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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 26, 2024 8:30am-9:00am MSK

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here in avdeevka people were driven to death, there was terror, everything flies here, guys, the war is real, here people live completely differently, they didn’t hurt you here until our people came, don’t ask, i’ll be like a wolf in the basement, i’ll hide, when they're hammering - here outside the window, you sit like this and think, is the next one for you or not? during the last explosion, there were 18 people left here under the slabs, who are still lying, god help me, oh, thank you, that’s just it, we came here forever.
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briefly about the main news of the middle of the hour. from turkey extradited evgeny serebryakov to russia, who is accused of blowing up an suv in the north. during interrogation, he said that he himself contacted the ukrainian special services, received bomb components from them, and found out whose car needed to be blown up. the russian military began to successfully use a new product against the ukrainian armed forces, the molniya 1 strike drone, an aircraft-type drone capable of flying further than quadcopters, and artificial intelligence helps overcome radio interference. in the belibansky district of chukotka, a state of emergency was introduced due to flooding and the airport's operations were stopped near the area. the center was flooded not only
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the road leading to it, but the runway . in belibin itself, water flooded six houses, including apartment buildings, and residents were evacuated. a major fire broke out at night in st. petersburg, the palace of princess olga polei, a cultural heritage site, is burning. 40 rescuers are extinguishing a three-story building; the fire covered 1.2 m2. at this moment the fire was localized. companies in the russian energy sector continue to report financial results. gazprom neft revenue for the first half of the year increased immediately by 30% to 2 trillion rubles. dmitry moroka will tell you more about the performance of the energy industry. the russian energy sector is showing good growth, as evidenced by recent reports from companies such as gazprom neft and novotek. in the first half of the year, gazprom neft's net profit increased by almost 8%, amounting to 320.8.5 billion
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rubles. this is even better than analysts' expectations. revenue increased immediately by 30% to 2 trillion. the company attributes this record growth to effective project portfolio management. novatek also reported profits for the first six months, which were more than doubled, to almost 342 billion rubles. revenue grew by 17%, amounting to more than 752 billion. despite all the sanctions, price ceilings and so on and difficulties.
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it appears that we are selling oil and petroleum products above the price ceiling. interrao's profit in the first half of the year also increased by 5.5 times; the company is actively directing funds to modernize the power plant and increase energy generation. rushydro, in turn, plans to invest 800 billion rubles in energy development, of which more than 70% will be developed in the far east. investments in new projects are one of the main success factors for russian energy companies, another consistently high one. energy prices on the world market, that is, the dynamics of oil are better, the second important factor is certainly the discount to russian oil, if last year in the first half of the year it even reached 30 rubles, and there in general it was on average 27 rubles for the half of the year the discount is yes, then this year for the first half of the year the discount is significantly lower, it is about 15 dollars per barrel, that is, factor of a lower discount for russian oil, and a higher price for the oil itself. and,
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of course, the ruble factor. the energy sector is one of the main engines of the economy and provides stable revenues to the country's budget. from january to june , oil and gas revenues exceeded 5.5 rubles. these are ours. 58.5% more than a year earlier. the favorable situation is mainly due to rising prices for russian oil. the export of russian gas is increasing, and it goes not only in the east, but in the west. pipeline supplies to europe grew by 7% in the first half of the year. that is, here due to additional taxes, due to good sales volumes at good prices, that is , we see that the budget in this part feels quite comfortable. the same can be said about... not the oil and gas part, that is , the price environment, increased taxes, this is what makes the budget feel good. indicators of the metallurgical industry, directly related to energy, are also actively growing. mmk's revenue increased in the second quarter by 16.5%, amounting to almost
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rub 225 billion first of all, due to an increase in sales of premium products against the backdrop of high demand in the domestic market. the company's net profit exceeded 26.5 billion rubles. titanium producer smpo avisma is also in the black; the corporation's revenue according to russian accounting standards in the first half of the year increased by 11% to 51 billion rubles. immediately after the advertisement, we will tell you about the meeting of the council of ministers and statements of russian representatives. start your business journey with sber support. an account will be opened in sber business.
8:37 am
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8:38 am
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your plans, and tebank business will provide reliable tools for starting your business. register your business with tebank and get 6 months of free service. tebank is a business and the job is done. group fighters in the special operation zone. to the center they destroyed the equipment of the ukrainian armed forces and captured prisoners. drone crews discovered strongholds and a tank nationalists. the assault squad split into two groups. one of them secretly approached the enemy’s fortifications, the other diverted attention to itself. at the same time, an attack drone managed to destroy an enemy tank. as a result, the strong point was taken under control. seven ukrainian soldiers surrendered . later, the nationalists attempted to regain their lost position. with help. they tried to attack the armor of the maxpro car, but were hit by a grenade launcher,
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those who survived also surrendered, he personally led the group in order to carry some food and water for the guys in position and find out why they stopped communicating, set up observation posts and prevent the enemy from passing through, there are no supplies, the moral and psychological state is low, i don’t see...
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considering europe’s focus on the military, it could be well dispersed in arsenals european allies, which would be beneficial for both germany and great britain. our countries play an important role in ensuring the security of the east. into each other's desperation. first the commander will be a german and then a british general. germany and great britain will pass the baton but judging by the analysis of military experts earlier. after being sent to ukraine, it proved to be low-powered, heavy, it sank in swamps,
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broke down and spoiled the reputation of its descendant, the challengenger 3 tank, which means it gave a head start to its competitors. instead of the main tank of europe , two franco-german projects are now fighting. however, on european exchanges, judging by the latest data from the fall in quotations of companies from germany and france, only british shares are growing, with anglo-american, the world's largest supplier of rare earth metals, in the forefront. from ambush. sanctions metals from russia went to asian markets, but platinum, palladium, lithium and similar semiconductors are needed for the production of tanks, chips, electric vehicles, as well as for the green transition to hydrogen fuel, which was involved... europe and it so happened that after boris johnson's breakdown of peace talks in the spring of '22, the same summer britain entered into an ambitious project to secure mineral supply chains. according to un analysis, ukraine has a deposit of twenty-one rare earth metal, from the list of necessary raw materials for green energy. and coincidentally, britain is negotiating
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a partnership with ukraine, including in the field of technology, for a period of 100 years. solidly in the spirit of the british colonial empire. in the novosibirsk region , modern technologies are used to treat fields against weed pests; agrodrones are now guarding the crop; maneuverable drones are capable of operating in places where gromoz agricultural machinery can damage plants. the topic will be continued by anastasia bolotina. some seconds to take off and immediately get to work. like these ones. birds in the kalyvan region today are fighting for the harvest. the task of drones is to treat fields from pests. this drone has a nickname; it is called the falcon here. the comparison with a bird is not accidental; the blade span of the drone is exactly the wingspan of a predator. of course, this is much less than a sprayer, but this is the main advantage of a uav.
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jyrki, agile, he accurately creates embroidery on the field. falcon is assigned. processing fields where traditional bulky equipment cannot be deployed, drones deftly go around islands with trees, fly into every corner to process the crops, the operator controls the drone, the processed route is shown here, that is, how it will move, that is, with its working reed, it will fly like this along the field, the sprayer, when to cultivate this field, he will have to drive between these fragments several times, he will crush the crop too much. these include extra costs for fuel, extra maneuvers, time and, accordingly, then the loss of a suppressed culture. field processing are carried out several times during the summer, the weeds have already been defeated, now rapeseed needs protection from pests, rapeseed moth and meadow moth can destroy a huge field in a few days, this year they are especially voracious, with the weather, as let’s say this year
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, it means very such a critical thing, when the highest temperature is unprecedented, moisture, you know, and for them this... the most favorable conditions, so to speak, happen, the pandemic arises, so to speak, instantly, but it won’t happen for several hours in the air and the fields of rabs, the villagers say under protection, the wheat has already been vaccinated against pest diseases, the last hectares of drones are flying over the rapeseed, if we had missed this infection, then all the leaves would have been eaten up, looking like sieve, all in holes, but here they are alive, they are juicy, ready to harvest the rapeseed in the kalyvan region they plan to start in september, according to the forecast, the harvest of this crop will be higher than last year, the locals are pleased with the wheat, but in agriculture, as farmers say, nature cannot lead everything, however, it is gradually learning to overcome its whims, introducing modern technologies. anastasia bolotina, sergey serdyukov and sergey goncheruk, vesti novosibirsk. an orange level of weather danger has been declared for almost the entire
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urals. the reason is a powerful caspian cyclone. according to forecasters, today it will bring extreme rainfall to the region. we'll tell you where the precipitation will be the heaviest and when the rain stops after the ad. sberbank mortgage for any type of housing. that would be a house in the countryside. better apartment in the center. or not resurrected. or maybe everything everywhere at once? find a property, submit just one application per mortgage in the domklik service. magnet. glazed sweets. walnut country. 29.99. magnet - the price is what you need. the problem of cystitis is known to many women. the main cause of cystitis is bacteria. cyston helps fight cystitis. when cystitis, then cyston. siès.
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today is the peak of extreme rainfall in the urals, where 3/4 of a month's normal precipitation will fall in just one day, how long the monster caspian cyclone
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will torment the region, and what kind of weather the weekend in moscow will be like. time for meteorological news on channel russia 24. i am evgeniy tishkavets, leading specialist at the fobas center. hello, the caspian cyclone will flood the urals today. troubles in the region began the day before. for example, these shots spread across all magnitogorsk public pages on thursday, it seems like an ordinary intersection and the puddle on it is also quite ordinary, however, for some reason there is something sticking out of it the roof of the crossover, what exactly happened is not difficult to guess, the workers dug a hole here, but apparently did not take care of the barriers, during the rain the pit filled with water and turned into a trap for unsuspecting motorists, in chelyabinsk trees were broken by squalls, on the m5 highway in the zlatoust area such... such fog descended that drivers reduced speed to a minimum. here in tomsk, the storm yesterday properly cleared the green spaces. the local weather station did not
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record any gusts of wind, but judging by the footage of the bad weather, they reached almost hurricane force. also, on the border of the tomsk and novosibirsk regions there was hail the size of a five-ruble coin. all these cataclysms are quite understandable, because the caspian cyclone crossed the russian border. such vortices originate in conditions. extremely developed cumulonimbus clouds. the satellite image even shows supercells, which are usually associated with extreme downpours, hail and strong winds. on friday, the caspian will appear in all its glory. abnormal precipitation will cover the chelyabinsk, kurgan regions, the south of the tyumen and sverdlovsk regions regions, as well as the west of the omsk region. in just one day, up to 58 mm of rain will fall on the southern urals, this is 3/4 of the monthly norm. chelyabinsk will suffer the most from the disaster. look, almost 40 mm of moisture has already fallen here at night,
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and now the intensity of the drainage is not decreasing. but this respite is not for long, after lunch the rains will intensify again, as a result , today alone will bring about 77 mm of precipitation to the metropolis, despite the fact that the norm for the whole of july is 88 mm, and after all, the weather will not end with the onset of the weekend, on saturday the cyclone will reach its center on the mound and will begin to fill, because of this it will completely lose momentum, so the showers will become protracted, according to our estimates, by the beginning of next week , in some places in the southern urals, 160 mm of precipitation may fall into the precipitation gauges, this is more one and a half garden barrels of rainwater for every square meter of river valleys. in such a situation, the development of local floods is not excluded, especially in the ural and kama basins. yekaterinburg will be heavily flooded for at least three days. today expected 33 mm of rain, tomorrow 36, the day after tomorrow 16. please note that it will be
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cool like september. after the floor. at best +15° only on monday nastya will not go to pain, but in moscow on the contrary, on friday saturday no precipitation, and during the day on thermometers +24:25, exactly as it should be at this time of year, on sunday over the capital storm clouds may appear, but they will not bring serious downpours. that's all for me, goodbye. i choose rosselkhozbank, it has everything i need, high cashback, profitable. deposits convenient credit card. rosselkhozbank is bigger than you think.
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interrogations collection of evidence evgeny serebryakov, accused of blowing up an suv, was transported from turkey to moscow. what did the suspect himself say? drones with artificial intelligence, a new generation of drones help our military on the front line, how do they work, what is their advantage? chukutka was covered by a wave of floods. a state of emergency was introduced in one of the areas, residential buildings were flooded, and the local airport was closed. the bank of russia will decide on the key rate today, how the central bank will react to the increase price pressure. analyst forecasts on
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our air. a major fire in a pyrotechnics warehouse in bulgaria, 2 tons of fireworks exploded, leaving victims with their lives in danger. russia and china must work together to counteract the interference of extra-regional forces in the affairs of southeast asia and do everything to ensure that no one can destroy the structures of asia. this was stated by our foreign minister sergei lavrov at a meeting with his chinese counterpart. takes part in events through the association of southeast asian countries. during the meetings it is planned discuss interaction in the field of politics, security, trade, economic and socio-cultural interaction. now our correspondent anna voronina is in direct contact with the studio. anna, hello, what other topics are on the agenda?


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