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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 26, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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the minister of defense at the training ground in the leningrad military district, andrei belousov, checked how the training of svo soldiers was organized. flowers on the avenue of angels in donbass remember children who were victims of shelling by ukrainian militants. there are rallies at western embassies in moscow. he himself contacted the ukrainian special services, and the person accused of blowing up the car was brought to moscow and interrogated. what did he say? main day of the trip. axis, dozens of meetings and negotiations with the ocean countries, what is the agenda? and this is the road near magnitogorsk, a real flood, local residents are posting videos online; there has been bad weather in the southern urals for several days. what does hay smell like is perhaps the main question of olympic athletes before the games in paris, why was it not possible to completely solve the problem of infrequencies. at the training ground in the leningrad military
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district, the fighters demonstrated their skills to the head of the ministry of defense andrei belousov. the minister came to check how combat training was organized for tank crews, operators, drones, artillerymen and other military personnel, both junior commanders and those who had just signed a contract. classes are organized at seven training sites. the first training place is this place, this place is what you require. plus also technical training , fpv drones are presented, here are the classes of comics and also several copies with individual resets, you teach how to use and we teach, that is, you have... the program is also
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necessarily individual, he went to the target, well, yes, he searches for the target, discovers, here he went to defeat, manages well, here is the command post of the company commander, control carried out remotely, everything is displayed on the screen, the tank operates closed positions, three in all parameters, three. that is, in automatic mode, the operator detects the target in automatic mode, the target is sent to him on the tablet and, accordingly, the coordinates are displayed here, that is, the automation of control processes is many times over, the consumption is half the norm.
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i am an instructor in tactical medicine, that is , i was in the donetsk direction for a year and a half, was wounded and was transferred to the leningrad military district, from where i smiled already on the second, second business trip, i also performed tasks related to the provision of first good medical care, tell us about yourself, minister of defense, i am from the belgorod region, my grandfather fought in the great patriotic war. i decided to follow in
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his footsteps, i’m a young contract soldier, i signed a contract with a purpose, my first contract, yes, you have, exactly, with the purpose of defending your homeland, we haven’t been there yet, while you’re passing through, no, i’m studying here, there’s a lot of equipment, and bikes, motorcycles, atvs, will there be any training will be carried out on these drivers, the main task now will be precisely... in the training centers to create training courses on bugs, primarily bugs, bugs, atvs, control of drones, and also ground affairs, because they are in great demand for the delivery of ammunition, and food and evacuation. russian troops struck.
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a high-precision strike on a warehouse with weapons for the artillery and missile forces of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as on the place where the armored vehicles themselves were secretly stored. as a result of this attack the launcher was destroyed. khaimars, five multiple launch rocket systems, hail, five tanks and up to ten armored vehicles. special forces of the russian guard liquidated a cache of explosives in mariupol. this was reported in the press service of the department. the cache was discovered in an industrial area during operational activities. there was a box containing weapons with ammunition, grenades, about a kilogram of plastic waste, as well as means for making improvised explosive devices. in addition, two cell phones were found in the cache, money. bank cards clothes. in the zaporozhye region, the russian military hit new targets with precise artillery strikes. among them was a mortar crew of the ukrainian armed forces, which attacked our units. fire at the enemy is carried out around the clock, with drone operators helping to adjust the salvos. our war
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correspondent igor pikhanov heard what the artillerymen were saying about their work. positions the combat crew of the geocent howitzer hits enemy positions, artillery neutralizes enemy mortars in one of the hottest directions of the zaporozhye front, one after another , high-explosive 152-mm shells fall on the fortifications of the region and the ukrainian armed forces. the artillery works in close conjunction with the reconnaissance forces; now there are several drones in the sky at once, correcting the fire of the howitzers. all actions of the units of the dnepr group of troops are perfected to the point of automaticity. time between. finding the target and combat work for a few minutes, artillerymen and reconnaissance officers hunt around the clock for military equipment in su, artillery, destroy enemy positions, fighters do not allow ukrainian nationalists to strike at front-line settlements. the enemy is now of nato calibers, their systems are also different,
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mainly m3 sevens. there were facts, the enemy was hitting civilians, also civilian vehicles, and we were hitting them with artillery pieces. systems, the enemy responds to our military not only with fire from artillery and tanks, but also with kamikaze drones, so all positions are well camouflaged and fortified, the guns are dug into the ground, this is necessary in order to protect howitzer crews from shell fragments. we have very good calculations, we are very complex the gunner does his job, we do ours, and in 2 years we have already learned a lot, and it happens that they work on you, and you have to work in return, and you have to work under the birds, effectively. it is 100% effective, we work on everything that moves. on a neighboring section of the front, militant positions are neutralized by the crew of the mstab howitzer. according to the fighters, the enemy went on an active defense. ukrainian nationalists are digging in, building fortified areas, but this does not help them. high-explosive shells even penetrate
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well-protected dugouts. modern weapons allow our artillerymen to work, more precisely, further, to hit targets even in the rear zone. our tasks are mainly related to cover. our forces, that is, our infantry, the defeat of the enemy's gaobis, enemy artillery, as well as the destruction of pillboxes, bunkers and equipped strong points, we have intensity almost every day. in addition to long-range artillery , tactical aviation, combat drones, heavy military equipment, and joint work of units operate at enemy positions the ministry of defense allows not only to restrain the enemy, but to gradually move forward -
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say, hello, roman, indeed, today on the eve, tomorrow or any other day, donbass is mourning, mourning, because for the last 10 years , peaceful people have been constantly suffering at the hands of militants population, over the years of events here in the region , thousands of lives were cut short in one moment, but the worst thing is that among them more and more children, about three hundred boys and girls were killed in the most cruel way, it is not clear why and why, but nevertheless donbass remembers and... we also have such children, these are four of our children, this is our pain, the pain of our city, one of our children died from a direct hit in a residential building with her father,
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a girl just recently, in 1922, she died, she went out on the water supply and came under fire with her grandmother, one child died from a grenade explosion. and another one covered his mother with himself. they honored the memory of the angels of donbass with a small procession, adult children marched in a column along the central square city ​​and laid flowers and soft toys at the monument to the dead residents of debaltseve. their school teacher came to remember the children. today in the portraits, the portraits of dead children are my former students, i cannot look at all this without tears, because these children could in the future. to become happy and full-fledged citizens of our big, beautiful country, and we wait and believe
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that reason will triumph and the long-awaited peace will come to our beautiful land. the main events will continue tomorrow directly on memorial day on the 27th, this date of. it was not chosen by chance, it was on this day, back in 2014, that militants delivered a fierce blow to the central part of the now front-line gorlovka, dozens of people were injured, including the well-known gorlovka madonna, twenty-three-year-old kristina zhuk, who was in a local park with her ten-month-old child at the time of their arrival, unfortunately, she and the child died on the spot almost instantly from their injuries, this was the very point of no return, one of the first victims of the militants, but... thank you, about the action
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vitaly starushchenko spoke to the memory of the dead children in donetsk. two ships of the chinese navy arrived on a business call in vladivostok. the training ship jen he was the first to be met; it docked at the pier of the main base of the pacific fleet. the second landing ship lon hushan. of its large dimensions was moored at the berths of the city port. janhei and lu hushan will take part in the celebration of navy day, which will be celebrated in primorye this sunday. earlier, a frigate arrived in the city hunk dao of the vietnamese navy, together with foreign guests, our sailors will hold several sporting events, in particular , football and basketball matches are planned, as well as rowing on yawls and sea boats. military personnel from china and vietnam will be introduced to the exhibition of the pacific fleet museum. there will be other excursions. russia and
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the association of southeast asian nations are deepening coordination in the field of politics and security and together countering modern challenges and threats. our foreign minister sergei lavrov stated this in laos. he took part in a meeting of the russia-ocean format. in laos, which currently chairs the association, an annual series of ministerial post-ministerial meetings of the regional bloc and the countries of dialogue partners takes place and participants discuss cooperation in the field of politics, security, trade, economic and socio-cultural interaction. it is gratifying that our dialogue partners and i have a similar vision of the formation parameters. the sberspasiba loyalty program has been updated and become even more profitable. subscription from burp plus two top ones cashback categories, 1% on everything, twice
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israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu met with elon musk during his visit to the united states. the politician announced this on his social networks. according to him, he discussed artificial intelligence and technological cooperation between musk’s company and israel with entrepreneurs. what else is known about netanyahu’s visit to the united states in the chief’s material american bureau of vgtrka valentin bogdanova. the previous time benjamin netanyahu was in the white house was under donald trump, and there are considerable chances that he will be with him next time. but for now i'm going in.
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a group of anti-israel protesters with a figure of netanyahu in an orange prison uniform with canisters surrounded the white house, and liters of red paint flowing onto the sidewalk of the park, which symbolizes the blood gases of the residents, was making noise from outside. especially their left wing,
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pro-palestinian protesters seem to be ideologues... of the hill that they are unhappy with his behavior, look the roots of the middle east crisis, like any other crises, are not accustomed to themselves in washington, so they promise a fight for... peace in gaza that smacks of an ultimatum. i just told prime minister netanyahu that now is the time to get this deal done. to all those who call for
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a ceasefire and those who seek peace, i say: i see you, i hear you, let's make this agreement a reality. today in the southern white house, that is, at trump’s in maralaga, the israeli prime minister is, of course, quite another, a warm welcome, here sharis, her rival, promises not to stand on ceremony, public speaking is not her strong point at all. in international politics she floats so easily, and this, according to the new york post, which is close to the republicans, is one of the reasons why her nomination has not yet been supported by barack obama, who is called the main gray eminence of the entire dim party. for him, biden’s idea to rewrite everything to his vice-president came as a tragic surprise. the liberal media, cnn and nbc have their own interpretation. molabama was not supported by haris because he did not want to distract attention from biden's farewell speech, but who knows, maybe a feint...
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one of the agents who appears in this video was supposed to be upstairs on the roof where crux climbed, but instead he went down inside, cooled down, he became hot. however , a person on the roof might not be needed; local law enforcement officers several times suggested that secret service agents use drones, but washington visitors.
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on the morning of july 24, he flew to turkey. in this regard, serebryakov was announced to the international wanted employees of interpol and the russian ministry of internal affairs sent information to their turkish partners about the identity of the suspect, his signs and possible whereabouts.
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i pawned it against a car, and ilya also promised me ukrainian citizenship as a reward ranging from 10 to 2,000 dollars. as a result of
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the terrorist attack on senyavinskaya street on july 24, a man in the driver's seat had his feet torn off, and a woman who was nearby had her face cut by shrapnel. first, eyewitnesses came to their aid, and then the victims were taken to the botkin hospital. it was established that july 24 in a few.
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according to his brother, they learned about what happened from the news. no one could have thought that evgeniy was capable of this. according to them, the young man led a measured lifestyle, worked in the banking industry, lived in two cities - moscow and tashkent, served as a novice in the roman catholic cathedral of the immaculate conception of the blessed virgin mary on malaya gruzinskaya street. the last time he was seen there was during the easter service. he is, let's say. catholic, because he also takes communion, that’s why, to which parish he belongs, i say, i saw him, as if she was georgian, how could it be, i don’t know, at the beginning we can’t say, a criminal case has been opened against serebryakov under three articles, attempted murder of two or more persons and illegal sale of explosives explosive devices, the maximum penalty for
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