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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 26, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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having returned to us, he again christened russia with his grace. we will see a lot in ourselves by studying the history of our predecessors. kersanez, club of russian orthodoxy , this alone gives us the right to consider crimea russian. khersanes tauride, it should become a russian destination that should attract people from different parts of the world. how chersonese became a kind of assembly point. russian statehood, spirituality and unity.
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sick of a good dish, fantastic, i love to cook, you don’t decide which option you get. but you decide what your future will be. go wherever you want, with an educational loan with government support. calculate payments right now well, now about the weather. the chelyabinsk region prosecutor's office has established a hotline for flooding in the region. earlier in the southern urals , several highways were blocked due to rain floods. well, let's talk in more detail. with the leading specialist of the foba center with evgeniy teshkovets, about the situation in the southern urals and more. evgeniy, hello, well, is nastya’s picnic behind us, and should we expect heavy rains in the center of russia? good afternoon, in the urals the peak of anomalous showers will pass today, and the finale of the week in central
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russia will become the endgame of the top of summer. this is footage from the village of telga, in the chelyabinsk region , due to abnormal rainfall, the river of the same name spilled the river, the concrete crossing with... the elements showed themselves no less clearly in magnitogorsk, houses in numerous snt near the city are in water up to the windows, gardens are flooded, traffic on two highways is blocked, entry into the city from bashkiria by... is impossible. settlements and roads in bashkiria are also going under water. in the abzelilovsky district alone, about 100 adjacent areas were flooded. some residents needed the help of rescuers. small streams, as well as some roads, turned into deep mountain rivers. some daredevils ventured
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float along them on an inflatable boat, which is understandable. only trucks can normally drive through streams of water. the river washed away part of the highway in the burzyansky district. strong the day before. on saturday , the caspian cyclone will continue to develop in the urals, blanketing the region with anomalous downpours, but their intensity will begin to gradually decrease. epicenter of the rain. the middle urals will shift from the south, where up to 30-40 mm of celestial moisture is predicted per day, or about the third of the july norm. spirals of cloud masses from the atmospheric monster will reach the republic komi, the volgovyad region, will begin to cling to the upper volga and even certain regions
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of central russia. local thunderstorms will also occur in the caucasus and the north-west. yekaterinburg will be at the very center of the cyclone on saturday. showers will continue and more are expected. 31 mm of rain, with a monthly norm of 93, during the day no higher than +14. on sunday it will be a degree higher and precipitation will be halved. the beginning of next week will not bring any improvement in the weather; despite the destruction of the cyclone , it will continue to drizzle, but the rains will become local and fleeting, and clouds will appear more clearings, due to which by tuesday the daytime heating will increase to 15-20, by the middle of the week the temperature surge will be 22. in the urals and the east, the european part of russia on saturday afternoon +15:20, the cold anomaly will reach 4-6 °, only on in western russia, temperatures will correspond to the climate norm. tomorrow afternoon in central russia from the kola peninsula to the upper don there will be moderate warmth + 21-26, in the south
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the heat will reach 27-32°. the interactive map clearly shows how this coming weekend in... in the middle latitudes... there is a latitudinal west-east transfer of air masses, which will ensure an influx of atlantic heat, this is a greenish ridge on the map , but the july warmth will not last long, on monday a cold front will begin to break through the western regions of our country, followed by a surge cool, this area is colored blue. the end of the week will be the enspire of the top of summer, the warmest time of the year. today in moscow the air warmed up to +24 on the weekend. will be even higher 24-27, but not will do without short mosaic showers and thunderstorms. in the final week of july , central russia will find itself in the rear of a vast north atlantic cyclone, where cooler air masses of polar origin will begin to flow. during the daytime in
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the capital it will become +18:23. at the same time , short rains will fall daily, accompanied by cold northern winds. but august, according to preliminary forecasts, poshkovets spoke about abnormal rainfall in the urals and warned about the coming cold snap in the center of the country, but we are still waiting for warmth. moscow and the association of southeast asian nations are deepening security coordination and working together to counter modern challenges and threats. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov stated this in laos. he participates in activities along the osian line. our special correspondent anna voronina is following sergei lavrov's trip. sergei lavrov's positive attitude on the first day on the sidelines of the summit.
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this year marks the 20th anniversary of russia's accession to the bali treaty of friendship and cooperation in southeast asia. we we have always remained committed to observing its basic principles and are ready to continue to work to strengthen stability and security in the asia-pacific region. it is gratifying that our dialogue partners and i have similar visions of the parameters for the formation of a multipolar world order. on a solid basis of the principles of the un charter and other norms of international law. however, not
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all countries that have acceded to the bali treaty adhere to the same principle, which causes concern among the asian states of their neighbors, especially in the issue of conflict potential of the region against the backdrop of its militarization by western countries. hegemony, unilateralism and protectionism are on the rise. regional conflicts are protracted, and factors of instability, uncertainty and unpredictability pervade.
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those hosting diplomats on the sidelines of the summit signed intergovernmental agreements in the field of international information security, a plan for consultations between the ministries of foreign affairs, and even an agreement on teaching the russian language in laotian schools. about the russian language in laos forgotten for 30 years. teaching resumed last year in two secondary schools. in this case, their number has already increased to 6, but after the signing of the new agreement there will be even more of them, which
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means it will be possible to hear russian speech in laos more often. anna voronina, mikhail vikulin, eva fedotova, daria evtikheva, vesti las. the renovation of the kolomenskoye reserve museum will be completed in 2026. moscow mayor sergei sobyanin announced this. he emphasized that more than 5 million people visit kolomenskaya every year. moreover, for the last 30 years there has been no no improvement of the park etc. this is the first stage, 24 hectares, there will be a beautiful embankment, recreation areas for family
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holidays, for children, sports, and at the same time large-scale work has begun on the restoration of historical objects, out of a total of seventeen objects, 13 will be restored, that is, almost 2/3. former head of the white house barack obama and his wife michelle supported the candidacy of vice president kamalikh. haris in the election race , a video of the telephone conversation was published on haris’s youtube channel. during the conversation, obama said he would do everything possible to get the candidate into the oval office. i will add that according to the latter.
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what’s happening now in the democrats’ camp, will laughing little harris, as the media nicknamed her, be able to win the trust of the americans? all this is discussed in the america program with valentin bogdanov. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. the past three weeks, which turned american politics upside down, will certainly go down in the history of the united states as a separate chapter. shots fired at donald trump in butler nearly became second shots fired in dallas, sudden joe biden's exit from the presidential race, an intrigue even worse than the irgate scandal. the last time this happened was 56 years ago, when democrat lyndon johnson also suddenly withdrew from the elections, but at least he immediately
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explained everything. biden, mysteriously self-isolated, perhaps isolated. in his beach house, vrihobot beach delayed explanations for four days, after a tweet with a letter in which many drew attention to his strange signature, nothing, here’s a flight to washington, again without comment, only then in the oval office first appearance on to the public. nothing can stand in the way of saving our democracy, including personal ambition, so i decided that passing the torch to a new generation was the best way forward. unite our nation. please note that the lines of the teleprompter are reflected in the window of the oval office, but none of the team is tense anymore. biden is a lame duck. nearby, they say, there was also a support group, almost 40 people, members of his family. all his problems began during a trip to las vegas, where it was supposed to take place
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election event, but suddenly everything was canceled due to covid. biden was taken away. to the same town of rihoboth beach and after that biden completely disappears from the public field for several days, commenting on this only with the help of various leaks, and the white house continues to dose out information that biden is not leaving any race, here is a sudden absolutely on sunday a 180° turn, during which the same letter from... that biden decides to suspend his participation in the election campaign, then a tweet appears where he says that he sees kamala haris as his successor, and clearly agreed with the team of democrats, such an insight is published by the political newspaper. even on saturday morning, biden said that the election campaign was in full swing,
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but by the evening he changed his mind after a long discussion with two of his closest aides. this was not because the president was tired of defections within his own party, although that was true. the fact is that biden has finally realized that he is not will be able to win. abandoning his re-election plans was his last chance to make it look like the decision was made on his terms. well, as i already said, this is an insider version, but clearly agreed with the democratic party. there is another one, one might say, uncensored, it is much rougher and the reality there is much more prosaic. this version was published in the pro-republican newspaper new york post, which plainly calls the incident a well-planned palace coup. according to an insider, the disastrous debate against donald trump's campaign was part of a strategy to convince democrats that biden was unfit to run for president. although
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publicly most of the left supported biden, behind the scenes party figures threatened to invoke the twenty-fifth amendment. which allows the president to be removed from office if he is incapacitated. the twenty-fifth amendment is a shame for life, it is a red button in the american political system, it must be said that it has never been applied, that is, of course, the heavyweights should have gotten involved in this matter, people who could put pressure on biden and , apparently, they were the ones who got involved, well , who could it be barack obama, the clintons and hillary, but more important. left the game, but also pointed to a potential successor, replacement, kamela haris. nancy pilossi's mastery of chess never
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ceases to amaze, let's face it, she knows exactly what she's doing, early debates are the only way to get donors to drop their support for biden and move straight to kamaluharis. bloody primaries against trump would be a crushing blow for them. and lossie knew it, it was her behind-the-scenes games that had been taking place all this time, they were as brilliant as they were dangerous. mafia style is a mixture of the godfather's house of cards. biden was essentially made an offer he couldn't refuse. well, then all that remained was to watch the hands, that is, the liberal american press, the mourners tried their best, tried to be convincing and very sincere. this is leadership. this is real patriotism, this is what it means to put the interests of the state are above your personal interests, when you no longer have the strength to continue, let someone else finish the game, the one
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tasked with finishing the game, that is, kamela haris, is already calling biden almost the greatest president of america, but all this doesn’t matter now, you can praise him, because haris has already collected the votes necessary for nomination; in general, it has always been said about kamela haris that she has been breaking glass all her life. ceilings always tries to be the first, was the first woman district attorney of san francisco and attorney general california, the first indian-american in the senate, and finally the first woman vice president of the united states. however, there are different opinions about the harris san francisco prosecutor, for example, it is estimated that while she worked there, the proportion of convictions increased from 52 to 67%, this was the most noticeable increase for...
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an unknown vice president without a primary vote. this is a blatant disregard for democratic principles. not just the elite , but the very core of this elite - the real american deep state. kharis is called the clintons' man. she is openly supported soros, both generations.
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kamela haris is a strong supporter of abortion, and this should help her gather the female electorate in america, especially in the swing states.
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at the same time, trump, in general, was not afraid of harris, we all remember his comments made even before she joined the company, as if filmed from time to time, when he sits on a golf cart and says that he is ready for that kharis will join this company, and as it now turns out, insiders are also emerging from within the republican company, it turns out that it was not kaml and harris, they were most afraid that instead of biden it might be in the ring...
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this of course doesn’t bother them, now all their thoughts are focused on ensuring that the party congress in chicago on august 19 goes off like clockwork, so they are hedging their bets in advance and preparing to hold a roll call in advance so that there are no surprises later. democrats are planning to hold a virtual nomination on august 7, and if that sounds like it's moving too fast, it's actually getting us closer...
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with biden out of the race, the focus on health has shifted back to trump, who is only 3 years younger. if elected to a second term, he will leave office at the age of 82 years and 7 months. this would make trump the oldest president in us history. in general, trump would still be better off with biden, and poll results confirm this. in this new confrontation, kamela harris will retain 95%. biden's voters, and trump will retain only 92% of his voters, however, there are still 100 days before the election, and at the present time in american politics this is, of course, an eternity. this was america, just to you good luck.
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novalame meeting, day two, negotiations between putin and lukashenko without the press, without ties, what are they discussing? firing mortars and maneuvering tank crews, as soldiers are trained in the leningrad military. district. the company commander's command post is located here. control is carried out remotely. drone operators are also trained here. minister pelausov with an inspection at the test site. the trains stopped. hotel employees are on strike. near the headquarters, apartments of the olympic games, a homeless tent camp. chaos in paris is gaining momentum.


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