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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 26, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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the bank of russia is literally making a decision on the key rate at this very moment; we learn from my colleague maria filippova what signal the regulator gave to the market. maria, greetings, what is known at this moment? roman, greetings. so, the central bank increased the key rate by 2% points; now it is 18%. i will note that.
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enterprises increased the output of paper products and cardboard precisely because of the growing demand for packaging. in siberia, we have expanded the range of food products; in the urals, in the bolzhye region, our oil refineries are actively operating, which increase the production of petroleum products. again, a factor that influences the overheating of the economy is the growth of consumer lending, including citizens actively taking out loans, and mortgage loans cannot be ignored here. the central bank has repeatedly noted that this is also due to preferential mortgages, which, due to the program that ended quite recently, mortgages were at 8%, and it was precisely the completion of this program that further increased demand, because many residents tried, so to speak , jump into the last carriage to take out a preferential mortgage, have time to take it on favorable terms, in view of which, according to june data , the mortgage lending market as a whole has jumped and...
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talk is hoping for a pardon from president alexander lukashenko. in a conversation with reporters , he also noted: it’s time to work against him, the german authorities are doing nothing to help. at the trial, krieger admitted that he was working on instructions from the sbu. on verification missions, he photographed the territory of the military unit, including the launchers of the iskander missile systems. he was then ordered to leave a backpack containing explosives at the train station, where the loading of tanks was planned. krieger clearly realized that he was spying on sabotage and even
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tried to confuse his tracks by booking several hotels at once for each trip; now he says that he repents. decided to go to ukraine to join the foreign legion of mercenaries. i constantly watched news from ukraine on tv and decided that i could be useful there. as an orderly , i earned 2,800 euros in germany, which is less than in the regiment with which i eventually contacted, but they offered 2,000 euros per month, however, in the event of my death, the family would receive a fairly large sum, approximately 420,000 euros. i thought that there might be victims, such thoughts flashed through my head, but i drove them away. in fact, i really regret it, and i will regret what happened every second. will our money fly away too?
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huawei makebook v15 for only 49,999. chief technical expert. the legend is back. the same one. made from 100% malt. baltika 3 non-alcoholic. fairytale chicken is needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for burgers at a delicious point. new sauce in chicken premier and chicken hitcari. try it at a delicious point.
1:38 pm
i like being a courier with yandex food, i manage my income, i choose how to deliver orders and decide when to receive money, even every day, and i even manage this video, become a courier with yandex food, manage your income, honor. lele russian lotto, more frequent drawings, more draws, more prizes, more chances of winning, buy tickets on the website, in branded stores, stoloto, when you are an adult, it is so easy to forget that joy lives inside us, but this is a real superpower, more joyful moments with
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water, a holy spring, with fruity flavors, the source of joy is in you, hello, my name is cashboy, i help you buy with maximum profit at the megamarket. for example, lux visage cosmetics with cashback up to 40%. maybe a fellowship? appetite anywhere. only dad will shorten it. there is a door appetite. a snack won't hurt. there is a door appetite. sausages will help. one of my friends has the fastest mobile internet. cool video. after all, the speed is high, you haven’t connected it yet with 5g, although you better not need it, megaphone number one in terms of speed coverage, at an excellent percentage, in the branch and online, your plan has a reliable
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basis, this is a coffee machine that was bought with the money that we saved money on renting an apartment from the owner of the nation. rent an apartment at a profit. for you. the european union will send part of the frozen proceeds today for the first time. thought, they must fully correspond to our interests, but of course, such steps
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of the european commission will not go unanswered. and now it’s time for economic news: russia increased gas production by 8% in the first half of the year. in total, the country produced 357 billion cubic meters, a businessman writes about this with reference to data from the ministry of energy. june volumes made a significant contribution; against the backdrop of the heat , the demand for electricity, and therefore for gas, soared. also. it became known that gazprom, which produces more than half of all gas in russia, has increased exports. sales of new buildings in june immediately increased by 60%. almost 4 million square meters were sold under equity participation agreements. domrf reports this. the rush demand was associated with the end of preferential mortgages. in total , almost 15 million square meters were sold on the primary market in the first half of the year. there is an increase of 19%. at the same time , the total revenue of developers. in the next 2 years, chinese cars may surpass
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french and american ones in terms of fleet size in russia. according to autostat data, by july 1, their number exceeded 1,800,000, which is about 4% of the total number of registered cars. at the same while the french have a 6% share, the americans have a 7% share. if the dynamics continue, chinese brands will enter the top five. on the top lines will be russian, japanese, korean. and german manufacturers and russian railways increased cargo transportation through border crossings with china by 19%. in the first half of the year, the volume exceeded 20 million tons. the company reported this. the largest part of the cargo - 90% - came from russian exports. it was mostly coal. let me remind you that the historical maximum traffic in traffic with china was established in the past year, then volumes reached 161 million tons. it was economic news. short. the growing popularity of kamala haris is being discussed in the united states.
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in terms of ratings, she is almost equal to donald trump. however, some experts doubt that the vice president will be able to win the trust of the required majority of americans. the republican camp remains calm for now. details of the election race in the program america with valentin bogdanov. this is america is a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. the past three weeks, which turned american politics upside down, they will probably go down in the history of the united states as a separate chapter, the shots at donald trump in butler almost became the second shots in dallas, the sudden withdrawal of joe biden from the presidential race is an intrigue worse than the uthergate scandal. the last time this happened was 56 years ago, when it was suddenly removed from the elections.
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can get in the way of saving our democracy, including personal ambitions, so i decided that the best way forward is to pass the baton to a new generation, this is the best way unite our nation. please note that the lines of the teleprompter are reflected in the window of the oval office, but no one from the team is straining anymore. biden is a lame duck, they say there was also a support group nearby, almost 40 people, members of his family, all his problems ... began during a trip to las vegas, a pre-election
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event was supposed to take place there, but suddenly everything happened canceled due to covid, biden was taken to the same town of rihobot bech, and after that biden completely disappeared from the scene for several days public field, comments on this only with the help of various leaks, and the white house continues to dose out information that biden is not leaving any race, so... a sudden 180° turn absolutely on sunday, during which he appears at lightning speed the same letter that biden uh... decides to suspend his participation in the election campaign, then a tweet appears where he says that he sees kamala haris as his successor, well, clearly agreed with the team of democrats, such an insight is published newspaper politics. even on saturday morning, biden said that the election campaign was in full swing,
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but by the evening he changed his mind after a long discussion with two of his closest aides. this did not happen because the president was tired of being a deserter in the ranks of his own party, although this is true, the point is that biden finally realized that he could not win, abandoning his plans for re-election was the last opportunity for him to present everything as if the decision accepted on his terms, well, as i already said, this is an insider version, but clearly agreed with the democratic party, there is another, one might say, uncensored, it is much rougher and the reality there is much more prosaic, this is the version... according to an insider, the disastrous debate against donald trump was part of a strategy to convince the democrats of biden’s inability to run for the presidency, although publicly most of the left supported
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biden, behind the scenes party officials threatened to invoke the twenty-fifth amendment, which allows for removal. from the office of president in the event of his incapacity. the twenty-fifth amendment is a shame for life, it is a red button in the american political system, it must be said that it has never been applied, that is, of course, heavyweights should have gotten involved in this matter, people who could put pressure on biden, and judging apparently, they were the ones who got involved, well, who could it be, barack obama, the clintons, bill and hillary, but the most important character about whom... and intrigued and made it so that biden not only left the game, but also pointed out potential successor, replacement, to kamela charis. pilosi's mastery of chess play never ceases to amaze, let's
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face it, she knows very well what she's doing, early debate, the only way to make sure that... that is, behind the liberal american press, the mourners of the mourners tried their best, tried to be convincing and very sincere. this is leadership, this is real patriotism, this is what it means to put the interests of the state above your personal interests, when you no longer have the strength to continue, let someone else finish the game. the one who
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tasked with finishing the game, that is, kamela harris is already calling biden almost the greatest president of america, but all this... now it doesn’t matter, you can praise him, because harris has already collected the votes necessary for the nomination. in general, it has always been said about kamela haris that all her life she has been breaking through glass ceilings, always trying to be the first, she was the first woman district attorney of san francisco and the attorney general of california, the first indian-american woman in the senate, and finally, the first woman vice president of the united states. however, about the prosecutor harris san francisco there are different opinions, for example, it is calculated. that while she worked there, the proportion of convictions increased from 52 to 67%, this was the most noticeable surge in 10 years, haris waved her saber harshly from right to left, spoke out, for example, she was categorically against school truancy, many parents went away because of this even behind bars, she
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treated those detained for marijuana strictly and earned herself, of course, bad. this is the kind of left liberal leaning that could harm haris, so a lot will depend on the figure of the vice president, who
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this tilt will have to balance. about a dozen people are being considered as possible candidates for the post of vice president of kamela haris, this suggests that haris’ headquarters is considering a variety of options, including several governors, he screwed up with the border, remember, they helped him, so biden appoints kamela haris with its border queen, who must
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solve the problem of illegal migration, here are illegal migrants, 10 million and their number is growing. there was no sensible recipe for solving this problem; haris couldn’t even it’s all normal to formulate, from the outside it looked very comical, the american press even had an expression: she is an outspoken supporter of abortion, and this should help her gather the female electorate in america, primarily in the swing states, while
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in general they were not afraid of trump kharis, we all remember his comment made before she even joined the company, as if filmed to flog, when he sits on a golf cart and says that he is ready for kharis to join this company, and how now it turns out too appears. insides from within the company of the republicans, it turns out that they were most afraid, not kamla haris, they were most afraid that michelle obama might enter the ring instead of biden, it’s not clear how to act against her, sharris, as again he is now sharing details of further with the press campaign, representatives of the republican party are all simpler, even many points do not need to be rewritten in slogans, because harris is very...
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careful, it’s like walking through a minefield, the racial issue, plus the female gender, the republicans have even sent a manual to their congressmen, so that these topics are not touched upon, but the mental state of harris is not a taboo, everyone is well familiar with various mistakes and strange behavior, harris. trump, of course, is already openly taking advantage of this, he calls his rival a little bit crazy, well, for example, for her infectious and... sometimes very strange laughter. however, the people from the deep state who nominated
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kharis are not embarrassed by this. now all their thoughts are focused on ensuring that the democratic party congress in chicago on august 19 goes off like clockwork, so they are hedging their bets in advance they prepare in advance to conduct a roll call, so that there are no surprises later. wasn't, democrats are planning a virtual nomination on august 7, and if you think that's too fast, it actually brings us closer to other democracies. in britain, for example, the election campaign lasts 5-6 weeks, in france only no more than two weeks, so we are not in a hurry, we are just holding elections in euro style. another important point, ironically, biden handed over the palm not only. kammali harris, but also to trump, because now trump, at 78 years old, is the oldest presidential candidate in american history. after biden
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dropped out. out of the race, the focus on health has shifted back to trump, who is just 3 years younger. if elected to a second term, he will leave office at the age of 82 years and 7 months. this would make trump the oldest president in us history. in general, trump would still be better off with biden, and poll results confirm this. in this new confrontation, kamela haris will retain 95% of biden voters. will retain only 92% of its voters, however, there are still 100 days before the elections, and at the present time in american politics this is, of course, an eternity. this was america. all the best. how.
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mold, ideal solution for any tile, wide range of colors, protection from moisture , adhesive from serizite grout, magnet+ makes shopping even more profitable, activate personal discounts and bonuses in the magnet application, magnet plus is personal to you, sansoy, that’s what azi taste sounds like, become by autocourier with yandex food increase your income, honor of the anniversary of russian lotto, drawings more often, more draws, more prizes, more chances of winning, buy tickets on the website, in branded stores, stoloto, when you are an adult, it is so easy to forget that joy lives inside us, but it is real superpower, more joyful moments with holy spring water, with fruity flavors,
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a source of joy. megaphone number one in terms of speed coverage. maybe a fellowship? appetite anywhere. only dad will tame it. there is a beastly appetite. a snack won't hurt. sausages will help. program loyalty with berspasibo has been updated and has become even more profitable with a subscription with berim. plus two top cashback categories. 1% on everything. and
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twice as many bonuses every month. it’s more profitable in savings with prime. at the training ground in the leningrad military district , the head of the ministry of defense andrei belousov checked how the training of soldiers was going. the skills were demonstrated by the junior commander. also those who have just concluded a contract. instructors pass on the experience gained in the north military district zone to tank crews, artillerymen, drone operators and other military personnel. stanislav bernwald will tell you in more detail how everything goes. right during the exercise at the training ground , deputy minister of defense of russia yunusbeg evkurov reports to minister of defense belousov on the progress of training specialists in various military specialties of junior
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command personnel, as well as the military. i was wounded and i was transferred to the leningrad military district, from where i left for my second business trip. belousov was informed that all classes here were organized taking into account the peculiarities of the use of western weapons to opponents. considerable attention is paid here, for example, to combat and reconnaissance tactics using unmanned aircraft. fpv drones introduced. kamikaza class and...


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