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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 25, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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at the start of trading, the securities immediately increased by 10%, and then corrected slightly . last week, the dutch yandex nv closed the deal for the sale of russian yandex and completely withdrew from the group’s shareholders. by the end of july, it will change its name and stop using brands as a domestic company, the new main owner of yandex, consortium one. it is a monopolist in several at once. based on this, the
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company has quite a lot of potential, this kosh is a machine that brings money, the start of trading within russia marks the fact that many people will invest in their savings, funds in the shares of this company, there should be no doubt about it, within russia the current state of yandex is more than good. yandex continues to develop search, urban, entertainment and educational services, as well as cloud technologies, autonomous cars, artificial intelligence technologies and other areas. the company retained businesses, services and assets with the exception of foreign startups and data center in finland, plus rights to all technologies. as for the financial situation, in the twenty-third year, revenue increased by 53%. and this is one of the highest figures in the history of yandex. since 2011 , the average annual temp. revenue amounted to 36%.
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if we take the company as a whole, then i think that the company has a fairly good position in the market, there are a lot of services that occupy first places, this is yandex-taxi, this is, so to speak, film search in the online cinema system, and other services that allow you to stably stay, let’s say, in segment of the provision of various services to ensure further development, foreign assets have left, this is artificial intelligence, unmanned support, so to speak, so in this context we can say that the russian subsidiary still has services that are in demand right now, the development of foreign assets under the skyus group brand, this structure now operates separately from the russian one, will be taken over by the former head and co-founder of yandex arkady volosh, he has been living in israel for several years, in a recent interview with dersh pigel volush announced a total and final corporate. consisting of three
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parts, it is a search system, actually known by yandex, and its share is growing, because google’s share is gradually declining for a number of reasons, and accordingly, another quarter of the business is online commerce, yandex market, and also ridetech, the so-called , that is, yandexi rental, i don’t know about scooters, and so on. here is the fourth component - these are all sorts of services, for example, movie search and so on. let me remind you that yandex is the only search engine in the world that is on an equal footing competes with the de facto global monopolist of the american company google. in china, for example, the leadership of the search engine baidu
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is explained by the fact that google is blocked in this country. according to estimates for february of this year, yandex's share in the russian search market was 64%, versus 35 for google. from mobile devices i.
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every entrepreneur interacts with control authorities so that the process brings more benefits and at the same time takes less time; it is transferred to a digital format. we will tell you about the main electronic services. 5 minutes in this issue of instructions. so, massive digitalization has taken place in the field of control activities. all events are now recorded in a single register. the information is also transferred to your personal account on the state services portal. this project was implemented jointly by minekon development and min-digits. that is, if a legal entity, individual entrepreneur, or individual is registered on the government services portal, they have a confirmed account, then, firstly, they have one. is displayed in your personal account, and secondly, which is also very important, such a person is considered legally notified about the inspection using the government services portal, in fact this is a functionality that we have been living with for a long time, for
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example, similar to when we receive a notification about fines, you must admit, no one has been going to the receive these receipts about fines by mail, everyone sees the fines on the government services portal. and they are paid there too. state services not only display the inspections themselves, but here you can appeal them in the pre-trial appeal service. to do this, you can go into the max robot, type words “appeal the inspection” or from the inspection itself click on the “submit a complaint” button, that is, you can make an appeal in literally three clicks. all complaints are processed centrally. control authorities are switching to a risk-based approach, that is , scheduled inspections are carried out at high-category facilities. risk. since last year, its assignment has been taking place in the unified register of types of control. from there, all objects are transferred to your personal account on the government services portal. and each entrepreneur or company can see their own risk category. if you are with this categories do not agree, immediately appeal
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using the same pre-trial appeal service. based on the results of the application , the risk category may be reduced. our task is to make the state services portal the only one. the personal account of the controlled person in which he works, so that all information can be seen, so that all possible actions that can be taken remotely as part of the inspection can be done by the controlled person using the public services portal, including we have a link to a page with information about remote format of inspections, with the ability to download the inspector mobile application. how does the inspector mobile app work? to use it? you need to register for government services; information about the control event will be sent to the email address that is linked to the portal, a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. for its part, the regulatory authority creates a control event in the mobile application with
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mandatory reference to the geolocation of the inspected object. the inspection report may certify with an electronic signature both the regulatory authority and the entrepreneur. using the remote format allows you to save. a video recording of the inspection, which you can return to , including if you file a complaint, so this is very important evidence, plus we expect that this will save your time. administrative burden, because they will actually go through the checklist that is planned for this inspection, and no other actions will be carried out there will be. if you are just opening your business, you no longer have to go to the mfc. since april of this year, you can submit a notification about starting a business activity using government services. now all notifications are stored in a single system, in ervk, and are displayed in your personal account on the portal. services in ervc, they will communicate with categorized objects, so
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this work will bring real benefits. we tie every check, every preventative measure - with real useful functions. for example, from the future you can refuse a preventive visit. the past preventive visit can be assessed. recording functionality will appear in the near future. making appointments for consultation and sending an objection to a warning. let us repeat the main thing: all control measures are now taken into account in a single register and are displayed on public services. notifications are sent to an individual entrepreneur or legal entity in their personal account. there, on the portal, you can appeal the results of the inspection or the risk category assigned to the business. remotely possible carry out the check itself. the inspector mobile app works for this. if you have any questions, if you want to learn more about the services that help you run your business safely,
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subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, we will find out from the experts and tell you everything in our next instructions. the crimes were committed on the territory of various constituent entities of the russian federation, having worked so much in the internal affairs bodies, i have never seen anything like this. a piller, as a rule, is a person who can very easily come to an agreement with his conscience. he had a task.
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why did they start adding frying oil to marine fuel? behind this use there is a significant scientific and technical thought. why develop the economy while focusing on the environment? compliance with environmental requirements. the introduction of green technologies is today a prerequisite for competitiveness. what is the connection between plastic processing and the oil business? our project is a clear example of the fact that a business can be environmentally or socially oriented.
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i have in my hands a recycled high-density polyethylene granule, it is used for the preparation of re -cooking consumer products , the same shape, the same quality, the same color, these are the basic requirements for these... large plastic ball, then you can make anything from them anything from pipes to flower pots, that is , this is the so-called second life, in this case for plastic, plastic is directly used for the re-production of consumer products, household, sanitary products, the company uses, for example, for bitumen binders, the products of this enterprise, located in the city of gaccino, leningrad region, are made exclusively from recycled materials, that is, from used plastic packaging,
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corks and other items made of polymer materials. the collection of such products is carried out by special plastic collection points in russian cities; for example, such containers are installed at gazprom neft gas stations. next, from such collection points, all plastic goes to processing, including to this enterprise. the operating principle of both lines is approximately the same: they have a sorting conveyor during which the products are sorted and large fragments such as metal and wood are removed. after this , the stages of grinding, washing, drying, melting and obtaining granules occur. the raw material is crushed to the required fraction in a shredder, washed, dried in a centrifuge, then melted and turned into a secondary granule. the product
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is in demand, production volume per year is up to 8,500 tons. it is our project that is striking an example of that. for the production of waterproofing roofing materials are already used both for our own needs, materials, and are supplied to a wide range of consumers, well, here the main difference from primary processing, there is no chemical treatment of the product itself, which is why at the end we get a product with the same
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properties that we had the original product at the entrance to processing, reuse of recycled... problems, there are problems in it in the plastic itself as such there is no improper disposal and in the wrong and careless attitude towards products of use. if plastic can be said to be restored to its original properties, then other
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products, such as frying oil, for example, are used in such areas of the economy, and you wouldn’t expect them to fuel sea vessels with biofuel. behind this use there is a significant scientific and technical thought, this is the preparation of the raw materials themselves and the mixing recipe, which, on the one hand, should achieve the goal of precisely reducing the negative impact, on the other hand, comply with all the most stringent requirements of equipment manufacturers, so as not to degrade performance.
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cal oil, this is a mixture of high-alkaline sunflower oil, this is most of the recipe, regular sunflower and rapeseed. this combination makes it possible to achieve unique physical and chemical characteristics in its composition, very close to the characteristics of olive oil. and what’s more, the oil is constantly filtered, that is, there are filters built into each filter. through a certain fast food chain the largest supplier frying oil for gazprom neft’s environmental project, but before becoming marine fuel, this product is processed at
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the eovai plant near moscow. here are already devastated factions, when from the enterprises of the fast. service, we receive oil, it comes in blue barrels, we have a special laboratory, a special sample of the oil is sent there, since we need to track the quality of the received raw materials, the quality depends on what the fast food restaurant gives us directly maintenance, that is, in any case , this is frying oil, this is the oil that comes from the stoves, and its quality depends on... the heat, on any fragments of organic matter that get there, we ourselves understand that not a single day will go on the remnants of those crumbs, or potatoes, that float in... participants in the restaurant business safely dispose of
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used oil, and shipowners can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of maritime transport, they are all implementing together, including the government’s cyclical program economics, you can never have one without the other, this is also about ecology. per day, used frying oil is taken away for recycling. besides volume, quality standardization is a key issue. the menu is different, which means
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that the oil that comes into production is different. in fact, our secondary raw materials are waste vegetable oil, which has undergone all the necessary technological operations, such as sedimentation, double-degree filtration, fine and coarse filtration, in some cases. special heat treatment, that is, our product is biocomponent, waste plant matter, corresponding to the standard customer. the project for the production of a biocomponent is unique for our country in a certain context; it is firmly focused on the domestic market and is capable of involving even the smallest producers in the production of biofuel. the restaurant industry is just one source of raw materials; there is also industrial waste.
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over the decades, shipping has evolved from the use of coal and fuel oil to the introduction of environmentally friendly fuels, lng and biofuels. exactly these sources of energy and movement of any vessel are the future. thanks to them , the water area of ​​the world's oceans is significantly reduced. the more components we
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use within acceptable limits, that is, without compromising the basic properties of the product and achieving the goals of safe operation of marine engines, the better and the less emissions, so it is obvious that expanding the use of biocomponents is... a significant goal for us : compliance with environmental requirements, introduction of green technologies, today this is a prerequisite for the competitiveness of all mining companies, including oil companies, today they cannot work differently either on the shelf or in complex and fragile, i would say, ecosystems, for example in the arctic zone and in order to compete in the global market... of course, you must be green, you must be responsible, and this is not just a question of image today, it is a question of competitiveness. with the increase in the scale
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of production and geography of sales, according to experts, marine fuel with the addition of biocomponents can become a serious competition to diesel, which is now actively used in shipping. the situation with plastic recycling is similar, we just need more. the number of industries where familiar bottles and bags are given a new life. most importantly, both projects demonstrate that ecology and economics do not contradict each other, but complement each other. have you ever thought about that? what would happen to us if we did not have bread. bread is the world, it is the most sacred thing a person has, something that every family has. bread created our civilization, contributed to our
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evolution. technical revolution, this is the future of mankind, and the history of mankind, this is a universal language, over the past 200 years bread has shaped our attitude to life, this is the power of our country, its strength and power, every day i take a piece of black bread, i always enjoy life. when faced with bread, a person is literally transformed, as our distant ancestors believed, and we really hope that you think so too. khersanez saw a lot and the courage of the ancient inhabitants who saved the city from scyvian raids, and the miracle of epiphany that took place here happened to prince vladimir. we are grateful to prince vladimir precisely because he laid this spiritual foundation for future national construction. and this happened right here in khersonnes.
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russian. tauride, it should become a russian meca, which should attract people from different parts of the world. how hersanez became a kind of assembly point for russian statehood, spirituality and unity.
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a maternity hospital, a hospital, an educational center, a road and a branch of a military school, all of this was opened today in new regions, vladimir putin took part in the ceremony via video link. at a meeting on the socio-economic development of donbass and novorossiya, the president emphasized that living and working conditions there should be decent now. alexey konopko will tell you what is being done for this. it is possible to restore the infrastructure of new regions at a pace that not only they, but the entire country has not seen, perhaps for decades, in one day there are five largest facilities at once, in total there are more than 19 on the list of ready ones. it is extremely important that...


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