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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 26, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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today the board of directors of the central bank will meet for the next meeting on the key rate, now it is 16%. previously, the central bank allowed its increase. we will learn more from konstantin churikov. konstantin, what is the probability that the rate will be raised. alexander, analysts say that the probability is high they only argue about how much the rate will be increased. in the coming hours it will become known under what macroeconomic conditions our country will continue to live and develop. a country. the board
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of directors of the central bank will meet for the next meeting on the key rate. it determines at what interest rates banks will issue loans and place deposits. and what will the prices be? this time there is a special intrigue. at the previous meeting on the rate on june 7th. the board of directors of the bank of russia gave a strong signal that it allows for the possibility of an increase in july, that is, right now. already at a meeting last month, the mega-regulator considered the possibility of increasing the parameter by both 100 and 200 to 18, but in the end it left everything unchanged, well, at the beginning of this month , deputy chairman of the central bank alexei zabotkin in an interview with our tv channel said that at the next meeting the council directors will discuss raising the key rate to 17-18%. according to him, the arguments in favor of the increase have become stronger, and those in favor of maintaining it have become weaker. cause for concern the central bank, actually the same as...
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is much higher than the forecast values, while annual inflation remains, if we count it week by week, as the mega-regulator does, it is now more than 9%, despite the fact that the central bank’s goal, the so-called target, is previous 4%. the experts we interviewed agree that the rate will be increased today, the only question is by how much by 1% or two at once, an increase in the key rate is inevitable. bank
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of russia and the market has been ready for this for the past couple of months, we, like the consensus, expect an increase rates by 200 basis points to 18%. the main reason for this step is the significant deviation of the current rates of economic growth and price increases from the forecast of the bank of russia, which it gave in april. let me remind you that at that time the regulator expected that at the end of the year the price increase would be about 4.5%. but only since the beginning of the year to date, prices have increased. almost 5%. analysts point out that if the central bank raises the rate today, it will have to seriously change its own rate forecasts for the coming years, and this will an important signal to the corporate sector from a lending perspective. if previously the central bank showed the key rate at 10-12% in the twenty-fifth year, then the new range may be 13-16. in the twenty-sixth year, the new range may become 10-12. instead
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of the previous six or seven, in this part, precisely in the forecast part, there will be a significant tightening of monetary policy, and this is what we have. at subsequent meetings, it continued to be raised, and from the second half of december to this day it has been stable at 16%. analysts say we have entered a period.
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has not changed in his assessments, and if he has really matured to talk about peace, then he has before his eyes the peace proposals put forward by the russian president a month ago, and we advise him to hurry up, ukraine will definitely not get anything better, certainly under no circumstances will it will not receive sauce, will not
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receive respite on the battlefield in the form of a preliminary ceasefire. vasily nebendze had to convey comments on possible peace negotiations with kiev through colleagues from the un. representatives. ukraine, and at the same time, great britain did not allow the eu to attend the security council meeting. let me remind you that in the spring of twenty -two, london, represented by boris johnson , prohibited the leader of ukraine from concluding a peace agreement with russia. and here we go again . all that remains is to figure out why. against the backdrop of the ukrainian crisis, the defense minister of the new british government, hillili , concluded an agreement on military cooperation with his german colleague pistorius. both our countries are at the center of nato's security concerns. the armed forces are comparable in size and capabilities. our military cultures are similar, and there is currently a discussion in which areas we could develop our cooperation. the same heli, on the sidelines of the nato summit in washington , said that europe will have to increase defense spending severalfold, as the united states is shifting its interest to the indo-pacific region.
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while the european members of the alliance, according to reuters sources, urgently need to patch security gaps from artillery to air defense. and, of course, tanks before the pandemic , a german concert. given europe's bet on military commissar, it could be well distributed among the arsenals of the european allies, which would be beneficial for both germany and great britain. our countries play an important role in ensuring the security of the eastern flank and the north atlantic alliance. one way to achieve this is our presence in the two baltic states, lithuania and estonia. we have common plans to strengthen our defense. industry, we want to participate in the development, production, procurement of weapons and ammunition, we will also work hand in hand with nato headquarters, which will coordinate support for ukraine. germany and great britain will pass the baton to each other in wiesbadan. first the commander will be a german and then a british general.
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but, judging by the analysis of military experts, the predecessor of the new challengenger 2 tank , after being sent to ukraine, proved to be low-powered, heavy, it sank in swamps, broke down and spoiled the reputation of its descendant. tank challenger. which means it gave a head start to competitors . instead of the main tank of europe , two franco-german projects are now fighting, but on european exchanges, judging by the latest data falling quotations of companies from germany and france. only british shares are growing in the forefront of anglo american, the world's largest supplier of rare earth metals. due to the sanctions , metals from russia went to asian markets, but platinum, palladium, lithium and similar semiconductors are necessary for the production of tanks, chips, electric vehicles, as well as for the green transition to hydrogen fuel, which europe was involved in. so it coincided that after boris johnson’s breakdown of peace negotiations in the spring of twenty-two, the that summer, britain embarked on an ambitious project to secure... minerals supply chains. according to a un analysis, ukraine has deposits of 21 rare earth
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metals, from the list of necessary raw materials for green energy. and coincidentally, britain is negotiating a partnership with ukraine, including in the field of technology with a 100- year fate. solidly in the spirit of the british empire of colonial times. olga ponomareva, evgenia zemtsova, lead. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu during his visit to usa met with elon. the politician reported this on his social networks; according to him, he discussed artificial intelligence and technological cooperation between musk’s company and israel with the entrepreneur. what else is known about netanyahu’s visit to the united states in the material of the head of the american bureau of vgtrk valentin bogdanov. the previous time benjamin netanyahu was in the white house was under donald trump, and there are considerable chances that he will be with him next time. but for now, joe biden is still in charge, for whom, after the announcement of leaving... during his address to the nation
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the day before, biden was given 12 minutes to talk, and he spoke with the israeli prime minister in 30 seconds. mr. president, we have known each other for 40 years, and you have known every israeli prime minister for 50 years, starting with gold smoke . i want to thank you for 50 years of public service and 50 years of support for the state of israel, and i look forward to perhaps. discuss with you the important issues facing us today. i'm looking forward to it too. by the way, that first meeting with golda meyer. she was sitting next to me assistant, a guy named rabin. i was only 12 years old then. thank you all for being here. if the joke is about age, then it’s borderline, because it’s impossible to calculate the share of the joke in it, it’s too plausible. well, and the noisy chorus of questions, which included those about health, biden, as if again. i didn’t hear, a group of anti-israel protesters were making noise outside with a figure
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of netanyahu in an orange prison uniform with canisters surrounding a white house, liters of red paint flowing onto the sidewalk of laffayet park, which symbolizes the blood of gazans. for democrats, especially their left wing, pro-palestinian protesters seem to be ideologically close, but if you work on behalf of the deep... state, then you have to choose, kamala haris chose, her demarche against netanyahu was limited to the fact that she refused to listen to him in congress , we still had to meet one-on-one with the israeli prime minister, even if haris was somewhat nervous, the photographers were asked to leave in less than a minute, it seems that the hosts were synchronously making it clear to the guest, who the day before openly criticized them with their the capitalist hill, that they are dissatisfied with his behavior, look...
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for the prime minister, of course, a completely different, warm welcome awaits, here sharis, her rival, promises not to stand on ceremony, public speaking is not her strong point at all, in international politics she floats so easily, and this, according to the new york post, a publication close to the republicans, is one of the reasons why her nomination has not yet been supported by barack obama, who is called the main gray eminence of the entire democratic party, for him biden’s idea to rewrite everything to his vice came as a tragic surprise to the liberal media.
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plays, they came to him and said: you can’t win the race, the shots in pennsylvania also played a role, after which the republican appeared even stronger, the secret service of the man with the rifle missed. one of the agents who appears in this video was supposed to be up on the roof where crux climbed, but instead he went inside to cool off, he became hot. however, a person on the roof might not be needed. local law enforcement officers several times offered secret agents services to use drones, but
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the washington visitors arrogantly refused, they worked like... in the stone age. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and daniil gabdulin, vesti usa. thanks to russian investments , additional jobs can be created in abkhazia. president of the republic aslan bzhanie stated this in an interview with our channel. he noted that the measures are aimed at developing the economy and, as a result, improving the standard of living of citizens. the parliament of the republic has already discussed a draft intergovernmental agreement between russia and abkhazia about investments. what does this document mean? it opens up new opportunities for economic development and business development in abkhazia. what will this mean in practice? this will mean in practice that we will be able to create new jobs. we have, let 's say, a very high unemployment rate, this
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state of affairs does not suit our citizens, and we are taking our initiatives.
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in the urals and primorye. are these predictions confirmed? hello, yes, these regions will have the most difficult weather conditions conditions. well, let's start with chukotka. at the height of summer , it began to snow in the village of ilerney. this settlement is located 10 km from the city of belibino, where summer problems are typical. let me remind you that there, due to extreme rains, the river overflowed its banks. several shift workers who were taking people to work were caught in the water trap. six houses were also sunk. of these, three apartment buildings also blocked the road to the local airport due to rising water; now the water is receding and the roads are being restored. in primorye, the peak is not yet ahead, but the rains have already started, the wind increased noticeably, a storm began in the vicinity of the seaside, rescuers warned vacationers about the danger of being in the water, but unfortunately
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not everyone responded to this. and the following shots are the consequences of the typhoon in china. dozens of cars near... large-scale evacuation in taiwan due to floods of water, people are carried out of their homes, office buildings, waist-deep water. in the far east , a total of 40-70 mm will fall over the next three days, mainly in the south of the primorsky territory. the rains will begin to become more extreme by sunday evening and into the night. on monday, when in 12 hours five buckets of rainwater will spill per meter of area. in vladivostok it’s already over. it rained until the beginning, so far only 2 mm have fallen, by the end of today another 21 will be added. on saturday the precipitation will fall 14 mm. nastya's peak will occur on monday-tuesday, when a total of more than 60 mm of moisture could pour onto the city. showers in the urals have already become extreme in the vicinity
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of magnitogorsk due to flooding and the road was blocked. in the chelyabinsk region, in some places 60. about 60 mm of rain fell in one day, with even more precipitation up to 87 mm fell to the kurgan region, 39 poured onto kurgan, streets in the lowlands were flooded, there were many kilometers of traffic jams on the roads in the morning, and this is how the city of mednogorsk, orenburg region, drowned on friday night. there is no weather station in mednogorsk itself, but at the nearest weather station they recorded 56 mm of moisture. earlier, heavy rains began in bashkiria in the south in... in the southeast of the republic, a quarry was flooded, mudflows began to come down from the slopes to avoid an emergency, work in the quarry in the quarry was suspended, but is being carried out. precipitation in the urals brought by the caspian cyclone, such vortices arise under conditions of colossal temperature and humidity gradients, so
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they are extremely aggressive. today kospeits will intensify the onslaught, anomalous downpours will continue in the chelyabinsk, kurgan regions, will come to the south of the tyumen and sverdlovsk regions, as well as the west of the omsk region, in just 24 hours the southern urals will hit even ... mm of rain, this is 3/4 of the monthly norm. forecasts continue to confirm that the maximum amount of precipitation as a result of bad weather may fall to chelyabinsk. after lunch it rains here again will intensify. as a result, today alone will bring about 45 mm of precipitation to the megapolis. saturday another 30, despite the fact that the norm for the entire july is 88 mm. showers will taper off for a week early next week. in moscow. today without precipitation +25, on saturday-sunday it will be another degree warmer, short-term rains are possible in the daytime, next week
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starts with a cold snap, maximum temperature +22. these are the forecasts for this minute, maybe next season. anywhere appetite, dad can, only dad will tame, dad can, i have a beastly appetite, a snack won’t hurt, sausages will help, the sberthank you loyalty program has been updated and has become even more profitable with a sber prime subscription, plus two top cashback categories, 1% on everything, twice as many bonuses every month, it’s more profitable in sber with prime. this summer is with us, this summer is with us, it will sparkle with new colors, buy a big combo, collect a collection of glasses and summer impressions, only at a delicious point, this
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next, let's talk about sports: ilya datskaya , a racing driver, will miss the olympics after she was hit by a car. tell us in more detail, what happened? well, she was on a practice run when the accident happened as a result
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of a fall. fifteen-year-old anderson broke her collarbone and will now watch the games in paris only as a spectator. there will be a russian final at the tennis tournament in romania, where mira andreeva and elina avanesyan will meet. this will be the first final at the wta level for both athletes. avanesyan is on the way to him played two matches in one day due to bad weather conditions earlier. in the quarterfinals , elina was stronger than romanian jacqueline christian 7-5-6-4. after 5 hours, avanisyan again went to kord. her opponent was in the semi-finals. seventeen-year-old mira andreeva defeated the representative of serbia, olga danilovic, in her semi-final match. the meeting turned out to be stubborn and lasted 2 hours and 40 minutes. andreeva lost the first set 3:6, took the second with the same score, and during the decisive game the russian played two match points on her submission. as a result, it came to a tiebreaker, where mira gave only one to her opponent. point. the head
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of the french judo federation reproached the organizing committee of the paris olympics due to the poor condition of the arena. he complained about two things: the change of carpets, the last moment of a large amount of dust that no one cleans up. british athletes, meanwhile, have refused to eat in the olympic village, complaining about food shortages and poor quality. according to the head of the british olympic association, andy anson, athletes lack eggs, chicken certain carbohydrates. the olympic village restaurant also serves raw meat. athletes prefer to eat at the british association's house in the cleshy area, so another chef has been brought in as demand far exceeds the original supply. and that’s the biggest problem,” anson said. beverley priestman, head coach of the canadian women's soccer team , has been suspended from the olympics after being accused of espionage. the scandal erupted after the headquarters of the canadian
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team with help. drone was watching training rivals from new zealand. priestman's assistant and team canada analyst were previously suspended for this. note that drone surveillance apparently helped. the canadians beat new zealand 2-1. this match took place before the official start of the olympics. the players, coaching staff and management of moscow spartak laid flowers at the grave of the legendary football player fedor cherenkov at the troekkurovskoye cemetery in moscow. the event was dedicated to the sixty-fifth anniversary of the birth of the famous soviet and russian player, who holds the record for the number of matches played for spartak. he played for the club from 1977 to ninety-third, during which time he became the champion of the soviet union three times. fyodor cherenkov passed away 10 years ago, his memory was also honored by those who played with him on the same team. i worked with fedor on the field, played with him, and as a player, i was.
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i worked with him as a coach, and as a coach, he also worked for me at spartak, i worked with him, i know him inside and out, and this is the most defining word, man of god, he is for us, he probably gave spartak millions to the boys who played fyodor cherrenkov, millions of adult fans who, looking at his game, have already said, they began to root for spartak at his game, for this we thank him, we will bow, this year on october 31 the premiere of the film will take place. called fedya, the people's football player. fans will be able to learn more about the life of one of the most popular moscow sports players in history. these are the less noticeable news from the sports world at this moment.


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