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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 25, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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sham, ivan! oh, so we're getting busy, soon! russia-syria, development of trade and economic relations and promising directions. vladimir putin received bashar al-assad in the kremlin, which was discussed. sergey lavrov in laos with the minister of foreign affairs. a busy program for several days, participation in three summits at once, what are your goals? joint patrol strategic aviation of russia and china carried out a flight along which route for what purpose, an iskander strike on the kharkov armored plant, the restoration of enemy equipment there is now of course discontinued. in such a scheme, banks will return the stolen money, a law has come into force tightening measures to combat the speech is bad
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and barely understandable, how do they comment on the belated address of the us president to the nation and why is kamalo hares not even supported by obama? russia and syria have promising areas for the development of trade and economic ties, vladimir putin announced this in the kremlin the night before, receiving syrian president bashar al-assad.
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connections, there are a lot of questions here, too, there are promising directions, i hope that we can, we can discuss this with you. today's visit coincides with the anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between russia and syria. over the past decades , our countries have gone through very difficult tests. these years have witnessed complex transformation processes within our states, but relations have maintained their level of trust, and this is an indicator of the maturity of our peoples. considering all the events that are happening in the eurasian world today. region, our meeting today is important to discuss possible prospects scenarios. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov arrived in laoz today to participate in events within the association of southeast asian nations. our special correspondent anna voronina is following his trip. she is in direct contact with the studio. anna, greetings, which of my colleagues has sergei lavrov already met with? yes, hello, colleagues, but it should be noted that sergei lavrov is visiting today. very tight schedule,
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a number of meetings have actually already taken place, but i note that he was one of the first to arrive at the congress hall here in venetian, and well, it’s necessary it should be noted that foreign journalists were practically waiting for him, his arrival caused a real stir, here are colleagues from japan, from thailand, from the local branch of franzpress, they in particular asked me about his schedule, who he would be meeting with today or whether it was possible, whether it was possible to get to him for a press conference, the most important thing is whether it is possible to interview him, but... of course, sergei lavrov, of course, told russian journalists about his mood for the meeting with his osian colleagues. how are you feeling, sergey viktorovich, great. well the first meetings were already held in such a chic mood, in particular, the first negotiations were with a colleague from east timur. this republic is not yet part of the association of states of the south. east asia, its
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minister at the meeting asked for support from russia, as a senior partner, a strong partner. to which sergei lavrov carefully noted that russia does not have such influence on the asian association in this matter. after this meeting, the minister of foreign affairs held negotiations with his colleague from indonesia, after which several documents were signed, in in particular, a plan for consultations between the foreign ministries of the two countries, and then the minister.
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who told you stories about me, i hear you every day, in fact, we are friends. indeed, to say that sergei lavrov is popular not only among foreign journalists, but also among his colleagues is to say practically nothing. a meeting is currently taking place with the representative of laos, and he, in turn, as the host, recalled a little earlier in the morning session about the challenges facing the asia-pacific region today region. the asia-pacific region remains a region of interest for large and small powers, which shows that the strategic shift towards asia is becoming increasingly noticeable, creating both challenges and opportunities for our region. well, there is still a trilateral
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meeting ahead, laos russia-china, where, in particular , the strengthening of the conflict potential in the asia-pacific region, among other things, will be discussed. due to the west’s desire to militarize the region, increase and strengthen nato’s military presence here. colleagues. thank you, our special correspondent told us about sergei lavrov’s trip to laos. over the past year and a half, our country has blocked or removed illegal information from 140,000 internet resources. prosecutor general of russia igor krasnov stated this in bishkek. he took part in a meeting of the main supervisory departments of the shanghai cooperation organization. now our special correspondent evgeniy nipot is live. evgeniy, greetings, what else did igor krasnov talk about at the meeting? roman, greetings, russia shared its experience with its allies in the shanghai cooperation organization in terms of
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combating crime in cyberspace, russia indeed has a lot of experience. the russian prosecutor general's office has extensive experience in countering threats. well, for example, indeed, you mentioned above that more than 1400 internet resources containing fakes, for example, with calls for illegal actions or extremist actions, were blocked only in the last year and a half, these are fakes, these are fakes nothing more than a tool of hybrid weapons that is used against russia, said igor krasnov, and also noted that the russian prosecutor general’s office has formed an effective mechanism in cooperation with roskomnadzor, which allows you to delete illegal information, literally, i quote, in a matter of hours. also, the prosecutor general's office has achieved, over the past 2 years, the elimination of about 155 thousand vulnerabilities leading to leaks of important data of russian citizens and important data that relate to the functioning of critically important facilities.
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the prosecutor general also noted that first in turn, the department is striving to create a safe area that will be free from various kinds of leaks that can pose a danger, as i already... mentioned above for critically important objects and can lead to leaks of data from russian citizens, also at present now according to the proposal the prosecutor general's office of the state duma of russia is considering a bill that would criminalize the illegal circulation of personal data databases and the administration of shadow sites on which these databases are distributed and sold, but such countermeasures consolidation is needed to counteract cyber threats.
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however, the us and its satellites are categorically against broad coverage, declaring that the existing international legal mechanisms are already sufficient for cooperation. we clearly understand that behind such an unconstructive position of westerners lies the interests of the it giants and their curators.
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before the start of the meeting, russian prosecutor general igor krasnov held a meeting with his chinese counterpart yingyun. warmly welcomed. each other, heads of supervisory departments, during this meeting the seventh program of russian-chinese interdepartmental events was signed, among other things , it provides for holding...
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in the two countries to comprehensively resolve their existing problems. all this, igor krasnov is sure, will help improve the investment attractiveness of the two countries. the program also includes events that are dedicated to environmental protection issues, and of course,
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dazhen, thank you, our special correspondent evgeniy was in direct contact with bishkek nipot. strategic aviation of russia and china carried out joint patrols in the chukchi and biring seas, as well as the north pacific ocean. the ministry of defense reports that an air group consisting of tu-95 ms missile carriers and hun-6k bombers passed along the route. aircraft crews worked out various scenarios in the new district. russian fighters on patrol. su-30 sm and su-35s provided air cover. the flight lasted more than 5 hours.
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in certain sections of it, the air group was accompanied by fighters from other countries. russian and chinese crews acted strictly within the framework of international law, without entering foreign airspace. the ministry of defense emphasizes that the patrols were carried out to implement the military cooperation plan and are not directed against third countries. the ministry of defense showed. missile attack on the kharkov armored plant. the strike was carried out by iskander missiles, as reported by the military department, as a result of which two armored vehicle repair shops were destroyed. the ministry of defense said that the restoration of equipment at the plant has now been stopped. the lipetsk court recognized the crime of the nazis during the years of occupation in the region as genocide of the peoples of the ussr. at four court hearings, they listened to witnesses, experts and... historians, and examined secret archival documents. the application to the court was submitted to the prosecutors of the lipetsk region, on
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behalf of the prosecutor general igor krasny. according to the data cited in the lawsuit, about 3,000 people were killed in the region, and more than a thousand were taken to forced labor in germany. the total amount of damage caused to the economy and infrastructure of the region in translation at the current exchange rate, amounts to more than 2 trillion rubles. i’ll add similar claims earlier; the prosecutor’s office was satisfied by the courts of twenty more russian courts. people died from enemy air raids, they were shot and burned, raped and starved, while the punitive forces were merciless even towards children, women, the disabled and the elderly. the youth of the lipetsk region were forcibly sent by the nazis to hard labor in germany. in an effort to exterminate soviet citizens and wipe out even mention of them from the face of the earth, the occupiers destroyed medical facilities. children's, cultural and educational institutions, industrial enterprises, transport hubs and other
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another person was detained, his name has not been released. russian investigators believe that the attacker. as part of a criminal group, tas reports this with reference to a source in law enforcement agencies. let me remind you that on wednesday morning in the north of moscow an suv was blown up, two people sitting in the car were injured. investigators quickly found out that the perpetrator of the terrorist attack fled to turkey and passed information about him through interpol to turkish law enforcement agencies. after this, the attacker, a russian, evgeny serebryakov, was detained in bodrum. ibid. today there will be a trial that will choose a preventive measure for him. the evacuation of people was required today in the north of chukotka after heavy rains. meanwhile, a warning about abnormal rainfall is also in effect in primorye and the chelyabinsk region. let 's talk more about this with anna volkova. anna, good afternoon, when should we expect the peak of bad weather in the far east and southern urals? the problem is that in both cases the matter will not be limited to one extremely rainy day. the showers
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will be prolonged and abnormal in intensity. well right now. most the city of belibina became a rainy point on the map of russia; after extremely heavy rains , the water level in the local river korolveem sharply increased, the lowland was flooded, the port, as well as two apartment buildings and three private ones, fell into the flooding zone. 52 people were evacuated to temporary accommodation centers. the strength of the river's flow is evidenced by the following shots: the all-terrain vehicle was carried away by streams of water, literally impressive, and slammed into the bridge. that's it, the all-terrain vehicle has sunk to the bottom, the all-terrain vehicle is pressing it there along with this barrel. this is how resourceful residents of the dalakhai ulus in buryat trying to overcome the overflow on the roads after the rain. it doesn’t work without hassle.
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in the zakamensky district alone, a total of 10 sections of roads with a total length of more than 5 km have been washed away. and this is footage from the european territory of russia from udmurtia. in the zavyalovsky district of the republic , a staircase was washed away and was damaged by the rain on july 5th. repair. we had time, the last rains completed what we started. right now the chelyabinsk region and magnitogorsk are flooding, the rain started at 4:00 in the morning, now cars are raising water splashes, and driving along some streets are difficult to navigate due to large accumulations of water. the southern urals will be at the epicenter of bad weather today. thursday will bring only 20-25 mm to the region, and the next two days will increase the amount. precipitation up to 150-170 mm. thus, by the end of saturday , two monthly norms of rain will fall on the southern urals.
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chelyabinsk is at risk of suffering the most from the elements. on friday, up to 89 mm of precipitation will fall in the city. saturday will pick up the stormy baton and add another 58 mm of moisture to the treasury. in such a situation, large-scale flooding cannot be ruled out. we recommend drivers to move their cars in advance. on a hill. in vladivostok, the rains today will be closer to night and quite light, but tomorrow their intensity will increase, increase tenfold . by the end of friday , more than 50 mm of moisture may enter the sediment. the bad weather will linger in the capital of primorye at least until monday. well, a few words about moscow. a cold front will pass through the metropolis today, accompanied by fleeting thunderstorms and showers. the amount of precipitation will be from 6 to 10 mm, and the temperature will not exceed +25. in friday will clear up. these are the forecasts.
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thank you, anna volkova spoke about weather disasters in russian regions. three cities of the lugansk people's republic immediately became winners of the federal project for creating a comfortable urban environment: stakhanov, starobelsk and krasnodon. already this fall after a large-scale reconstruction. cities will have updated central parks, improve not only their appearance, but also install new play areas, repair communications, more details, vitaly bryksin, get some fresh air, walk the dog, this is of course necessary here so that there is order, the stakhanov gornyak park is spread over twenty hectares, the shade of the trees, the coolness of the alleys attract the elderly and young people, everyone loves this place, it...
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here there will be a new illuminated fountain, the diameter of the bowl is larger 9 m, a flat bottom flush with the ground and a decorative fence up to 1 m. the transformation of the city park takes place within the framework. project to create a comfortable urban environment, thanks to government support, communications will be replaced here, new play and recreation areas will be installed, paving slabs will be renewed, almost 3.00 km. part of the tile, like the one on the object’s passport, is already here in the park in stakhanov, here they are, the first 150 squares, the first batch, packed, folded, this tile is stronger, more durable, it will last... longer than that paving stone, which is now in the park. a completely new stage will appear, made of a metal structure, with a roof,
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modern. more than 100 million rubles have been allocated for the renovation of the territory. now the work is 40% complete, opening in september. an object for improvement has been proposed, the majority of residents supported it, and the administration, which means it carried out certain actions, won. at the all-russian competition, and today we are implementing this project. two more city parks in starobelsk and krasnodon received funding under the federal project. a video surveillance system will be introduced here for the first time, now they are forming alleys, improving the territory, leveling the black soil and removing everything unnecessary with the help of special equipment, preparing the site for large-scale reconstruction. and somewhere it’s nice in your soul that you’re doing this for people, you’re building it, yeah, i don’t know. at the end you can go out to the construction sites and take a walk, it will also be nice for yourself. about 100 new lights will be installed in the park; the builders had to completely replace the electrical wiring. the old emergency
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cinema was dismantled. in its place there will be an open-air stage and places for spectators, here it will give people the opportunity to both listen to music, spread out, and, uh , dance, in general, for cultural relaxation in our city park, these are just the frames, and these are the frames of our benches, this part that has already been completed, part this is everything is done to make it comfortable, a successful start, the positive experience of pilot projects in three republican... cities will be a good example for others. in krasnodon, for example, they plan to take part in the next all-russian competition for the improvement of a comfortable urban environment. vitaly bryksin, nadezhda ostapuschenko, nadezhda akuratova. news lugansk. the ministry of labor published a calendar of all holidays and weekends for the twenty-fifth year. the ministry makes it annually, it is compiled by postponing weekends that coincide with holidays. so, this year the new year
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holidays will extend. 11 days from december 29, 24 to january 8, twenty-five. for the may holidays, russians will have two 4-day holidays at once: from may 1 to the fourth and from may 8 to the eleventh. in addition, russians will rest from february 22 to 23 on defender of the fatherland day, from march 8 to 9 on international women's day, as well as from november 2 to 4 on national unity day. russia day next year. they give you the weekend from june 12 to june 15. now to the news technology, scientists have taught a robotic car to drift, why? philip trofimov, host of the vesnet program, will tell you. the most productive supercomputer on the planet is built in china, but this is just speculation. the fact is that after the united states began to consistently introduce restrictions on the supercomputer industry in china, in particular, and on the supply of the most modern processors to this country in general, chinese
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data companies. existing since the early nineties and updated twice a year. participation in the rating is voluntary and based on assessment its creators, which the wall street journal cites, there are about fifty supercomputers in the world that could have gotten into it if their owners had provided test results, but they did not. until now, this has concerned the calculation. centers of various intelligence services and private companies and did not greatly influence the overall picture, where the usa and china competed for years in terms of the number of supercomputers and overall computing power. for example, in 2017, there were 202 chinese supercomputers and 143 american supercomputers in the top 500. now the picture is official it looks like this, according to the creators of the top 500 rating, what is really happening in china can only be judged by indirect evidence from scraps of
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scientific information. articles and reports, for example, in one of the documents information was leaked that at least one chinese supercomputer has eight times more computing cores than the american frontier, which leads the open rating, the construction of which 3 years ago cost $600 million and which alone consumes $20 million worth of electricity per year. even considering that the chinese data center is probably built on less modern components, possibly of its own chinese... production, according to experts, it could still top the global ranking. self-driving cars have taught paired drifting, this is when one car slides in a controlled drift along an intricate trajectory, and the driver of the second must repeat all the movements of the first car, remaining as close to it as possible, but without colliding if possible, this is quite a sporting discipline, and prepare the robots for such competitions - this is a joint project of stanford university and the toyota company,
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and according to the official version, we are talking ... not about sports and not even about the fact that it is just beautiful, as they say, this experiment has quite practical significance and is designed to increase the safety of cars in on ordinary roads, they say, forceful sliding, from which pilots almost never escape during drift competitions, in physics is very similar to the behavior of an ordinary car on an ordinary but slippery road, for example, during a snowfall, and if we transfer the resulting during such experiments, developments in existing systems for the driver, in future drones, then road safety will increase. the bottom line is that sliding in a controlled drift along a predictable trajectory is very difficult to program, since such a process is influenced by many factors and conditions, even on a closed track they change all the time, for example, asphalt temperature and tire wear. therefore, robotic six-hundred-horsepower toyota supers are controlled by a neural network created at stanford university, which...


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