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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 26, 2024 3:30am-3:59am MSK

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everything flies here, guys, the war is real, here people live completely differently, you weren’t hurt here until our people came, don’t ask, i’ll see how the wolf will hide in the basement, when they’re hammering, then here outside the window, here so you sit and think whether the next one is for you or not, at the last explosion there were 18 people left here under the slabs, who are still lying , help, god, oh, thank you, that ’s just it, we came here, forever.
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his dna and carry out a comparative analysis with his biological father, so the investigation waited for some period of time, and well, we thought about how to solve this problem, the problem was solved by itself, albeit in a non-standard way. kuzmenko pointedly cut his hands, didn’t get to ven, but bandages were needed. as soon as this became known, the detention center called me. and i decided to seize the bandages with kuzmenko’s blood, all this was formalized in the seizure protocol, and subsequently we compared the blood on the bandages with a sample of his father’s saliva, who, by the way, also refused to provide any objects for research, therefore toothbrushes, combs, towels were confiscated from him, dna was obtained from them, and this general comparison showed that this is
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the father’s son. kuzmenko was accused of participation in a criminal community, banditry and illegal weapons trafficking. he was also charged with murdering seven people and causing grievous bodily harm to four more. a normal person will not go , even if ordered or not, to kill someone, this killer of them, yes, who really signed up for this job.
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his home, and he also kept newspaper clippings from articles about those murders, this is narcissism, of course, he likes what they write about him in the newspapers, but how much attention they pay to catch him, they can’t catch him, what a great guy he is, how he generally leads everyone for us, markov also remembered a lot of details about his accomplice , said that he was from donetsk, and told his accomplice his date of birth. markov came to moscow at the end of 2001, begged, bought stolen goods, tried to make money somehow, he met olga iskandarova, who lived permanently in the lukhovitsy district, that is, to the village of psotina, he began to visit her house, and there he met alexander lesnoy, whom one of the owner’s friends brought.
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in august, in one of the apartments on morozova street in the city of siktovkar , the body of a girl was discovered, her name was anna, she was lying on the sofa, her arms and legs were tied, the victim was beaten, stunned with a bottle, strangled, expensive things disappeared from the apartment, we managed to find
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witnesses who saw how two young men sold stolen goods at the market, it was not difficult to find out their names during the investigation there was initially a criminal case... anya was met in the company of mutual friends, before the murder was committed, bunich and gutsan were planning to commit robbery in another place, pursued the goal of getting money, looked for any means, mostly criminal, to leave ktovkar for moscow.
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became a conductor and was absent from home for weeks, the murder was committed during one of these mother’s trips to work, several days passed from the moment the murder was committed, and during these few days bunichya was captured gutsan sell the stolen items, travel to moscow and from there leave the territory of the russian federation. then in ninety- four, investigators collected a lot of material evidence: they found cigarette butts, the clothes of the killers, their prints. an adaptiscopic examination was carried out, and the hand eyes were registered.
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and to establish his identity, they conducted a portrait examination: we have an
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individual skull structure, individual skull asymmetry, and the location of our muscles, skin, injuries on it, proportions between the eyes, the proportions of the nose, relative to the forehead, and so on. you can even identify a person by his ear. modern computer programs identify characteristic features and compare the image. by the time gutsan was arrested, his criminal partner had died of illness, and
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he decided to take advantage of this. he knew for certain that bunich was already dead, so, in principle, he could calmly give evidence against him, which would be difficult for the investigation to refute. gutsan's fingerprints and dna traces were found in anya's apartment. true, he didn’t denied being there. initially, the gutzans chose a defense tactic that indicated that he really was.
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from muscles to bones, touching some objects, it leaves its smell, which can later be removed with the object, isolated in the laboratory, or preserved. a person’s scent trace is also called olfactory; it is as unique as fingerprints, and if done correctly, can be stored for decades. in this case, which you are talking about, well, everything coincided, that is, it was correctly seized and...
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tied up anya, which means he took part in her murder, directly the protocol of the inspection
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of the scene of the incident, the photo table of the year ninety-four, the photo table just recorded the situation in the kitchen, the dishes on which, in particular, traces of the hands of bunich and gutsan were found, these are just the belts - this is key evidence, uh, on which gutsan’s scent traces were also found. during the investigation, more than twenty witnesses were questioned and dozens of examinations were carried out. this helped to punish the criminal almost 30 years after the murder, he received 12 years in prison. anya's mother, who found her dead, finally felt it.
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a little more and markov would have killed lisnoy as an unwanted eyewitness, and therefore lesnoy ran away from him, thereby saving his life.
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as part of the group. both received long prison sentences in a maximum security colony. the court was attended by relatives of the victims, residents of the village of psotina, and investigators who had previously led this case. well, i would like to even express words gratitude to those people who still did not leave this matter unattended and still tried to find them. i was sure that sooner or later this crime would be revealed. i understood that it was difficult.
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thermal imagers are developing such areas as poroscopy, ejoscopy, that is, pores on the popillary lines, they also have their own characteristics, scientific and technological progress, it has a tremendous impact on the development of forensic science and gives it new technologies in identifying traces of crimes, recording them, and extracting them and generally receiving
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forensically significant information for the investigation. new properties of blood continue to be discovered. you can find out about it not only the genotype, but also the nationality and region of residence of a person. new methods of preserving traces of a criminal are emerging. digital forensics is actively developing. the rapid development of digital technologies, their widespread penetration into human life, now makes it possible to obtain information from electronic devices, from cloud storage, and from open sources. global network. possibilities are being explored applications of artificial intelligence in modern forensics. working with open data sources with so -called big data. allows us to say that now it is advisable to use computer neural networks, which allow - effectively, quickly, in an automated manner - to identify and
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classify the desired objects, but the main force of the investigation has always been and remains people, people who do not ignore a thrown cigarette butt, half-erased a fingerprint, a sound, a smell, a single match from which sometimes the path to solving a complex case begins. they are the ones who find cause-and-effect relationships, clues, and evidence that help expose criminals and solve the most hidden crimes.
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we will take on this matter, it will be fair. detective,
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you quickly imprisoned me in the lights, a self-written pen with magic ink, you’ll get it, the main thing is to hurry up lies, so give me a horse, mechanically, in those ancient times. when there were no gadgets, people used magic, but beat yourself over the head, you have a cell there is where i need to go, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to, he doesn’t need a pen, he who has fire in his pocket, uh, what started, fire, i can’t, i can’t live without traveling , soon, we got used to watching videos on the network, it stopped working, install, open, watch, russian
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channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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khersanez saw a lot and the courage of the ancient inhabitants who saved the city from the skivians raids, and the miracle of epiphany that happened here to prince vladimir. we are grateful to prince vladimir precisely because he laid this spiritual foundation for the future national construction, and this happened right here in chersonesos, the territory where ancient greek.
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christened russia with his grace, we will see a lot in ourselves, studying the history of our predecessors. kersones, the cradle of russian orthodoxy, this alone gives us the right to consider crimea russian. khersanazh is tauride, it should become a russian meka, which should attract people from different parts of the world. how chersonese became a kind of assembly point into the russian state. spirituality and unity. the russian ministry of emergency situations warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry.
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the most important negotiations between vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko, the results of which determine the further development of alliance relations and the architecture of world processes, this is how belarusian diplomats described the meeting of the two leaders. president of belarus to russia i came for the fourth time since the beginning of the year; the presidents began communicating in an informal setting on valaam. report by alexey
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golovko. vladimir putin flew to st. petersburg today and almost immediately went from here to the north, to karelia, to the valaam archipelago of lake ladar, where the monastery is located, one of the most famous revered in all.


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