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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 25, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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toyota company, and according to the official version , it’s not about sport and not even about the fact that it’s just beautiful, as they say, this experiment has quite practical significance and is designed to increase the safety of cars on ordinary roads, they say, force sliding, from which you almost never get out pilots during drift competitions, the physics is very similar to the behavior of an ordinary car, on an ordinary but slippery road, for example, during a snowfall, and if we transfer the results obtained during such experiments... the developments into if existing driver assistance systems are incorporated into future self-driving vehicles, road safety will improve. the bottom line is that sliding in a controlled drift along a predictable trajectory is very difficult to program, since such a process is influenced by many factors and conditions, even on a closed track they change all the time, for example, asphalt temperature and tire wear. therefore , robotic 600 horsepower toyota supras are controlled by a neural network created at stanford university, which... clearly
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self-learns and recalculates all conditions according to 50 times per second, while no special details are revealed about the technical component, for example, it is not very clear how the car navigates in space, in the sense that the official message talks about a set of gyroscopes and sensors for steering wheel and brake pedal positions, but nothing familiar there is no bulky set of cameras or gifts on the roof, there are only a couple of compact casings, what is hidden under them is unknown, but it is known that... drifting robots at stangor university are already being worked on for at least 5 years, back in 2019 they taught the legendary delore to drive there, but the truth is that first the iconic car from 1981 was converted into an electric car, and then into a robot capable of drawing spectacular trajectories along a pre-planned route. even then it was a question of the fact that the stabilization system, as is customary in today’s production cars, is trying to prevent such modes while...
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the car, again, meaning to use developments in conventional cars in more advanced and safe systems driver assistance. this supra was prepared directly for drifting by the racing division of the brand, but for the most part, as they say, this is not a prototype of the entire series. car, the first results were shown in 2021, only now 3 years later a couple of such robots were taught to drift not on an empty training ground, but next to another car.
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figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we're all here.
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will continue a special report on the life and work of four generations of employees of the investigative committee of russia. they are united by their passion for business. from the very beginning of his career to this day. over the three centuries of the existence of investigative work in russia, many generations of investigators have changed. centuries have flown over the country, habits, fashions, mores have changed, more than one social system has changed, but throughout the years , russian investigators have performed the same and
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most important task: to establish the truth. what happened, who is to blame? answers to these tsars, general secretaries, and presidents needed questions. and even more so to all citizens of russia, a country that occupies the most prominent place on the globe, a country with a huge expanse, which is held together by a common history, morality, laws, the same in the fields.
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the nineties, yes, ninety-four, when you went out onto the road, taking in the snow
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, they shouted at you, go faster, you saw the downed driver, you didn’t see it, why did you decide that the driver was hit? there were a lot of such cases back then, all the participants were drunk, they didn’t remember the events well, why they stole the car, what they wanted to do next, where they were going, everything was in a frenzy, in the hard years many were sure that with the collapse of the ussr, the criminal code ceased to operate , everything was allowed. the generation of investigators of yuri vlasov managed to save the country from sliding into the abyss of criminal chaos; in this struggle for the rule of law, justice could only be supported by their comrades. what are the characteristics of an investigator? well i would say it's honesty. fanatical hard work. the third quality, if i may say so, is to hear people, be able to communicate with them. he had to interrogate different people; his question was answered by degraded marginals and people from
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the highest echelons of power. i investigated the case against the manager of the central committee of the party of uzbekistan, roughly speaking, well, rashidov’s economic right hand, so he was charged with bribes. the cotton case in uzbekistan was high-profile, the entire soviet union was discussing how a huge republic was entangled in a network of bribes and inscriptions. and these threads stretched all the way to the party leader of uzbekistan sharaf rashidov, and to the young investigator yuri vlasov they got an amazing accused, a participant in the great patriotic war, the most charming and most authoritative manager of the affairs of the central committee of the public communist party. trusun umarovich, umarov, is a wonderful person, a party member to the core, as they say, a sociable, well -connected person, but he was under strong influence. his immediate supervisor,
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a guilty verdict was taken against him, this is also an integral quality of an investigator, no previous merits, no authority and the most magical charm of a person should not be for investigators overshadow his criminal actions. when the uzbek ussr became independent uzbekistan, there were attempts to review the case, rehabilitate the bribe-takers and accuse the investigators of using almost torture against the defendants. all accusations against flasov.
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they remember, know, and are trying to help them, this is an archive of cases suspended by the investigation of the investigative department for the eastern district of moscow, in these folders there are materials about crimes that remained without... punishment. in slang, such cases are called wood grouse. most of them have built a nest here a quarter of a century ago, in the nineties, in the 2000s. but recently the shelves have begun to become noticeably thinner. new methods of examination, new types of analysis, new approaches to investigation, a new generation of researchers are successfully cleaning up the rows of these sad folders. we actually live in a really good time, when
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so few serious, especially serious crimes are committed, well, in comparison with past years, when we had... there was time to even tinker with the past. in this archive, investigator morozenka will discover a case of a brutal triple murder with an ax, which was committed back in ninety-five, when the investigator herself was still a baby. then the investigation established that the murder was most likely committed by one of the tenants of the moscow grandmother, who became one of the victims. a sketch of the possible killer was compiled; the neighbors called him kolya gruzin. his vest and socks remained in the apartment; they were all covered in the blood of the victims, but kolya gruzin himself disappeared. in the vastness of the cis. in the case , handprints were seized and sewn into the case materials. we sent them for inspection, miracle, accordingly, we had a coincidence with dorsalia kote bogratovich, who was doctelloscopic in the ninety- first year when brought to criminal responsibility in the city of minsk for hooliganism. but the investigators’ work did not end there; it had just begun. ct darsalia
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did not deny that he was in this apartment on the day of the murder. moreover, he named another visitor to the ill-fated apartment. that evening, it was he, according to darsalia, who committed the villainous murder of the old woman, the owner of the apartment, her tenants, the girl, and her dad from siberia, who came to the capital for shopping with a lot of money, knowing that all the witnesses for 28 years had already passed away and no one would be able to testify, he hoped to place all the blame on the mythical character in front of the jury. having familiarized himself with these expert opinions, he began to argue that yes, my vest... yes, i wore it, but i left it in the apartment, it was in the apartment, anyone could have put it on, the ax was washed, he was in place, but it was washed ; there were no traces of fingers or traces on it. no sweat-fat substance, no odor traces were found, that is, for 30 years they did their job, the fact that initially alla anatolna morozenko was initially
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trained as a non-heir, to become an expert, played a role here, and she resorted to the help of expert cable experts in the investigation. trossolok under a magnifying glass with tenfold magnification, looked at the photo table and found these crescents on the parquet floor, she guessed what she was telling me, what he was wearing, i said, well, we assume that he was wearing socks, and accordingly, she says : this is 100% wearable, she built a trail of footprints for us, that he walked from this corpse to another, purely along these small heel footprints, that is , he walked from one of the large ones in a large room and killed a girl. with his father, went into the room, killed his grandmother, put on slippers there, came back in slippers, here - a swing of an ax, bloody marks on the floor, and so on, and that is, in this way we completely established the movement of the criminal to crime scene, third parties were excluded, and
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genetic experts confirmed that we biological traces were found on clothing. in such quantities that could only remain from the fact that he wore these clothes, darsali was categorically recognized by the jury, without a single living witness, only on special knowledge, only on this beautiful photo table of ours, a terrible brutal murder, he was recognized by the verdict the jury, unanimous, and guilty and not deserving of leniency, already this year three more cases have left these shelves, even old crimes do not remain. without punishment, especially if investigators from the investigative committee of russia like allazenko take on the case, when he says that it’s a miracle, it’s a miracle that you managed to uncover it, it’s a miracle that you managed to bring it to trial, it’s a miracle that a verdict took place, when every time you talk about that this is a miracle, it is not a miracle, it is the result of long, painstaking work,
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careful attention, and a responsible attitude. his name is sergei petrov and he never dreamed of becoming an investigator; he has a background in school with two languages, english and japanese, a passion for physics and mathematics, everything thoughts about science, about the fact that there is an investigative committee in the country, and that it has its own academy , i learned from my relatives. my father, a military man himself, told me about the existence of an academician as such, so he was somehow closer to all this, so he told me, in principle it interested me, i decided why not. try yourself in this area, that is, in principle, the very specifics of the investigation, as such, seemed interesting, because it could provide some very interesting experience. which you won’t get anywhere except here, following the father of a career military man and the grandfather of a veteran great patriotic war, he decided to put on shoulder straps, and his passion for technology, mathematics and
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physics turned out to be an excellent help in his work, because he works in transport management, has a technical way of thinking, he even in some way helped him achieve some success in his profile jurisprudence, because initially there was already some kind of systemic image. thinking, that is , you can for yourself - break down this large array of data into some points, sub-points, how can you say so, visualize it for yourself through i don’t know, tables, diagrams, this was easier, however, the peculiarity of working in transport management is that everything changes very quickly here, sometimes the legislative framework does not keep up with the new realities of life, there is less to do here, so to speak. template, that is, each case is not similar to each other, it is each unique in its own way. and this was confirmed by the first case. injuries to the paraglider and her client
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during the flight did not fit into any tables. from the point of view of the law, a paraglider is not a type of transport, sports equipment. but flights this equipment is regulated by the country's air code. accurately qualifying actions, establishing guilt and responsibility is a difficult task for a young investigator, but he did it. the sport is not so popular from a legal point of view that it is little regulated, that is, the difficulty was precisely that there are no legal norms that determine the activities of paragliding instructors, now the experience of its investigations will be taken into account when preparing new laws and regulations, here’s another experience, at one of the airfields near moscow... burned out helicopter, at first it seemed that the cause was non-compliance with safety regulations, but sergei petrov’s investigation definitely confirmed another version: arson. during an inspection of the nearby area
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, the weapons of the crime were discovered. this is a metal scrap that was used to open the helicopter itself. bottles with a flammable mixture were found, with the help of which the helicopter was set on fire, and the place of entry into the airport was discovered. that is, so little by little, track after track, they directly came out to the perpetrators, the arsonists were detained, they are under investigation and will soon appear in court and they were identified by a very young investigator, the son of a military man, the grandson of a veteran, and a good student of experienced mentors, there are always people who are ready to help you, explain somewhere, show you somewhere , that in which you can be originally inhabited. we cannot yet call this young man an investigator; he is just learning. at the academy of the investigative committee of russia named after sukhrev,
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he entered the fifth year. about the future profession he no longer has only theoretical, but quite real knowledge. during the days of his internship in his homeland in kirov, he took part not only in preparing papers. the investigator and mentor involved the guy in the most difficult means, to go to the place of discovery of a body without signs of life. this. it’s also part of the profession that an investigator, after 2 years of training, takes me to the scene of an incident, he expects that i will be useful, that i will help, that i will directly perform my functions, at least some minimal, insignificant and i didn’t have time to be scared, let’s say, to improve my health outside the scene of the incident, yeah, i was in shock, of course, in the first minutes it causes shock.
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he is far from his native kirov, he works in the arbitration court of a new region, the zaporozhye region. long conversations with my father, his example, his stories and practical experience, which he tried to convey with all his might, influenced the choice i made. if you don’t know what to do, do as stated in the law. this is the golden rule that my father has followed from the very beginning. his career to this day. the title of one of yuri german's novels is very similar to the motto that guides it. i am responsible for everything after the academy, full responsibility for
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investigative actions and in general for... the investigative committee of the russian federation, whose team has worked, is working and will work for the triumph of the rule of law and justice for all russians, young elderly people, townspeople, villagers, schoolchildren , pensioners, artists and engineers. today is the day of investigators, the people who are responsible for everything.
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crimes were committed on the territory of various constituent entities of the russian federation, having worked in so many internal affairs bodies, i have never seen anything like this. iler, as a rule, is the person who can very easily come to terms with his conscience. his number one task was to evade responsibility or mitigate it. i was sure that sooner or later this crime would be solved. very intense work, very responsible, because the criminal traces his fingers twice . will not leave at the scene of the incident, scientific and technological progress has a colossal impact on the development of criminology, everything coincides, the diligence of the investigator, the inevitability of punishment, you just have to ask the question, if not now, then when and if not us, then who?
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the situation in the middle east tends to worsen; the situation in the region and the development of bilateral economic ties between russia and syria were discussed in the kremlin at a meeting between vladimir putin and bashar al-assad. precision strikes by iskander in kharkov destroyed the workshops of an armored plant where repairs were carried out military equipment and a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries. the person accused of blowing up a car in moscow acted. part of a criminal group, he is now being prepared for extradition from turkey to russia, what is known about his possible accomplices when the court hearing takes place. apartment buildings, bridges and roads, including those leading to the airport, were flooded. about the situation in consumption and how the evacuation of local residents is proceeding in the report of our correspondent from the region.
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russia and syria have promising directions for the development of trade and economic relations. vladimir putin announced this at a meeting with syrian president bashar assad. the day before it took place in the kremlin. the head of the arab republic arrived in our country on a visit. the leaders of the countries also discussed the situation in the middle east. vladimir putin noted the increase in tension in the region. dear mr. president, i am very glad to see you. we have the opportunity to talk to maksuk about relationships. we haven't seen each other for a long time. i'm interested in your opinion on how the situation in the region is in general, it is developing, unfortunately, it has a tendency to worsen, we see this, this also applies to syria directly, but also as regards our trade and economic relations, there are a lot of questions here, there are also promising directions, i hope that we can also discuss this with you. today's visit coincides with the anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between russia and syria. over the past decades, our country.


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