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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 26, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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the minister of defense especially noted the training of uav operators; in the current combat realities , much depends on them on the ground and in the sky. he went to the target, searches for the target, discovers it, and then goes to defeat. manages well, and the russian minister of defense also got acquainted with practical training in training tank crews, firing mortars, controlling artillery fire, sniper training , and managing units. here is the command post of the company commander. control is carried out remotely, everything is displayed on screen, the tank is working from open positions, and andrei belousov, during a visit to the training ground, presented state awards to military personnel who distinguished themselves during a special military operation.
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so, as part of the agreement, the russian guard allocates part of the places in five of its organizations, in addition, doctors will help soldiers and employees when jointly participating in operations to maintain or restore peace outside our country. according to andrei belousov, this will increase the efficiency and availability of treatment for participants in the special operation. with the aim of optimization of medical care. during a special military operation, interaction was organized between the russian guard and the ministry of defense. wounded military personnel of the defense department are admitted to the national guard hospital for treatment, where they undergo a comprehensive examination and receive specialized medical care. carrying out common tasks to protect the fatherland, the medical service of our departments united common efforts to provide medical support to the participant.
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affairs russia asian, it took place today in throughout the day, it should be noted that today asean received the foreign ministers of countries not members of the association for precisely such meetings and consultations. russia was one of the first, it should be noted that sergei lavrov in his opening remarks emphasized that for more than 30 years, relations between russia and the association, these relations have become very close and productive in a number of areas. over more than three decades , our relationship has truly developed.
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their norms of international law and increasing the role of states of the global south in multilateral structures, in accordance with their rapidly growing real weight in the world economy and politics. if during the meeting russia asia still paid attention to the development of the asia-pacific region, then, for
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example, at the meeting of representatives of asia with representatives of the european union, they talked about the anti-russian agenda, which, as we understand. the basic principles of international law and the un charter are at stake in ukraine in other parts of the world, but understand me, the ukrainian struggle is crucial for us. i know it's russian aggression against ukraine may seem far from asean, but the consequences of this conflict, be it inflation or rising food and oil prices, are also felt by our population, even if russia is making every effort to spread. misinformation. asian countries, in turn, are concerned about the west’s attempts to militarize the region, and of course, they are interested in maintaining stability in the asia-pacific region and russia is considered in this matter as one of the important partners, as stated by the minister foreign affairs of china, mr. wang yi, in
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the format of the osian-china meeting. hegemony, unilateralism and protectionism are intensifying, regional conflicts are protracting, and factors of instability, uncertainty and... predictability permeate the entire world. sergei lavrov also continues meetings today on the sidelines of oceana with his colleagues from different countries who are partners of the association; he managed to communicate with the minister of foreign affairs of india. earlier, he had a meeting with the turkish foreign minister. anna voronina, mikhail vikulin, eva fedotova, vesti laos. in bashkiria and zalivni , several sections of roads were blocked at once, and dozens of houses in the village were flooded.
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in the delilovsky district, dozens of residential areas were flooded, according to preliminary information, in the village of mikhailovka , 20 farmsteads were under water, in the village of ozernaya, 76. rescuers and firefighters have already arrived at the site to help people; in the village of ozernaya, an evacuation is now underway. in the vyanchurinsky district, a street in the village of sereguva was also flooded. and stop work happened at the anniversary quarry in khaibulinsky. area due to bad weather, and water had accumulated in a bowl here, employees were removed from the enterprise until the situation improved. in the burzhyansky district, also in the village of nabievo , residents have no electricity due to weather anomalies. forecasters warn ufa that
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the temperature background will be close to september all day, and with stronger winds , the rains are only forecast to continue. and in the coming days throughout the republic. there will be precipitation and the weather will not change. on july 27 , most areas will host intensive rain, thunderstorms in places, with the wind increasing to strong. the temperature will drop. to +8-13° at night, and during the day to +14:19. studio. thank you, our correspondent spoke about the situation in bashkiria, which was hit by heavy rains. ukrainian citizenship was promised up to 20 thousand dollars to evgeniy serebryakov for the murder of a russian officer. the accused spoke about this during interrogation in moscow. serebryakov was extradited from turkey. he also clarified that they took him in the place where he intended. get a new passport. what other details have become known by this moment? in a report by maria valieva. from bodrum
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back to moscow. evgeniy serebryakov, employees of the fsb and the ministry of internal affairs of russia managed to detain with the assistance of the special services and law enforcement agencies of turkey. information was received that on the morning of july 24 he flew to turkey. in this regard, serebryakov was put on the international wanted list. employees of interpol, the ministry of internal affairs of russia...
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under control with instructions from ilya, assembled an explosive device, planted it under the car, and ilya also promised me ukrainian citizenship in the amount of 10 to 20 thousand dollars. in as a result of the terrorist attack on senyavinskaya street on july 24, the man in the driver's seat had his feet torn off, and the woman who was nearby was cut open. face with fragments. first , eyewitnesses came to their aid, and then the victims were taken to the botkin hospital.
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it was established that on july 24, a few hours after the crime was committed, serebryakov left russian territory and flew to turkey, from where he was going to go to ukraine, where he was promised citizenship. but no ukrainian passport, no promised several thousand dollars for the terrorist attack serebryakov never received it. did you have a passport? ukraine or another european union state? definitely not on hand, maybe in theory. did someone have to give it to you? yes, who and where? uh, unnamed people, at the place of my arrest. searches were carried out in the private house where serebryakov’s family lives. journalists managed to find out that he contacted his relatives the day before the crime was committed. according to his brother, they learned about what happened from the news. no one could have thought that evgeniy was capable of such a thing. according to them, the young man was driving measured lifestyle, worked in the banking sector, lived in two cities: moscow-tashkent, was
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a novice in the roman catholic cathedral of the immaculate conception of the blessed virgin mary on malaya gruzinskaya street. the last time he was seen there was during the easter service. he, listen, he is, let’s say, well, a convict, because that’s what he already receives communion with, that’s why, which parish he belongs to, it’s actually hard to say, i saw him. it also became known that in 2014 evgeniy participated in unauthorized rallies at the manege area, as evidenced by various photographs. now a criminal case has been opened against serebryakov under three articles: attempted murder of two or more persons and illegal sale of explosives and explosive devices, the maximum penalty for.
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carry out your plans, and the bank business will provide reliable tools for... starting your business. register your business with tebank and receive 6 months of free service. te-bank is a business and the job is done. let's get back to the news. former white house head barack obama and his wife michelle supported the candidacy vice president kamala haris in the election race. a video of the telephone conversation was published on harris' youtube channel.
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new detailed footage has appeared online of how the twin towers collapsed during the september 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in new york. we are allegedly talking about a once lost video that has not been published before. it was shot on a professional camera by japanese photographer kei sugimota. let me remind you that 23 years ago, terrorists from al-qad, banned in russia, hijacked four passenger planes, two of them. in move trains, as local media write, we are talking about sabotage, as a result of deliberate arson , traffic is paralyzed on three lines at once, difficulties are observed at the montparnasse, est and nord stations. the authorities recommended that passengers
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postpone their trips and not visit stations affected by the transport collapse, and those who had already purchased tickets were promised a refund. they promise to restore high-speed train traffic in full no earlier than monday. create favorable conditions for families with children in the regions, convert. attention to infrastructure, cultural and tourism facilities, was proposed by deputy chairman of the state duma irina yarovai during a meeting of the presidium of the council of legislators on the issue of developing a strategy for spatial development of russia. she emphasized that it is necessary to pay attention to security issues. also , first vice speaker of the federation council andrei yatskin proposed including economic aspects among the priority tasks in the strategy. among them are measures for the development of small towns in rural areas. spatial development should include strengthening the economic and infrastructural connectivity of the country’s territory, measures to support the socio-economic development of small medium-sized cities and rural areas. in
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addition, the development of russia requires reducing the level of interregional differentiation and overcoming the imbalance in the settlement system , primarily in siberia and the far east. of course, it is important to consolidate the projected strategy with special measures and mechanisms aimed at ensuring accelerated progress. integration of donbass and novorussia into a single socio-economic space of russia. the strategy should be focused primarily on creating favorable conditions for families with children. and we propose to include in the draft of the new spatial development strategy until 2030 an independent section on the development of childhood infrastructure in the regions of the russian federation. in addition, we propose that the ministry of economic development, together with other faibs, develop methodological recommendations for the preparation of regional and local ones. the first all-russian forum on digitalization is in grozny today defenders of the fatherland foundation, among the participants are representatives of branches from all regions.
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about half a thousand people gathered, the main goal was to simplify and speed up the process of providing assistance to military personnel who returned from the special operation zone, as well as their families. online tools should help with this. participants study the experience of electronic practices, and also share ideas on how... directions require decisions to be made very fundamentally and to respond quickly to requests, it is very important to establish interdepartmental interaction, which
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of chinese cars registered in russia increased by 28%, to almost 2 million units. dmitry will talk about how chinese brands are strengthening their position in the market and what this means for the domestic auto industry morocco. dmitry, hello, are our manufacturers feeling the effect of competition? yes, hello, despite the competition, avtovaz sales are also growing, lada remains in the lead. chinese automakers are rapidly...increasing their presence in the russian market in the absence of competition from western brands. as of july 1 , almost 2 million chinese- made cars were registered in the country. according to autostat, the growth since the beginning of the year was 28%. moreover, the import of passenger cars from china has already increased 4 months in a row. in the first half of the year, it increased in monetary terms by almost 35.5% and amounted to more than 6 billion dollars. in june , supply volume increased by 2%. this figure
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was the highest. since november twenty -third, we don’t have much choice, because all those brands to which we are accustomed have, in general, left the territory of the russian federation and we now live in a new automotive world, it consists of products from domestic manufacturers, which occupied a very a small share before, now it is growing, officially supplied chinese cars, since there is no variability, it will only be in the choice of different models, either imported from the middle kingdom, or produced... as experts note, in certain segments, there are currently no alternatives to chinese brands, among the sales leaders, invariably cherry, gilly and hail. at the same time, the cost of these cars in russia, as a rule, is one and a half to two times higher than in china itself, this applies not only to models that are imported from the prc, but also to those that are assembled on the territory of the customs union.
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drivers, but also car dealers. however, analysts admit that a gradual increase in the quality and production volumes of both russian and chinese cars will eventually stop the rise in prices. there is a purchase price in china, this is not necessarily the retail price that is on the chinese market, but close to this, because the chinese do not sell us cars for free. to this we need to add the cost of transportation, it has changed a lot lately, fluctuated, but it is still a decent amount, it is the sum. reached 200-250,000 per car for one, now a little less, but this is also decent, then the car needs to be cleared through customs, and then the car needs to be paid a recycling fee, we are expecting its next increase, the excise tax needs to be paid, the glanas era needs to be established, vat needs to be paid, the total is actually the second cost cars, against the backdrop of the absence of western
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manufacturers, in fact... only chinese brands compete with the russian automobile industry, which withstands it with dignity. lada still retains first place in terms of sales volumes in the first half of the year they grew by 51.5%. over 217 thousand cars were sold. for the buyer, of course, the opportunity to choose from a greater variety is good, especially since the chinese have something to offer in different segments. basically, competition with china.
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cars sold in the country. thank you, dmitry morocco spoke about the situation in the russian automobile market. in just a couple of minutes the program will provide instructions on the nuances of renting a home. tenants have a number of rights, for example, temporary registration and priority in closing contracts for the next term. irina matyushenko will tell you more about this. you imprisoned me in the fires, you will get a self-written pen, magic ink, you are the main fire, hurry up, so give me a horse, mechanically, in those ancient times, when there were no gadgets, people used magic, but beat yourself in the head, it’s a nickname you are where you need to go, that’s what they call me, because i’m not taking you where you’re a fool.


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