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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 26, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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the minister of defense at the training ground in the leningrad military district, andrei belousov, checked how the training of svo soldiers was organized. he himself contacted the ukrainian special services, and the person accused of the bombing was brought to moscow and interrogated. mobile phone, what did he say? the main day of the trip, sergei lavrov in laos, dozens of meetings and negotiations with asian countries, what is the agenda? fire at the enemy around the clock in the zaporozhye region, our soldiers destroy kiev artillery and military equipment, interrupting the delivery of shells to the front. this is the road underneath magnitogorsk, a real flood. local residents post videos online. the weather has been bad in the southern urals for several days now. at
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the training ground in the leningrad military district, the soldiers demonstrated their skills to the head of the ministry of defense andrei belousov. the minister came to check how combat training was organized for tank crews, drone operators, artillerymen and other military personnel, both junior commanders and those who had just signed a contract. classes are organized at seven training sites. the first training place is this place, this is the place, what you you demand, including the president, this requires the protection of the tank, that is, here there is a preparation of the tank for combat use, a combat mission, a tank driving course, yes, completely, driving once, shooting twice, plus also technical training, fp drones are presented, here are the classes of comics and also. several copies with
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resets, you teach how to use an individual reb, yes we teach, that is, it’s included in your program, it’s also necessarily an individual one, that’s a blessing, he went to the target, well, yes, he’s looking for the target, he finds it, so he went to defeat, controls well, the command post of the company commander is located here, control is carried out remotely, everything is displayed on the screen, the tank drives. that is, in automatic mode, the operator detects the target; in automatic mode , the target is sent to him on the tablet and, accordingly , the coordinates are displayed here, that is, automation of control processes.
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minister of defense sergeant zuev, i serve russia, i live in russia, i am an instructor in tactical medicine, that is, i was in the donetsk direction for a year and a half, was wounded, and was transferred to the leningrad military district, where i’m from, i’m already on my second business trip, i also performed tasks related to providing first aid medical care, can you tell me about yourself?
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russia and the association of southeast asian nations are deepening coordination in the field of politics and security and working together to counter modern challenges and threats.
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on the solid basis of the principles of the un charter, other norms of international law and increasing the role of the states of the global south in multilateral structures, in accordance with their rapidly growing real weight in the world economics and politics. it should be noted that today on the fields of osian, russia is not the only party that is holding meetings along this line; today it is also present here. and representatives of other states of china, japan, south korea, great britain, the usa will arrive only tomorrow for a meeting with representatives of asian, but i also spoke today and also spoke today, i apologize, a meeting was also held today in
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the asian format of the eu, here are the guests from brussels, they immediately designated their policy as anti-russian, as they stated during their speeches. basic principles of international law and the un charter are at stake in ukraine in other parts of the world, but understand me, the ukrainian struggle is crucial for us. i know that russian aggression against ukraine may seem far from asean, but the consequences of this conflict, be it inflation or rising food and oil prices, are also felt by our population, even if russia makes every effort to...
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accused of car bombing in moscow evgeny serebryakov admitted to cooperation with the ukrainian intelligence services. the fsb published a video of his interrogation today. serebryakov was taken to moscow from turkey, where he was detained. after interrogation, he was placed in a pre-trial detention center. serebryakov said that he was detained in
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a place where he expected to receive a foreign passport. according to him, he himself decided to cooperate with the ukrainian intelligence services and contacted future curators on the internet. they promised him $20,000 for killing a defense ministry officer. and told how to assemble a bomb, in february 2023, he proactively contacted the public administrator with the goal cooperation with ukrainian intelligence services. subsequently, i began communicating with a certain ilya ilya, who, i assume, is an employee of the sbu, we communicated with him in vayr, there was also one meeting in istanbul, after that i took the components for assembling a homemade built-in device in the russian region, ilya proposed to liquidate officer under control with instructions about... from ilya he collected an explosive device, placed it under
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the car, ilya also promised me ukrainian citizenship a reward in the amount of 10 to 20 thousand dollars. let me remind you that on wednesday morning in the north of moscow an suv was blown up, two people were injured, the suspect was quickly identified thanks to surveillance cameras. as it turned out, he hastily fled to turkey. thanks to cooperation with the turkish police and interpol, he was detained that evening in bodromo. then take him for interrogation to moscow. during the interrogation, serebryakov reported on the circumstances of the preparation of a car bombing ordered by the ukrainian security service, including a meeting abroad with supervisor at the place of receipt of explosive device components. it was established that on july 24, a few hours after the crime was committed, serebryakov left the territory of russia and flew to turkey, from where he was going to go to ukraine, where... he was promised citizenship. as a result of measures taken by russian law enforcement officers and turkish
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competent authorities, the person involved in the criminal case was detained and taken to moscow. russian troops carried out a high-precision strike on a warehouse with weapons for artillery and missile forces of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as on the place where the armored vehicles themselves were kept secretly. as a result of this attack , the haymarc launcher and five grad multiple launch rocket systems were destroyed. five tanks and up to ten armored vehicles, a fairy chicken for sweet dreams, a rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for burgers at a delicious point, a new curry sauce in chicken premium and chicken hit carry. alfabank is the best bank for business. open a free
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in donbass today they remember children who were victims of shelling in the ukrainian armed forces. in donetsk they bring flowers to alley of angels, a memorial to dead children, in lugansk the event took place in the local youth library. we’ll find out more details from anastasia ostapuschenko. anastasia, how was the memorial event in lugansk? hello, roman, at the walls of the lugansk youth library. dozens of students and schoolchildren gathered today. together with social activists, they remembered every child who became a victim of ukrainian shelling. white balloons were released into the sky in memory of the children. also, senator of the russian federation olga bas spoke in more detail about the fate of the children, about how they became victims, remembered every child in
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every corner of the lugansk people's republic, i invite you to listen about ' over 10 years of hostilities in the lugansk people's republic , 228 children suffered from ukrainian shelling, and another 68 died. the fate of each child is documented in the book executed childhood of donbass. now the authors, unfortunately, are going to collect
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information, and about new victims of ukrainian aggression for...
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today , more than 350 children are bringing flowers and soft toys to the memorials, during the entire armed conflict from the kiev regime, died in the donbass and also in the border areas. in the lugansk people's republic, more than 60 children died from shelling, shelling that was carried out on kindergartens, schools, and playgrounds; today they are remembered throughout the country. similar actions will be held today by about 13 embassies of unfriendly states, you know, these numbers are very painful to pronounce, then... in the lugansk people's republic in recent years, 68 children have died and another 228 have been seriously injured.
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over the entire period, more than 250 people died in the donetsk people’s republic children. today they are also remembered. it is not for nothing that all events today take place opposite the embassies of unfriendly states, so that those who now support the kiev regime, who supply. they saw, heard and understood how these weapons were used and against whom they were fighting. the kiev regime applies the same methods everywhere, that is, if they cannot cope on the battlefield, then they take revenge and fire at simply peaceful objects, absolutely peaceful squares, first of all they try to fire at schools and kindergartens, accordingly, unfortunately, our children are also under the gun of the ukrainian army. about six hundred activists from the young guard from united russia today with portraits of dead innocent children. today they
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tell stories, tragic stories of children who died. for example, some were not even a month old. the youngest victim was only a few days old. today volunteers tell their stories. collapse portrait of a girl who died with her mother from shrapnel wounds, the girl lived only a year life, they did not have time to hide when the shell exploded, this is terrible, we cannot forgive this, we cannot forget this. ukraine took the village, uh, volunteers from donbass were forced to evacuate women, children, uh, they kept them in the basement for 3 weeks as a forced measure. here. after which, unfortunately, this boy was killed by ukrainian artillery, so we came here to honor the memory of all the children who died. the story of one boy,
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who was only three months old, died because the nationalists occupied settlement, they simply didn’t let an ambulance through , his parents couldn’t help him, the boy died. i would like to note that today children are remembered not only in the donbass, but... also in the border areas, including belgorod, crimea, sevastopol, bryansk, wherever children died from the aggression of the kiev regime. these children not only began to live, they had everything ahead of them, they dreamed of a bright future, but their lives were interrupted as a result of artillery shelling, as a result of air strikes on peaceful neighborhoods of peaceful cities of donbass, and today activists of the young guard united russia holds mourning events throughout the country. in moscow, our activists went to all the embassies of countries that support terrorists who supply lethal weapons to the ukrainian nazi regime
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in order to once again remind them that it is their weapons that kill children. yes, raman , i will note that now such commemorative mourning events are taking place throughout russia. thank you margarita. margarit semenyuk spoke at events in memory of the children killed during shelling by the armed forces of ukraine. here in avdeevka they brought people down, there there was terror. it flies, everything flies here, guys, the war is real, here people are completely different, they live. you weren’t offended here until our people came, don’t ask, i’ll see a wolf hiding in the basement when they’re hammering, right here outside the window, just like that, you sit and think, who’s next for you. or not, with the last explosion there were 18 people left under the slabs who are still lying there, god help me, oh, thank you, that’s just it, we
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came here forever, now it’s time for economic news, today at 13:30 moscow time by the time the bank of russia will make a decision on the rate, analysts surveyed by bloomberg claim that inflation leaves no choice... the central bank will have to tighten policy. most economists predict a rate increase of 200 basis points to 18% per annum. at the beginning of the month , deputy chairman of the central bank alexey zabodkin also noted that the regulator would discuss raising the rate at the next meeting. according to him, the arguments in favor of the increase have become stronger, while those in favor of maintaining them have weakened. russia increased gas production by 8% in the first half of the year. in total, the country produced 357 billion cubic meters. he writes about this. businessman with reference to data from the ministry of energy. june volumes made a significant contribution. against the backdrop of the heat, the demand for electricity, and therefore for gas, soared. it also became known that gazprom, which produces more than
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half of everything. exports increased in russia. the ministry of finance is ready to revise agreements on the avoidance of double taxation if there are such initiatives, deputy minister alexey sazanov stated. he noted that russia had previously signed new tax treaties with oman and malaysia. experts believe that countries are interesting as promising trading partners. at the same time , tax treaties with the united states, european countries and japan were partially suspended. and rosselkhoznadzor limited the transit of poultry from the usa. according to the department, the reason is the increasing frequency of bird flu outbreaks in the country. the restrictions will not affect the russian market. these products have not been supplied to our country since 2014 due to the food embargo. however, american goods traveled through russian territory to other countries. it was economic news. short.
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we spent so much effort trying to drive the americans out, and we won. the russians helped, they didn’t care about the people. the americans only bombed and killed. there was no benefit from them. at first, the west did so by crippling these people, because with their consent , drugs were grown in afghanistan.
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raids and the miracle of epiphany that happened here to prince vladimir. we are grateful to prince vladimir precisely because he laid this spiritual foundation for future national construction. and it happened right here, in helsancia. the territory where ancient greek and roman, imperial, closes with us. this is a unique combination of peoples, times, cultures. and civilization. hersanez, returning to us, again christened russia with his grace. we will see a lot in ourselves by studying the history of our predecessors. kersanes, libybel of russian orthodoxy, this alone gives us the right to consider crimea russian. chrsanical, it should become a russian meca, which should attract people from
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the same one.


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