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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 25, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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well, the kolati consists of three parts, everything is like a person’s, the largest plump part is called the belly, why did they buy it in the first place, this part is called the lip, this part is called the handle, well, its purpose is very simple, that is, a large part of the day even a rich man, the same merchant , walked with dirty hands, because there was no place to really wash his hands. so we usually washed our hands at home in the evening, and if during the day you wanted to have a snack, you did it simply, went to the market, bathed the collage, and took the dirty one by the hand hand, ate the soft part, the handle remains, of course, they didn’t throw it away, because it’s a big sin to throw it away, the bread is even dirty, very often this handle was given as a charity to a beggar person, you pick up these dirty hands with other people, you finish eating them, then you’ve arrived to the handle.
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here in avdeevka they brought people down, there was terror, it keeps flying, guys, the war is real, here people live completely differently, you weren’t offended here until our people came without asking. during the last explosion, 18 people remained under the slabs here, which are still lying there, god help me, oh, thank you, that’s just it, we came here forever.
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danes saw a lot and the courage of the ancient inhabitants who saved the city from the scythian raids, and the miracle of epiphany that happened here to prince vladimir, we are grateful to prince vladimir precisely because he laid this spiritual foundation for the future national construction, and this happened it is here in hersanes, the territory where the ancient greek and roman, the imperial merges with us -
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which should attract people from different sides of the world, how chersonese became a kind of assembly point for russian statehood, spirituality and unity. the crimes were committed on the territory of various constituent entities of the russian federation, having worked so much in the internal affairs bodies, i have never seen anything like this. iler, as a rule, is the person who can very easily come to an agreement with.
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his conscience, he had task number one, to evade responsibility or soften it, i was sure that sooner or later this crime would be solved, very tense a job that is very responsible, because... the criminal will not leave fingerprints for us twice at the scene of the crime, scientific and technological progress has a colossal impact on the development of criminology, everything coincides, the diligence of the investigator, the inevitability of punishment, we just have to ask the question, if not now, then when, and if not us, then who?
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10 years ago, the kolach museum opened in modern kolomna, and a bakery opened next to it. now in the ancient trading city you can try the legendary kolomna kollach see how it is created, and at the same time learn the recipe. this is a recipe from the 19th century, and this is the work of our museum staff, this is a year of scientific
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work, that is, this is how the lenin library, the presidential library, any other sources were directly used to work, that is, people just dug for a year, bit by bit, for any mention of colomina. bells, in the end the recipe was recreated. the classic recipe for kolomna kalach is simple, like everything ingenious. a mixture of premium and first grade wheat flour - salt and water. no eggs, no butter, no sugar. the extraordinary taste of kalach is achieved solely due to the special properties of each ingredient. the production of rolls continued until the revolution, after which it ceased for a week, and a completely different era began for us. during the first decades of soviet power , the government tried its best to provide the population with bread. during nepa's time, moscow and other large cities of soviet russia grew by leaps and bounds. and then
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industrialization began. a large-scale program for the construction of large bakeries was launched throughout the country in order to provide bread to the population that was migrating en masse from villages to the city. we are located in the former boiler room of one of the most famous bakeries of that time, bakery number 9, which was launched in moscow exactly 90 years ago in 1934. during the era of industrialization , this bakery was rightfully considered one of the most technologically advanced enterprises. he produced 190 tons of bread per day, a phenomenal figure at that time. the great russian engineer georgy marsakov invented the ring conveyor technology. production at the plant is organized from top to bottom. upstairs there was a workshop where dough dough was stored. on the floor
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below is the dough mixing department. even lower is the dough cutting and baking department. all floors were connected to each other by a conveyor. in addition, the bread factory is a manifesto of the architectural avant-garde; the literally ring conveyor was dressed in a red brick cover; according to the precepts of the avant-garde, the form was fully justified by its function and did not require any additional decorations. founded in the early thirties, the plant operated during the great patriotic war, providing muscovites with fresh bread. factories that worked using marsakov’s technology were located not only in moscow, but in leningrad. during the war, they baked the legendary siege bread. bread in general, for many centuries, has been one of the main foodstuffs
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for the population living throughout the entire soviet union. the fact that bread is one of the main food products has been confirmed over the years. bread cards were introduced in leningrad even before the blockade, almost immediately after the start of the war. first. components that were used for the recipe are presented here production of blockade bread. first of all, this is rye flour, one of the main components. breweries did not operate in the city during the blockade years, so there was a certain supply of malt on the waters, which was the main raw material for
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beer production. in particular, here is malt in grain, and in order to use it when kneading dough, it was ground into flour. the most difficult period for leningrad bakers and residents was the end of 1941, the beginning of forty- two. there was a catastrophic shortage of raw materials, they began to make flour from oats, which were transferred to the plants from the skin factories, bran was also used. the only non-edible raw material here is sunflower cake. after squeezing the oil out of the sunflower, this kind of meal remained, this meal was ground in the form of such flour and was also added during cooking. in total, during the blockade, bread standards were forced to be reduced five
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times; from november 20 to december 25 , 1941, the minimum standards were in effect: 200 g per day for workers, 125 g for employees, dependents and children. quickly sought to restore the national economy, the population was also growing rapidly, and the country clearly did not have enough bread. the leadership of the ussr turned its attention to the east of the country, and a decision was made to develop virgin fallow lands in kazakhstan and siberia. in connection with the rapid development of productive forces in siberia, an urgent need arose for the development of agricultural science in this vast region. and in 1969, the government
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of the soviet union decided to build an agricultural research center near novosibirsk, which would ensure the development of the territory with food products. what's connected with this? during the period of existence. the siberian branch of vasknil has created more than 1,600 varieties, of which more than 200 varieties of wheat alone, and today these varieties give yields of up to 70-80 centners of grain per hectare. it is important to understand that all these 200 varieties were created in extreme conditions, in a risky farming zone. however, in the main resident of russia in kuban there were enough problems,
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pavel pantelimovich lukyanenka was involved in solving them. from a family, as farmers would say today, from a cossack family, he decided to change the wheat plants so that yields are higher in kuban. pavel lukiyanko, or the grain dad, as he was called in kuban, created 43 varieties. the most
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famous of them was and remains bezostaya one. in the seventies, sixties, seventies of the last century, professor johnson, an american, made a world test, international, of the newest varieties of wheat, and so the bezosta variety alone had such an adaptive potential that it... for several years took all the first places in all test points, this is unprecedented. because you you see, different soils, different climates, and here to have such stability and ecological adaptability is a great achievement. in creating this unique variety, pavel ukyanenko used
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wheat varieties from almost all over the world. the result was a variety that is still in use today. here, but also far beyond the borders of our country. just last friday, a week ago, we had the turks, they said, and today we have the word bezostoe for every farmer, it is synonymous with bread. without food, bread is equivalent, then can you imagine, how many, 50 years have passed since then, that’s how they remember in turkey, bread in the soviet union ceased to be in short supply in the mid-fifties of the last century. many bakeries in the country were operating at full capacity, working around the clock. at the same time, people stopped baking bread themselves en masse. the revival of centuries-old traditions began only in the late nineties. historical moment. maxim
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sirnikov himself takes me out of the russian oven of the persian hinterland, real russian bread, bread, bread, yes, just like that, i even want it just sit, live in this smell, you can not leave anywhere for centuries, that’s how the russian mother stands and smells for 1.00 years. i want to join her, he’s so surprisingly tender, because you expect, you know, from rye bread, some kind of roughness, well , yes, yes, such hardness, here the chicken is hard, inside is tender, pleasant, aromatic, i would like,
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so that such bread would be present in my life, also in the lives of all our viewers, every day, water, proper rye flour, yes, salt, sourdough, salt, sourdough, here’s the recipe for the perfect russian bread, so pure, natural taste, with a pronounced crust , something you can’t buy in a store in recent years. bread has shaped our attitude to life, to our present and our future. without grain, without bread they are impossible. only by continuing to continuously develop agriculture, preserving our traditions, our history, culture, inextricably linked with bread, will we be able to strengthen our independence and preserve our identity. in the russian
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tradition, bread is the main resource of life, it is the embodiment of life, as... such, in fact, therefore the creation of bread is not it’s just a job and it’s not even a calling, it’s a real mission. when confronted with bread, a person is literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought, and this is what our contemporaries think, regardless of their age, nationality and place of residence. we really hope that you think so too. bread is the basis of civilization.
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than a product, every day i take a piece of black bread and always enjoy life. bread is peace, bread is peace, and this is how god designed it so that without bread a person would not be able to live. this is the basis of our life, this historical roots that nourish us. if there is a lot of bread in the country, a lot of grain, then the country will live and live. this is the power of our country, its strength. and power, bread is life, bread is the head of everything, we remember this saying, yes, it will not go anywhere, the field of the sky lured me away, then i learned the power of bread, now i fly, i had to... i glorify russia with its fields. the history of bread goes back several thousand years, during which time some empires collapsed,
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others grew in their place, people explored space, conquered incurable diseases, invented internet, invented artificial intelligence. no matter what happened on our planet for thousands of years, one thing remained unchanged: bread in our home, so that we buy fresh bread every day at the nearest bakery, for centuries. hundreds of russian geniuses worked, they moved progress, made the world a better place, saved it from hunger, sometimes with the scenes of their own lives. nowadays, as centuries ago, as a result of the efforts of hundreds of thousands of people in various parts of our country, revolutionary ones are regularly created and implemented, without exaggeration. technologies and programs. they are improving the agricultural sector, increasing our main wealth - grain, and therefore bread. every day in small bakeries and... without art, without culture, without business, without which we would have neither science, nor
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which we would not exist. we hope that now that you have watched our series, you have learned, if you did not know before, or are convinced, if you previously doubted, that bread is the boss of everything.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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in those ancient times when there were no gadgets, people used magic, but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it’s needed, that’s what my name is. because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to, he doesn’t need a pen, he who has flint in his pocket, uh, uh, what started, flint, i can’t live without traveling, soon, i’m used to watching videos on the net, stopped working, install, open, watch russian channels, all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch,
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look in applications.
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the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry.
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a maternity hospital, a hospital, an educational center, a road and a branch of a military school - all this today. opened in new regions. vladimir putin took part in the ceremony via video link. at a meeting on the socio-economic development of donbass and novorossiya, the president emphasized that living and working conditions there should be decent now. alexey konopko will tell you what is being done for this. it is possible to restore the infrastructure of new regions at a pace that not only they, but the entire country has not seen, perhaps for decades, in one day five largest objects at once, in total
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there are more than 19,000 on the list of ready ones. it is extremely important that


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