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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 25, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we are all the same here, we are doing one thing. already worked the same tasks, deadlift, my record is 285, i couldn’t sit because i was in normal shape, well, salamati, one alone, it was the case that they recognized you, what was the reaction, oh well, yes, the first once i arrived, i stayed there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will soon be 2 years.
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i welcome everyone who has joined us, the legal program is with you, lead the duty parts, i'm andrey ivlev. a russian has been detained in turkey who, according to investigators , blew up an suv in the north of moscow. the incident occurred in a parking lot near a residential building, the driver and passenger were injured. the investigative committee opened a criminal case and called the incident sabotage. details from the probable perpetrator of a high-profile crime, evgeny serebryakov, was detained in the turkish bodrum on wednesday afternoon. the security forces blocked the car in the parking lot, pulled out the saboteur and laid him on the paving stones. his route is already known. 3 hours after installation explosive device, he flew to turkey from vnukovo airport on a charter flight of pegasus airlines. soon, employees of the russian division of interpol contacted their turkish colleagues. we gave them operational information. some time ago
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he worked in a bank, was interested in weapons, lived, according to media reports, in a rented apartment in the prestinsky district, searches had already taken place there. the car explosion in the north of moscow occurred at 6:30 am. footage from street surveillance cameras shows a man approaching a car, opening the back door, putting things in, later gets behind the wheel, at that moment an explosion occurs. a huge cloud of black smoke rises from the parking lot. the blast wave broke glass on several floors of a residential building. the man started his car, started everything, inserted the key, and started it. more than three cars were damaged, all the windows were broken on the side, well, that is, the explosion was so strong that all the windows were completely gone. about 6:20, i walked past, literally 20 meters from the car, went home, at 6:30 i was already going to bed and i heard a huge sound, just boom, very loud. i look, i go out,
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all the cars had sirens, alarms, i don’t understand that eyewitnesses rushed to the victims, helped the passenger get out of the car, the driver gave himself first aid, bandaged his wounded legs, the explosion was very strong, very strong, just some kind of wave, we all looked out through the window, it was scary in general, active investigative actions at the scene of the car explosion lasted several hours, criminologists, explosives dog handlers worked, investigators interviewed possible eyewitnesses of the incident, in addition, they confiscated... recordings from cctv cameras, there are several of them here. using a special robot , fragments were removed from the car, loaded into a container and taken out for examination. the pre-explosive device had a power of 500 g of tnt and was placed under the driver's seat. the very moment of installation was captured by street cameras. at about midnight, a saboteur approached the car and allegedly affixed explosives. later, this was also recorded by surveillance cameras. he went to the nursery.
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area located next to the car, there he made a video call, it is possible that he reported to customers on the work done. the already assembled explosive device was attached to the bottom of the car, apparently equipped with an additional initiation system; if the engine was turned on in the road device, somehow it would not go off on its own; obviously, it was possible to initiate it remotely. the investigation is considering several versions of the explosion, one of them is assassination. it may be related to the victim’s work activities. by according to media reports, the car belongs to forty-nine-year-old andrei torgashov. presumably he served in military intelligence agencies. the criminal case has been transferred for further investigation to the first department for investigation of particularly important cases of the metropolitan investigative committee. a team of some of the most experienced forensic investigators is at the scene. additional inspections of the scene are ongoing . despite the fact that kiev denied its involvement in the bombing.
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the ukrainian trace of the car cannot be ruled out. terrorist attacks using car bombs are a proven tactic. suffice it to recall the murder of daria dugina and the attempt on the life of zakhar prilepin. why is it obvious here? trace of the sbu, because before the russian media began to write about it, the ukrainian media reported about it with all the details, they already knew everything in advance, well, if you remember, in previous cases it was exactly the same. and, by the way, quickly fleeing abroad is also typical for the perpetrators of such crimes. probably serebryakov i was sure that i could get lost in the bodrum resort. cordon now. they removed the blown up car, took it to a special parking lot, it will be carefully examined by forensic experts, the blast wave hit neighboring cars, there were shards of glass and pieces of plastic everywhere. whether the saboteur had accomplices will become known in the near future. the moskvoretsky court of moscow has already arrested rebryakov in absentia. this should speed up the extradition of the alleged
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saboteur from abroad while he is charged with attempted murder and arms trafficking. victims of a car explosion the couple are now in the hospital, both in serious condition. covers his face with a sheet of paper, putting on his hood. he is accused of the brutal murder of his own mother and grandmother, committed in a socially dangerous way. a modest citizen faces 12 years to life. even on monday he was more confident. according to investigators, the alleged pyromaniac decided to teach them a lesson after a quarrel with his relatives. in
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a drug-alcoholic delirium, he probably locked the door to the apartment, barricaded it from the outside, doused it with gasoline and set it on fire, and then for some time watched the fire spread. surprisingly, the neighbors. they speak positively about the young man, although he, according to them, liked to sip, or even take more serious substances, no one says anything bad about him, i don’t even believe that he could do it himself, that’s not it, he can only if to shout for a drink there, and the fact that he was going to live with his mother and grandmother, this is actually the first time i’ve heard something like this, they hadn’t noticed anything strange about him before, well , he’s such a young scamp, but apparently the neighbors didn’t know grigoriev well enough, very it is likely that... not only emotions, but also cold calculation motivated the arsonist; maybe he just wanted to speed up the solution to the housing problem and become the sole owner of this tiny studio with an area of ​​20 km. it turned out that grigoriev had previously been convicted, the pyromaniac had already given a confession to the investigators,
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you understand the essence of the charges brought against him, but he admitted his guilt in committing the act , would you like to testify? i wish, but what actually served as the motive is still not completely clear, therefore... in the hall of the moscow regional court, journalists surrounded the main character of the process, but nikolai kondrat is not happy with such attention. the former student of the moscow state university faculty of law
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is now in the status of a defendant, in a glass box he stood with his back to the reporters, he is ashamed to show his face, which is understandable, the man is accused of organizing a series of contract killings. along with him in the dock is his probable accomplice, a certain grigory voskresensky, who also opposed the filming. you can't come here either. the case of nikolai kondrat is connected with the case of his mother, former judge of the capital's arbitration court elena kondrat, she was sentenced last year to nine years in prison. according to the investigator, the then-servant of themis proposed to her colleague at the arbitration court. for this amount, makhalkina allegedly had to exclude several people from the list of subsidiary defendants in the bankruptcy case. the transfer of money took place in october 2020 in the courtyard of elena kondrat’s house, where she was detained. in turn, son kondrat decided to avenge
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his mother and allegedly ordered the death of that same judge makhalkina, who refused the bribe. the attempt ultimately failed, and according to investigators , nikolai kondrat’s personal driver became the victim of the killers. murder, then we moved the body there to a small ravine, covered it there with branches, garbage, by the way, elena kondrat actively opposed the progress of the investigation, investigative actions, interrogations did not come and even left moscow, she was put on a federal wanted list and was detained in the caucasus in order to confuse the investigation, she changed her first and last name from elena kondrat to svetlana khonrad, but it was a hoax opened up. already in court, the lady diligently portrayed herself as a victim and spoke demonstratively in front of journalists.
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they kept me locked up and took away my documents in order to seize property. denis voskovsky about how the family fell into a trap. the fire in apartment 75 of building 6.11 on zhelebinsky boulevard immediately attracted increased attention, primarily due to the heroic behavior of a certain valery solobutin. he saved alexandra shishkina and her seriously ill mother from the window. i took a t-shirt so that in the entrance, somewhere it would be easier to breathe, going down from the sixth floor. solabutin gladly gave interviews and also organized a fundraiser. collecting
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things and money for us on the internet. the shishkins' apartment burned to the ground. the same solobutin invited the fire victims to temporarily move to his girlfriend’s cottage in the village of pershina. a friend, tatyana nikitina, first took over the baton of cordiality, and then, they greeted first, and then held back? yes. by that time, salabutin and nikitina had figured out what the shishkins had, except. for an apartment in a stalinist building, which costs about 18 million rubles, they promised to pay 12, then five. according to alexandra, under pressure she signed a purchase and sale agreement, and as a result she was left without an apartment and without money. in the end, tatyana allegedly bought an apartment from me. nikitina
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has not answered calls for a long time, her interests are represented by her relatives, they almost attack us with their fists, they came to me for money, i have no money, meanwhile , the shishkins’ prestigious metropolitan housing has already been re-registered to nikitina, well, someone was doing renovations there in my opinion, the neighbors sympathize with the old residents, but how can they help? know, no money, no sales contract, tatyana nikitina didn't give it to me. nikitina’s relatives are trying to literally talk in order to send inconvenient visitors away. i didn’t offend you, i fed you, you couldn’t get enough of your teeth. all the time she was forced to live with imaginary benefactors, alexandra shishkina’s mother kept a diary in which she daily complained about bullying and threats. tatyana nikitina and her entourage are mentioned.
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and what happened to the moscow apartment at this time, while they were being held, is very reminiscent of the elements of article 159 fraud. a statement has already been sent to the police regarding the incident. alexandra shishkina is looking forward to the results of the pre-investigation check, because this is the only chance to defend the rights to her home. denis voskovsky, pavel vitrinsky, oleg dobin, lead the duty department.
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the alestand race of the queen of marathons of wishes will continue, the court has extended the well-known preventive measure. blogger elena blinovskaya, she is accused of tax evasion on an especially large scale, blinovskaya has paid off part of the debt, alina knows how much is left skachkova. it is unknown how much space blinovskaya’s wardrobe takes up during the season, but for every hearing in the moscow city court she dresses up as if for a catwalk, and today she is accused of tax evasion of more than a billion in her innocence, a pink dress with flowers and ruffles from accessories - a wet scarf. elena blinovskaya demonstration.
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the police allowed some property to be sold and some of the money was also contributed by the father. the bottom of this debt hole is still far away. now bolinovsky must be extinguished at least 670 million, not counting fines, where a businesswoman will take an astronomical amount, it is unclear, the husband is wanted. when alexei blinovsky was accused of tax evasion, he suddenly disappeared and then showed up in the zone of a special military operation right on the line of combat contact. however, this story is very strange. there were rumors that the ministry of defense even wanted to break the contract with the businessman, but it didn’t come to that, they should be here by evening, the once powerful business empire of the blinovskys is collapsing before our eyes, already at least three of their companies are on the verge of liquidation, everything, as the infoboroness herself assures, because of the accountants, they say that her employees, too, turned out to be amateurs, confused business optimization with fragmentation and allegedly
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set up the boss, who herself has a diploma in economics for a minute, is performing only your dreams, and you do it? myself, i simply pull out the necessary, let’s say, resources from a person. blinovskaya has been making billions for years from naive fans, selling empty advice at a high price, like if you want money, just dream, you want a husband, ask the universe, it sounds absurd, but thousands of fans joyfully gave their blood for such knowledge. as a result, balinovskaya easily saved up for a personal lock, for a premium car fleet, when she realized that the tax office was interested in her, she tried to escape persecution to another country, but... despite the fact that the investigation into this high-profile case has already been officially completed, the court still he also left blinovskaya in pre-trial detention for a month, this time is needed for the prosecutor to approve the indictment, only after that the marathon queen's case will begin to be considered on its merits, however, blinovskaya can avoid punishment altogether if she pays off the debt
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in full. alina skachkova, lead, duty department. in tver, a trial has begun against members of the once brutal tver wolves gang on their behalf. dozens of high-profile crimes, including the murder of the legendary chansonier mikhail krug in june 2002. the killers previously confessed, but later disowned them, as bandits have been going around in circles for more than 20 years, why did the wolves end up in sheep’s clothing? report by ekaterina alekhamanova. members of the famous criminal gang tver wolves
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are no strangers to the courts, despite the fact that they received life sentences, they will have to do it again. undergo the judicial procedure , new episodes appeared in the case, which investigators have been working on for more than 20 years. in the kalininsky court of tver, under heavy escort, there are dangerous criminals who decided to play in the theater, staging a play of their own composition here. there are all heroes in it, innocent lambs. you have nothing to do with any contract killings? alexander osipov, alexander ageev, dmitry baskakov, all members of the killer unit. as investigators have proven, it was these... citizens, ordered by no less cynical bosses, osipov sr. and alexander kostenko, known by the nickname lom, in the early 2000s brutally dealt with competitors, among the victims were influential businessmen and crime bosses.
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had claims to the business of zhiltov, who is a friend of osipov and kostenko. in this regard, the gang members decided to eliminate taramovo. in a contract killing
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according to the investigation, alexander ogeev, dmitry baskakov and alexander osipov took part in the investigation. they were waiting for the crime boss in a car near his house. ogeev put on a wig and glasses to hide his identity, so that for those around him in the future, they could not identify him, and then. ogeev, armed with a pistol, being in that deserted area of ​​the area, fired a shot at taramovo from behind. investigators also managed to establish the gang’s involvement in three more murders of businessmen who were involved in the automobile business and production of alcoholic products. they, apparently, did not want to share the income, they were competition, which the tver wolves did not like, who at the new trial appeared more like wolves. shkura, although, for example, alexander osipov at one time wrote a confession in which he spoke about the details of the brutal murders, only our colleagues from the investigation program of eduard petrov managed to study killer’s diary,
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but at the trial he did not recognize his work and stated that he was now writing about love. alexander, tell me, continue writing your confession? you didn't write? not discharged? ogeev claimed that he worked as an ordinary security guard, although he later made a reservation that he took part in the murders, what were you doing at the beginning of 2000, you were running an honest business, i was not a businessman, that’s all, that is , you did not commit any illegal actions while working as a security guard, yes, why, perhaps, he did, they are unlikely to be able to prove their innocence, given the life sentences, but... tried to get into the svo zone, to no avail. investigators continue to study other episodes in which tver wolves may be involved. it is possible that
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no less influential people of the city may be among the victims. ekaterina likhomanova, anton maslovoev, lead the duty department. even more legal news in telegram channels is conducted by an honest detective at the duty station. we also watch our episodes on the platform. stay on the russia 24 tv channel
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. here in avdeevka people were driven to death, there was terror, everything flies here, everything flies, guys, the war is real, people here live completely differently, you haven’t been offended here yet ours didn’t come, don’t ask, i’ll see the wolf hiding in the basement when they’re hammering here outside the window. here you sit and think whether the next one is following you or not, at the last explosion, there were 18 people left under the slabs who are still lying, help me,
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god, oh! thank you, that’s all, we ’ve come here forever.
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have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we did not have bread, bread is the world, it is the most sacred thing that
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a person has, something that is in everyone. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution, technical revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity. this is a universal language. over the past 2.0 years, bread has shaped our attitude towards life. this is the power of our country, the strength of its imot. every day i take a piece of black bread and always enjoy life. when confronted with bread, a person is literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought. we really hope that you think so too. the crimes were committed on the territory of various constituent entities of the russian federation, having worked so much in the internal affairs bodies, this is how i never saw. iler, as a rule, is the person who can very easily come to terms with his conscience. he had task number one: to evade responsibility or mitigate it. i was sure that sooner or
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later it would happen. you just can’t reveal it, it’s a very intense job, very responsible, because the criminal won’t leave fingerprints for us twice at the scene of the incident, scientific and technological progress has a colossal impact on the development of criminology, everything coincides, the diligence of the investigator, the inevitability of punishments, it’s necessary just ask the question, if not now, then when and if not us, then who?
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vladimir putin congratulated the investigators on their professional holiday, the president noted. working in the conditions of the svo, investigators collect irrefutable evidence of crimes not from the nazis and their accomplices, but from those who are trying to split russian society, nothing will come of it. russian snipers destroyed enemy personnel when the ssu tried to change the composition of a large strong point. our military carried out the combat mission at night.


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