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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 25, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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goncharov, lead khabarovsk. have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread is the world. this is the most sacred thing a person has. something that every family has. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution and technological revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity. this is a universal language. over the past 2.0 years, bread has shaped our attitude towards life. this is the power of our country, its strength and power. every day i take a piece of black bread and always enjoy life. facing bread the person is literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought, and we really hope that you think so too. khersanez
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saw a lot and the courage of the ancient inhabitants who saved the city from scyvian raids and the miracle of epiphany that happened here to prince vladimir. we are grateful to prince vladimir precisely because he laid this spiritual foundation for the future national construction, and it happened right here, the territory where the ancient greek and...
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khersanez is commercial, it should become a russian concept that should attract people from different parts of the world. how hersanez became a kind of assembly point for russian statehood, spirituality and unity. ukraine. accused russia of destroying the historical and archaeological monument of khersanez. the ombudsman of the kiev regime, dmitry lubenets , even appealed to the un on this issue, saying that the authentic monument of world significance khersanez tauride was allegedly destroyed, and a new city was built on the ruins. in fact, the construction of the new hersanez museum-temple complex was preceded by large-scale archaeological excavations. the total number of finds was more than 6.5 million. of these, more than 350,000 were museum finds.
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tourism and other areas , sevastopol governor mikhail razvazhaev spoke in an interview with our channel. good afternoon, mikhail vladimirovich, we are, as i understand it, in...
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we are in this place, i made the decision that, of course, this should become a new center in which every resident of our country will be able to touch the very origins of our statehood, oh which he later recalled many times in his various speeches, so the next order was already the patriarchal council for culture, metropolitan tikhan, was busy thinking about how to do this project, and today this is a laborious, multi-year work, and yet the construction that was completed... in record time, 1.8 months of construction of the park, but before that there was design, before that there was the formation of the concept, the ideas, the composition of the museums that should appear here, the main thing is the meaningful things that every visitor should see here, all this was developed for a long time, and today here we are close to the fact that literally in a few days, again, just counting in days, even in hours. yes, and at the same time, the date, too,
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of course, was not chosen by chance, this is the day of the baptism of prince vladimir, july 28, this temple of the park will be consecrated, literally the next day it will be open to the public, and that is... connected specifically with the coverage of the project itself and the opening and illumination after the restoration of the cathedral of st. vladimir in hersanes, so we already talked about this yesterday and have been talking over the last few days that on the 28th visitors will have limited access here, but everyone... through registration either on the hersanes rf website or at cashier 24.
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will you come here yourself? of course, i have been here over the past few years quite regularly, as if by virtue of my position, because the project is complex. there was a very big synergistic work here, including, of course , all city services, but it’s only now that we see the beauty that is on the surface, these beautiful buildings, these greenery and so on, before that there were huge archaeological excavations, and in general there is still a second underground city underground, because all communications were transferred, everything was preserved, of course, after the excavations, yes, in order to do everything, it was necessary to make communications for all these buildings, connect them to existing city networks , link... all electricity systems, heat supply, and so on and so forth. all this work was carried out, of course, in close connection with the city. now the final part is the reconstruction of ancient street with a turning circle for public transport, also to will be completed on the 28th. this is a gift to the city or a gift to the whole country, but the city will
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provide it with its functionality. of course, this is a gift to the whole country, because of course, this is a center that is not on a city scale, it is , of course, an all-russian spiritual center. pilgrimage, historical, cultural, but of course, we believe that it is absolutely obvious that such a center does not exist in the orthodox world, so this is a gift for the entire orthodox world, and it is much broader than the scale of our country, we we know this very well, so i am sure, and despite all the sanctions, restrictions, everything that is happening today, the pressure of the collective west, people from all over the world will want to come to hersanez, because of course we will pay great attention to yours, by the way , help so that the whole world knows about this project. look, the operational situation is quite complicated, but the construction does not stop, and we are even seeing now, construction work is going on, going on, going on, and well, mostly finishing work, like installation expositions, builders are working, decorators
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are working, and other projects are frozen, other construction projects are closed, but here they are not frozen, you know, we are still implementing a project on behalf of the president and we were there with you. vesikhristalny, where the finishing touches are already being made, and recently morat khusnulin came to sevastopol to check the implementation of these objects of the cultural cluster, this is a choreographic academy, where there will be 16 halls, and so on and so forth, it is almost ready, now we are trying to make it everything so that from the new school year, our ballet school, which has existed for several years, but for now in different rented and adapted premises, moved to its native house, which for this... school itself is being completed, a theater is also being built at a high pace for opera and ballet and an art museum, we we are finishing with the design of the museum of the heroic defense of sevastopol, which will also appear on the crystal capes, a road is being built, which means yes, well, a road interchange
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that will connect the cluster according to the federal target program, we also have work continues in balaklava on the third presidential project, this is a yacht marina in balaklava, today maybe... the front of the work is not so visible, because in general such complex things are being carried out as hydraulic engineering, strengthening the berths, laying utilities in the embankment, and so on further, well, it’s true, nevertheless , the administrative building has already been practically completed with the future yacht marina, work on the reconstruction of cultural heritage sites will soon begin, and i can tell you about other construction projects, endless housing is being built, housing, of course, is also being built, because without this, our city will not develop. now six territories of integrated development have been approved in the master plan, here is one of them, which we signed last year at the st. petersburg forum on the seventh kilometer, builders will go to the site in the fall and we will build the first square meters, but the operational situation is still difficult, sirens are constantly sounding in the air, but how
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is security ensured at the city level for those residents, first of all, of the city of hero and, accordingly, tourists who... soon after the start of the special military operation , it was decided that sevastopol is located in the so -called front-line regions. here, the president has indicated that the average level of response has been introduced. these are two different things, there is a yellow level of terrorist danger, which we introduced at the subject level, together with colleagues from the special services, and this is one line, as if aimed at certain measures inside, absolutely right, at countering some kind of internal threat , there is a terrorist nature. average level of response, everything related to additional security measures related to threats arising in connection with the status
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of being located - at a fairly close distance from the line of combat contact, in general , we have been living in this regime since the twenty-second year, a large number of measures were developed a long time ago, including the air raid alarm, which is also activated during an attack by unmanned aerial vehicles, that is, these are measures that are systematically putting shelters in order, we carry out... institutions, hospitals, kindergartens, schools, all this work has been carried out since '22, but then we had
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what levels of danger, yes, these are uavs, for which in general - their fairly long-range detection is understandable, in principle, by the end of the twenty-second, beginning of the twenty-third year, our security means, well, first of all, air defense, were able to very effectively resist the now rare phenomenon when they can carry out some kind of effective...
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there is a story connected with cruise missiles, remember the attack on the fleet headquarters and so on and so forth, these were all cruise missiles, but their approach was 20-30 minutes, when we received the signal, we declared an air raid alert, people could calmly time, here are the ballistics - this is a new threat that arose literally 2 months ago, but this is that after ukraine was supplied... by the americans with longer- range atacoms missiles and the white house itself admitted that yes, after the tragedy on the beach, they are forced were not silent, they still spoke out, yes, because these shots that flew around the whole world could not be ignored, the attack in the middle of broad daylight, that means on the beach, it is quite obvious that no matter how they made excuses there now, it was namely terrorist attacks on the day of the holy trinity over the beach during the day.
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so to speak, they have already been ordered, the first batches should arrive this week, we will place them in open spaces, where there are stop pavilions, where there is no possibility, well, it’s essentially in the pure, yes, yes, just like that there is a stop, well, of course, a stop pavilion, this is not a protective structure, our corresponding dugouts and concrete will be installed nearby. shelter and it is clear that beaches where there is no place nearby where it is possible to hide, we have now strengthened it, supplemented the warning system, and we have actually already closed all blind spots. judging by what we see now, the situation is at the level of last year, that is, tourists,
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the third year, yes, well, it is clear that there were situations there with attacks on the fleet headquarters, the sea plant itself. you all remember the bridge, yes people remember everything they came equally, they are coming this year, yes, i can’t say that this is close to the level of the twentieth, there the twenty-first year, yes, but nevertheless tourists come, people who are constantly used to being in sevastopol come, come people who come to the southern coast of crimea to boarding houses and hotels in the republic of crimea, come to sevastopol on excursions, and life in the city continues here. there is no panic, no panicky mood, we clearly understand, just what additional security measures are needed to accept in connection with other new threats, we continue to live, and the tourist season is high, it is hot, and there is also abnormal heat in sevastopol, in crimea, well, in general on the peninsula, in the south of russia and the energy system of the south, it is now in
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an unstable situation, yes, unstable electricity, like here? what measures have been taken to ensure that there is light, first of all, as i understand it, the emphasis is on ensuring that residents have light in their houses, housing, primarily apartment buildings, the private residential sector, you know, right there after all we coped quite effectively, despite the fact that in the south there are always additional, well, firstly, a huge number of people come to the entire territory, and that includes, well, restaurants, more everything, everything, everything, hotels, consumption there is growing significantly.
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rostov region, now we already have new territories in our system, as you understand, but this year there was just a simultaneous connection with rostov region, you know, they brought one into the regulations there. the power unit is this small hut he brought to the fact that the system operator needed to temporarily limit consumption, slightly reduce power, we, of course, did everything to ensure that on the very first day there was some shutdown of the housing stock, but we quickly rebuilt the system, we have developed procedures yes depending on the scope of restrictions, and the first
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is limited to shopping centers, commercial industrial enterprises, and the second, and at the same time, of course. construction and further developments are already underway on lenient public trolleybuses, yes, these are of high consumption our electric transport is quite developed in the city; trolleybuses are one of the most popular types of transport, so all this is gradually being turned off in queues, last of all the housing stock, but relatively speaking, except for the first day , there was no need to introduce such a volume of restrictions, and except moreover, since saturday... in principle, we have not experienced these restrictions, in principle, all restrictions have been lifted, now the city is fully functioning, assistance to military personnel, i know the 810th brigade is under your sponsorship, you constantly communicate with the marines with families, you help everything, what kind of help to military personnel, in particular, i know that you proposed an alternative option, either
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a plot of land or money, why did it suddenly happen, well, you know, when i thought about it, for the first time we... were among the first in the country to accept a law on support, that is, for the families of participants in a special military operation, and although we discussed it for a long time, we understood that this measure would be difficult to implement, but in addition to all the measures, we have more than ten of them, these include benefits for housing and communal services, and free travel and vouchers to children's camps, free meals in schools and kindergartens, and so on, and so on, and so on, all this is in this law, but we also did it for those who made the decision for those who... and sevastopol residents, served in sevastopol, before the start, well, in general, everyone who was here, it means that all our military personnel are here and who were then sent to a special military operation, those who are here...
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and accordingly, we were immediately able to see what we had reserved in land fund, we immediately allocated about 400 plots, yes having developed the appropriate procedure, but
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you understand, now about a thousand more plots are being prepared for allocation, so after talking with the military personnel, they said that, in principle , a monetary alternative to providing this measure of support, well, and as a kind of gratitude, it would also be adequate for them, and therefore, together with the deputies, we developed and adopted an amendment. this law, it was already adopted at the last session of the legislative assembly, what remains is to develop the procedure, we propose who who wants to take advantage of the financial alternative, a certain amount, yes, a million rubles, we have now determined, which means we have already reserved the first 100 million in the budget, now the only thing being discussed is how to do this procedure, but it will be synchronized with the queue, that is, we will also offer to those who are standing in queues from the first, well, relatively speaking, from the first , definitely yes, an alternative measure, right?
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they live and understand the common task, all this is experienced much easier and calmer, of course, there are tragedies that cannot be ignored, like the tragedy on the beach, of course
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the whole city was in such shock, of course, this is just additional faith that we are doing this as a whole country, but here it is simply unprecedented, of course, vladimir vladimirovich, who immediately gave all the necessary instructions, our president, then huge gratitude ... we have everyone who was wounded during this terrible terrorist attack, everyone has practically been discharged. in sevastopol hospitals, no one is at the moment, everyone has been discharged,
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we had 22 people in moscow hospitals, today there are still four children left, of average grade gravity, the rest were discharged and returned to sevastopol, so of course, well, here are four children, but nothing threatens their lives, no danger, the operation is planned, we are also waiting for them, of course , back to sevastopol, you... somehow you help their parents, well, we would be constantly in touch with them, my deputy is always on a day-to-day phone, we organized everything that was necessary in moscow, and in time for them to comfortably get to sevastopol, and i, of course, want when already all the kids will come back, i will definitely meet them and here, of course, in sevastopol, we communicate, maybe you’ll bring it to khersonez, this is a must in khersonez, i’ll definitely invite everyone directly, i want to congratulate you, or what’s yours? new appointment vladimir vladimirovich putin approved you for a new position in the state council, that you are leaving sevastopol, you will now work in moscow,
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there are many questions. in the state council, all governors are ex-officio, but there are commissions of the state council and they head the commissions, which means those who are determined by presidential decree; in the past, as part of the state council, i headed the commission for education, now i have been entrusted with heading a commission, a new commission that did not exist before, this is a new commission on culture and spirituality. this is work to implement, through various national projects through various state programs, the provisions of the decree that was adopted at the end of the twenty-second year, decree number 809, the presidential decree on state policy in strengthening russian traditional spiritual and moral values, this is all that actually
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contains today this is a national project.
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where does the origins of our our exactly come from orthodox and russian civilization and our multinational people in general, how it was all formed, where we came from, why we are what we are, why and we will never be like people in the west, because why we have our own path, which which one should we stick to? thank you very much, we probably won't distract the workers from their final stage.
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holy prince vladimir and the byzantine princess anna, his chosen one, who in fact became the love of his entire life, it seems to me, is such a special page in the formation of a young family, so we are waiting for all russians for this so to speak experience in sevastok and no one will spoil our holiday, of course, thank you very much. thank you, but beat yourself over the head, the main thing is, van, hurry up, what kindles interest, uh, what started, and makes life brighter, you could have imprisoned me quickly, of course, flint, jean,
12:00 pm
ivan, well, come out. boards, russia, syria, development of trade and economic relations and promising directions. vladimir putin received bashar al-assad in the kremlin, which was discussed. sergei lavrov is in laos, the minister of foreign affairs has a busy program for several days. participation in three summits at once, what are the tasks? joint patrol, strategic aviation of russia and china flew along which route for what purpose. iskander attack on the kharkov armored plant. the restoration of enemy equipment there has now, of course, stopped. according to what scheme will banks return stolen money, a law has come into force, tightening measures to combat it.


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