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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 25, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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is based in germany, but these missiles must first be made. germany now is not the same as it was in the past, built on the invincible deutsche mark. unlike the 1980s, the current german economy is not healthy enough to support a military budget of 22%.
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on the german concept of human material, we are now back at square one in the conflict in ukraine, which has become a proxy war between east and west. erich maria remarque, a german writer who knows about the horrors of war, knew about the horrors of war, he said: good or bad, life is life, you understand, only when you have to risk it. and this, ladies and gentlemen, remains true for any soldier in this war, no matter what side he fights on. and therefore, one remains surprised when ukrainian soldiers shout to their russian opponents, the russians do not surrender. i will now make a statement as a representative of the russian federation. dear colleagues.
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the ussr and the usa end the cold war. the ukrainian crisis is just one of the consequences of this policy. today we are all already we know, including from declassified western documents, that we are on our own crusade against russia. the united states began immediately after the collapse of the ussr, masking its actions with good speeches and appeals. after the anti-constitutional coup on the kiev maidan in 2014. ukraine became an outpost
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of this line, from this neighboring country friendly to us , anti-russia was gradually cobbled together, with all its ugly attributes, violation of the rights of russian-speaking residents, terry ukrainian nationalism and the suppression of all dissent, glorification of hitler's collaborators and persecution of the canonical orthodox church. all this, as is now known for certain, took place, including undercover. agreements that the kiev regime and its western patrons did not even intend to implement from the very beginning, using them solely as a screen for arming ukraine and preparing it for war with russia. it is clear that our western colleagues are extremely reluctant to abandon this course, of which ukraine itself has become an obvious victim. this was revealed during the mentioned an open debate on multilateralism in which the united states is its ally.
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demonstrated an absolute unpreparedness for any dialogue; they continued to operate with the logic of a zero-sum game. their pumping of weapons into the kiev regime continues, although with serious problems with disruptions, it is becoming difficult to ignore the fact of widespread corruption accompanying these supplies. thus, from the report of the pentagon inspector general it follows that the us army did not check the accounts of contractors totaling $20 million in aid contracts ukraine.
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in fact, the country is implementing an ordinary colonial scheme. at the same time, the scale of corruption in ukraine has already reached such unprecedented proportions that ukrainian deputies. and you can continue to take bribes, i wonder if somewhere else there is a similar tax on bribes, or has it only been thought of by nezalezhnaya square? this was
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russia’s speech at the un by vasily nebinze, a meeting on the supply of western weapons to ukraine is being held at the request of the russian side, also as a guest speaker: austrian politician karen kneisel. russia and turkey are now resolving legal issues related to the extradition of a suspect in a car bombing in moscow. as reported at our embassy in ankara, the discussion is taking place through law enforcement agencies. well, right now we are returning to the broadcast of the un security council meeting. french commandos were also killed, all of them. not mercenaries, but active military personnel, another 25 were wounded. on july 23 , about 50 foreign instructors were killed in the kharkov region. yesterday, about 200 foreign specialists came under attack in izmail. we
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warned about such a scenario and repeatedly warned about its consequences. not all of them have yet realized the real state of affairs at the front and the prospects for ukraine as a state in the event. we all remember that it was he who dissuaded the ukrainian leader at the end of march, beginning of april 2022 from signing a peace agreement that was very beneficial for ukraine, initialed in the ukrainian delegation to the negotiations, the delegation to the negotiations in istanbul. and this is what he says now. for the sake of
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peace - he argues, ukraine could abandon the demand for a return to the 1991 borders and as compensation. provide rights to the russian-speaking population. it’s hard to imagine the degree of cynicism of the retired british politician. it turns out that the rights of russian-speaking residents of ukraine are a matter of bargaining for him. and are the rights of the english or, say, the flomans in belgium or the swedes in finland such for him? we want to disappoint the british pseudo-peacekeeper, we do not have the rights of ukrainian residents who speak russian.
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in the eu if the issue of the volyn massacre is not resolved. end of quote. it is difficult not to share the opinion of this polish politician. however, having said a, he must also say b. he will not exist as long as those who committed this massacre and thousands of other atrocities against jews, poles, russians and the same ukrainians are glorified in ukraine. curry favor with their nazi masters. i repeat once again, this is needed not only by russia, but by all of europe. the entire west, if they want to claim even the slightest correspondence to the values ​​that our grandfathers, together with defended at the cost of their lives 80 years ago. dear colleagues, the consequences of the ukrainian crisis will not be overcome as long as
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the lie on which the kiev regime is based lives on, a lie that its western curators willingly add and multiply. it has ingrained itself, in many ways, tightly, like dirt, into the western narrative. this is both a provocation, one among many, and a denial of kiev’s long-term aggression against the population of donbass and silence.
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and was not destined to come true, although our country has consistently advocated for an independent, comprehensive, deserving trust in the investigation to the cause of the incident. russia was at the forefront of the adoption of security council resolution 2166 and remains fully committed to its implementation in the interests of establishing the truth and bringing those responsible to justice. however , the conclusions of the technical investigation of the dutch safety council and the subsequent criminal investigation are biased.
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we cannot recognize the investigation of a joint investigative team consisting of hostile relations between russia and states. their sole purpose was to hastily concoct indictments regarding moscow's involvement in the boeing crash and carelessly adjust the evidence base to this. our proposals for joint work were rejected, and the data we presented was irrefutable, completely excluding the possibility of launching a missile from the territory under the control of the militia. the netherlands, acting within the framework of anti-russian logic, for 10 years has not found the strength to understand in detail the circumstances of the tragedy. the obvious question is about ukraine’s responsibility for not closing the airspace above the combat zone actions was not analyzed, like many other drinking facts. moreover, with the active support of her allies, gaga is trying to use her dubious developments. on de-17 on international platforms, including the icao council and the ecp, in order to confirm in the eyes
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of the international community the false version of russia’s guilt in the boeing crash. vka, russia presented an extensive convincing evidence base indicating that our country was not involved in the disaster. called on the organization to conduct an impartial investigation into all the circumstances of what happened, which is ika’s advice.
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similar reasoning was expressed by both the kiev leader, who had lost his legitimacy, and his subordinate. in this regard, i will immediately note
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that the readiness for negotiations voiced by the kiev regime, as such, fits into our position that the diplomatic path is the preferred option for resolving the conflict in ukraine. we, as you know, have never refused negotiations, at the instigation of our western sponsors. rejected zelensky and his clique. such details and nuances are important in questions; you just don’t know about them. but we know that the kiev head. back in november 2022, he legally prohibited himself and his subordinates from any conversations with the russian authorities, this decree is still in force. we also know that quite recently the kiev authorities, as the only basis for a settlement that suited them, promoted the pseudo-peaceful, so -called zelensky formula, which does not and cannot make any sense, both from
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the point of view of elementary logic and taking into account the real situation at the front . that's why. the same fact that kiev’s western sponsors considered it unnecessary for the presence of a representative of the kiev regime at today’s meeting dedicated to ukrainian issues is very significant, indicative and once again proves that today’s ukraine does not make any sovereign decisions. in general, colleagues, before the walkers come to us,
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with a call to evaluate a possible change in the rhetoric of a fiasco at the front, overdue. leader of the kiev regime, we would urgently ask you to find out the details of his insight; perhaps, in fact, there is nothing in his assessments has changed, and if he has really matured to talk about peace, then he has before his eyes the peace proposals put forward by the russian president a month ago, and we advise him to hurry up, ukraine will definitely not get anything better, it certainly won’t get it under any circumstances, will not receive the front on...
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the brooch is with me, i would give it away, but it is sewn on, when we return, we will select a worthy one with great pleasure and send it to indonesia with constant respect. the friendly atmosphere, however, did not knock anyone out of a businesslike mood. russia signed a consultation plan with indonesia through the mit slaos intergovernmental agreement in the field of information security, but led by a discussion of the situation. in the asia-pacific region. one of the main issues on the agenda today is the strengthening of the conflict potential in the region, which the local press writes about, indicating who is the main destabilizing force. the activity of the west in matters of militarization of the region and strengthening nato’s military presence was discussed at a trilateral meeting between russia, laos and china. here, even the shape of the table - an isosceles triangle, suggests
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that in these negotiations the equality of the parties is valued, and such interaction is important to develop. role in the formation of a more equitable multipolar world order, the association itself remains the core of regional efforts to ensure the safe development of the asia-pacific region outside of any of the blocs. further cooperation will be discussed on friday at a meeting of russian foreign ministers osian. anna voronina, mikhail vikulin, eva fidotova, vesti laos.
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now it's time for economic news. the volume of trade and agricultural products between russia and saudi arabia has reached a billion dollars, this is stated on the government website. the basis of trade was the export of russian grain. at the end of last year, it accounted for more than 60% of total trade turnover, this year almost 90%. the second liquefaction train for the arctic lng-2 project from murmonsk. a businessman writes about this. the platform will be towed to the gydan peninsula, where construction will begin in mid-august. installation. the line was completed despite us sanctions blocking the project. in total, the lng plant provides for the construction of three stages with a total capacity of almost 20. downgraded ukraine’s long-term ratings to the c level. this suggests that the country is on the verge of default. the agency expects that
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the ukrainian authorities will not service the external debt, including the payment of coupons on eurobonds maturing in 2026, which is scheduled for august 1st. fitch also expects the budget deficit to be high this year. at the level of 17% of gdp. and the continuation of hostilities will maintain the country's increased dependence on external financing. damage due to the failure of windows in the united states exceeded $5 billion, raiter writes about this with reference to the parametrix company. they noted that insurance payments will cover only 10-20% of real financial losses. as for global damage, it could already reach $15 billion. let me remind you that on friday, about 8.5 million devices running the windows operating system were out of order due to a glitch. it affected airlines, banks, hospitals and others enterprises. it was economic news, briefly. the kremlin doubts that the middle east needs an alliance similar to nato. this was stated by presidential press secretary
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dmitry peskov. earlier, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu voiced a proposal to create some kind of alliance to counterbalance iran. and we will discuss this topic now with the senator, co-chairman of the group on cooperation between the federation council and the iranian parliament, dmitry vasilenko. dmitry yurievich, hello. connection problems, now we'll try again i can't see or hear you, it seems we have time to return to our speaker. dmitry yurievich, can you hear us? are we trying to connect? yes, yes, yes, i hear you. yes, great, dmitry yuryevich, are there plans to raise this topic at the next meetings of the group, i mean netanyahu’s statement about creating some kind of alliance like nato as a counterweight to iran. i
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think that, of course, this will be discussed, but this is not a priority task of cooperation between russia and iran, israel is doing this more from the political reserve that they now have, they want confirmation that if there is a conflict with iran, that the united states will not step aside because the situation is dire, after iran announced within 72 hours on april 13-14 that it would attack israel, he demonstrated its military power, and of course, israel thought very deeply and understands that the situation is very difficult, everything that was in the mediterranean, everything that was in the atlantic, nato brought to israel for... to protect it from the blow that iran was inflicting, in the answer, by the way, after a blow was struck at the iranian diplomatic mission, where
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five high-ranking officers, including two generals, were killed, the security services of iran, respectively, after the attack on israel, planes of nato countries, this is great britain. france, the usa, only thanks to this, of course, also thanks to this, they were able to repel the blow of iran, so their situation is very difficult, now prime minister netanyahu is not very well received by the usa, there are protests there, the youth of palestine are showing themselves very well quite seriously, so of course they will ask, and as confirmation that such an alliance should be created, they will talk about it all the time, but we... exist.
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since the beginning of the century, the united states of america has provided very large amounts of financial assistance; from 2009 to 2019, every year israel received financial assistance in the amount of $3 billion. and since 1919, the amount has increased to 3.8 billion dollars, so there is quite a lot of serious financial assistance, but nevertheless israel still fears and wants confirmation that the united states, in the event of, for example, elections or some change in the political landscape of the united states, the united states will continue to defend israel. similar proposals for creating such an anti-iranian alliance have already been made before, but if we talk about iran’s reaction, yes, what is it now, especially considering that the head of the islamic republic has changed, can we expect any such bright speeches to netanyahu’s words?
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well, there can be speeches, politicians always make some statements or emphasize some things that happen during either statements or negotiations in foreign policy, but now iran is more interested in brix, believe me, now they have a different situation, since january 1 they entered the brix system, the chairman of the iranian parliament flew to st. petersburg and represented iran. mr. galibav, who held a meeting with the president of the russian federation, vladimovich putin, with the chairman of the federation council votrienka from the chairman of the state duma volodin, and this presence at this forum proved once again that iran strives to be friends, strives to trade, strives to exchange experience, industrial experience, naturally
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, developments that exist, among other things. sphere in order to ensure their safety as much as possible, in russia they see a friend, and a friend is a friend in trouble, if you remember that raisi, when the plane crash occurred, that within 3 hours the president of the russian federation vladimirovich putin received the ambassador of iran and there were search teams were organized and flew to iran in order to to find the site of the disaster, but unfortunately the situation turned out to be such that, well, that’s it. the catastrophe was already impossible to turn back, but nevertheless, first of all, the russian federation is also demonstrating to iran its commitment to friendship. dmitry yuryevich, if i may briefly, and you yourself spoke about security, so how will other regional players from among the arab countries react to these statements by netanyahu, given that this is the security of the entire region? the thing is that i don't think
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how... will not react, this is a normal routine political task, israel is pursuing its goals, iran will pursue its goals, because the united states is already present, well, look, there is a radar station on mount keren, and there was a previous detection, an attack there of some missiles - the enemy, presence all the time, the only military bases in israel who are allowed are the united states, so nothing else will happen, israel needs this confirmation for one thing.
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with the help of the usa, great britain, france and nato countries. well, that is, in fact you say that this statement followed russia’s foreign policy successes in this direction, of course, of course, of course, it turns out that this is an attempt, as it were, well, to move the agenda in the other direction, a little, to escalate the situation in the region, but to what extent these statements take on real features, right?


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