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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 26, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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thank you, dmitry morocco spoke about the situation in the russian automobile market. in just a couple of minutes the program will provide instructions on the nuances of renting a home. tenants have a number of rights, for example, temporary registration and priority when concluding contracts for the next term. irina matyushenko will tell you more about this.
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he doesn’t need a pen, who has fire in his pocket, what started, flint, i can’t live without traveling, soon, i got used to watching videos on the network, it stopped working, we install, open, watch, all russian channels tv series, movies and cartoons. look, look in the application or on the website.
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we will take on this matter, it will be fair.
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month, sber is more profitable with prime. formula adaptek takayama engine oil instantly adapts to. any mode of engine operation in real time activates those additives that are necessary to protect it right now. takayama - adaptive engine protection. reliable, the same reliable tools for small workshops and large productions. all tools for home, garden, construction and repair. giant shovel - 540 rub. we must take it! chicken premiere pairs.
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build protection in the my security service in the biline application for free, guess who, here you can handle it without me, beeline is the safest operator. start your business journey with sber support. sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal
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issues and connect an online cash register. and all this is free. we open the way to business. sberbusiness. the easiest way is not to worry about the condition of the engine. is to take your car to a museum, and smart is to use sinntek motor oil. meet moligard technology using organic molyden. it creates a durable protective film on the parts, which resists wear and increases engine life. semtek engine oil with mollygard technology. always a smart choice. connect megapowers will be jaga jago. megaphone number one in terms of speed coverage. in mvidi eldorado. what a benefit! we are giving super discounts and 500 ogo bonuses to everyone who blinked. ready! place an order online and pick it up in 15 minutes at envideo or eldorado. this is a coffee machine
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that was bought with money saved from renting an apartment from the owner. on cian. rent an apartment at a profit for you. "shoot housing, but you don’t know what the owner can demand from you and what not; the rights of the tenant are fixed in two codes at once, civil and housing. we will tell you which ones in 5 minutes in the program instructions. one of the basic ones is the right to conclude a written agreement with the lessor, only then is it valid. if the owner refuses, citing an unwillingness to pay taxes, explain. that the agreement itself does not attract the attention of the tax authorities, unlike regularly received income. if the contract is concluded for a year or more, it registered in the russian register. this discourages some landlords, but essentially nothing changes. the federal tax service also has other sources of information. but for the tenant,
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there are advantages to a long-term contract. those contracts that are now mostly concluded are still short-term contracts, and accordingly, from this we see that the volume. the rights that the tenant has are significantly lower than under those contracts that are concluded for a long term; at least when concluding a short-term contract, the tenant does not will be able to claim the right of first refusal to re-sign such contracts, will not be able to move in other persons, and there are other restrictions. if the contract is concluded for one year or more, the tenant has the right to extend it as a matter of priority, on the same conditions or on others, if the owner... of the apartment warned about the change 3 months in advance, if the long-term contract has ended and nothing happens, it can be considered that it has been extended for the same period under the same conditions, the tenant can only be evicted through the court or for compelling reasons. the employer has the right to live in the apartment until the end of the contract, even
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if the living space has been sold or pledged. this is guaranteed by the civil code. the new owner automatically becomes a renter and rents out housing under the same conditions. the tenant has the right to terminate the contract and leave the apartment at any time without trial for any reason. the only thing is that you need to notify the owner about this 3 months in advance or on time. which is specified in the contract. the tenant has the right to check the apartment and inventory the property. inspect the property before concluding a contract and record what exactly is in what condition is it there ? the inventory will come in handy when you move out, so that it doesn’t turn out that the battered sofa has fallen into disrepair supposedly during your use, and don’t forget to sign the document with the owner of the apartment. a rental agreement is still a bilateral transaction, that is, it is. there is a lessor, there is a tenant, and in order for the document to have any
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force there, including so that it can later be used in the event of a conflict in court, among other things, it must first of all be signed by these two parties, or their legal representatives, there persons who, for example, act on their behalf by proxy, the presence of other persons when performing these actions, there photo recording or recording, it is absolutely optional, nowhere in the law does it contain such a requirement. another right is to receive documents for each payment. if you give money in cash or transfer it to a card, take a confirmation or receipt. if the owner has registered as self-employed, he can send a check via sms or email directly from his phone. if payments are late, this does not mean that the contract will be terminated immediately. the tenant has the right not to move out at the first request of the owner. the delay should be 2 months for a short-term contract and six for... a fixed-term contract. please note that the months may not be consecutive, but you will still
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have to terminate the contract through the court. and the tenant also has the right to take the security deposit when leaving the apartment or count it off for the last month. for the landlord, this money is insurance against violations. if they weren't there, no and reasons not to give bail. the exception is when you yourself agreed to such a condition in the contract. temporary registration too. the right of a tenant of housing, it is necessary if you are in a new place for more than 90 days, the one who rents can apply for it, the one who rents it out, if you don’t do this, both may face fines. you don’t need to ask the owner’s permission to move in minor children, they don’t even have to be mentioned in the contract, this is also the right of the tenant. the place of residence of children is the place of residence of their parents, that is it is assumed that children do not live outside the place. ae the residence of the parents, therefore, a priori, if a person has children, then the legislator
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also assumes that naturally they live with their parents. but for other relatives , the consent of the apartment owner will be required for accommodation. and finally, the tenant has the right to compensation for losses that he incurred due to the fault of the owner. for example, the battery burst and water damaged your furniture, or the owner of the apartment suddenly changed the locks and does not allow you to pick up your things. or he terminates the contract without warning or refuses to renew it, you have to pay a realtor to find a new home, although most likely you will have to apply for compensation through the court. let us repeat the most important thing: the rental agreement is concluded in writing. tenants under long-term contracts have more rights, for example, the opportunity to renew the contract as a matter of priority, move in minors without asking the consent of the apartment owner, if... the owner changes, the contract does not terminate. the employer has the right to receive documents for each
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payment, and he can also demand compensation for losses if the owner of the property is to blame. if you have any questions, if you want to know how to act correctly in the real estate market, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will consult with experts and tell you about it in one of the next issues of the manual. tourists will be able to walk along the great tea route. this is the name of the unique project that russia, china and mongolia are jointly preparing; it will repeat the legendary route opened in in the 18th century for export from the middle kingdom, all along you can come across curious objects associated with tea culture and traditions, how similar they are in our countries and what connects the kuban drink with the chinese, about this in a special report by alexander baletsky. every year china produces 3.5 million tons of tea, this is almost
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half of the world’s total volume, and the chinese not only produce the most, they themselves drink tea, more than anyone in the world and export it, including to russia, where the number of tea drinkers from the celestial empire is only growing, this is china with alexander valetsky, one of its main symbols is tea. it’s early morning, it’s not yet swelteringly hot, and it’s time to go collect it. we leave at 5 am. sometimes earlier, look how clean the air is here, but by lunchtime you still can’t breathe, it’s hot, so we rest for a couple of hours, and then we continue collecting until 4-5 o’clock, this is fuding, the homeland of the most famous and, as is considered, the best white tea, this is a miracle, not tea, what buds, leaves it has, the most beautiful thing that nature could create,
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the sun, if you look closely, falling... behind the garden of the tea terrace, silver. you see the leaves, at their tips there is such a silvery fluff, like lint, and the same silvery tips of the leaves, thin as needles. this is the youngest tea and is harvested in early spring. with deft movements of the hands, the tea leaves are sent into the bag, the whole village works here, but for jan qun it is also a family business, everything that is collected on these slopes will go to the factory of her sons, the youngest. joe shows how new technologies can speed up sheet drying without compromising quality. it’s like an artificial sun, and the necessary humidity, temperature, and light are also maintained here. you can, of course, dry it the old fashioned way, but it will take longer, and so, in essence, everything is as in nature. 8 years ago they decided
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to turn the village area into a producer of the most environmentally friendly tea in china. and everything worked out. when we came to these slopes in 2016, all the tea trees were eaten away by insects and produced almost no harvest, we planted everything around with rapeseed and peach trees, it turned out that this was the best nature came up with to combat pests, no fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides can compare with natural means, which , on the one hand, attract beneficial insects, and on the other, cleanse the soil of harmful metals. they started drinking tea in china ... before our era, the oldest tea leaves were discovered in shandong province during excavations of a burial site of the jou dynasty. then, however, it was more considered a medicine, an everyday drink; tea most likely began already during the han dynasty, but tea the culture is believed to have taken shape closer to the seth centuries. it was then that the famous tea canon was written, the first treatise in history on tea
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and tea drinking. in general, of course, it is very monotonous. work and when you do it for several hours in a row, it is very exhausting, so you just need to have enormous patience, but in general it would seem like a small, small leaf, but for the chinese it is a whole world, it’s not just a desperate culture, it’s a whole tea philosophy. that 's it, you need to feel everything shades, narrow, high cup to catch all the subtleties of the aroma, wide to enjoy the color taste, drinking tea as a high art, from the chinese tea ceremony gumfucha, because that’s how it is translated, for us it is a belt of harmony, how yin and yang
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complement each other, here too, taste, smell, atmosphere, this is how the unity of peace is created. as with all ceremonies, the teahouse in china has a special attitude, it is not customary to rush, first you need to get acquainted with the tea, look carefully, smell it, the first brew is drained, there are dry leaves for it they wash off the dust, only then the tea itself, one cup, the second, the third, the twentieth, the chinese drink every cup this way. yes, i probably do it very loudly, but this does not mean that i am doing something ugly or uncivilized. the tongue is involved in this process, all the taste buds are on it, when i suck in air along with the tea, it allows the receptor
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to feel everything much better, you know? this way, all the shades, all the notes of tea, its richness are revealed better, and this is a whole ritual, who, where and how will sit, in which direction the spout of the teapot is facing, or in in any case towards the guest, and you need to pour strictly counter-clockwise, this art in china is taught over the years, sometimes the ceremony can be like this one in sachuan province. either a circus performance, or elements of chinese martial arts, but definitely a unique technique. this tea brewing technique imitates. the various movements of the dragon dance, the advanced feeling of the soaring patrons of the heavenly realm, this brings the spirit of the dragon and the philosophy of zen, in general, to
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catch zen, the chinese came up with all these ceremonies. there are almost no external tea trees differ, white - it will be green, red or black tea, it all depends on the degree of subsequent fermentation of the leaf, although it happens that it does not ferment at all. many people associate chinese tea with pancakes like these. called beincha, they can be 400 or 500 g, but the traditional gold standard is exactly 357 g. lease tea is poured into a special mold, then steamed, pressed, and dried in special round bags. the most revered green in china is the unfermented one, the most famous, perhaps, is longjingzin, which is collected in in the vicinity of xihu lake, in jedzian province, slightly sweetish and very fresh. now, more and more often you can see the following picture: special robots drive around the tea terraces,
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they collect tea no worse than humans, and certainly faster. it can move between bushes as freely as a human and can detect buds that are hidden by other leaves by approaching them from different angles. whoever is not afraid of the midday heat and the electronic eye, the scanner does not blur, in 2 seconds it detects and carefully cuts off the leaf along with the bud, and after all, 1 kg of tea requires approximately 80,000 such leaves. known to every shuttle traveler of the post-soviet space who has at least once been to china, the yabaulu region, the kingdom of consumer goods, where, among sneakers, bed linen from smartphones, there are tea shops like oases. hello tea! if you want to try the fluent russian counter, yana, as she calls herself, has mastered russian customers, they are the vast majority here, and thanks to yana, they already know that
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real longzin is always stored only in the refrigerator. pu-erh is also a cure for everything diseases. and yana will arrange a tea ceremony no worse than in any famous tea house, at the same time she will tell you about milk oolong, which for some reason russian tourists always ask for first of all, the chinese themselves not only don’t drink, they don’t even consider it tea, it’s just, really, how can you buy tea and not try it? you can’t even imagine this in china, so try it, even buy a small bag. can last for a whole day, after the pandemic , trade went mainly online, while its volumes increased, whole tea compositions depart along the route, which is the name of the new tea route from the city,
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the name of which the whole world learned at the beginning of 2020. about wuhan in russia, however, they learned about the russians in wuhan back in the early 16th century, because it was from here that the famous tea route began to europe, which was 70% controlled by russian merchants, now on the embankment.
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same taste, same color, but the aroma is completely different, and we want to understand what influenced the tea genome. freshly cut leaves are poured with liquid nitrogen, crushed into powder. now this is the material from which we will get the extract. the extract will be run through dozens of devices using hundreds of parameters, a full chemical analysis, again an important indicator is the aroma, here it is fruity, with a floral tint. feel it, right? in china it is believed that it is kemun that has an amazing ability to enhance the beneficial properties of other products, and also stimulate the nervous system, improve
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memory, increase work with... large tea companies, and here only local varieties, leaf by leaf. weight in china is not measured in kilograms, and dzin, one dzin is 500 g, half a kilo, and the price of tea per day varies from ten yuan to several thousand and even tens of thousands. the most expensive tea in the world is dahunpau, a fermented moon tea, the price per kilogram reaches 1.5 million dollars, all because the petals are very rare, growing in the only place in
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the province of fuzzin, on them. producers are literally praying. zen yongzi, the owner of a large tea brand, also starts his morning with prayer. so, mr. zen believes, things will continue to go uphill. yes hunpaw, him the factory may not produce, but what is packaged here is sent to north america, south america, and europe. and it turns out that chinese tea is also something like the soft power of heaven. probably, if the west drinks more of our chinese tea, and at the same time immerses itself in our tea traditions, then it will understand china better. it is, of course, very difficult to fully understand, and some brands had to adapt to the tea taste of foreigners, which is very different from chinese, but zen yundzi does not despair, and instills tea culture using modern means, experimenting with flavors
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and aromas. so, in my opinion, we need to add more peach and milk, and expand the line of the now popular bubbletie, cold fruit and milk tea with jelly balls from topioka, also a chinese invention, and let young chinese increasingly prefer a transparent plastic glass on the run to ceremonies , this does not affect the love of tea in any way, in heaven it is as strong as tea itself. we spent so much effort trying to drive the americans out, and we won. the russians helped, they cared, they didn’t give a damn about the people. the americans only bombed and killed. there was no benefit from them. at first , the west crippled these people, because with their consent , drugs were grown in afghanistan. we explained to the people that we would
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punish people for drugs. what the taliban are saying has real confirmation. figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we are all the same here, doing the same work, the same tasks. my record is 285, i couldn’t sit because i was in normal shape, well, it happened that they recognized you, what was the reaction, oh well, well, yes, the first time i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, will soon be 2 years old.
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the ministry of defense and the russian guard are expanding opportunities for fighters from both departments to receive medical care. the head of these structures, andrei belousov and viktor zolotov , signed. corresponding agreement, according to which the military and members of the national guard will be able to undergo examination and medical examination, as well as receive assistance, medications and medical products in medical institutions of two departments. thus, as part of the agreement, the russian guard allocates part of the places in five of its organizations, and in addition, doctors will help soldiers and employees when jointly participating in operations to maintain or restore peace outside our country. according to andrey belousov, this will increase efficiency and access.


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