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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 25, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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successfully congratulating biden on winning the last election. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. now there are a few pictures from canada, where a large natural fire has engulfed jasper national park, the fire has spread to residential buildings, which is clearly visible on your screens right now, the situation is aggravated by strong winds, special equipment cannot cope, several buildings have already burned down, the authorities have begun to evacuate residents, and no casualties were reported. you quickly imprisoned me in the lights, pyro, magic ink, you’ll get it, you’re the main thing, van, hurry up, give me a horse, mechanically, in those ancient times, when there were no gadgets, people used magic, but beat yourself over the head, you have where
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you need to go, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you are a fool wants to go where he needs to, he doesn’t need a pen, he who has fire in his pocket, uh, what started, fire, i can’t live without traveling, soon, i got used to watching videos on the net, stopped working, installing. open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, look in the app or on the website.
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in russia, the fight against fraudsters is being tightened; today a law came into force according to which the bank. are obliged to return
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money to their clients if they do not suspend a suspicious transaction in time. at the same time, the central bank has doubled the list of signs of dubious transactions. we will learn more from konstantin churikov. konstantin, welcome, how will banks understand that the operation is fraudulent. roman, hello, they will need to check with different databases if the invoice is already was used in questionable transactions, the transfer will be suspended. in russia, it will be difficult to transfer money to scammers. from today, banks have a serious incentive to protect customers more effectively. a law has come into force according to which financial organizations now respond with their own ruble and reimburse people’s money if they do not suspend the transfer of the attackers’ account for 2 days. 2 days is the so-called cooling-off period, during which a citizen under the influence of cybercriminals may come to his senses and not confirm the transfer. the bank must notify the client about a suspicious transaction. an important nuance:
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if after these two days a person still decides to send money to the same suspicious account, the bank will be obliged to immediately execute such an order, and will no longer bear financial responsibility for this. in other cases, if the client contacts the bank within the first two days with a statement about fraudulent activities against him, the financial institution will have to return the money to him within 30 days. obliges banks return to... the entire amount, the entire amount of the stolen, but in the event that the money was transferred to an already exposed account, there is such a special database in finsert in the bank, and if, if these attacker is already located , the attacker’s account is in this database, then in any case, the bank must return this money, the central bank said that they already have information about specific... the law,
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because the obligation to reimburse the money applies even to those cases when a person himself, under the influence of fraudsters, performs a transaction. there are many such cases now, probably not a person in our country who would not receive a call from the security service or some prosecutor, major, colonel, of course, is not real. in the first quarter of this year alone, telephone scammers were able to steal a total of 4 billion rubles from russians. for this purpose, 13 million attempts were made, fortunately, only a small part of them were successful, otherwise 2 trillion rubles would have been stolen, and this is data for only 3 months, but based on the results of recent years, one can see how the statistics of successfully carried out fraudulent actions are growing rapidly. earlier, the central bank said that in 2023, attackers could have stolen not 15.8 billion, but 5.8 trillion, but
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it was precisely thanks to the vigilance of the banks themselves that these attempts were prevented. well, to make life not as easy for scammers as before, another innovation is being introduced, also starting today. to make it even more difficult for fraudsters to cash out stolen money, banks will be required to block their payment cards and online banking if information about them has been received into our database from law enforcement agencies. we are talking about the so -called droppers. already in our database thousands of such accounts will face blocking in the very near future. a dropper is someone who, voluntarily or unwittingly, provides... it is on dropper cards that defrauded people transfer funds to so-called safe accounts, then this money passes through a chain of financial transactions and is then cashed out. droppers also include those who withdraw cash from other people's cards at atms. well, in order to completely poison life with a swindler,
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today an order from the bank of russia comes into force, according to which the list of signs of fraudulent transactions is doubled times, now there are six of them. this. this is a transfer of money to an account for which, according to the bank’s information, fraudulent transactions have already been carried out, this is a criminal case against the recipient, information from third-party organizations, well, plus three signs that actually existed before, the location of the account in a special database of the central bank, countries of the situation, suspicious amounts, place and time of use of a device that has already been exposed by attackers. this mechanism, which is additionally introduced, is aimed precisely from the point of view of... in order to return what has already been stolen, namely to prevent fraudsters from stealing this money, to stop it, to suspend such transfers at the very initial stage at the time of the attempt, and, accordingly , to subsequently transfer information on the actions
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of fraudsters to law enforcement agencies. the bank of russia states that it will monitor how credit institutions comply with the law and will also continue to improve the rules for the bank. to reduce the time it takes to transfer data about fraudsters’ accounts if the client is affected, so that the difficulties of transfer will be very selective and targeted, so that money does not fall into the hands of various crooks, and honest people are transferred in an instant without any delays. konstantin, thank you, konstantin churikov, about new measures to protect against scammers. a meeting of prosecutors general of the countries of the shanghai organization is being held in bishka today.
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10 minutes ago , russian prosecutor general igor krasnov finished his report; he shared his best experience in combating the spread of, for example, fakes, which are intended, for example, to provoke some large illegal actions or calls for
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various illegal actions, that is, in this regard, the russian prosecutor general's office has a large toolkit that allows you to quickly combat fakes, as an instrument of hybrid warfare, general proposals were also discussed, they talked about the proposal of the prosecutor general's office , which was submitted to the state duma, is meant for... a project that, uh, criminalizes the illegal circulation of personal data databases , criminalizes the administration of shadow platforms for the dissemination of these very databases, personal data, that is, the protection of personal data is given enormous, enormous attention, this information was very interesting to the prosecutors of the shanghai cooperation organization, the response measures taken contributed to the assessment.
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before the start of the meeting, igor krasnov held a meeting with his chinese colleague, yun, they discussed a whole range of issues of bilateral interdepartmental cooperation between the russian prosecutor general’s office and the chinese prosecutor general's office and also signed a program of events for the near future according to which it will be organized. a whole series of events, for example, round tables on investment protection, round tables that will be held at
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which environmental protection will be discussed and also the exchange of experience between russia and china. among other things, it provides for holding a round table on protecting the rights of investors in vladivostok next year, with the participation of heads of border prosecutor's offices. if you agree, i propose to do so. this event as practically oriented as possible, so that the entrepreneurs of our countries quickly feel the results of our meeting, for these purposes, i consider it necessary for us in advance, with the participation of the ambassadors of russia and china , to select and study specific problematic issues that require our response. if you agree, we can also hold a joint reception of entrepreneurs operating in two countries. for a comprehensive resolution of their requests to existing problems. it should be noted that
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representatives of china with great interest responded to the initiatives of the prosecutor general's office of russia and noted the close cooperation of the two departments in the fight against various types of crimes. our personal and favorable relationships are very beneficial to strengthen. beijing and russia signed a cooperation program between the prosecutor's offices of china and russia for 2023-2024, as well as interaction in the scientific and educational sphere through local prosecutor's offices. in addition, we also witnessed the signing of documents between military prosecutors' offices. we are ready. with you, mr. krasnov, make joint efforts for the effective implementation of the above
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-mentioned documents. it should be noted that the meeting is ongoing and we will provide new details in our next materials. roman, i give you the floor. thank you, we are waiting, our special correspondent, evgeniy nipad, was in direct communication from bishkek. already this sunday , the temple-park will be illuminated in new khersanes. and a day later the museum itself. the complex will be open to visitors, he spoke about this in an interview with our channel governor of sevastopol mikhail razvazhaev. he noted: new chersonesos is a spiritual, pilgrimage, historical, cultural center; there are no analogues to it in the orthodox world. the historical and archaeological park was built on behalf of president vladimir putin. the final preparations are being completed and the construction of the historical and archaeological park of chersonese is being completed. indeed, it was an order.
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watch the full interview with the governor of sevastopol mikhail razvazhaev on our channel today after 11:30 moscow time. warnings about extreme rainfall are common in the southern urals and primorye, and buryatia is already suffering from abnormal downpours. at the same time, in two more regions of yakutia,
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today the highest fifth class of fire danger is established. let 's talk more about this with anna volkova. good morning, when should we expect the peak, not nastya, in the urals in primorye and will the rains reach yakutia? good morning, primorye and the urals are expecting prolonged downpours until the end of the week, but yakutia will not receive heavy rains yet. everyone is used to frosty experiments in yakutia, but what do you think? this? a resident of yakutsk decided to demonstrate how hot it is in the city by frying eggs through the local circus building. the air in yakutsk has warmed up to +30, the tiles on... the experiment can be considered a success. during the hot , dry weather , forest fires continue to blaze in most parts of the republic, smoke plumes make their way through the clouds, and there are 13 fires near populated areas under the special control of the russian ministry of emergency situations.
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helicopters, mi-8 and two b-200 amphibious aircraft were involved in the fire extinguishing effort in the verkhnevelyuisky obysk ulus. that's it, resourceful residents of ulus, dalahai in buryats are trying to overcome the overflow on the roads after the rain. it doesn’t work without hassle. in the zakamensky district alone , a total of 10 sections of roads, with a total length of more than 5 km, have been washed away. residents of the village of boshnyakova on sakhalin called compensation from the heavenly office for fish washed up on the shores by a storm, and they are literally collecting them in buckets and bags. let me remind you, it turned out to be a village. cut off from civilization at the beginning of the week after a road collapse, the time frame for restoration is still unknown. let's talk about the situation in the atmosphere. let's start with temperature. the picture is clearly extraordinary. in the north of european russia it is as hot as in the south, +30, thirty-degree heat in yakutia, and between these centers of overheating, it’s like in a cold well of the urals, where daytime heating does not
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exceed 15°. it's hot in yakutia. due to the influence of two factors - anticyclone and a large cyclonic system. in the warm sector of cyclones, southern winds predominate, which bring anomalous heat from the desert of central asia, and the absence of clouds in the anticyclone contributes to the intense warming of the earth's surface. surfaces. in yakutsk today, tomorrow it will be sunny, the wind will be southerly during the day +30-31. on saturday , cyclone clouds will reach the capital of the republic. there will be some light rain and daytime temperatures. will drop to +24°, again no precipitation in the daytime +28. huge temperature contrasts between air masses, which involve cyclones in their circulation, become the cause of catastrophic downpours. today, at the epicenter of the urals, the balance of power in the confrontation between the kara anticyclone and
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the giant two-nuclear cyclonic depression will change in favor of the latter, in as a result, it will cover with its stormy influence most of the european territory of russia, the urals and western siberia, and, thanks to the influx of arctic cold, the rains in its area will only intensify. the southern urals will be at the epicenter of the bad weather today; anomalous downpours will begin here, which will linger in the region until the weekend, inclusively today will bring only 20-25 mm to the region, and the next two days will increase the amount of precipitation. up to 150-170 mm. thus, by the end of saturday , two monthly norms of rain will fall on the southern urals. more chelyabinsk is the city at risk of suffering the most from the elements. on friday, up to 89 mm of precipitation will fall in the city. saturday will pick up the stormy atmosphere and add another 58 mm of moisture to the treasury. in such
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a situation, large-scale flooding cannot be ruled out. we recommend it to drivers. move cars to higher ground in advance. in vladivostok, the rains today will be closer to night and quite light, but tomorrow their intensity will increase tenfold. by the end of friday, the landing chamber may increase over 50 mm of moisture. bad weather will linger in the capital and coastal areas at least until monday. well, a few words about moscow. a cold front will pass through the metropolis today, accompanied by fleeting thunderstorms and showers. the maximum amount of precipitation will be from 6 to 9 mm, and the temperature will not exceed +25. the weather will clear up on friday. these are the forecasts. thank you. volkova spoke about weather disasters in russian regions. a football match between morocco and argentina was interrupted due to riots. more on this not only in sports news, in a couple of minutes. you don't
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fairytale chicken is needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for burgers in a tasty spot, new curry sauce in chicken at. discover all profitable destinations in the bank’s app or on the website time for sports news, ilya kostin will tell you about the most notable ones. ilya, a handball player of the swedish national team, purchased mattresses at her own expense for the olympic village in paris, which was not
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arranged in those provided by the organizers. roman, good morning, they seemed too tough to the swedes. the fact is that, for the sake of the environmental agenda , the parisian mattresses are made of fishing nets and not everyone appreciated them, as we understand, we will return to other difficulties of the olympics later, but for now let’s talk about tennis. seventeen-year-old russian tennis player mira andreeva reached the semi-finals of the tournament in romania, on the way there she defeated the representative of croatia, lea bozkovic. andreeva gave up only two games to her opponent in the first game, the russian took the second set to zero. the final score is 6:2, 6:0. the meeting lasted a little over an hour. in the semifinals, andreeva will play with serbian tennis player olga danilovic. for the world, this will be the second semi-final at wta competitions, the first was also this season at the ralanga courts. where the olympic tennis tournament will be held very soon, andreeva will take part in it. the olympics have not yet officially started, a scandal has already happened, a
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football tournament match between. and argentina was interrupted for 2 hours due to unrest. it is noteworthy that on the mog website the meeting was marked as completed for some time. the score was 2:1 in favor of the maracanos when the argentine team equalized in the sixteenth minute of stoppage time in the second half. this amount of added time is strange in itself. however, after the argentines scored, fans of the moroccan national team first began throwing bottles and firecrackers at the opposing players, and then ran out onto the field. the judge interrupted the meeting and took him away. teams to the tribune room, and they returned only after 2 hours, that is, the pause lasted longer than himself match. after the teams returned , they played only a few minutes until the final whistle, and this happened without fans. moreover, the referee, after watching the video replay, canceled argentina's second goal due to offside, after which riots began in the stands. “this is the biggest circus i have ever seen in my life ,” said the head coach of the argentines, a former
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defender. barcelona's javier mascherana. on the eve of this match, one of the argentina national team players was also robbed. thiago almada was injured. while he was at training, the thief was left without his watch or rings. two members of the canadian women's national soccer team, an assistant coach and an analyst, have been suspended from their olympic jobs over spying allegations. they have already been sent home, and canadian head coach beverly priestman will miss the first match of the tournament on her own initiative. she stated that. responsible for what happened. the scandal occurred due to the fact that employees of the canadian team were monitoring the training of future rivals of the new zealand team using a drone. canada vs new zealand match will take place today, it will open the women's football tournament at the olympics. the greek spider, for whom russian magomed azdoev plays, won the opening match in the second round of champions league qualifying. paok was stronger than bosnian borac 3:2. this
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match has. had its own hero, the twenty-year-old spider defender, konstantinos koulierakis. in the seventeenth minute, he opened the scoring with a beautiful header, but very soon became the culprit of the goal against his own team. coulerakis, by inertia, crashed into the goalkeeper and knocked the ball out of his hands with his hands. the referee watched the video replay and awarded a penalty, which was converted by footballer boroca erera. coulierakis scored again before the end of the first half and took the lead. and russian magamed azdoev spent time on the field. played 68 minutes in this meeting and did not show any effective actions. footballers of the russian national team alexey miranchuk will soon be bought by a club from the usa. this is reported by a number of media and football insiders. miranchuk, who has played for the italian atalanta for the last few years, will move to the american team atlanta. according to sources, the twenty-eight-year-old midfielder himself has already given the go-ahead for the transfer, which will cost 12 million euros. last season.
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took part in 42 matches for atalanta, in which he scored four goals and nine assists. defender mario fernandez, who also played for the russian national team, meanwhile left st. petersburg zenit. the footballer played for the club for one season. the player's agent said that fernandez wants to continue his career in russia. this was the most notable news in the sports world this year. minute. figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we are all the same here, we do the same work, the same tasks, deadlift, my record is 285, i couldn’t sit still because i was in normal shape. well, salamata, it happened that they recognized you, what was the reaction?
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come on, i say, well, yes, the first time i arrived. i was there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will soon be 2 years, firmness and integrity, the president congratulated me on my professional holiday i thanked the employees of the investigative authorities for their effective... honest work. sergei lavrov in laos. the minister of foreign affairs has a busy program for several days. participation in several summits at once. what are the tasks? do not allow the enemy to raise his head. our snipers in the southern donetsk direction destroyed militants during a rotation in a large strong point. according to what scheme banks will return stolen money, a law tightening
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measures against fraudsters has come into force.


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