for ourselves: by 2030, the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions must reach the all-russian level in key areas that determine the quality of life of people. for this purpose
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, a special comprehensive program for the socio-economic development of four regions is being implemented. the president notes the goals of the program until 2025 and 2030. substantial sums are planned, so in the twenty-third allocated more than 1.260 billion rubles. and the result of joint work since 2022 has been the construction and restoration of more than 11,000 objects, including housing, plus 62 new apartment buildings, more than 2,000 more have been restored. the work is being carried out not only with money from the budget, investors are involved, and preferential mortgage conditions in new regions become an incentive for developers. not the most... the main thing is that we have also developed a housing construction program with the involvement of extra-budgetary sources and i want to say that we have good news, we three houses have already been rented out entirely from extra-budgetary sources, this is the decision you made regarding the mortgage, it has shown its justification at 2%, there is a huge number of people willing, so
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the governors and i are just working out the sites, now there are already 3 million km, the total potential is up to the thirtieth year 12 million km. launch housing construction using extra-budgetary funding. construction repairs affected the entire social sphere. thus, changes took place in 200 medical and 1,300 educational institutions. important article infrastructural changes of the road. in total, more than 3,000 km of trails have been repaired and built. the new site was presented in the kherson region. the land route from the southern regions of our country, from the central regions according to...
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and preferences, the created free economic zone offers its residents favorable conditions, 171 representatives have already been registered in it, 74 billion rubles have been invested. it is planned that 66,000 jobs will be created at the new production facilities. the demand , the ministry of industry and trade emphasizes, is of particular interest to entrepreneurs such a support measure as preferential loans up to 100 million rubles. in general, various support tools should become more accessible to new regions, for this they need to be extended to them. actions of national projects, it is necessary to make maximum use of the own resources
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of each region, to more actively involve land and property into economic circulation on transparent, understandable rules, and the proceeds from rent for its use should replenish regional and local budgets, and of course, it is necessary to fully integrate the tasks of restoration and development of the regions of donbass and novorussia into an updated system. national projects, do this already this year, if necessary, provide for them simplified access to certain support tools. positive changes will be launched by the national project infrastructure for life, it involves the creation of growth points for priority settlements, there are more than 90 of them, and these municipalities will develop first. russian families with children will be able to receive a mortgage under special conditions, this is stated. in the list of vladimir putin’s instructions based on the results st. petersburg international economic forum. loans on preferential terms
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are proposed to be given to families with minor children to purchase housing in regions where housing construction is poorly developed, as well as in small towns. they should be given the same loan for the construction of individual houses, regardless of which region of the country it will be carried out. another order of the president concerns compensation to regions for income lost when using investment funds. tax deduction, speech in the list of instructions it is also about the free transfer of plots of land to persons who, at their own expense, eliminate harm to the environment, and plots of land that are abandoned or are used ineffectively should be returned to economic circulation. in addition, the head of state instructed to make changes to the list of priority areas for technological sovereignty and structural adaptation of the country’s economy. this will expand the capabilities of banks to finance investment projects. vladimir putin is also waiting for proposals to optimize financial costs of russian organizations, including
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those arising from the placement of shares on the domestic market. the updated state council commissions will focus on preparing new national projects, and will update the assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of existing ones in the regions until october 1. these issues were discussed at a meeting with the updated composition of the chairmen of the state council commission. his secretary. alexey dyumin noted that it is necessary to take into account the specifics and interests of each region as much as possible when developing indicators for national projects. i know from myself that combining the leadership of the region and the state council commission, especially in such a difficult operational situation, is not an easy task, and the chairman of the commission is obliged to answer to the state not only for his region, but to express the consolidated changes of all subjects. our common task is to give the head of state a complete picture of that. what is happening on earth, provide feedback on all emerging issues, and promptly
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point out problems that impede the implementation of federal programs and other tasks. your personal task, colleagues, the task of a new i see and install management to help you defend the interests of the region, provide the necessary support for the successful achievement of the goals set by the president, set by the government of the russian federation and other issues that are in... the russian federation. deputy head of the presidential administration maxim oreshkin, in turn, emphasized the high importance of the work of the state council commission, which , along with federal ministries, is responsible for the development and implementation of new national projects in the regions. oreshkin also reported that sociological indicators would be added to evaluate the work, which each deputy prime minister and governor would have. there are actually several points that i would like to draw your attention to, the content, that
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is, what we are doing, this is a mechanism for interaction with the regions, because how subsidies will be issued, yes, how in what proportion will funding be allocated and so on, yes we we agreed on the basic principles when we had the previous council, yes, but now we will delve into the framework of specific government documents, according to subsidies, this is actually very important, and here i also appeal to all the heads of the commission. on wednesday, chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko visited kislovodsk. the work trip program includes a meeting with svo soldiers who are undergoing rehabilitation at a local sanatorium. details in the report by bulat shakiev. after treatment of wounds, air force fighters are undergoing rehabilitation in a hospital in kislovodsk. the day's program includes a wide variety of activities, such as drinking
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an oxygen cocktail. well, it tastes like kvass, like black bread. yes. cool, unique, for those who have problems with the stomach, with the digestive tract, be sure to consume it once a day, as if it restores digestion, well , you feel much better, during rehabilitation they work with a psychologist, who is asked to spend more time with loved ones, and the guys asked the same thing valentina matvienko, chairman of the federation council, came to the fighters as part of a working visit to kislovodsk, after the state dispute , a sanatorium, and i would like to wish that somehow...
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they are working actively, no problems with there is no financing or security. the rest of the working trip to kislovodsk was no less emotional; during a walk in the renovated komsomolsky park, children ran up to hug and thank the chairman of the federation council. there is definitely
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something to say thank you for, the park now has many children’s areas, their total area exceeds 500 square meters. meters, and also updated the entire infrastructure, paths, benches and small architectural forms, a zone for public events appeared, and prepared a surprise for healthy lovers lifestyle. komsomolsky park and the old kislovadskoye lake are connected by the longest running track on the caucasian mineral waters, its length is more than 4 km. here, too , construction work has almost been completed, and despite the fact that the official opening has not yet taken place, there are already many vacationers on the beach. you are amazing, i came to you from the northern capital, from st. petersburg, i really like coming here, relaxing here, after all, st. petersburg does not have enough such quiet, calm sunny places. a delegation from the newly established congress hall visited russia, this facility will be useful for tourists and for locals, the federation council paid special attention to this, and in the future this expensive facility needs
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to be organized so that it is self- sufficient. kislovod is developing very dynamically. landscaped, clean, well-groomed, conditions have been created for the arrival of new investors, the construction of new sanatoriums, new hotels, they are very popular among our citizens from all subjects of the russian federation. we also inspected infrastructure facilities, new choreographic school and city hospital of kislovodsk. in the latter, work is still underway, but the equipment is already being installed. the staff of doctors is also almost complete, moreover. young local specialists. bloshakiev, evgeny radaev, andrey chestikov, news from the stavropol territory. will our money fly away too? yours are safe here, in any of 185 countries. uniform conditions in roaming
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the airport. let me remind you that on wednesday morning, when a toyota land cruiser car exploded in moscow , two people were injured; they were hospitalized and are in the hospital. in addition, five nearby cars were damaged as a result of the incident. well, now about the situation in the northern military district zone, up to 700 of their fighters per day in the armed forces of ukraine were lost in the zone responsibility of the group south. at the same time, the russian military occupied more advantageous positions. the ministry of defense reported this today. the military department also spoke about the liquidation of the enemy command post in krasny liman. more than three hundred enemy fpv drones were destroyed along with their personnel. they were struck by iskander m. footage of the work of russian rocket scientists in the material by stanislav bernwald. same drill. same drill. the crew of reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles transmits the coordinates of the ukrainian armed forces support officer to our crew of the t-72 tank of the group of troops
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center. using fire from a closed firing position, our tankers, with an accurate shot, destroy a ukrainian armed forces stronghold that was hindering the advance of assault groups in the avdeevka direction. worked like a textbook. it all depends on the tilt of the tank, the first shot was a sighting shot on a cold barrel, and then. we’ve already finalized the adjustments and they’re right on target, here the creature is hanging, confused, this is the third one. during combat work, the crew of this tank was able to dodge several fpv drones enemy, thanks to the rap system and additional protection installed on the equipment. the tank received no damage and returned to cover. and these are coastal attack aircraft, using assault tactics in small motorcycle groups, to capture several strong points at once. in the ukrainian armed forces, the northern villages of staromaisky in the south-donetsk direction. in small groups, that is, on equipment, bugs, motorcycles, and they entered the population of staromaisk.
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they took the streets step by step, that is, the enemy fled, as in most cases, some offered active resistance, but in most cases the enemy runs away. the crew of the tor m1 anti-aircraft missile system of the west group of forces destroys combat and reconnaissance drones of the ukrainian armed forces. the main types of unmanned aerial vehicles that the division shoots down, it turns out. there is also a so-called daw, here they are from it, what remains after our missiles, a cheklon even comes across, it is a very small small-sized target, 24 hours a day, the calculations of the anti-aircraft missile complexer1 replaces each other on combat duty not far from the front line, provide a more than reliable shield from a possible attack from
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the air, it has no analogues in any other army in the world, the enemy is just raising his bird, we are already, as they say, taking it off the table, already it does not have time to reach the front line, we are already shooting it down, this is how the crews of su-34 fighters and bombers strike at the point of temporary deployment of the armed forces of ukraine in the zone of responsibility of the western group of forces, the attack is delivered uncontrollably. aerial bombs fap-500 with a universal planning and adjustment module, it allows you to deliver a precise strike from a safe distance from the line of combat contact, having received confirmation from intelligence that the targets have been destroyed, the crew of our bombers returns safely to the departure airfield. the ompc was released from the established range; the targets, based on the results of objective control, were hit, right on target.
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our cause is valiant, enemy. will be defeated, the enemy is afraid of us, because we are working with high-precision bombs with mpk, which performs the correction and hits the target, its enabling effect is quite strong, it penetrates strong concrete shelters. over the past 24 hours, units of the north group of troops defeated the personnel and equipment of the seventy-fifth egerel, the ninety-second assault brigades of the ukrainian armed forces, the 113th, 127th terrestrial defense brigades, as well as the thirteenth brigade of the national guard. in the areas of settlements there is quiet, small passages, round and borscht in the kharkov region. enemy losses here amounted to 140 military personnel, three jet vehicles the croatian -made raks-12 multiple launch rocket system, and the ukrainian armed forces' ammunition depot was destroyed. the crew of the iskander-m operational-tactical missile system launched a missile strike at the location of the command post of the sixty- third mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in krasny liman.
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the team was destroyed as a result of the strike. a point with operational personnel, two command and staff vehicles of a uav control point, 10 aircraft-type uavs and more than 300 fpv drones. meanwhile, units of the southern group of troops continue to occupy more advantageous position boundaries. the manpower and equipment of 24-54 mechanized brigades of the ukrainian armed forces, 114 and 122 brigades of the teroborona in populated areas were defeated. chasov yar, verkhnekamenskoe and krasnoe in the donetsk people's republic. losses in the ssu amounted to... military personnel, an armored personnel carrier, two armored combat vehicles, five cars, two fh70 howitzers, made in great britain, howitzers m-198-m777, made in the usa, and howitzer l-119, made in great britain. stanislav bernwald, news. appeared online new footage of the attack on the port of izmail in odessa, this is the largest weapons hub in ukraine, which is located on the very border with romania. it
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serves for... transshipment of enemy military cargo, local authorities tried to assure that all the drones were shot down on approach, but these images speak for themselves; at the landing site the repeated detonation did not subside for many hours. the topic will be continued by anastasia ivanova. a precise strike by russian missiles near the port of izmail in the odessa region on the border with romania. about the fact that a military man was hit the object speaks the sounds of detonation. ishmael as a port. danube is used in the ssu and by european suppliers, it has been used for a very long time, it is the third most important weapons hub after lublin and rzeszow, this was already our intelligence intelligence on the ground and objective control, the use of this port for the supply of anti-ship missiles, for example, the harpoon type, was revealed, to odessa towards ochakova and chernomorskaya, in addition to
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multiple rocket launchers. installations, i mean.


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