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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 25, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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in rio, the governor of the vologda region switched to english when discussing the results of the unified state exam. a video of his speech went viral on social media today. the exam results in subjects shown by regional graduates are generally higher than in russia, with the exception of english and computer science. hearing this, filimonov asked the head of the education department in english. what is the reason for the lag? the reaction of officials, alas.
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and, to the applause of the audience, showed a roundhouse kick, as the head of the vologda region himself later explained, this is what he wanted emphasize that a true patriot of russia is a person who does not isolate himself only in his own culture. well, today in the very center of vologda they began to build a wooden chapel. the townspeople are going to do this in record time, in just one day. it was during this time, more than 300 years ago, that the spasograd cathedral was erected in alagzhan to deliver the city. darina vereshchagina will continue the theme of the plague. the sound of an ax was heard in the center of vologda at 10 am. according to orthodox tradition , the frame of the temple being built was struck three times on each side of the compass. before this the grounds the structures were illuminated by metropolitan sava. after the ceremony, construction began. rio governor georgy filimonov addressed a parting word to the orthodox vallogians. we are carrying out this action as a symbol of the unity of the russian
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people, the russian world, as a symbol of the strength of voladzhan and the triumph of orthodoxy, the shrines were brought from the arkhangelsk region with a ruble, volunteers help the craftsmen assemble the structure, in the afternoon, when the chapel became taller than human height, special equipment came to the rescue , the clock won't work enough. specialists from the arkhangelsk region are engaged in assembling the structures, and the timber was brought from there the day before. the design of the shrine was developed by honored architect of russia mikhail momoshin; construction was organized thanks to the support of the heritage of the russian north charitable foundation. there was a post for such an innovation, to try to do something that has not yet been done, and this work is here.
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represents precisely this approach, when we take and turn to the deep traditions of the russian north, but read them in the modern format. the spasovsegrad cathedral was founded 370 years ago, then a pestilence came to the city, half the population died. within 24 hours, the survivors built a wooden temple to rid vologda of a dangerous disease. the pestilence has stopped. later the shrine was built in stone. they promised to preserve the temple forever, but in the second half of the 20th century. it was destroyed with the help of tanks. in the future, it is planned to recreate the cathedral on the site of the chapel under construction. it will be fair that our truth triumphs and history is restored and so that we fulfill the order of our fathers and grandfathers, who once lived here and were delivered from the pestilence 370 years ago. vologda residents managed to share their emotions about the progress of construction; they were positive. respond to the decision to recreate
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the temple, we hope that this is exactly what is needed, since there is a cross here, it means there was some kind of small chapel here, everything will be wonderful. it is clear that finding a priest is not a problem, but who will come here for this very liturgy, well, only practice will show. for people it's as big as it seems joy, because this is the restoration of that old orthodox faith. i think it's great. the construction of the spasovsegrad chapel is part of the international forum wood in architecture, which is being held in vologda for the first time. thematic exhibitions, seminars on construction topics and innovation will be held over 3 days.
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as if a real byzantine city, built on ancient ruins, will very soon open its doors to the residents of sevastopol and its many guests. the date is also clear, it was not chosen by chance, this is the day of the prince’s baptism vladimir, on july 28, this temple park will be illuminated, and a day later it will literally be open to the public. on the 28th, visitors will have limited access here, but we are waiting for all sevastopol residents, crimeans, guests of the city, the peninsula, starting from...
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after large-scale excavations in order to lay all the necessary communications, specialists essentially built another city underground. it is important to note that archaeologists followed literally every step of the builders, protecting every centimeter of the cultural layer. in this light, a gross provocation of the ukrainian obbudsman
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dmitry lubents, who appealed to the un regarding the alleged destruction by the russian authorities of the historical and archaeological monument of khersanez, looks especially comical. despite... marat khusnulin recently came to sevastopol to check the implementation of these cultural cluster objects, this is a choreographic academy, where there will be 16 halls and so on and so forth, it is almost ready, on cape khurustal... a theater is being built opera and ballet and the museum of the heroic defense of sevastopol, work continues in balaklava, where the construction of a yacht marina is underway. residential development is also active in the region; being located in the front-line zone, the city has spent a huge amount of resources on security. all
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large air-raid shelters and even basements in residential buildings were put in order. the security of all budgetary institutions, hospitals, kindergartens and schools has been thought out. the warning system has been strengthened. after a missile strike by the ukrainian armed forces on the beach in sevastopol with american atakms missiles, it was decided to additionally equip 600 ground dugouts. ballistics is of course a terrible threat, it’s one and a half minutes, two minutes from the moment of launch to arrival at the target. therefore, the ballistics signal, which we introduced after the twenty-third, is a super-fast signal, indicating that you need to immediately take measures for safety, at least those measures that you can take at the moment, that is, hide.
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russia has seen many generations of researchers, centuries have flown over the country, habits, fashions, mores have changed, not a single social system has changed, but throughout the years russian investigators have carried out the same and most important task, to establish the truth, what happened, who is to blame? answers to these questions were needed by tsars, general secretaries, and presidents, and even more so by all citizens of russia, a country that occupies the most prominent place in the world. country, the vast expanses of which are held together common history, morality, laws,
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the same in polar murmansk, in mountainous dagestan and in pacific vladivostok. the investigative committee of russia, a successor to the tradition of knowledge and skills of the best investigative specialists in the country, a living connection between generations, a fusion of the energy of youth and solid experience. very young students and sophisticated specialists with solid experience, they all say about themselves: i am an investigator, i am an employee of... the investigative committee of the russian federation. opana, good afternoon. how glad i am to see you. "hello, he is exactly half a century old remains faithful to the profession of investigator, started in 1974, went through all the stages, rose to the rank of head of the department for investigating particularly important cases of the chelyabinsk regional department, retired 3 years ago, but this calling cannot be retired by any means, work in the veterans council, participation in certification commissions, helping young
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investigators, this is such a pension, it’s work like love that never ends. still makes the decision himself, i never knocked with my fist, no, you do it all, i’m here the main one, you are nobody here, the investigator is the main figure, this conclusion is based on a wealth of experience, hundreds of criminal cases, in prosperous years, in those times when a flurry of crime hit the country, like the nineties, yes, ninety-four, when you came out on the road. having taken the snow , they shouted to you: let's go faster, did you see the downed driver? why did you decide that the catcher was shot down? there were a lot of such cases back then, all the participants were drunk, they don’t remember the events well, why the car was stolen, what they wanted to do next, where they were going, everything was in a frenzy. in hard years many we were sure that with the collapse of the ussr, the criminal code ceased to operate, everything was allowed.
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yuri vlasov’s generation of investigators managed to save the country from sliding into the abyss of criminal chaos. in this struggle for legality and justice, one could only rely on oneself, comrades, what are the characteristics of an investigator? well, i, i would say, this is honesty, fanatical hard work, the third quality is, if i may say so, it is hearing people, being able to communicate with them, there are all kinds of people, yuri vladimirovich also had to interrogate different people, on his the question was answered by degraded marginalized people, and people from...
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realized that our law enforcement agencies are really working, and they also seem to remember, know about their cases and try to help them, this is an archive of cases suspended by the investigation of the investigative department for the eastern district of moscow, in these folders materials about crimes that went unpunished, in slang such cases are called wood grouse, most of them built a nest here a quarter of a century ago, in the nineties, in the 2000s, but...
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the murderers, the neighbors called him kolya gruzin. in his vest and socks remained in the apartment, they were all covered in the blood of the victims, but kolya gruzin himself disappeared into the vastness of the cis. in the case , handprints were seized and sewn into the case materials. we sent them for testing, and accordingly, we got a miracle. coincidence with dorsalia kota bagratovich, who was doctelloscopic in the ninety- first year when brought to criminal responsibility in the city of minsk for hooliganism. but the investigators’ work did not end there; it had just begun. kate dorsalia did not deny that he was in this apartment on the day of the murder. moreover, he named another visitor to the ill-fated apartment that evening, it was he, according to darsalia
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, who committed the villainous murder of the old woman, the owner of the apartment, her tenants, the girl, her dad from...
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so he walked from this corpse to another purely these small heel footprints, that is, he walked out of one of the large rooms, killed a girl and her father, went into the room, killed a grandmother, put on slippers there, came back in slippers, here he swung an ax, bloody, respectively, traces on the floor and so on, and that is, in this way we completely established the movement of the criminal at the crime scene, excluded... persons, genetic experts confirmed that we had biological traces found on clothing in such quantities that could to remain
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only from the fact that he wore these clothes, darsali was categorically recognized by the jury, without a single living witness, only on special knowledge, only on this beautiful photo table of ours, a terrible brutal murder, he was recognized by the verdict the jury was unanimous. guilty and not deserving of leniency. already this year , three more cases have left these shelves. even long-standing crimes do not go unpunished, especially if investigators from the investigative committee of russia like alla morozenko take on the case. when he says that it’s a miracle, it’s a miracle that you managed to uncover it, it’s a miracle that you managed to bring it to trial, it’s a miracle that the verdict took place, when every time you say that it’s a miracle, yeah, it’s not a miracle, it’s the result - long, painstaking work, attentive attitude, responsible relationship. his name is sergei petrov, and he
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never dreamed of becoming an investigator. with a background in school with two languages, english and japanese, a passion for physics and mathematics, all thoughts about science, the fact that there is an investigative committee in the country, and with it its own academy , i learned from my relatives. the father himself spoke about the existence of the academy as such. he was a military man, so he was somehow closer to all this, so he told me, in principle it interested me, and decided why not try you in this area, that is, in principle, the very specifics of the investigation, how i thought it was interesting, because it can give me some very interesting experience that you can’t get anywhere else but here. following his father, a career military man and grandfather, a veteran of the great patriotic war, he decided to put on shoulder straps, and... his passion for technology, mathematics and physics turned out to be an excellent help in his work, because he works as a means of transport control. the way of thinking, technical, it even in some
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way helped to achieve some success in the field of jurisprudence, because from the very beginning there was already some kind of systemic image thinking, that is, for yourself you can decompose this large array of data into some. but flights on this equipment are regulated
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by the country’s aviation code; accurately qualifying actions and establishing guilt is a difficult task for the young investigator, but he managed it. as such , paragliding sport is not so popular from a legal point of view, that it is little... regulated, that is , the difficulty was precisely in the fact that there are no legal norms that determine the activities of paragliding instructors, now the experience of his investigation will be taken into account when preparing new laws and regulations, here is another experience: a helicopter burned down at one of the airfields near moscow, at first it seemed that the cause was non-compliance with safety regulations, but sergei petrov’s investigation definitely confirmed another version, arson. during an inspection of the nearby territory, weapons and crimes were discovered, this was scrap metal, with the help of which they opened the helicopter itself,
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bottles with a flammable mixture were found, with the help of which the helicopter was set on fire, the place of penetration into the airport territory was discovered, that is, little by little , trail after trail , the perpetrators were directly traced, the arsonists were detained, they are under investigation and will soon be brought before the court and identified by a very young investigator, the son of a military man, the grandson of a veteran and a good student of experienced mentors, always there are people who are ready to help you, somewhere... to explain, somewhere to show what you may be forced to initially, we cannot yet call this young man an investigator, he is just learning, in academy of the investigative committee of russia named after sukhrev, he entered the fifth year, and he has not only theoretical, but very real knowledge of future professions; during the days of his internship in his homeland in kirov, he took part not only in
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the preparation of papers, investigator-mentor , attracted the guy to the most difficult measures, to going to the place of discovery of a body without signs of life, this is also part of the profession. an investigator, after 2 years of training , takes me to the scene of an incident, he expects me to be useful, that i will help, that i will perform your functions directly, at least some minimal, insignificant ones and take time to be afraid, let’s say, improve your health for. i didn’t have anything outside the scene of the incident, i was shocked, of course, in the first minutes it causes shock, the investigator said, you have to do the first, second, third, you leave emotions behind the scene of the incident, you immediately take it, help, i need your help , therefore, through force, let’s say , through will, you realize,
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you pass everything through yourself. yeah, yeah, you try to abstract yourself and do what you have been assigned. willpower comes from the family, his father is a judge, now he is far from his native kirov, he works in the arbitration court of a new region, the zaporozhye region. long conversations with my father, his example, his stories and practical experience, which he tried to convey with all his might, influenced the choice i made. if you don’t know what to do, do as it is written in the law, this is the golden rule with which my father follows. has served from the very beginning of his career to this day. the title of one of yuri german's novels is very similar to the motto that guided by the best investigators in russia, experienced and young. and the novel is called: i am responsible for everything. after the academy, all responsibility for investigative actions, and in general for the criminal case, for its progress and investigation, lies entirely with the heir. they have different ages of experience, they have different
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cities and different affairs, but they are all members. one large crew of the investigative committee of the russian federation, whose team worked, will work, will work for the triumph of the rule of law and justice for all russians, young elderly, citizens villagers, schoolchildren, pensioners, artists and engineers. today is the day of investigators, the people who are responsible for everything. igorist vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we are all the same here, we do the same work, the same tasks, deadlifts, my record is 285, i couldn’t sit still because i was in normal shape, it was the case that they recognized you, what was the reaction, oh well, well yes, the first time i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i was reluctant to leave, it will soon be 2 years.
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malebi on the russian wars book in memory of vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko in bulk. conversation without cameras, what are they discussing? iskander attacks on an armored tank plant in kharkov, high-precision strikes on military infrastructure in the ssu. our military is making successful progress at the front with the arctic brigade
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in the kherson region.


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