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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 26, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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the ministry of emergency situations managed to localize the fire. a pyrotechnics factory in bulgaria caught fire. two tons of fireworks exploded in three warehouses. one person died in hospital from his burns. the injured woman was also hospitalized. the fire affected 85% of the skin, authorities said. now her life is under threat. two more factory workers are still missing. residents of nearby settlements are evacuating. the road and railway line were blocked near the scene of the incident. a partial state of emergency has been declared in the region, the country's minister of internal affairs went to the scene, emergency services and the military fought the fire for several hours, explosions are still ongoing.
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10:33 am
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compete for victory with the fast flow of the hay, the speed of movement is two to three times higher than the norm. the paris authorities warned about this. however, everyone is now more concerned about something else, despite. despite all the assurances , doubts remained about the safety of the swims; it was possible to solve the problem of sewage getting into the river, but not completely, why and it is fraught with something for the athletes, alexandra perfilyeva will tell you in the “question of science” section. in the race against dangerous bacteria, a few days before the olympic triathlon, the european media are discussing not the athletes' chances of winning, but and the bouquet of diseases that they can be rewarded with:
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unsanitary conditions and epidemics. it was water pollution. the fact is that the prohibition was introduced back in 1923, and the reason is that the sewerage system of the french capital was designed in accordance with archaic principles; its creators did not even think about fighting unitary in paris, that is , rainwater and sewage flow through the same pipes, such the system is easier to maintain, it is generally cheaper, but there is a nuance: during heavy rains it simply overflows, for example, when the precipitation is especially intense, the consumption paris sewerage reaches 300
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cubic meters/second, this is comparable to the average flow rate of the hay itself, but to prevent the contents of the sewers from leaking out, excess water is discharged under the so-called storm overflow... into the main river of france. in theory, by the time the underground flood peaks, the most contaminated part of the wastewater should already end up in the treatment plant. and yet, over the past year, 1,900 cubic meters of sewage entered the hay through storm discharges. this volume would be enough to fill 850 olympic swimming pools. but the hay line crosses the entire city. and the olympic venues, where open water competitions will be held, are located in the lower and... currents, where all the infrequencies of the french capital are absorbed, the collector of austerlitz should have solved the problem, at least partly. it is a huge reservoir capable of holding up to 45,000 cubic meters of rainwater, thereby preventing it from overflowing the city sewer network.
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however, according to experts, for a river like the seine, whose length is almost 800 km, this is too little. reservoir, he can accumulate only, well, that’s why it’s 5%. as far as i remember, the entire capacity of the next buildings in the city of paris may be even a little less, if we have an increased volume of precipitation, of course, it will hold back this water a little, but it will completely save it. and sewerage is only part of the problem. parisians, alas, have never been known for their careful
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attitude towards the main river of the country. back in the 15th century, the bodies of those killed during religious wars were thrown into the hay. here, for example, is the painting bartholomew's night. the artist francois de boata, a witness to those events, depicted dead men floating on the river. and in the 21st century nothing has changed. the french are throwing away everything but old tvs, refrigerators, bicycles, scooters and even batteries. every year , more than 350 tons of bulky waste are removed from the river. and, of course, the quality of water is affected by the huge number of rats on the streets of the city of love. their waste products also end up in the hay. together with the causative agents of leptospirosis. leptospirosis is a spirachete that can penetrate the skin without even drinking the water. through the cracks, through cuts, it can get inside and...
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even i think that helminth eggs can, as it were, well, they can also spread through water, according to russian standards we would have hung a sign that it is forbidden not only not only to enter the water, but and approach the water, while there are no universal means of protection; athletes are simply recommended to seal the damage to the skin. some even take broad-spectrum antibiotics during competitions; for example
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, british swimmers were vaccinated against abdominal diseases especially before the olympics in paris typhoid and hepatitis a, however, the athletes themselves say, no matter how many pills you take, the aversion to dirty water will not go away, and this can even affect sports results, the psychological fear of infection in an athlete causes... breathing failure if we are afraid to do normally and calmly inhale, knowing that water is unsafe for health and can promise unpleasant consequences, the athlete will begin to think about it, accordingly, breathing will become confused, the consequence of this will be that the muscles will not be supplied with oxygen sufficiently, the athlete will swim more constrained and may perform worse. for the first half of twenty -four. requirements and only on the eve of the olympics after the cessation of the entertaining
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rains, the tests returned to normal, for how long? in the organizing committee, igor understands that the weather is changeable, so they are preparing a plan b. it provides for the possibility of holding a triathlon in the city of versuern, or the competition will be reformatted altogether. in 2015, the promise of making the hay swimmable was the highlight of paris's olympic bid, so that... the introduction of marathon swims to another location will be a serious blow to the image of france, while everything is heading towards this. forecasters are predicting heavy downpours in the ile-france metropolitan region this weekend. if the forecasts come true, the olympic water will again be teeming with pathogenic bacteria. the tourist season is in full swing in abkhazia. last year , about 180 small facilities were built there to accommodate vacationers. it is also planned to create four-five-star hotels. modernization is underway on the russian-abkhaz border
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automobile checkpoint. about this, as well as about road safety, about investments in the republic. the president of abkhazia, aslan bzhanie, spoke in an interview with our channel. aslan georgievich, welcome to the air of the russia-24 information channel. thanks for the invitation. it's a busy season in your republic now, have there been more vacationers this year? good afternoon. it's actually tourist season. now it’s already in full swing, and things are going well, such, let’s say, a significant flow of tourists, this due to many factors, including...
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as you know, people like our climate, such a flow of tourists this year is due to such factors, therefore the ministry of tourism assesses the situation as good, it is clear that we would like tourists there were more, but this is already a global task that will need to be solved, it is connected with accommodation locations, with the construction of new hotels of level 4, 4 plus. develop. aslan georgievich, the most important thing is that we think we are planning, of course this direction , this market is not yet saturated for us, but we are talking about it to get to abkhazia, how to get there, what methods, how to get there by train, by car, what tourists choose, which today there are several types of transport by which you can get to abkhazia, these are railway, road and to
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aber airport, this is air transport, the main flows are formed. will be expanded, is there any hope that the border control point between the russian federation and the republic of abkhazia can expand its capacity so that there will be even more tourists? yes, hope of course, there is, and there the question is not at the stage of hope, at the stage of implementing practical work to increase the capacity of the checkpoint on the psool river, with the help of
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support and funding from our friends. russian federation, they are starting to expand the checkpoint, to re-equip it technically, to increase the throughput capacity by 20-25 percent, this will certainly help, this is a good thing, all this is happening, all this is financed from the budget of the russian federation, there are some minor difficulties, we are very worried about the fact that guests who come to us are forced... sometimes to stand at the checkpoint for several hours, we raise this issue with our russian colleagues, we are making efforts to minimize control at checkpoints as far as possible, russian colleagues, like as a rule, they meet us halfway, they listen to us, because we are talking about 99% of those who cross the state
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border, these are citizens of the russian federation who come here to be imbued with positivity, and is it even safe today, well, for example, should a tourist from the russian federation drive his car to the republic of abkhazia, taking into account the mentality and some features of traffic on abkhaz roads? you know, we are making efforts to ensure that road safety is at a higher level, in this regard we were helped by our... russian friends, the ministry of internal affairs is equipped with the necessary number of modern vehicles and other technical means in order to control road traffic , last year we made some changes to code of administrative offences, tightened measures against those who violate traffic rules, it is clear
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in order to ensure an even higher level. safety on highways, it is necessary to build roads of a modern level with a safety dividing strip, we do not yet have this opportunity, but we are updating the safety strip, if you noticed, we have illuminated almost the entire territory of abkhazia, the republican highway, we pay special attention to the area adjacent to the republican highway territory, which means, firstly, there is constant work going on there. to clean up this area, it increases visibility, it improves the quality of travel, because it becomes more beautiful, this work is underway, it’s a hot season, not only the tourist season, but political discussions around. some particularly important issues, we know that at the end of june in the parliament of abkhazia there were discussions on a draft intergovernmental agreement between the russian federation and the republic
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of abkhazia, on the participation of foreign investors in the life of the republic, what is the future of this project, these discussions, whether investors from abroad are welcome here, what this document entails, it opens up new opportunities for economic development, for business development in the territory. abkhazia, what will this mean in practice? this in practice will mean that we will be able to create new jobs, we have, let ’s say, a very high level of unemployment, this state of affairs does not suit our citizens, and we, our initiatives, which are aimed at developing the economy of abkhazia, must first of all achieve this goal, employment population, a person who has... a job, has a certain level of income in the family, has hope, hopes that the children will receive an education, there a person got sick, for example, some services, of course,
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are free, but this is health today , correcting this is in any case a significant expense, and this is task number one, and this document is aimed at solving this important problem, uh, which means that around this document there are completely different discussions,
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developing the topic of investing in the republic of abkhazia, today a foreigner, can he afford to buy housing, an apartment, land on the territory of the republic? abkhazia, will this be within the legal framework, are there plans to change anything in this regard? you know, i have answered this question many times, not exactly as you
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say, a person who does not have abkhaz citizenship can purchase any commercial real estate in abkhazia, restrictions are associated only with private real estate, you probably know the difference, yes, between commercial real estate and live, any foreigner can buy there there is a store there that is being privatized.
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abkhazia, the citizens of abkhazia and in the interests of our alliance and brotherhood between abkhazia and russia. we see very different opinions here in abkhazia regarding the adoption of important government decisions. if we talk about the opposition, what are its arguments? residents of abkhazia, the absolute majority, understand that the formation of our state is based on two forces, this is the expression of the will of our citizens, this is war. which passed, these are thousands of our guys who died in the name of preserving our statehood and, of course, the support of the russian federation, these two
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components are without each other. they can’t work, it’s the same as getting an airplane with one wing to take off. the objective side is that we, in fact, are a young state; unfortunately, we do not have, and could not have, a sufficient number of people, such a, let’s say, prepared political elite, a sufficient number of relationships that could withstand all this , go carefully, this is a process, it’s like that... it takes time, there are generations that are growing up, i would like there to be more of them, but so far this is not the case, but many forces are not interested in this, some of these forces are located on the territory of abkhazia, some are abroad, so they work, no one has canceled the destructive activities of foreign special services and their, let's say , accomplices, we experience this ourselves,
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it is difficult to prove, to prove materially. tests, here...
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these opponents, a significant part of these opponents were the leaders of abkhazia and then they supported this idea, this issue has been raised by the leadership of the russian federation since 2008 and is rightly rising, this is the right thing to do, we can only support each other, overcome the difficulties that aslan georgievich presents to us here, thank you for the opportunity to communicate in person, for the traditional warm welcome.
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the minister of defense at the testing ground in the leningrad military district, andrei belousov, checked how the training of air defense soldiers is organized. he himself went to the ukrainian special services in moscow, brought in and interrogated the accused of wrecking the car, which he said. the main day of the trip is sergei lavrov flaosi, dozens of meetings and negotiations with ocean countries, what is the agenda? fire at the enemy around the clock in the zaporozhye region, our soldiers destroy kiev artillery and military equipment, interrupting the delivery of shells to the front. and this is the road near magnitogorsk, a real flood. local residents are posting videos online . the weather has been bad for several days in the southern urals.


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