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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 26, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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i couldn’t sit still because i was in normal shape, well, salamati, it was the case that they recognized you, what was the reaction, oh well, i say, well, yes, the first time i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i didn’t feel like it leaving, soon it will be 2 years. the bank of russia increased the key rate to 18% per annum. the head of the central bank, elvira nabiulina , explained this decision during a press conference following a meeting of the board of directors. and the global reason is the overheating of the economy. we'll talk more about this with maria filippova, our economic observer.
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to slow down inflation, which today stands at 8.6%, did not materialize; four triggers influenced the rate increase by two percentage points at once, elvira nabiulina emphasizes. today we decided to increase the key rate to 18% per annum. previously, we named four triggers for raising rates. all of them came true. first, persistent inflation is increasing. secondly, consumer activity is not cooling, thirdly, the positive economic gap is not narrowing, and the rigidity of the labor market is growing, fourthly, the new pro-inflationary risks associated with sanctions. the economy is growing at an accelerated pace, the regulator emphasizes. this year , according to forecasts from the bank of russia, growth may reach 4%, but by the twenty-seventh they predict a smoother and more stable growth at the level of one and a half to 2.5%. so far prices have not...showed
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a steady decline. according to june data , food, vegetables and fruits became more expensive. but non-food products , mainly cars and petroleum products , gained in value less actively. now to the reasons for the overheating of the economy. one of triggers - tension in the labor market. today there is a shortage of specialists in various fields. and the highest demand in june was observed in the catering sector in the tourism segment. the shortage of personnel , in turn, accelerates the growth of wages, due to which the income of the population increases, and behind them... consumer activity, as a result, demand outstrips supply, the industry is also gaining momentum, which is not just taking into account the same personnel shortage, large amounts of money go to robotization of production to replace workers, which again speeds up overheating, as well as lending growth, tight monetary policy has not cooled demand sufficiently, there has not yet been an active decline, this will take time, the regulator emphasizes. including the effect of increased demand for mortgages with state support:
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against this background, consumer loans are still willingly taken out, but they are not willing to repay them, postponing payments, the regulator expects that the increased key. the rate will encourage russians to accumulate savings rather than spend on consumption, which will, in particular, promote favorable bank deposit rates. according to bank of russia forecasts , next year inflation should show a noticeable decline and reach 4-4.5%. this year, elvira nabeulina emphasizes, there are no plans to lower the key rate; in general, the tightness of monetary policy will depend on the state of the economy. it is difficult to predict; it is possible that rates will increase in the future, if accepted. the condition of the military man injured in a car explosion in the capital is stable, his wife
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received shrapnel wounds, reports tas with reference to medical services. a native of the vologda region, evgeniyukov , was promised up to $2,000 for the murder of a russian officer, as well as... citizenship, the suspect himself spoke about this during interrogation in moscow, but this morning he was extradited from turkey, where he managed to escape. maria valieva has details of the investigation. from bodry and back to moscow , evgeny serebryakov, an employee of the fsb and the russian ministry of internal affairs managed to be detained with the assistance of the special services and law enforcement agencies of turkey. information was received that in the morning on july 24 he flew to turkey. in this regard , serebryakov was announced. on the international wanted list, employees of the national central bureau of interpol and the ministry of internal affairs of russia sent information to their turkish partners about the identity of the suspect, his signs and possible whereabouts. evgeny serebryakov is accused of blowing up a car in the north of the capital on the morning of july 24. during
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interrogation, he admitted that he acted on instructions from the sbu. i am evgenia nikolaevich serebyakov , born in february 2023 in 1995.
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hospital. it was established that on july 24, through and then the victims were taken to botkin a few hours after the crime was committed, serebryakov left russian territory and flew to turkey, from where he was going to head to ukraine, where he was promised citizenship, but not a ukrainian passport, not the promised several thousand.
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journalists managed to find out that he contacted his relatives the day before the crime was committed, according to his brother. they learned about what happened from the news, no one could have thought that evgeniy was capable of such a thing, according to them, the young man led a measured lifestyle, worked in a banking sphere, lived in two cities, moscow-tashkent, was a novice in the roman catholic cathedral of the immaculate conception of the blessed virgin mary on malaya gruzinskaya street, the last time he was seen there during the easter service, he listen, he is, let’s say, a catholic, because which also gives communion. that’s why it’s generally difficult to say which parish he belongs to; i saw him as the second georgian. can not say. it also became known that in 2014 evgeniy
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participated in unauthorized rallies on manezh square, as evidenced by various photographs. now a criminal case has been initiated against serebryakov under three articles. attempted murder of two or more. persons and illegal sale of explosives and explosive devices, the maximum penalty for this can be up to 20 years in prison. maria valieva, vladislava musatova and anna nikulaesh. news. novatorsky square appeared in tyumen. the grand opening took place in one of the city's microdistricts. the new space is a gift from the developer of the strana group of companies development in honor of the birthday of tyumen. on an area of ​​2 hectares there are places for active recreation of children and adults with sports and playgrounds. and in the walking area there are places for relaxation with hanging swings and swings. the central part of the home garden is occupied by an area for meeting together. events, but the highlight was the real dockhub - a large fenced area
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for dog owners. this is not the first time that a developer, at his own expense, creates public space for tyumen residents. previously, the development country improved the embankment, now he is building the longest boulevard in the city. it is important to have a balanced social infrastructure, starting from kindergarten, school and, of course, leisure facilities. therefore, tyumen had the position when developing a complex territory to provide for those necessary land plots that would be involved precisely with this type of social infrastructure. unfortunately, we don’t always meet the deadlines set by our developers, this is probably understandable, the market is always more dynamic to work with, but that’s how it works or in other words, everything that is provided for in our master plan, all sites for local objects. appointments in the form of social services, they will be brought to life, social areas where you can
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exercise, in the center of the park they provided such a large semicircular swing, they made such a large voluminous swing in the center, well , they made a christmas tree there for the new year, there are all the trees around it was precisely the pedestrian paths that were provided, now we see that in this part there is still a small swamp, we are still thinking plant pine trees, the pine trees suck out this moisture well and the earth dries out a little and , as it were, turns into a swamp... at the krasny bor test site in the leningrad region , they began testing equipment for neutralizing accumulated industrial waste. after processing toxic soil , clean water and technical soil should be obtained. the work is being carried out by rosatom as part of the national ecology project. from the leningrad region, reporting by our own correspondent in the region, dmitry akimov. this is one of the most hazardous parts of the krasny bor landfill. in fact, all of this. a huge pool 24 m deep, the size of a nine-story building, with
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almost the entire periodic table inside. there are five such pools, the correct name of the map. the landfill was opened as a temporary warehouse back in 1969; industrial toxic waste of the first to fourth classes was brought here from all over the union, that is, all the most harmful and dangerous that remained from the chemical and oil defense industry.
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country as part of the national ecology project, first all the maps here were covered with pantons and the banks were strengthened. the next stage of protection is an anti-filtration layered curtain, a huge foundation around the entire landfill, it is 3.5 km long, 3.5 m wide and 8 m deep. the site for building the landfill was also not chosen by chance in the soviet union, they were looking for a place that would prevent migration as well. pollutants from the landfill, here at a depth of just 8-12 m,
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cambrian clays were discovered, which a layer of about 100-110 m does not allow through down, and layered defense blocks going beyond the limits in the horizontal plane. the next stage is the processing of liquid and paste waste. for this purpose , a whole complex of industrial buildings was built, there are 13 of them in total, they will start working... at the end of this year. the minister of government of the country , dmitry patrushev, together with the head of rosatom, alexei likhachev, and the minister of natural resources and ecology, alexander kozlov, launched the project today. testing of technological equipment for neutralization of accumulated at the landfill industrial waste, when the complex operates at full capacity, the output will be clean water and technical soil, which will be poured back into the cards. the reclamation of this site has been completed by 60%, and of course,
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this site no longer poses the same danger as before either for the environment or for people. but nevertheless, the work must be continued, it is still ongoing, we can see this, given the scale of the problem that exists, but it will last for several more years. work at the krasny bor landfill should be completed in in the middle of twenty-six, green hills will appear in place of dangerous karts, the elimination of the landfill will improve the quality of life for more than 6 million people. dmitry, andrey kupaev, news! petersburg. russia, which chairs brix this year, wants to develop new areas within the framework of the association, including e- commerce, introduce technological solutions in business processes, for example, artificial intelligence, and jointly develop special economic zones. behind a series of meetings of brix foreign trade ministers our correspondent nika yankovaya is following. she
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joins us live. nika, greetings, well, what topics were discussed by the participants in these meetings? olga, greetings, well, firstly, i would like to say that trade relations in the gbx space are developing very dynamically, if we take, for example, the last 10 years, then if global trade grew by 3% per year, then within stanbix by 11%. and today, mutual trade within countries tends to reach $700 billion a year. our country presides over brix this year our country is also interested in developing new relations within the framework of trade and trade cooperation. including e-commerce, technological solutions, business processes, for example, artificial intelligence, and also the development of special economic zones, in an exclusive interview with our tv channel , minister of economic development maxim reshetnikov, in particular, said that he is collecting that russia wants to develop a special brix association, which will be responsible for the development of special economic zones. we proceed
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including the successful successful practice of russian work. zones, more than 20 billion dollars of investment have been invested in them, 50 economic zones and their number is growing, they are actively developing, taking into account our successful interaction of our special economic zones with foreign ones, but primarily within the framework of caspian cooperation, we interact very well with our colleagues in iran, the anzali special economic zone, in azerbaijan, in turkmenistan and in kazakhstan, that is, we have such an association, and we see... how much simpler investors to build relationships, here is b2b, what is called business to business, yes, how well value chains, cooperation and so on grow from here, we proposed a similar approach to the brix agenda. another issue that participants discussed at the brix ministerial meetings is the development of relations between small and
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medium-sized businesses, for example, in russia, 85% of the company comes from.
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trade organization, for example, to establish integrated chains for value-added goods with other countries, african business, chinese business, russian business and indian business must unite for... egypt, iran, saudi
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arabia and the united arab emirates. and thus brix today is more than 36% of world gdp, 20% of world trade and almost half of the planet's population. nika, thank you, ours told us about a series of meetings of the ministers of economics of foreign trade of the brics countries. well , a meeting of leaders of muslim organizations of the brics countries took place in kazan. as a result, the participants signed a resolution on cooperation in the religious sphere. it will is aimed at uniting efforts in the lag of moral standards, as well as in confronting extremism and terrorism. the text of the document also notes that the heads of muslim centers of the brics countries support all international efforts to ensure just peace and stability in... conflict regions of the planet. well, then our broadcast will continue with the instruction program, we will tell you what rights tenants have
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, which many may not know about. rent a house, but don’t know what the owner can demand from you and what not, rights tenants are fixed in two codes at once, civil and housing. we will tell you which ones in 5 minutes in the program instructions. one of the basic ones is to conclude a written agreement with the landlord, only then is it valid. if the owner refuses, citing a lack of desire to pay taxes, explain that the agreement itself does not attract the attention of the tax office, unlike regularly received income. if the contract is concluded for a year or more, it is registered in the russian federation. this deters some renters, but it doesn't really do anything. is changing. the federal tax service also has other sources of information, for long-term tenants. are there any advantages to the agreement? those contracts that are now mostly concluded are still short-term contracts, and accordingly from this we see that the scope of rights that
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the tenant has is significantly lower than under those contracts that are concluded for a long term, at least when concluding a short-term contract, the tenant will not be able to demand the right of first refusal to re-sign such contracts; he will not be able to move in other persons, well, there are others... if the contract is concluded for one year or more, the tenant has the priority right to extend it on the same terms or on others, if the owner of the apartment warned about the change 3 months in advance, if the long-term contract has ended and nothing happens, we can assume that it has been extended for the same period under the same conditions, the tenant can be evicted only through the court or for compelling reasons. the tenant has the right to live in the apartment until the end of the contract, even if he lived... the area was sold or pledged. this guaranteed by the civil code. the new owner automatically becomes a renter and rents out housing on the same terms. but
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the tenant has the right to terminate the contract and leave the apartment at any time without trial for any reason. the only thing is that you need to notify the owner about this 3 months in advance or within the period specified in the contract. the tenant has the right to check the apartment and inventory the property. inspect the property. before concluding a contract and record what exactly is in what condition it is there. the inventory will come in handy when you move out so that it doesn’t turn out that the battered sofa has fallen into disrepair supposedly during your use, and don’t forget to sign the document with the owner of the apartment. a rental agreement is still a bilateral transaction, that is, there is a landlord, there is a tenant, and so that the document has some kind of force there, including so that it can be used later.
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receipt: if the owner has registered as self-employed, he can send a receipt via sms or email directly from his phone. if payments are late, it is not means that the contract will be terminated immediately. the tenant has the right not to move out at the first request of the owner. the delay should be 2 months for a short-term contract and six for a long-term contract. please note that the months may not be consecutive, but you will still have to terminate the contract through the court. and the tenant also has the right to take the security deposit when leaving the apartment or to offset it for the last month. for the landlord, this money
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is insurance against violations, if there were none, there is no reason not to give the security deposit, an exception when you yourself agreed to such a condition in the contract. temporary registration is also the right of a tenant, it is necessary if you are in a new place for more than 90 days, it can be issued by the one who rents, the one who rents. if you don't do this, both may face fines. you do not need to ask the owner's permission to move in minor children. they may not even be mentioned in the contract. this is also the right of the tenant. the place of residence of children is the place of residence of their parents, that is it is assumed that children do not live outside the place of residence of their parents, therefore, a priori, if a person has children, then the legislator also assumes that naturally they live with their parents. but for other relatives , the consent of the apartment owner will be required for accommodation. finally,
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employers have a right to compensation. belle doesn’t let you pick up your things, or he refuses to renew it without warning, he terminates the contract, or the owner of the apartment suddenly changed the locks and you have to pay a realtor to find a new one housing, however, you will most likely have to apply for compensation through the courts. let us repeat, the most important thing: the rental agreement is concluded in writing, tenants under long-term... agreements have more rights, for example, the opportunity to renew the contract as a matter of priority, to move in minors without asking the consent of the apartment owner. if the owner changes, the contract does not terminate. the employer has the right to receive documents for each payment, and he can also demand compensation for losses, if the homeowner is at fault. if you have any questions, if you want to know how to act correctly in the real estate market, subscribe to our telegram channel,
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ask, and we... will consult with experts and tell you about it in one of the next issues of the manual. khersanez saw a lot, including the courage of the ancient inhabitants who saved the city from scyvian raids, and the miracle of epiphany that happened here to prince vladimir. we are grateful to prince vladimir precisely for the fact that he brought precisely this spiritual basis, and it happened here in hersanes. history, where ancient greek and roman, imperial history merges with us, is a unique unification of peoples from times of cultures and civilizations. hersanez, returning to us, again christened russia with his grace. we will see a lot in ourselves by studying the history of our predecessors. kersonez, the cradle, of russian orthodoxy, this alone
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gives the right. we should consider crimea russian. kersonic, it should become a russian meca, which should attract people from different parts of the world. how did hersanez become a kind of assembly point for russian statehood, spirituality and unity. meeting on valam, day two, negotiations between putin and lukashenko without the press, without ties, what are they discussing: mortar firing and maneuvers of tank crews, how are soldiers trained in the leningrad military district? the company commander's command post is located here.
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control is carried out remotely. uav operators are also trained here, minister belousov with an inspection at the test site. electric trains are stopped, hotel employees are on strike at headquarters apartments olympic games tent camp homeless. chaos in paris is gaining momentum, what will the 20-24 summer games be remembered for? and, of course, the weather, heavy rain in the southern urals, flooding in chelyabinsk, when the peak is not expected. although the atmosphere is informal, the agenda is the most serious. vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko are spending the second day at avalam. the kremlin press service published the following footage of the presidents walking through holy places. they visited svetly island, visited the chapel of the valaam icon of the mother of god, walked along the shore of lake ladazh and talked one on one. details of the negotiations have not yet been announced, but it is known
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that the focus is on.


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