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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 25, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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who are responsible for everything. vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko on valaam, the leaders visited the smolensk church of the icon of the mother of god. during the business part of the visit, the presidents plan to discuss union projects and regional security. accurate strikes by iskanders. in kharkov, the workshops of an armored tank factory where repairs of military equipment and a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries were carried out were destroyed. the person accused of blowing up a car in moscow acted as part of a criminal group. now he is being prepared for extradition from turkey to russia. what is known about his possible accomplices when will the court hearing be held? apartment buildings, bridges and roads, including those leading to the airport, were flooded.
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let's ask our meteorologists about the situation on... khotki, about what the forecasts are for the far east. vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko are now on valaam. earlier today, the president of belarus flew to st. petersburg, and from there he went to the island. here, russian and belarusian leaders visited the church of the smolensk icon of the mother of god. it is located in the smolensk monastery, where monks pray for russian soldiers who died for their faith.
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negotiations between vladimir putin and bashar al-assad took place on earth. the head of the arab republic arrived in our country on a visit. the leaders discussed promising areas for the development of trade and economic ties between russia and syria, as well as the situation in the middle east. vladimir putin noted the increase in tension in the region. dear mr. president, i am very glad to see you. here we have the opportunity to talk; we haven’t seen each other for a long time. i'm very interested in your opinion about how is the situation in the region as a whole? unfortunately, it tends to escalate, we see this, this also applies to syria directly, but also as regards our trade and economic ties, there are a lot of questions here, there are also promising directions, i hope that we can do the same with you discuss this. today's visit coincides with the anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between russia and syria. over the past decades , our countries have gone through very difficult tests. these years have witnessed complex transformation processes within our people. v
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world in the eurasian region, our meeting today is important to discuss possible future scenarios. vladimir putin sent condolences to the president and prime minister of ethiopia in connection with the tragic consequences of the landslide in the south of the country. the telegram was published on the kremlin website. the russian leader asked to convey words of sincere sympathy and... support to the families of the victims, as well as wishes for a speedy recovery to all the victims. landslides occurred in southern ethiopia, the number of victims reached 260 people. the kremlin doubts that there is a need in the middle east an alliance similar to nato. this was stated by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, commenting on the initiative of israeli prime minister netanyahu, which he presented in the us congress. peskov noted that we must wait for the details of this plan before... before drawing
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any conclusions, nato has an absolutely pronounced systemic confrontational orientation. nato was first created to contain the soviet union, then it continued to perform its functions to contain the russian federation of our country, and continues to do so to this day. it is unlikely that we need confrontational mechanisms in the middle east, but we need to understand the details of mr. netanyahu’s reasoning before making any conclusions, this is how boris dolgov, leading researcher at the center for arab and islamic studies at the institute of oriental studies in iran, assessed the prospect of creating a new middle east alliance . it is impossible to imagine that now this alliance, the arab nato, will be created, which will include israel, which will be directed against iran while israeli troops are conducting their operation in the gas sector were again.
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imported serebryakovo from the airport. russian investigators also believe that the criminal did not act alone. law enforcement agencies reported that they are searching for the customer and organizer of the assassination attempt. let me remind you that the day before the morning when a japanese suv was blown up in moscow , two people were injured. they were injured and are in the hospital. in 2.5 years, the prosecutor general's office of russia has eliminated more than 150 thousand violations that lead to data leakage and vulnerability of information resources, over 140,000 internet sources with illegal content were blocked. this information was provided by the head of the supervisory department of our country, igor krasnov, speaking in bishkka. he took part in a meeting of prosecutors general of the shanghai cooperation organization countries.
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evgeniy nipot will tell you what we agreed on. state residence number one in the south of beshkek, alla archa. the twenty- second meeting of the generals took place here. representatives of supervisory agencies discussed how best to combat cybercrime, a large interest in russian experience. at the request of prosecutors, publications are suppressed that, on the basis of false information, call on citizens to organize illegal public actions, mass riots, extremist actions and terrorist acts. in a year and a half, we have achieved the blocking or removal of illegal information from more than '. violations that lead to data leaks, and for those who use stolen personal information, punishment may be increased, such a bill was proposed by the prosecutor general's office for consideration in the state duma, igor krasnov noted that an effective fight against cybercrime is only possible
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through the joint efforts of leading states. there is no global international treaty in this area yet. the russian delegation called on the sco to support the un convention against cybercrime. we have proposed an approach, a basis. to consolidate the provision in it, the criminalization of a wide range of acts committed using ict, including such dangerous ones as terrorism, extremism, drug trafficking, weapons, as well as the provision of weapons to law enforcement agencies sufficient powers to identify, suppress and investigate these crimes, however, the united states and its satellites are categorically against wide coverage, stating that: the existing international legal mechanisms are already sufficient for cooperation, we clearly understand that the interests of it giants are hidden behind such an unconstructive position of westerners their curators. on the sidelines of the meeting , igor krasnov held a working meeting with his tajik colleague yusuf rahmon.
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the prosecutor general of russia called for synchronization of actions with tajikistan for fight against terrorism. negotiations were also held with the chinese prosecutor general yingyunyong. yes. much attention was paid to investment protection issues. the russian side proposed holding a joint reception of russian and chinese entrepreneurs, which operates in the two countries. chinese representatives reacted with great interest to the initiative. our personal and favorable relations are very useful for strengthening our cooperation between the prosecutor's offices of china and russia, as well as useful for the development of sino-russian relations in in general. over the past year, we signed a cooperation program.
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4:11 pm
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is guaranteed, if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable! the olympic games in paris have not yet officially opened, and the news feed is filled with reports of problems with the organization.
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so did we, we waited an hour and 40 minutes but no one told us anything, it's frustrating because it's the olympic games. moreover, the argentine football player almado during workout.
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our van was broken into last night, luckily my bikes weren't there, although my bike bags with a few things were, crazy start to the trip, i lost my wallet, backpack and a few other things, but overall it wasn't too bad, thanks tracker in our bags, it's a shame when people feel the need to do such things. two employees of the canadian national football team, namely the head coach and analyst, were accused of
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espionage and punished with eight months probation, as it turned out, they decided to monitor opponent... using a drone, thus preparing for the first match against new zealand, which will open the women's football tournament. we are all extremely upset about what happened. our delegation took action to expeditiously expel coach lombardi along with his assistant in order to mitigate any advantage our team may have as a result of this espionage. in the end, the drone footage of the two new zealand training sessions was left solely to the pilot, so i assure you that this is for us. will not help. meanwhile the swedish athletes complain about hard mattresses made from fishing nets. their excessive rigidity, which is covered by the slogan of environmental cleanliness, affects the full possibility of recreation. therefore, gandabalist sweden ordered their own ikea mattresses at their own expense. there is also growing dissatisfaction with
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the olympic buses provided, in which, due to crowds, one has to travel with and , most importantly, without air conditioning. it is very hot in transport, twice a day we travel 40 minutes there and back, and to be honest, here in paris the heat is worse than in india, if this will continue, people will eventually faint on buses, athletes say about the lack of food in the olympic village, there were not enough eggs for breakfast, as liki wrote, according to the publication, the organizers had to ration food so that there was enough for everyone. daniil makhalin, alexander stalmashevsky, lead. enjoy rolls from tasty point. caesar roll with tender chicken in crispy breading with tomato and cheese. try a caesar roll and other rolls at a tasty spot or stop by your drive-thru for them. cosiness at low prices on the yandex market.
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vtb, together, everything will work out. i ’ve been talking to tv for 20 years so that today i can teach you how to find any content in the new yandex tv station. alice, find a film with svetlokov. murder suspect detained in ukraine
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ex-deputy irina farion. zelensky announced this in his telegram channel. according to him, the suspect was detained in dnepropetrovsk. information previously appeared in other telegram channels that in preparation for the assassination attempt, the killer rented at least three apartments in lviv. at the same time, the investigation is inclined to believe that he is only a performer. ukrainian media reported today that one of the neo-nazi groups took responsibility for the murder. journalists claim that neo-nazis accused irina farion of inciting hatred within ukrainian society. let me remind you that farion received scandalous fame for her numerous statements against the russian language and russian-speaking ukrainians. for this , a criminal case was even opened against her in november. on july 19, she was killed in lvov. the criminal came close and shot him in the temple. farion was taken to the hospital. but the doctors could not help her. the russian units of the southern group occupied more advantageous positions, and the troops of the center, east and
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west groups improved their tactical position. about it reported to the ministry of defense. in addition, the military department spoke about a group attack on the kharkov armored plant, where military equipment was being repaired. egor grigoriev will tell you more about the progress of the special military operation. objective control footage. uav. the territory of the largest armored tank plant in ukraine, the kharkov armored plant, is clearly visible. cars in an open parking lot are confident in the protection of ukrainian air defenses, but our iskander’s ammunition with a high-explosive fragmentation part destroys the workshop. the goal is machine tools and equipment. recovery here the technology is discontinued. the rocket with the cassette part was used in the second workshop and parking lots with armored vehicles, including western ones. their kharkov plant repaired and... modernized them, and supplies from nato countries were also stored here. bradley, challengers, abrams assembled drones of various types in hangars; there was a railway
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station next to the enterprise, so the equipment was promptly delivered to the north military district zone. operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery groups troops of the armed forces of the russian federation were destroyed within 24 hours. apu fuel and lubricant warehouse, up to five bradley infantry fighting vehicles. made in the usa at a site with foreign military equipment, as well as a base for unmanned boats. the msta b howitzer works loudly and powerfully. it hits the enemy tens of kilometers away, the artillery of the west group of forces supports its motorized rifle units. the crew of the gun is three people, there has been a lot of work in recent days, coherence helps the fighters.
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and you are now handcuffed and in the seasonal position the fighting near sentry yar krasnogorovka konstantinovka continues, units of the southern group of forces, the situation improves losses in the ssu to 680 military personnel, armored vehicles and artillery pieces. the beaten enemy is trying to carry out rotations, plans are being disrupted by the calculations of our attack drones. in su they choose to regroup the replenishment stock. night time, but this does not help, in the southern donetsk direction the militants are being monitored by soldiers of the group of heavy mobile snipers konrad, the vostok group of troops. attempt.
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she will, in short, do whatever she wants do, rob, rape, steal, in short, well, engage in lawlessness, as they say, what we know best, from arrival to launch, one and a half minutes, for efficiency and safety, jet fighters work from asphalt roads, the sky is over the fields, control enemy drones, crew of the rsz group. the dnepr army masterfully fulfills the task; a package of missiles creates a tornado on the enemy’s position in the orekhovsky direction in the zaporozhye region; in one day , the uvsu lost 115 military personnel and 410 militants in the enemy’s area of ​​​​responsibility. troop grouping center, here the ukrainian armed forces have minus two tanks, including abrams, howitzers and cannons. egor grigoriev, news! the official
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city tourist portal visit st. petersburg invites you to st. petersburg. a city of history and romance, architectural splendor, innovative museums, the highest level of excursion services, creative space and the unique atmosphere of the northern capital, in which everyone can feel like a st. petersburger. it's all a unique journey of experiences with family and friends. welcome to st. petersburg, the city where good mood is born.
4:29 pm
have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread is the world, it is the most sacred thing a person has, something that is in every family. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution, the technical revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity.
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this is a universal language. over the past 2.0 years , bread has shaped our approach to life. this is power in our country. its strength could. every day i always take a piece of black bread i enjoy life. when confronted with bread, a person is literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought. we really hope that you think so too. persanez saw a lot, including the courage of the ancient inhabitants who saved the city from scythian raids, and the miracle of epiphany that happened here to prince vladimir. we are grateful to prince vladimir precisely because he laid this spiritual foundation for future national construction, and this happened right here in hersanes. the territory where ancient greek and roman and...


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