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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 26, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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the russian energy sector is showing good growth, as evidenced by recent reports from companies such as gazprom neft and navatek. in the first half of the year , gazprom neft’s net profit increased by almost 8%, amounting to 328.5 billion rubles. this is even better than analysts’ expectations: revenue increased immediately by 30% to 2 trillion. the company attributes this record growth to effective project portfolio management. novotek also reported profits for the first six months, which it managed to more than double to almost 342 billion. rubles, revenue increased by 17%, amounting to more than 752 billion. despite all the sanctions , price ceilings and so on, and the difficulties with logistics that these sanctions are trying to organize for us, yes, in general, despite this we...
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power plants are increasing energy generation. rus-hydro, in turn, plans to invest 800 billion rubles in energy development, of which more than 70% will be developed in the far east. investments in new projects are one of the main success factors for russian energy companies. more one is consistently high energy prices on the world market. that is, oil dynamics are better. the second important factor is, of course, the discount to russian oil, if last year in the first half of the year it...
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was even 30 rubles, and there on average for the first half of the year it was 27 rubles, a discount wow, then this year for the first half a year this discount is significantly lower, it is about 15 dollars per barrel, that is, there is a factor of a lower discount for russian oil, and a higher price for the oil itself, and of course the ruble factor. energy sector - one one of the main engines of the economy, it provides stable revenues to the country's budget. from january to june, oil and gas revenues exceeded 5.5 trillion rubles. this is 68.5% more than a year earlier. the favorable situation is mainly due to rising prices for russian oil. the export of russian gas is increasing, and it goes not only in the east, but in the west. pipeline supplies to europe grew by 7% in the first half of the year. that is, here, due to additional taxes, due to good sales volumes at good prices, that is, we see that the budget in this part feels quite comfortable. the same thing is possible. again about the non-oil and gas part,
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that is, the price environment, increased taxes, this is what makes the budget feel good. the indicators of the metallurgical industry, directly related to energy, are also actively growing. mmk's revenue increased in the second quarter by 16.5%, amounting to almost 225 billion rubles. first of all, due to an increase in sales of premium products against the backdrop of high demand in the domestic market. company net profit exceeded 26.5. rub. titanium producer smpo avisma is also in the black; the corporation's revenue according to russian accounting standards in the first half of the year increased by 11% to 51 billion rubles.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on july 26 , 1602, london publisher james roberts officially registered shakespeare's play hamlet. in the register of the company of traders, it was entered like this. quote. the book called "the revenge of hamlet the prince of denmark", as in which it was recently performed by the servants of the lord chamberlain, that is, by the shakespearean troupe. this is almost a detective adventure story. about the bloody struggle for the throne, about love and place, loyalty and betrayal, at the same time, a philosophical tragedy filled with the deepest meaning about a society struck by evil, about a man who wants to take revenge, in the famous monologue to be or not to be, the author raises the eternal question: come to terms with the injustices of the world around us or
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challenge them? to be or not to be, that is the question, is it worthy to endure resignation to shame fate? hamlet has been staged in russia since the eighteenth. century, over the past 400 years, hamlet has become shakespeare's most popular work and the most famous play in the history of theater in general. and there are about 100 film adaptations of it. heavenly saint, savior. on july 26, 1930, soviet military pilots made parachute jumps for the first time, the cambrik air force competition was organized by leonid miina. he visited the usa, where, having no experience, he successfully jumped from a height of 500 m, took third place in a landing accuracy competition and received a diploma in the usa professional parachutist. returning to the ussr, minov trained a group of volunteers from the eleventh aviation brigade of the 53rd
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squadron. and on this day in 1930, they took off from the airfield near voronezh on a french farman galiav plane with irwin parachutes, which minov brought from america. first. he jumped himself, followed by yakov moshkovsky, then five more. all were awarded the title of master of parachuting of the ussr. in honor of their jump, we celebrate parachutist day today. and to prove that a parachute is needed not only to rescue the pilot, but also for combat landing. a few days later , 12 people jumped with full weapons. the equipment was dropped onto cargo parachutes from p1 aircraft, designed by nikolai polikarpov, and landed at a given location. 26 july. in 1971 , the film officers, which became a legend, was released on soviet screens. the action of the picture is a period of wars of upheaval, from the early twenties to the end of the sixties. the whole life of the main characters is a battle, from the beginning of the civil war, then the great patriotic war, but they are officers and have a duty to protect
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their homeland is most important to them. by the way, the phrase about this, which became a catchphrase, belonged to the ussr minister of defense, andrei grechko, who initiated the creation of the film. there is such a profession, the film was shot by front-line soldiers, screenwriters boris vasiliev and kirill raport, based on the play by vasiliev himself, tank crews, and director vladimir rogovoy, starring georgy yumatov, who also went through the war, and vasily lonovoy, although he did not agree immediately, it seemed to him that his character’s unrequited love for his friend’s wife looks unnatural, and she was played by alina pokrovskaya. a song by the poet evgeniy and composer rafail hozak, written for...
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the territory of the russian federation , the circulation of former soviet banknotes was stopped, they wanted to stop inflation due to the collapse of the economy and the political crisis, it reached 2.500%. in trade they counted. with dollars they were called ue, conventional units. the money supply, depreciating rubles, was increased by the influx of soviet banknotes from the former soviet republics, where they introduced their own national currencies. to old money exchange for new ones, they gave citizens only 2 weeks and allowed them to exchange only 35,000 rubles. it's about 35 dollars then. panic began, people bought goods, train and plane tickets, so that they could later return them and return the cost with new money. then the government increased the exchange limit. up to 100,000 and extended the deadline until october 1. prime minister viktor chernomdin, speaking about
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the shortcomings of the reform, said the famous: “we wanted the best, but it turned out as always.” there was a result. by december of the same ninety- third, inflation was only 12.5%. here such was this day in history. khersanez saw a lot and the courage of the ancient inhabitants who saved the city from the scythian raids, and the miracle of epiphany that happened here with... prince vladimir, we are grateful to prince vladimir precisely because he laid this spiritual foundation for the future national construction , and this happened right here in hersanes, the territory where the ancient greek and roman, the imperial merges with us, this is a unique union of people from times of cultures and civilizations. hersanez, returning to us, again. russia with your grace. we will see a lot in ourselves by studying the history
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of our predecessors. kersanes, klybel, uzbek orthodoxy, this alone gives us the right to consider crimea russian. kherson is historical, it should become a russian mecca, which should attract people from different parts of the world. how chersonese became a kind of assembly point in russian statehood. spirituality and unity documents circulation goes into the cloud digitally, to certify a document remotely you need an electronic digital signature, get you can use it in the “gosklyuch” application, how to do it and what’s new here, we’ll tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions. well, let's start with what a state key is, this is an application that forms uh...
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spending minutes to get an electronic signature. the key is created, stored and used in the application itself; no usb flash drives with a copy, signatures or sms passwords are needed. all functions are available without personal appearance without unnecessary paper documents. in the state key, you can create two types of certificates. unep and ukp are, in fact, reinforced, unqualified enhanced qualified electronic signatures. these signatures differ in that an enhanced unqualified electronic signature
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is used instead of a handwritten signature in strictly defined life situations that are defined by regulation, and as for an enhanced qualified electronic signature, such a signature can almost always be used as an analogue of a handwritten signature. the cep indicates your handwritten signature on paper, that is, you can sign any document with it, including, for example, property documents. to obtain unep, you only need any smartphone, a verified account for government services and a few minutes of free time. state key will request data from government services and you will receive a certificate for the phone number that is linked to your account. a special code will arrive and you can activate an enhanced unqualified electronic signature. the possibilities for a qualified signature are wider, which means there are more requirements. a smartphone must have an nfc module, the one that allows. pay with one touch, and in addition to a confirmed account for government services, you will also need a biometric
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passport, it contains a chip with personal data that allows you to identify an individual, or you must be registered in a unified biometric system. you can now confirm that it is you who is applying for an electronic signature in another way. we are currently conducting a pilot project for face-to-face identification. citizens to receive enhanced qualified electronic signatures, and this can be done in some mfcs and branches of partner banks, for registration. you can get more detailed information on the state key website, there is also a special interactive map, on it you can see where such multifunctional centers and bank branches are located. how to use
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an electronic signature. the mechanism is as follows: first, the person who provides the service draws up an electronic contract. form and signs it on your part, after which the document is sent to you for signature, also in electronic form, you you receive a notification in your personal account on government services, the contract is automatically loaded into the state key application, all that remains is to certify it with your electronic signature, the company that sent the contract will immediately receive a notification of signing, with the help of the state key you can already receive more than 150 government commercial services, more than 160 organizations, probably the most popular of government services is subscribing to tax notices, obtaining an inn, and so on, from commercial ones, this is getting a sim card, this is enrolling in a university online, registration of a mortgage agreement, a number of,
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let’s say, services for dealing with real estate, you should remember that electronic signature certificates in the state key are valid for 1 year. a reminder of the expiration date will arrive 30 calendar days in advance in the form of a push notification if they are included 14 days in advance for public services in 7 days in the state key application. if you want to continue using it, you will need to obtain a signature again. well, let's repeat the most important thing - the state key is a free electronic signature right on your smartphone. the application generates two types electronic signatures. a qualified qualified ukep is equivalent to a signature on paper; in order to receive it, you need to confirm your identity; this can now be done not only remotely using biometrics, but in person at a number of mfcs and bank branches; certificates in state keys are valid for one year. if you have any questions, if you want to know about other digitalization opportunities that you can
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use in everyday life, knock on our telegram channel, ask, and we... we will definitely tell you about everything in our next issue of the instructions program.
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we spent so much effort trying to drive the americans out, and we won. the russians helped, they didn’t care about the people, the americans only bombed and killed, they were of no use. at first, the west made sure that these people were crippled, because with their consent , drugs were grown in afghanistan. for drugs. what the taliban are saying has real confirmation. berlin plans to increase annual defense spending to 80 billion euros from 2028. this was stated by german chancellor olaf scholz at the traditional summer
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press conferences. the chancellor also recalled that before he took office in 2017 , defense spending amounted to. this is a desire to support the german economy through new injections into the military-industrial complex. the german economy, europe's largest, was the weakest last year. other developed eurozone neighbors have been hit by high energy costs amid a shift away from russian fuel, weak global orders and record high interest rates. experts
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emphasize that berlin is facing a deterioration situation in the foreign trade sphere, a decrease in the country's exports by 2%. imports also fell by about 10%. since 2023 , bankruptcies have become a big problem, the number of which has been growing last year, for example, by 22%. but it all started earlier, the economic reporting point. experts call the beginning of a pandemic, then one crisis complemented another, the consequences of a pandemic, germany was forced to invest significant funds to overcome its consequences, the second significant factor, probably the main one, is the crisis geopolitical, crisis around ukraine, home-grown crisis that was created by the current... government coalition led by scholz, the reason is the refusal to import russian energy resources. today germany
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is reducing energy consumption and explains this with an environmental agenda. at the same time, berlin continues to purchase expensive american indirectly russian lng, notes rainer rodfus, member of the german bundenstag from the alternative for germany party. why is this happening? he asks the government, reminding that there is an intact pipe nord stream. position, including an alternative for germany, asks the german government this question, usually the official answer is that russia, and the first, refused to supply gas through pipelines, even before the explosion on the nord stream. of course, germany can’t now, and that is, it’s not that it can’t, now i would under no circumstances expect that the german government would enter into any negotiations on the supply of russian gas through the pipeline, all the reasons for such a decision are political . save the energy situation germany is trying, including with the help of alternative energy sources in berlin's plans, to develop a hydrogen pipeline system. they intend to allocate
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20 billion euros for its development. the first pipelines should be converted to hydrogen as early as next year. will this help restore industry? the question is controversial. another indicator of the economic downturn is a decrease in banking profits; germany's largest deutsche bank suffered a quarterly loss for the first time in 4 years , notes cnbc. it amounted to 140.3 million euros due to deductions for possible legal costs associated with the postbank purchased in the tenth year. representatives of the financial institution noted that against this background they would most likely refrain from conducting a second share buyback this year. the decline of the industry is best illustrated by the fall of the auto industry. the production of new cars fell by a third amid rising energy costs. high competition with chinese manufacturers adds fuel to the fire. the largest automakers flocked to the united states, tired of waiting. proposals from management european union. in the states, they are offered subsidies , tax breaks, and, on top of everything else , low energy prices. industrial decline and damage to energy-intensive industries from
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anti-russian sanctions have brought the german economy to the edge of the abyss. el pais wrote about this earlier. moreover, the german crisis is always a european crisis. germany's neighbors in central and eastern europe are largely integrated into german supply chains. the european union also depends on the country's contributions to the community budget. and from government bonds germany as support for the eurozone.
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clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction, we are all
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the same here, we are performing one. earned the same tasks, get deadlifts, my record is 285, i couldn’t sit still because i was in normal shape, well, i’m alone: ​​it was the case that they recognized you, what was the reaction, oh well, i say, well, yes, the first once i arrived, i stayed there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to i was about to leave, it will soon be 2 years.
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alliance relations and the architecture of world processes, this is how belarusian diplomats characterized the meeting of the two leaders. the president of belarus came to russia for the fourth time since the beginning of the year; the presidents began communicating in an informal setting on valaam. report by alexey golovko. vladimir putin flew to st. petersburg today and almost immediately went north from here, to karelya on the valaam archipelago of lake ladar, where the monastery, one of the most
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famous, is located. we honor them in everything about...


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