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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 25, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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a civilian was killed and two more were injured. correspondent alexander korobov will tell you all the details. after a short break of several days, the city of shibbekino is again under attack from neo-nazis. this time , the ukrainian armed forces fired from a 122 mm multiple launch rocket system. presumably it was a czech vampire. local residents counted at least four arrivals. all shells fell in dense residential areas. unfortunately. the irreparable happened, one civilian died, he received injuries incompatible with life, well the shells had a high-explosive fragmentation part, these were the traces left after the fragments scattered, of course - the man was practically at the epicenter, so there was no way to survive. two more people were injured, they were taken to the hospital, they were treated and released for outpatient treatment. maybe you're used to it here?
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at the first whistle, of course, we try to hide and run away. damage was detected in several apartment buildings, cut facades, knocked out a large number of windows, and they brought it to one of the courtyards new ones, here are the balcony frames, to be replaced after previous arrivals, but unfortunately, as a result of the explosion they were very badly damaged. the area is still restless, in the morning, in the neighboring voznesenovka , a drone forged a passenger bus, it’s good that there were no casualties, but the threat of shelling here in the border area still remains high. alexander korobov, vyacheslav podzolkov, news: belgorod region. powerful strikes and active actions of russian troops in all directions of the northern military district caused noticeable damage to the armed forces of ukraine over the past day. the ministry of defense reported that the enemy lost more than 2.0 troops. our units in many frontline sectors have improved their positions. wherein. the russian military knocked out four
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tanks, including american abrahams and four infantry fighting vehicles. during the counter-battery fight, dozens of howitzers and other weapons were destroyed, including eight produced by nato countries. aviation, missile forces and air defense have achieved notable successes. operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groups of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation destroyed a warehouse within 24 hours. fuel and lubricants of the armed forces of ukraine, up to five us-made bradley infantry fighting vehicles at a site with foreign military equipment, as well as a basing point without crew boats. in addition, the repair and restoration shops of the armored forging and mechanical plants were damaged by the accumulation of manpower and military equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in 104 districts. three hymarc multiple launch rocket system missiles were shot down by air defense systems, and also 52 unmanned vehicles. russia and syria have
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a promising direction for the development of trade and economic ties. vladimir putin announced this at a meeting with syrian president bashar assad. it took place the night before in the kremlin. the leaders also discussed the situation in the middle east. vladimir putin noted the growing tension in the region. i am very glad to see you. we have the opportunity to talk. relations, we have not seen each other for a long time, your opinion on how the situation in the region as a whole is developing is very interesting, unfortunately, it tends to aggravation, we see this, this also applies to syria directly, so, but also regarding our trade and economic ties, there are a lot of questions here, there are also promising areas, i hope that we can discuss this with you, today’s visit coincides with the anniversary establishing diplomatic relations between russia and syria, over the past decades our country... has gone through
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very difficult tests, these years have witnessed complex transformation processes within our states, but the relationship has maintained its trust level, and this is an indicator of the maturity of our peoples, given all the events that are happening in the world today in the eurasian region, our meeting today is important for discussing possible prospects for scenarios. during a speech in the us congress, the israeli prime minister called for the creation of an alliance similar to nato in the middle east, this... systemic confrontation orientation. nato was first created to contain nato has an absolutely distinct soviet union, then it continued to fulfill its functions to contain russian federation of our country and continues to do this to this day. do we need confrontational mechanisms? in the middle
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east it’s unlikely, but you need to understand the details of mr. netanyahu’s reasoning before concluding anything. now there is a short advertisement, and then a direct broadcast from our correspondent from... the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph, now in economical packaging of 96 capsules. find out your credit rating chose the right loan. check your credit score on the compare website or app. it’s free, and we will select the most profitable loan taking into account your current ones. found out, compared, chose! compare, on your side! a fairy chicken is needed for sweet dreams, a rubber chicken is for distracting maneuvers! and the most tender chicken
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resources, more than 140,000 internet sources with illegal content were blocked. this information was provided by the head of the supervisory department of our country, igor krasnov, speaking in bishkka. a meeting of the prosecutors general of the countries of the shanghai cooperation organization took place there today. and now our special correspondent evgeniy nipod is in touch with the studio. evgeniy, hello, but the number of crimes in the internet has really been growing in recent years. what measures were proposed today in bishkek to combat cyber threats and for protection. human rights in the era of total digitalization. daria, greetings, first of all, these measures relate to the protection of personal data from leaks, because the problem of leaks is quite serious, and a number of tools are also proposed to combat the spread
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of dangerous fakes that can lead to various illegal actions. russia has a rich toolkit to counter these threats , but... for everything today , the twenty- second meeting of the prosecutors general of the member countries of the shanghai cooperation organization, the head and representatives of the prosecutor general's offices was held at state residence number one in bishkka allacha. discussed how best to combat cybercrime, shared best practices, there is great interest, of course, in the russian experience, in his report igor krasnov mentioned a number of achievements, thanks to which the general prosecutor's office is now fighting manifestations of crime in the cyber environment? in a year and a half we achieved blocking or removal of illegal information from more than 140,000 internet resources. along. to protect citizens from the negative impact of the information environment , their
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personal data is also protected by the state. processing the latter using information technology requires operators of digital services to comply with the rights guaranteed by the russian constitution, including to privacy, personal and family secrets. 150 thousand violations that could lead to data leaks and citizens, as well as sensitive data, which can subsequently lead to vulnerabilities in important critical systems, and it is also mentioned that thanks to, thanks to , the state duma is now considering a bill that would criminalize the dissemination of leaked data from different databases and also. there will be responsibility for the administration of those resources that disseminate stolen information from citizens,
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but as igor krasnov noted, this is all about international crime and it is only possible to fight it in cyberspace consolidating the efforts of different countries, leading states, and the russian delegation called on the sco to support the un convention in the fight against cybercrime. it should also be noted that on the sidelines of the meeting a number of events were held... various aspects of interaction between the supervisory departments of the two countries were discussed, and much attention was, of course, paid to protecting the rights of investors, both russian and chinese. among other things, it provides for holding a round table on the protection of rights next year in vladivostok. investors with the participation of heads of border prosecutor's offices. in if you agree, i propose to make this
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event as practically oriented as possible, so that entrepreneurs in our countries can quickly feel the results of our meeting. for these purposes, i consider it necessary in advance for us, with the participation of the ambassadors of russia and china, to select and study specific problematic issues that require our response. when.
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our personal and favorable relations are very useful for strengthening our cooperation between the chinese and russian prosecutors, and also useful for the development of chinese-russian relations. relationships in general. over the past year , in beijing and russia, we signed a cooperation program between the prosecutor's offices of china and russia. for 2023-2024, as well as interaction in the scientific and educational sphere through local prosecutors’ offices. in addition, we also witnessed the signing of documents between military prosecutors' offices. we are ready with you, mr. krasnov, to make joint efforts for the effective implementation of the above -mentioned documents. the fact that a trusting relationship has developed between igor krasnov and his colleague inyun is evidenced by that fact. that after the negotiations, they talked for 15 minutes only in the presence
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of translators, then the delegations of russia and china went to the meeting together, following the meeting of the prosecutors general of the sco member countries, a protocol was signed that will help speed up the implementation of new technologies to combat cybercrime, well, the next meeting , the twenty-third in a row, will take place in pakistan next year. daria, i give you the floor. evgenia. thank you, our special correspondent was in direct contact with bishkek evgeniy nipod. the government supported the early start of reconstruction of the airport in gornaya altaisk. mikhail mishuttin stated this. the prime minister also discussed the development of altai and the resolution of pending issues with acting governor andrei turchak. margarita semenyuk will tell you about everything in more detail. the airport has already received 430. and
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the estimated numbers for this year will be at least 500. it receives almost five times more guests, the republic is becoming attractive to tourists, new solutions are needed to develop transport accessibility. michael mishustin arrived in the region in the morning and got acquainted with the project for the reconstruction of the complex. for us, this is truly the most important issue, because the tourist flow to the republic is growing, you were absolutely right when you said that this is the gateway to the altai mountains, and not only. he thinks with all his heart about how it is very important that a private investor today builds it at the level of the most modern advanced technologies, we absolutely
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support everything that will be primarily related to the speed of this work. the goal is to create. colorful international point passes, an airport that in the future will be able to receive more than a million people a year, and the new terminal will reflect the sights of the region, inside there is an image of the nature of the republic, outside the shape of the object will repeat the outline of the mountains. we have now looked at how the gates of gornoaltaisk will change, this is the construction of a powerful, modern complex of a new airfield, an airfield complex, here you are already...
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colleagues from cambodia, indonesia, laos and east timor. how the meetings went, we know our special correspondent anna voronina, she is in direct contact with the studio.
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anna, hello, what is happening at these moments and what topics have become central in those negotiations that have already... been presented in the form of an equilateral triangle, indicating precisely the equality of all participants in the negotiation process. in turn, sergei lavrov pointed out the enormous importance of osian today in the formation of a new multipolar world order. osian is one of the most important elements of the emerging fairer,
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multipolar world order, association was and remains the core of the common. regional efforts aimed at ensuring stable and secure non-bloc development of the asia-pacific region. we proceed from the fact that the large-scale potentials of russia and china, as well as the participation of moscow and beijing in brix and the sco, as minister wang just said, can have a positive impact both on our interaction with osian and on the processes of cooperation with her. sergei lavrov also noted that the meeting is an excellent opportunity to outline solutions to problems in the field of strengthening food,
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energy transport security in the region. earlier, foreign minister lasa , in turn, in a conversation with me, with our tv channel, noted how much vientiane values ​​moscow as a partner. russia is a long-time traditional friend of laos. laos was used to being a colony of foreigners, struggling for independence and sovereignty in the fifties and sixties. we received regular and timely support from russia, which helped us defend our independence. and we were convinced that russia was and will always be a friend for laos, and we, in turn, we will support russia. in the fields in the morning.
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nervous before negotiations with sergei lavrov, anna thank you about how sergei lavrov’s trip to laos is going, our special correspondent anna voronina told us.
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germany plans to allocate more money for the needs of the army in the future, chancellor olaf scholz announced this, while the country's economy is experiencing stagnation, all this against the backdrop of a rejection of russian energy resources. we’ll find out all the details from maria filippova. maria, greetings, what factors are talking about now? stagnation of the german economy? berlin plans to increase annual defense spending to 80 billion euros from 2028, german chancellor olaf scholz announced this at his traditional summer press conference. the chancellor also recalled that before he took office in 2017, defense spending amounted to 37 billion euros, but today it is twice as much as 76 billion per year. scholz named this increase in funding.
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military-industrial complex, which today is, unfortunately, one of the few areas of activity of the german industry that is confidently afloat. the german economy, europe's largest , was the weakest among its developed eurozone neighbors last year. high energy costs due to the refusal of russian fuel, weak global orders and record high interest rates had an impact. experts emphasize.
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first of all from coal, it was a complete ban, but then from oil and gas. today
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germany is cutting back. energy consumption and explains this with an environmental agenda. berlin emphasizes that it continues to purchase expensive american cosfeno russian lng, notes german bundenstag deputy from the alternative for germany party rainer rodfuss. why is this happening, he asks the government, recalling that there is an intact nord stream pipe. when positions, including those native to germany , ask the german government this question, the official answer is usually russia. refused to supply gas through pipelines, even before the explosion on the nord streams, of course, germany can’t now, and that is, not that it can’t, now i would never case, i did not expect that the german government would enter into any negotiations on the supply of russian gas through the pipeline, for all the reasons, and there is not a single economic reason for such a decision politically, they are trying to save the energy situation in germany , including with the help of alternative
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energy sources, in berlin’s plans . development of the hydrogen pipeline system, they intend to allocate 20 billion euros for its development. the first pipelines should be converted to hydrogen as early as next year. will this help restore industry? the question is controversial. another indicator of economic decline is a decline in banking profits. germany's largest deutsche bank suffered a quarterly loss for the first time in 4 years, notes cnbc. it amounted to 143 million euros due to deductions for possible legal costs associated with the postbank purchased in the tenth year. representatives of the financial institution noted that against this background they would most likely refrain from conducting a second share buyback this year. the decline of the industry is best illustrated by the fall of the auto industry. the production of new cars fell by a third amid rising energy costs. high competition with chinese manufacturers adds fuel to the fire. the largest automakers flocked to the united states, tired of waiting for financial proposals from the leadership of the european union. in the states they are offered subsidies,
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tax breaks, and everything. on top of that, there are also low energy prices. industrial decline and damage to energy-intensive industries from anti-russian sanctions have brought the german economy to the edge of the abyss. el pais wrote about this earlier. at the same time, the german crisis - this is always a european crisis. germany's neighbors in central and eastern europe are largely integrated into german supply chains. the european union also depends on the country's contributions to the community budget and on german government bonds to support the euro. mechanical in those ancient times, when there were no gadgets, people used magic.
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