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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 25, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread is the world, it is the most sacred thing a person has, something that is in every family. bread created our civilization, contributed to our technical evolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity. this is a universal language. over the past 200 years, bread has shaped our approach to life. this is the power of our country, its strength and power. every day i take a piece of black bread and always enjoy life. faced with bread, a person literally in a sense, it is transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought. we really hope that you think so too. the situation in the middle east
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tends to worsen. the situation in the region and the development of bilateral economic ties between russia and syria were discussed in the kremlin at a meeting between vladimir putin and bashar al-assad. precision strikes by iskander in kharkov. the destroyed workshop of an armored tank factory, where military equipment was repaired and a temporary deployment point. the person accused of blowing up a car in moscow acted as part of a criminal group; he is now being prepared for extradition from turkey to russia. what is known about his possible accomplices when the court hearing takes place? to create an analogue of nato in the middle east, what might be the reaction to such a proposal by the israeli prime minister and what will be discussed at netanyahu’s today’s negotiations in washington. we’ll talk about this live with an expert from the institute. and now
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the footage that we just received: vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko are now on valaam. earlier today, the president of belarus flew to st. petersburg, and from there he went to the island. now russian and belarusian leaders visited the church of the smolensk icon of the mother of god. it is located in the smolensk monastery.
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an effective direction for the development of trade and economic ties, vladimir putin announced this in the kremlin the night before, receiving syrian president bashar al-assad. he arrived in our country on a visit. the leaders of russia and syria discussed the situation in the middle east. vladimir putin noted the increase in tension in this region. dear mr. president, i am very glad to see you. we have the opportunity to talk relationships, we haven't seen each other for a long time. your opinion on this is very interesting.
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information processes within our states, however, relations maintained their level of trust, and this is an indicator of the maturity of our peoples. considering all the events that are happening in the world today in the eurasian region, our meeting today is important for discussing possible prospects for scenarios. uavs in the ssu today again attacked the shibekinsky urban district in the belgorod region, governor vyacheslav golotkov announced this. near the village voznesenovka, a passenger bus was damaged, but...
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in part, these were the traces left after the fragments flew away, of course, the man was practically at the epicenter, so there was no way to survive. two more people were injured, they were taken to the hospital, assistance was provided and they were released for outpatient treatment. we are already used to it here; at the first whistle we try, of course, to hide and run away. damage was found in several apartment buildings. cut the facades, knocked out a large number of windows, moreover, they brought new balcony frames to one of the courtyards here to replace them after previous arrivals, but unfortunately, as a result of the explosion they were very badly damaged, the area is still
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restless, in the morning a drone attacked in the neighboring voznesenovka passenger bus, it’s good that there were no casualties, but the threat of shelling here in the border area still remains high. alexander korobov, vyacheslav podzolkov, conduct the belgorod region. the kremlin doubts that in the near future the east needs an alliance similar to nato. this was stated by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, commenting on the initiative of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, which he presented in the us congress. peskov noted that we must wait for the details of this plan before drawing any conclusions. nato has an absolutely pronounced systemic one. confrontational orientation, nato was first created to contain the soviet union, then it continued to fulfill its functions to contain the russian federation of our country, and continues to do this on his own. it is unlikely that we need confrontational mechanisms in the middle east, but we need to understand the details
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of such reasoning by mr. netanyahu before concluding anything. well, we will now discuss this topic with the leading researcher at the center for arab and islamic studies. this idea has been promoted by the leaders of the united states for several months, if not recent years - including president biden, when he was on a visit to the middle east and saudi arabia in particular, we are talking about
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the creation of a military-political alliance that would include saudi arabia and a number of states. countries of uh soviet cooperation of the arab states of the persian gulf, which is headed by saudi arabia , jordan, egypt, but this plan, in general , was promoted quite actively, but after uh, through the mediation of china , relations were restored between saudi arabia and iran, this the plan collapsed, now again - yahoo is trying to resume it, revive it, so to speak, but what countries could be included there purely theoretically, these are the same countries, probably this is the same, the same plan, only now it is being put forward personally by netanyahu, i will remind you that past, past, so to speak,
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these versions of this plan were put forward by the united states and israel should to enter this alliance, so to speak, unofficially and not particularly advertised, now netanyahu openly says that these will be alliances that will include israel. well, this all looks like another attempt to split the countries of the arab world, precisely along the lines of anti-shiite confrontation. of course, this plan, as i said, was anti-iranian from the very beginning. now this is completely obvious, since israel is opposing iran, now we see, moreover, israeli military actions in the gaza strip, as a result of which thousands, if not tens of thousands of palestinian civilians are dying, this aggression, the aggressive
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actions of israel, they led to that the arab-muslim world now tends to unite, to become more anti-israeli.
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he only has a few weeks left in order to obtain nuclear weapons, trump is to blame for this, since he withdrew from the nuclear deal with iran, this situation, yes, it can be defined as a socio-political crisis, and naturally, now, yes, it is not clear who will be the next president in the united states, but in any case, we can clearly say that whoever becomes president of the united states, it will be...
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the united states stated that one of the main goals of us foreign policy is to support the us strategic ally in middle east. that here it is absolutely obvious, but danyahu meets with representatives of various, so to speak , circles of the political establishment of the united states, both democrats and republicans will be with him, he will communicate with them, and this, well, this is a necessary thing, in general, for netanyahu this is what the united states, another important player in the east, turkey, has come to say.
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turkey's position, here it must be said that turkey's position, as i repeat, is that of most of the arab-muslim world in relation to israel is negative, and the turkish position is more radical, even, let me remind you that turkey personally accused netanyahu of crimes against humanity and these are the accusations that led to the recognition of netanyahu and a number of his leaders. by the international criminal court responsible for the deaths of palestinian citizens, civilians in gaza,
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but if we talk about the specific results of this position of turkey, yes, turkey is against this, but here it is necessary, in my opinion, to say quite clearly that this initiative netanyahu, it is completely unrealizable, but it is impossible to imagine that now this alliance will be created, the arab nato, which will include... israel, which will be directed against iran while israeli troops are conducting their operation in the gas sector, and in recent weeks, these operations have also been carried out again. were killed and wounded by the palestinian population, the entire arab-muslim world is against this, suddenly an arab nato is created, no, of course, but here, in my opinion, netanyahu is also trying, so to speak, to score points in inside israel, because it is known that there is also
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a split in israeli society, because a significant part of israeli society and the establishment. that hamas was able to inflict such a serious military blow on israel, and where was the army, where was the intelligence, these are questions for netanyahu, why the captured israeli citizens by hamas have not yet been released, all these questions are posed by part of this israeli society netanyahu, here is netanyahu . trying, all the time trying to somehow influence this part of israeli society, to restore his image of such a strong leader who cares about the security of israel, this initiative of netanyahu, in my opinion , is largely aimed at the domestic consumer in israel, at israeli society, to the extent that we are implementing these
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initiatives, i will say again that it is unlikely is it unrealizable... is it hardly feasible in the context of the ever-increasing confrontation in the middle east, when even the israeli ambassador openly declares that israel is now one step away from a full-scale war with lebanon, if we now consider the likelihood of a full-scale open conflict between israel and lebanon, what do you think, what is the chance of this conflict, is israel ready? now, how many 18 years after the last war with lebanon in 2006, again go to beirut, again go directly to lebanese territory, and how will the situation develop in this case? well, here we must say that this war is not with lebanon, of course, not with the lebanese state, with hezbollah, and those military groups
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that support hezbollah, the shiite ones, first of all, and those who oppose israel, so... an israeli strike is being prepared against them, but here we must also say that with these groups, primarily with hezbollah, there is already such a thing going on, well, if not a war, then at least at least such periodically sporadic military actions, shelling, israel fires at hezbollah positions, hezbollah fires at the positions of both the israeli army and israeli territory, and israel, yes , more than once. declared his threats against hezbollah, and against those forces that support hezbollah, but regarding the possibility of this open war, open - so to speak, open actions of the israeli army already on the territory of lebanon against hezbollah, then again this is a rather
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complicated question, because if now we see that the military phase of the operation has not yet been completed. israeli in the gaza strip, and there are also sporadic fighting between the israeli army and hamas, israel is being fired upon by the houthi movement, although israeli aircraft are also striking at houthi positions, now they are opening another front against hezbollah, the israeli army, well, yes, the israeli army has the resources, it has the military capabilities to launch such... an operation, but here it must be said that hezbollah also has enough capabilities, and perhaps even more of them than hamas, it has a stock of missile weapons, drones, in the event of this open clash with israel, all this will be used, and used not only against
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the israeli army, but also on israeli territory, and here it must be said that there are also... such groups as reconnaissance and sabotage groups, which can penetrate into israeli territory from hisbalah, other shiite groups, which boris vasilyevich, thank you very much, unfortunately, we are forced to end the interview now, but i will remind you that we spoke live about the likelihood of a major conflict in the middle east with a leading researcher center for arabic and islamic studies institute of oriental boris debt, thank you for the interview, yes! and now to the economic news: branches of foreign banks will reopen in russia, but the rules for their operation will be strict. the bill is in the first the state duma adopted the reading. and now nika is making direct contact from there. nika, i welcome you, what will change for foreigners after returning to russia? dali, greetings, in general today the state duma has a very busy agenda, it is considering many bills, in the first reading they passed
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a bill that allows foreign banks to open branches in our country from september this year, but with a number of restrictions, for example, we are talking about opening only one branch of a foreign organization, and the foreign organizations are prohibited from opening an internal structural one. divisions and attract bank paying agents. requirements for the minimum deposit are also established; its size should be 1 billion rubles. well, foreign branches are prohibited, including from carrying out banking operations and transactions with individuals, including individual entrepreneurs, with the exception of the purchase and sale of currency. to attract funds and precious metals of individuals and legal entities into deposits to engage in production, trading and insurance activities. more details about the law. the main goal of this bill is to simplify cross-border payments and attract
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foreign investment to our country, while very strict control will be exercised over the activities of foreign organizations. the bill provides and defines the procedure for accreditation of a branch of a foreign bank and obtaining a license from the bank of russia, establishes the requirements and conditions for carrying out activities, and determines. list of permitted banking operations, for example, it will be prohibited to attract deposits of individuals, issuance of loans to individuals, the opening of only one branch of a foreign bank is allowed, and the opening of internal structural divisions is also prohibited; chairman of the financial market committee anatoly noted that thanks to strict control over foreign ones
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, anatoly aksakov especially emphasized that there are special criteria for those who come, not everyone can come, for example, they need certain work experience, at least 3 years of banking activity, and of course, a high credit rating. now, thanks to the activities of the central bank, the situation in the banking sector is almost completely under control, there is very competent, fair and strict regulation in the market, so there is no fear that. with the opening of branches of foreign banks , some financial problems will be created related to the withdrawal of capital, including all sorts of
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dubious transactions; in principle, we are at that stage of the financial sphere, that it is quite possible to open a job. well, as a result of the discussion, the deputies adopted the bill in the first reading. daria. thank you, nika, nika inkovaya was on direct line from the state duma. companies in the russian energy sector continue to report financial results. gazprom neft's revenue for the first half of the year increased by 30% to 2 trillion rubles. let's talk more about the performance of the energy industry with dmitry morocco. dmitry, greetings, why are these indicators growing? greetings to the chief thus, due to consistently high world energy prices. the russian energy sector is showing good growth, as evidenced by recent reports from companies such as gazprom. in the first half of the year, gazprom neft's net profit increased by almost 8%, amounting to 328.5 billion rubles. this is even better than analysts' expectations. revenue
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increased immediately by 30% to 2 trillion. the company attributes this record growth to effective project portfolio management. novatek also reported profit for the first six months, which it managed to increase by more than doubled to almost 342 billion rubles. revenue grew by 17% to more than 700.52 billion, despite all the sanctions, price ceilings and so on and the logistics difficulties that these sanctions are trying to organize for us, yes, in general, despite this we we continue to supply oil, oil products, and liquefied gas in no less volumes than before, taking into account the fact that we are working within the framework of the agreement, again plus oil, for example, oil products, so the profit arises from this because we sell oil and petroleum products above the price ceiling.
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interrao's profit in the first half of the year also increased by 5.5 times; the company is actively directing funds to modernize the power plant and increase energy generation. rushydra, in turn, plans to invest 800 billion rubles in energy development, of which more than 70% will be developed in the far east. investments in new projects are one of the main success factors for russian energy companies, another one being consistently high energy prices on the world market. that is, oil dynamics are better, the second important factor is certainly discount to russian oil, if last year in the first half of the year it even reached 30 rubles, and there in general it was on average 27 rubles for the six months, a discount wow, then this year for the first half of the year this discount is significantly lower, it is about 15 dollars per barrel, that is, here is the factor of a lower discount for russian oil, and a higher price for the oil itself and of course the ruble factor,
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the energy sector... one of the main engines of the economy, it ensures stable revenues to the country’s budget. from january to june, oil and gas revenues exceeded 5.5 trillion rubles. this is 68.5% more than a year earlier. the favorable situation is mainly due to rising prices for russian oil. the export of russian gas is increasing, and it goes not only in the east, but in the west . pipeline supplies to europe grew by 7% in the first half of the year. that is, here due to additional taxes. due to good sales volumes at good prices, that is, we see that the budget in this part feels quite comfortable, the same can be said about the non-oil and gas part, that is price environment, increased taxes, this is what makes the budget feel good. the indicators of the metallurgical industry, directly related to the energy sector, are also actively growing; mmk’s revenue increased in the second quarter by 16.5% and amounted to. almost
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225 billion rubles. primarily due to an increase in sales of premium products against the backdrop of high demand in the domestic market. the company's net profit exceeded 26.5 billion rubles. the titanium manufacturer in smpo avisma is also in the black ; the corporation's revenue according to russian standards accounting in the first half of the year increased by 11% to 51 billion rubles. dmitry, thank you. dmitry morocco spoke about the positive reporting of russian companies. in the ryazan region, unknown persons dismantled a sixty-ton railway bridge. they suspect that these were local residents who sold the structures for scrap metal. the bridge was inactive and was located in the skopinsky district. issues regarding the initiation of criminal cases under the articles “theft” on an especially large scale and negligence are being resolved. the owners of the crossing estimate the damage caused at 300 million rubles the bridge was dismantled in a few days.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.


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