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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 25, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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vladimir putin congratulated investigators on their professional holiday. the president noted that, working in the conditions of the northern military district, investigators are collecting irrefutable evidence of the crimes of neo-nazis and their accomplices, and those who are trying to split russian society will not succeed. russian snipers destroyed enemy personnel when the ukrainian armed forces tried to change the composition of a large stronghold. our military completed the combat mission. joe biden, in
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an address to the nation, said that he considered himself worthy of a second term, but decided to concede place for young people. in addition, the outgoing president promised to continue supporting ukraine. trump called his former rival's performance very poor and barely understandable. turkey is preparing for extradition of those involved in the case of blowing up an suv in moscow. it is reported that evgeny serebryakov. he has already passed a medical examination and was taken to the police for questioning. in addition, another person was detained and is suspected of complicity. those who are trying to split society in russia will not succeed, vladimir putin stated this; he congratulated his employees on their professional holiday investigative authorities. the president noted that, working in the conditions of the northern military district, investigators are collecting irrefutable evidence of the crimes of neo-nazis and their accomplices, terrorists. dear
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comrades, i congratulate you, all employees and veterans of the russian investigation bodies on your professional holiday. first of all, i would like to thank you for your firmness , integrity, effective, honest work, loyalty to your duty and calling, and your desire to always follow the best traditions. investigative officers of the ministry of internal affairs. the investigative committee and the fsb are making an irreplaceable and enormous contribution to the fight against corruption, terrorism and extremism, to the protection of the interests of society and the state, life, safety of citizens, their rights and freedoms. today, in an era of dynamic changes in the world, technological revolution, migration flows, local conflicts, the formation of markets of the future, new risks arise, including: cyber threats, drug trafficking,
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cross-border criminal groups, real criminal syndicates in the virtual and financial space. these challenges need to be responded to competently and quickly, improve investigation methods, introduce advanced approaches, digital solutions that allow not only to solve, but also to prevent crimes. and you must always remember that by exposing lawbreakers, you... i note that now, in the context of a special military operation, the investigative bodies are solving special, additional, extremely important tasks, including effectively acting on...
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neo-nazis, punitive forces, their accomplices, terrorists and extremists. let me emphasize that they collect irrefutable evidence of crimes from those whoever tries to intimidate people, split our society, play on religious or national feelings will never succeed. the inevitable awaits them.
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all the best to your family and friends, happy holiday to you, the day of investigators. vladimir putin also signed a law on a deferment from conscription for employees of the prosecutor's office of the investigative committee. the document is posted on the official legal information portal. the deferment is available only to those who have received higher education in these specialties. this year the state citizens affected by crimes were compensated for damages in the amount of more than 80 billion rubles. chairman of the investigative committee alexander bastrykin stated this in an interview with a russian newspaper. he also said that now law enforcement agencies are taking measures to...
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very intense work, very responsible, because the criminal will not leave fingerprints for us at the scene of the crime twice, scientific and technological progress has a colossal impact on the development of forensic science, everything coincides, hard work investigator, the inevitability of punishment, it is necessary just ask the question, if not now, then when and if not us, then who? in the special operation zone, artillerymen from the northern group of troops destroyed strongholds... an ammunition depot and manpower of the armed forces of ukraine. scouts using drones discovered the enemy. the coordinates were transferred to the command. acacia's self-propelled artillery crews quickly moved to a firing position and launched a series of attacks on the nationalists. all targets were hit. after successful work
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, the servicemen took the gun to cover. now this is a temporary firing position, we change them very often so that there is no counter-battery fight, just like that. if. detect, the crew quickly assembles, takes the car away, or we work on a certain number of shells, we leave the target, the target comes, we need to aim quickly, that is, regardless of where we are standing, or it was a departure and we stood at the point from which we will shoot, or it is done from some kind of shelter, and the supply, well, is brought in periodically, before they have time to run out, they bring it again. cases, shells, everything enough. in the southern donetsk direction , the russian military destroyed enemy personnel during a rotation at a large stronghold. the snipers effectively completed the combat mission. the troops of the kiev regime tried to carry out a replacement on the front line at night,
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but this did not become an obstacle for the russian fighters. our war correspondent sergei samokha will tell you why. sos, you are the eighth square, we will take the fifth. snipers of the kamchatka marine corps of the pacific fleet are dispersed in the hottest areas of the southern donetsk sectors. the main task - during the active advance of our troops - is not to let the enemy raise their heads. now ukrainian rotations take place exclusively at night, so conventional optics are powerless here. for such cases, there are thermal imaging attachments; this is a domestic manufacturer. not only is everything visible through it at night, just like during the day, but it also has its own magnification. this. at that moment the enemy was changing at a large strong point, that is, three were leaving the trench, three were entering, we were waiting for them to unite in
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at the intersection they began to work, that is , sometimes one or two left us, but one can say that they did not leave, but ran with their heels sparkling, as our soldiers say, they were waiting for the enemy. nozzles, that is, so that the bird does not burn, there are tricks to deceive the enemy, the
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more noise on the front line, the calmer the shooter, as soon as we fire a shot, my partner can immediately hold down two machine guns to fire a burst, this dissipates the sound of the shot and.. . it’s no longer clear whether it was a sniper working or just some shooter working? heavy mobile snipers work exclusively with large-caliber rifles that can hit at a distance of up to one and a half kilometers. at the same time , the enemy’s manpower is not always in the sights, with heavy calibers we work on lightly armored vehicles, large calibers allow you to penetrate light armor, on wheels, on windshields, you will break the glass, the driver can no longer see anything, that is, he will hesitate, he may stop, and the equipment has stopped, it is easier for artillery to hit it. every day russian troops advance further and further further in the southern donetsk direction and the support of high-precision snipers is simply invaluable. sergey samog, oleg sokolshchuk, lead.
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a neo-nazi terrorist organization banned in russia took responsibility for the murder of ex-verkhovna rada deputy irina farion. this was reported by the ukrainian tv channel direct. in addition, a video from the crime scene was published, allegedly filmed by the members of the group themselves. let me remind you that on july 19, an unknown person shot a farion near her house in lviv. the woman was hospitalized, but later she died in the hospital. the alleged criminal. law enforcement officials do not rule out that the murder could have been contracted. olaf scholz said that he would not send german soldiers to ukraine, the german chancellor announced this during a press conference. the politician also emphasized: berlin will not allow russian planes and missiles to be shot down with the help of german fighters, because such actions entail a huge danger for germany.
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no, we will not do that, and we will not allow our weapons to penetrate the vast territory of russia, because it carries a huge danger. finance ministers of eight eu countries announced the need to tighten sanctions. sweden, denmark, latvia, lithuania, estonia claim that most countries in the world continue trade cooperation with russia using loopholes in the laws, politicians also called for controlling the oil price ceiling and countering russian propaganda. us president joe biden addressed the nation on... after announcing that he was withdrawing from the election, biden said he deserved
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new term, but the quote is leaving in the interests of democracy, he promised to fulfill his duties to the end and continue to support ukraine. presidential candidate donald trump has already called this speech very bad and barely understandable. the topic will be continued by victoria koroleva. biden spoke. for 13 minutes, the american president diligently read the speech in the style of a prompter, which treacherously reflects. when the time came to explain his withdrawal from the election race, he said that he did it
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for the sake of democracy in the united states, but with the caveat that he still deserved a second term. you know, in in recent weeks, it has become clear to me that i must unite the party at a critical moment, and i believe my leadership in the world, my vision for the future of america, makes me worthy of a second term, but nothing can stand in the way of preserving our democracy. including my own ambitions, i decided that the best way forward was to pass the baton to a new generation. biden also stressed that he intends to seek the completion of israel's operation in the gas sector. the president will meet with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who is currently visiting washington. netanyahu's arrival sparked mass protests. pro-palestinian activists snuck into the hotel where the prime minister was staying and planted so many insect larvae there that...
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in the gas, she also intends to hold a meeting with netanyahu. meanwhile, republican presidential candidate donald trump, at his campaign rally, called his potential rival a left-wing madwoman who was about to destroy the country and called on americans not to trust her. she will destroy our country if she is elected, so we will not allow her to be
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chosen one, we cannot allow this. if kamala is so blatantly lying to you, joe biden's incompetence is rooted in him. then she will lie to you about everything, she can never be trusted , just like the scammer joe kamala haris is not fit to rule the country. another debate was offered to the candidates by the fox news channel, which traditionally supports republicans, but for now it is known that one of the rounds of the discussion will be held on the site of the abc television company, which the trump campaign considers biased. however, even many democrats do not believe in haris’ victory. so former president barack obama is convinced. she has no chance, and in general harris is incompetent, which is why obama has not yet publicly supported biden’s successor. trump's victory is a confident third participant in the race - independent candidate robert kennedy jr. victoria koroleva, news. turkey is preparing for the possible extradition of a suspect in a car bombing in moscow.
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according to available information, evgeny serebryakov has already been examined by doctors, after which he was taken to the police for questioning. defendants in the criminal case may be sent to russia in the near future time. in addition, another person was detained along with him, whose name was not reported. preliminarily we are talking about possible complicity. this is a turkish driver, he was driving serebryakov from the airport. the previous morning , two people were injured when a japanese suv was blown up in moscow. they were hospitalized and are in the hospital. and now footage from the philippines has hit the republic in a big way. under water, airports are canceling flights en masse, now you can see how cars are almost completely in the water, a bus can barely move, about 600 thousand people evacuated,
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a state of emergency was introduced in several regions. a volcano has awakened in kamchatka. unnamed, it threw ash to a height of 12 km, the plume stretched 300 km towards the bering sea, it can threaten flying aircraft, a red aviation danger code has been established, after the eruption a powerful stream of ash and rock fragments descended from the slopes of the volcano, according to seismologists, this activity does not pose a threat to populated areas, but can be dangerous for tourists, so one of them was closed to visitors from routes. now economic news, konstantin, new data on inflation has appeared. yes, alexandra, prices have not changed dynamics for the second week in a row. inflation in russia for the period from july 16 to july 22 remained at the level of the previous week - this is 11, data are provided in the report of the ministry of economic development and trade on the current price situation. in particular, in
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the food products segment, the rate of price growth was only 7, which is a constraining fact. there was a decrease in prices for fruits and vegetables. in the segment of non-food products, inflation for the week amounted to 12%. there is almost zero dynamics in prices for electrical and household appliances. in the services sector , a slowdown to 0.6, mainly due to a slight decrease in prices for domestic air travel. russian banks now have a financial incentive to help fight scammers who convince people to transfer their money to them. funds, according to the law that came into force today, financial organizations must check recipients’ accounts with the databases of the central bank and the ministry of internal affairs and, if there is a match , suspend a suspicious transaction for 2 days, even if there are repeated attempts conduct. also, in this case, the bank is obliged to inform the client that they are trying to deceive him. if the financial institution
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ignores this procedure and performs the transfer, then, at the request of the victim, it will be obliged to do so within 30 days. because the obligation to reimburse the money is a very important and socially significant law, it applies even to those cases when a person himself , under the influence of fraudsters, performs a transaction, and there are now many such cases of deception. the bank of russia will monitor how credit institutions comply with the law. also we we will continue to improve the rules for banks to reduce the time. during which the victim’s bank must transmit information about the fraudsters’ accounts to the database. however, if the client insists on completing the payment after 2 days, the bank will fulfill it, but will no longer be responsible. the seven have still not made a decision on the use of frozen russian assets. this statement was made by the head
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of the japanese ministry of finance following a meeting with his colleagues and representatives of the central banks of the g7 countries. the minister assured that the discussion will continue. its active phase has lasted for more than six months. the us treasury plays the leading role in this discussion; now it is difficult for it to make a specific decision. only a few days left until the election of the president of the united states. a little over a month, and the agency is not eager to illegally seize assets in euros and dollars only to withdraw its decision a couple of months later, but against the backdrop of complete distrust on the part of china, saudi arabia and other major players. well, according to tradition, at the end of the issue about currencies, the dollar today costs 86 rubles. 55 kopecks. euro exchange rate 94.37 that's all i have for now. alexandra. konstantin, thank you, we continue. and then there will be news from sports immediately after a short advertisement. travel with
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second term, but decided to give way to the younger ones. in addition, the politician promised continue supporting ukraine. donald trump called biden's performance very bad and barely understandable. in paris, 2 days before the official opening, the olympic competitions began. the match between the football teams of morocco and argentina ended in scandal. the game was interrupted for 2 hours due to riots in the stadium. moroccan fans threw bottles and firecrackers at the opposing players and ran onto the field. now is the time for sports news. ilya , athletes at the olympics in paris are complaining about insufficient food in the restaurant
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in the olympic village. well the thing is that a large number of athletes are already in paris, the main competitions have not yet begun, little food has been delivered yet, that’s the thing, there is so little food that some products even had to be rationed. seventeen-year-old russian tennis player mira andreeva reached the semi-finals of the tournament in romania, on the way there she defeated the representative of croatia, lea boskovic. andreeva gave her opponent only two games in the first game, the russian took the second set. took it to zero, the final score was 6:2, 6:0. the meeting lasted a little over an hour. in the semi-finals andreeva will play with serbian tennis player olga danilovic. this will be the world's second semi-final at wta competitions. the first one was also this season at the ralangaros courts, where the olympic tennis tournament will be held very soon. andreeva will take part in it. the olympics have not yet officially started, the scandal has already happened.
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football tournament match between.
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one of the players of the argentina national team was also robbed, thiago almada was injured while he was in training, the thief left him without his watch and rings. two canadian women's national soccer team employees, assistant the head coach and analyst were suspended from working at the olympics for accusations of espionage. they have already been sent home, and the head coach of the canadian women, beverly priestman, will miss the first match of the tournament, but on her own initiative. she stated that she was responsible for what happened. the scandal occurred due to the fact that members of the canadian team were monitoring the training of future rivals of the new zealand team using a drone. the match between canada and new zealand will take place today and open the women's soccer tournament at the olympics in paris. greek paok, for whom russian magomed azdoev plays, won the opening match in the second qualifying round of the champions league. paok was stronger than the bosnian beard 3:2. and this match had a s.
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russian national team player alexei miranchuk will soon be bought by a club from the united states, a number of media and football insiders are reporting this. mironchuk, who has played for the italian atalanta for the last few years, will move to the american atlanta. according to sources, the twenty-eight-year-old midfielder himself has already given approval for the transfer, the cost of which
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will be 12 million euros. last season , miranchuk took part in 42 matches for atalanta, in which he scored four goals and nine assists. defender mario fernandez, who also played for the russian national team, meanwhile left st. petersburg zenit. the footballer played for this club for one season. the player's agent said that fernandez wants to continue his career in russia. this was the most noticeable news in the sports world up to that moment. in those ancient times, when there were no gadgets, people used magic, but
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