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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 26, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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it wasn’t, first the west did it in such a way that it crippled these people, because with their consent , drugs were grown in afghanistan. we explained to the people that we would punish people for drugs. what the taliban are saying has real confirmation. beat yourself over the head, do you have a nickname? where i need to go, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where?
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and the roman, imperial closes with us, this is a unique reunification of peoples from times of cultures and civilizations. hersanez, returning to us, again christened russia with his grace. we will see a lot in ourselves by studying the history of our predecessors. persanez, klybil, uzbek orthodoxy, this alone gives us the right to consider crimea. it should become a russian mecca, which should attract people from different parts of the world, just as chersonese became a kind of assembly point for russian statehood, spirituality and unity.
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the russian energy sector is showing good growth, as evidenced by recent reports from companies such as gazprom neft and navatek. in the first half of the year , gazprom neft’s net profit increased by almost 8%, amounting to rub 328.5 billion this is even better than analysts' expectations. revenue increased immediately by 30% to 2 trillion. the company attributes this record growth to effective project portfolio management. novatek also reported profit for the first six months, which it managed to increase by more than. doubled to almost 342 billion rubles. revenue grew by 17%, amounting to more than 752 billion. despite all the sanctions, price ceilings and so on, and the difficulties with logistics that these sanctions are trying to organize for us, yes, in general, despite this, we continue to supply oil, petroleum products, and liquefied gas. in
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no less volumes than it was, taking into account the fact that we work within the framework of the 5+ agreement on oil, for example, on petroleum products, so the profit from this arises from the fact that we sell oil and petroleum products above the price ceiling, interrao’s profit in the first half of the year is also has grown 5 and a half times, the company is actively directing funds to modernize the power plant and increase energy generation. rushydra, in turn, plans to invest 800 miles.
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wow, this year for the first half of the year this discount is significantly lower, it is about 15 dollars per barrel, that is, here is the factor of a lower discount for russian oil, and a higher price for the oil itself, and of course the ruble factor. the energy sector is one of the main engines of the economy and provides stable revenues to the country's budget. from january to june , oil and gas revenues exceeded 5.5 rubles. this is 68.5% more than a year earlier. a favorable situation is developing. mainly due to rising prices for russian oil, the export of russian gas is increasing, and it goes not only in the eastern, but in the western direction. pipeline supplies to europe grew by 7% in the first half of the year. that is, here, due to additional taxes, due to good sales volumes at good prices, that is, we see that the budget in this part feels quite comfortable. the same can be said about the oil and gas part, that is, the price situation is the taxes received. something that makes the budget
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feel good. also actively growing indicators of the metallurgical industry directly related to energy. mmk's revenue increased by 16.5% in the second quarter. and they made it up. almost 225 billion rubles. primarily due to an increase in sales of premium products against the backdrop of high demand in the domestic market. the company's net profit exceeded 26.5 billion rubles. titanium producer smpo avisma is also in the black; the corporation’s revenue according to russian accounting standards in the first half of the year increased by 11% to 51 billion rubles.
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here in avdeevka they brought people, there was terror.
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that's it, we came here forever.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest
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detective story.
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how chersonese became a kind of assembly point for russian statehood, spirituality and unity.
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in chess, every move must be thought out by everyone making a game. not all moves are obvious, but some of them can radically change the situation and the outcome of the game. and what solutions does a business have that make it possible at the expense of seemingly insignificant ones? to achieve more, i need to be in production for an hour to
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give a diagnosis to your company, to say that you have a reserve of about 10-15% of the cost in the direction of reduction, my hobby is washing the car, oddly enough, for me personally this process took about 2 hours, now it’s no more than an hour, this is very cool, i can wash the car for half a day, you can is it possible to say that in a sense... experts put glasses on the enterprise, it’s more likely, you know, this is the effect, once you seem to see each element clearly, but the picture as a whole does not add up, so they sometimes allow rearrange the picture for someone else. by the end of the decade there will be a passion 40% of medium-sized enterprises in basic non-resource industries, implementation of projects to increase labor productivity, which. is the basis for the efficient functioning of the economy. many have heard
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the phrase when someone cannot find something. and look with fresh eyes. a fresh perspective from the country in business is also important and helps to find new solutions. thanks to the national labor productivity project, it is possible to get better results at the same facilities with the same number of employees. experts advise how to rebuild logistics, load equipment and reduce downtime at enterprises. such targeted support. from the financial director, ending with the general director, he walked around, wrote down something, drew, drew some
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diagrams, and after a while he said that guys, there is something that can be worked on, this family business is 23 years old, that’s all it started as a small company, today there is a network of optical stores throughout the country with 1,500 employees and its own production. mineka themselves turned to us, they told the guys, let’s take care of the productivity of your labor, but to say, listen, everything is great with us, we have robotic machines, the best in the world, but... nevertheless, we decided to listen and an expert from the federal competence center simply lived in our production for about 3 months. one of the methods for estimating production losses , the spaghetti diagram has nothing to do with pasta, but clearly demonstrates the movement of employees. on the advice of experts, a rearrangement was made in the production hall; some responsibilities were transferred from some to others. we were able to go from 214 orders per day to 254 orders, so we increased. productivity by more than 20%.
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did the company suffer any financial losses with these changes? well, four whatman paper, there are eight felt-tip pens, something like that, probably not at the first stage, the second stage we are already on our own, we decided to invest in a conveyor line, thanks to the conveyor, the movement of all orders is completely automatic, one employee per twelve-hour worker produces about 300 orders per day, now is the time by...
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10% staffing shortage. i have a man, by 2030 he will be able to close more than a partner, yes, he used to joke with me all the time, yes, my phone was constantly ringing, he says: you are bad at... the business process, now my phone rings a lot less , subordinates themselves learned to solve problems. over the past 5 years, the trade volumes of this online building materials store have increased several times. the company's problem area was the warehouse; the products simply did not have time to ship to customers. some solutions like it turned out that they were on the surface, in the literal sense of the word, the entrance to the warehouse
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was paved. our warehouse is now operating at about 20-22%. more efficiently, we now don’t put extra money into goods, they don’t just sit in our warehouse, they just turn around, our turnover has grown by about 30%. competition in the building materials market is high; every new step in optimizing work helps to get ahead. without competition, life is not interesting, it’s like in sports, you have to constantly train, and here the question is, who will change who’s mind, who who will outperform, this increase in labor productivity, did it somehow help you, well, some of your competitors?
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behind the electrodes. enterprises with revenues of 400 million rubles or more can participate in the national project. from five industries. these are agriculture, transport, trade, construction and manufacturing. and more recently , tourism has also joined them. here the revenue threshold is lower, from 180 million rubles. an important point for all companies is that the share of foreign participation should not exceed
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half. everything you need to do to to receive support for the national project is to submit an application on the productivity portal. in any business, the correct sequence is important, i send these towels to the washing process, a process familiar to every housewife, but in the tourism industry, and from such seemingly trifles the economy of an entire business is formed. i have been working at a medical sanatorium for 13 years, i came here with a young girl, but i... was very surprised when i came here, i saw this power, this equipment, we, uh, wash 4.5 tons per shift linen, that is, the entire sanatorium, well , it would seem that you’ve already eaten a dog with everything, and you’ve already washed so much linen, but he brought in some new things, well, of course, sometimes some aspects of the work get washed out,
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you get used to these somehow... then by wrong action, technological washing of clothes we have losses, when in our washing machine... at this recreation syndicate there is a laundry room, and we decided to start with it. what we expect from our project: reducing time wastage by 10%, and accordingly increasing productivity labor, increasing output by 10%. the company has been working for several years to speed up processes, for example, regular bags for... were replaced with perforated ones, air comes out faster, packaging time has been reduced, some initial results, you can already say something about this, we saw that we are crossing the stream. to correct. increasing
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labor productivity in the hospitality industry directly affects the quality of services. of course, there are no shortcomings for vacationers on russian beaches now, but competition in this industry is growing. this includes competition for specialists. increasing labor productivity helps to solve personnel issues. question: during these programs , employees are always trained, the culture at work always changes, they look at things differently, and such people, well, who receive new competencies, of course they always cost more in the market, good or bad , but specialists in terms of productivity, despite the fact that we have been preparing, training , and so on for 5 years, the economy is still not enough, moreover, these are not just even productivity specialists, these are people who can competently look at the production process and constantly improve it, this is even... not just a skill, yes, this is some kind of element of culture, people will stop leaving , when they get rid of everything that does not bring any value,
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which makes their backs hurt, i don’t know, at the end of the shift, modern digital solutions allow you to increase labor productivity, the effective.rrf platform works for this, more than 3,000 have already joined it companies. participants in the national project can conduct a free diagnosis and consult with an expert.
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that this decision is unimportant, all our ideas probably help all of humanity, first of all, all of russia, because we move business forward, we give it the opportunity to develop continuously. there are different types of pancakes, these ones, five kilograms each , help keep you in shape. you can pump up not only muscles, but as we have seen, business too, in both cases a good trainer is important who will tell you what to focus on
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pay attention, then the effect will be noticeable faster, but how long i managed to hold out like this with a barbell, we will tell you on social networks, use the qr code to see where you went, come back.
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the first time i arrived, i stayed there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will soon be 2 years.
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the most important negotiations between vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko, the results of which determine the further development of alliance relations and the architecture of world processes. the meeting of the two leaders was described by belarusian diplomats. president of belarus to russia i came for the fourth time since the beginning of the year; the presidents began communicating in an informal setting on valaam. report by alexey golovko. vladimir putin flew to st. petersburg today and almost immediately went from here to the north, to karelia, to the valaam archipelago of lake ladar, where he is located.


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