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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 25, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am MSK

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one day you come to him, he starts, well , in quotes, bargaining, what if suddenly he gets up kuzmenko, and what if suddenly he gives evidence, the next day he is a withdrawn, pouty, offended child, who crossed his arms like that and sat , frowning and not giving any evidence at all. sberbank mortgage for any type of housing. better apartment in the center. or maybe everything everywhere at once? find a property and submit just one application for a mortgage in the tomclick service. we don't know exactly what is behind your request. to the gim or was the water turned off? yandex maps will suggest places and build routes.
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as many bonuses every month. in sberbank it is more profitable with prime. to fully confirm the identity , a genetic examination was needed. kuzmenko refused to cooperate, refused to provide samples of the buccal epithelium, that is, well, saliva, in order to establish his dna and carry out a comparative analysis. with his biological father, so the investigation waited for some period of time, and well, we thought about how to solve this problem. the problem resolved itself, albeit in a non-standard way. kuzmenko pointedly cut his hands, i didn’t make it to ven, but bandages were needed. as soon as this became known, the pre-trial detention center called me and i decided to remove the bandages with blood.
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kuzmenko, all this was formalized by the seizure protocol; we subsequently compared the blood on the bents with a sample of his father’s saliva. who, by the way, also refused to provide any objects for research, so toothbrushes, combs, and towels were confiscated from him, dna was obtained from them, and this general comparison showed that this is the son’s father. kuzmenko was accused of participating in criminal community, banditry and illegal weapons trafficking. he was also charged with murdering seven people and causing grievous bodily harm. four more, a normal person will not go, yes, just at least on order or not on order, but to kill someone, this killer is theirs, yes, who really signed up for this job in order to show some kind of internal aggression, to attack people , it’s very
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cruel to kill them in a sadistic way, psychopathic traits, yes, sadism, the son of alexander rosenkov has been waiting for many years justice, was finally able to see the perpetrators of that tragedy in the dock. at the trial, the lawyer of one of the bandits mistakenly called sergei by his father’s name. i got the impression that my father was sitting somewhere next to me at that moment, and she was addressing him. yes, i hate them, i want them to die, i want them, but it would be desirable for them to sit on the path, and before they go to hell. killer igor kuzmenko received a life sentence, as did some of the group’s organizers. in total , more than 55 were combined into a criminal case.
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at home, and he also kept newspaper clippings with articles about those murders. this is narcissism, of course, he likes what they write about him in the newspapers, but how much attention they pay to him they cannot catch him, what a great guy he is, how
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he generally leads everyone by the nose. markov also remembered many details about his accomplice. he said that he was from donetsk and told his accomplice his date of birth. after 20 years, he... i remember very well that lesnoy was born there on february 9, 1974 . markov came to moscow at the end of 2001, begged, bought stolen goods, tried somehow make money. he met olga iskandarova, who lived permanently in the lukhovitsky district, that is, in the village of psotina. i started visiting her house. there i met alexander lesnoy, who was brought by one of her friends to the mistress of the house.
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he shouted something, what, what do you want, he worked, how to understand, he killed, i went into the hall, the light was on in the hall, he went to the left, there was a refrigerator there, in my opinion, he went.
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on the involvement in this crime of two moldovan citizens named gutsan and bunich.
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they came to sekvkar to earn money, lived in hostel. anya was met in the company of mutual friends. before the murder was committed, bunich and gutsan planned to commit robbery in another place, pursued the goal of getting money, and looked for any means, mostly criminal, to leave katyvkar for moscow and beyond. home, a chance acquaintance with anya, i think, has already given rise to a plan for murder and robbery for the purpose of profit. a criminal, he believes that his personal, it is much more important than everything else, some public goods, some other people's lives, that is, the most important thing is him himself and his needs, his desires. the identities of the criminals were quickly established, but they could not be detained without delay. the fact is that the mother of the murdered girl worked. conductor and was absent from home for weeks, the murder was committed during one of these
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trips of the mother to work, several days passed from the moment the murder was committed, these few days just grabbed bunichya gutsana to sell the stolen things, go to moscow and from there leave the territory of the russian federation . then in ninety- four, investigators collected many material evidence, found cigarette butts, clothes of the killers, and their prints. an adaptiscopic examination was carried out, handprints were registered. talked to bunich in prison. during the interrogation , bunich indicated that he did not
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take part in the murder, but that gutsan committed the murder. gutsan himself was hiding abroad using forged documents. it was not possible to establish his whereabouts until he was caught during a routine check in 2021. when gutsan crossed the border of ukraine and poland, it was his handprints that were checked, and since ninety the fourth year they stood in...
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the criminal was identified. the russian side provided documents confirming his involvement in the murder in sektafkari. after which the man was extradited to russia.
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from murder in the apartment, helped bunich to steal things, but he did not directly participate in the murder. gutsan's sincerity was tested using technology. a polygraph is a device that records the pulse, this is an element of pathology, the purity of breathing, and so on. that is, when a criminal tries to deceive the investigation, sensors reveal that he is simply deceiving. the polygraph showed that gutsan was lying, but the man was lying. stubbornly insisted that he did not touch the girl. small pieces of fabric helped put everything in its place. during the inspection of the scene, the belts with which the hands and feet of the murdered girl were bandaged were seized. these belts played a key role, or rather, the key role was played by the smell that remained on them. everything has a smell, well
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, every person has an individual smell, and he is permeated with his smell. muscles to the bones, touching some objects, it leaves its smell, which can later be removed with the object, isolated in the laboratory, or preserved. a person’s scent trail is also called olfactory; it is as unique as fingerprints, and if done correctly, can be stored for decades. in this case that you are talking about, well, everything coincided, that is, it was correctly seized and sufficient.
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the situation, what happened at the scene, well, starting from the front door, that is, these are the entrance handles, this is the door lock, everything related to the impact on the victim, that is, those pieces of fabric that were on her, with which she was connected, gutsan denied his involvement in the murder, according to the search
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, an alfactorial examination was carried out, which established the presence of his scent traces on the indicated items, this is precisely what... proved that gutsan personally tied anya up, and therefore took part in her murder. directly the protocol of inspection of the scene of incidents with a photo table from the year ninety-four, the photo table just recorded the situation in the kitchen, dishes on which, in particular , traces of the hands of bunich and gutsan were found, these are the belts - this is the key evidence, on which scent traces of gutsan were also found. during the investigation , more than 20 witnesses were questioned.
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didn't finish. years later , anatoly markov and alexander lesny also suffered punishment for several bloody murders. we re-conducted all fingerprint examinations. all material evidence was sent for molecular genetic research. there were also additional medical and forensic examinations. during the confrontation, it was established that they were both involved and both killed. it turned out that murder in psotin and ryazhsk are not the only crimes. and decided to soften my fate with a sincere confession, i met people, two people, leaving the hospital, asked for
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a drink, i naturally didn’t refuse, went to their home, while drinking mortal drinks we had a conflict, i don’t remember to what, not i know what i care about, they fell asleep, i took an ax and killed them. lesnoy also supplemented them with partner's criminal biography, said that before the massacre in psotin there was another murder in moscow, and this may have served to unite them; subsequently they were already connected by blood, and it was probably convenient for them to commit a crime together, but i am convinced that more if only a little markov would have killed lesnoy as an undesirable eyewitness for himself, in connection with which lesnoy ran away from him, saved his own life, 20 years passed and the accomplices met again, only now in the dock, a person can become dull over the years to
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a feeling of grief, there is loss, but he still has a sense of justice, the thirst for this retribution remains in a person when he sees that even after 20 years the criminal receives according to his fellow servants, naturally he calms down, if you can say in this regard, lesnov and marco. charged with conspiracy and acting as part of a group. both received long prison sentences in a maximum security colony. the court was attended by relatives of the victims, residents of the village of psotina, and investigators who had previously led this case. well, i would like to even express words gratitude to those people who still did not leave this matter unattended and still tried to find them. i was sure that sooner or later this crime would be revealed. i understood that it was difficult at that time, but i was sure that the criminals would receive the punishment they deserved, and that’s what happened. the question remains: was the episode in ryazhsk the last?
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after that, did markov and lesnoy no longer take up the ax together or separately? when a person goes to commit a violent crime, he wants to feel his power over another person, over his life. this is a drug for them, for violent criminals, that is very difficult to give up. continues, of course, first of all, cases are analyzed according to the same principle, committed in a similar way and with the instruments of the crime, also with localization, causing bodily harm. the criminal always leaves traces, visible or hidden. experts often tell us that we need to save forever, because it is unknown in the future what opportunities there will be, moreover, what even traces will be examined.
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from open sources on the global network. the possibilities of using artificial intelligence in modern criminology are being studied. working with open data sources with the so-called big
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data allows us to say that now it is advisable to use computer neural networks, which make it possible to effectively, quickly, and automatically identify, classify, the desired objects, but the main force of the investigation has always been people, people who do not leaving a thrown cigarette butt unattended, a half-erased fingerprint, a sound, a smell, one single coincidence, from which sometimes the path to solving a complex case begins. they are the ones who find cause-and-effect relationships, evidence, evidence that helps...
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have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn’t have bread? bread is the world, the most sacred thing a person has, what every family has. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution of the technological revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity. this
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universal language. over the past 2.0 years, bread has shaped our attitude to life, it is the power of our country, the strength of its imot. every day i take a piece of black bread and always enjoy life. when confronted with bread, a person is literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought, and we really hope that you think so too. hersanez has seen a lot and... the courage of the ancient inhabitants who saved the city from scythian raids and the miracle of epiphany that happened here to prince vladimir. we are grateful to prince vladimir precisely because he let us down under the future national construction it was precisely this spiritual foundation, and it happened here in hersanes. the territory where ancient greek and roman, imperial, closes with us? this is a unique shot.
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attention of heads of state, development of bilateral relations, union projects and regional security, but first putin and lukashenko, according to tradition, went to the temple of the smolensk icon of the mother of god. vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko have visited valaam more than once; this is their third joint visit to the island. details of the meeting with alexey head


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