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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 26, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm MSK

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now to the news from the lenformagenstvo, the su-27 fighter was scrambled due to foreign aircraft that were approaching the russian border, the ministry of defense reported this. air targets were spotted by air defense systems, and as it turned out, they were a british rs-135 reconnaissance aircraft and two typhoon fighters. as the su-27 approached, they turned around, after which the russian plane returned to its home airfield. after a short commercial, our broadcast will continue with the senate program. the pain can be different, no matter what caused the pain, if you have pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. pentalgin, we can do without pain. in the branch and online.
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business card, i have a lot of things , my favorite is i wash with gel lam, lam - gentle cleanliness, i have a moldova passport, you are looking for a job with meaning, a non-profit organization invites specialists to promote cis projects, salary from 150,000 rubles per month, full payment of ticket costs, accommodation and other expenses. details by phone: 8800 550-72-32. build a new future! magnet! makes shopping even more profitable, activate personal discounts and bonuses in the magnit+ magnet app, it’s personal to you, you’re still thinking about the ideal home, it’s time go to domklik to buy an apartment in a new building or a secondary building or build your own house with a mortgage, go to domklik, everyone will find housing for themselves, your money won’t fly away in an iota, you catch up, it remains. and minutes, we return
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rubles for them every month, you can yota pairs of chicken premiere chicken hit with new sauce carry at a bargain price. hello, my name is cashboy. i help you buy with maximum profit at the megamarket. drink set for 699 rubles with 35% cashback. hello. this is the program of the senate, me, gennady krylov and my colleagues, now we’ll talk about the new laws and how they become part of our lives. key events in the federation council over the past week right now. valentina matvienko’s working trip to kislovodsk, transforming the city for life and recreation. basically, today 70% of the work has already been completed, and i have already said that this is an object that the residents of kislovodsk have been waiting for a long, long time. the federation council approved housing with a guarantee.
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the law on the protection of investments in the construction of a private house, and the problem of defrauded shareholders went away when mechanisms were introduced hiding accounts. i can see everything from above, senators. are working on introducing drones into forestry. our children must learn to operate unmanned systems. high flying prices. the federation council took control of solving the problem of expensive air tickets. the government would like to understand the pricing system so that there are no unreasonable ticket prices. support for pensioners and families with children are the key social laws of the spring session. these families can receive it as early as 2026. this tax cashback. schoolchildren's expedition to russian north. senators support educational projects in their regions. there are no fewer signs suitable for dumping on the river, even more than on the second one.
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chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko was in kislovodsk on a working trip on wednesday. this is her sponsored city. for 8 years now she has been overseeing its improvement and development. the key theme of the visit was support. grandmothers knit socks, send them to the front, children write letters, with the participation of parliamentarians in what consolidation of people, how everyone is worried, the subjects are adjusting measures to support fighters special operations and members of their families, issues
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related to housing and communal services, we took over ourselves, nutrition issues, we took over ourselves in schools, issues related to the education of their older children in institutes, improvement of measures to support svo participants. continues, and most often new initiatives appear precisely during communication with the soldiers themselves; now a participant in a special operation from the krasnodar territory turned to valentina matvienko with a request to give the wives of military personnel the opportunity to stay with them for free during rehabilitation in a sanatorium. maybe somehow it turns out, let’s say, the cost for the wife, let’s say, to also be present at the sanatorium, a little bit, they decided 70,000, this is you in the stavropol territory, from oleg from krasnodar.
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also applies to the stavropol region. in kislovodsk, for example, a new building of the city hospital was built. the city is developing dynamically not only in the healthcare sector; other projects are being actively implemented. one of them - the largest construction project in the region in recent decades - is the multifunctional center russia, which is being built on the site of the old cinema. the facility, the size of a football stadium, will house several cinema and concert halls, business loft zones and recreation space. that is.
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like the central streets and public gardens, tourists also note dramatic changes in the appearance of kislovodsk. the city is beautiful, bright, many flowers, always sunny, so we invite everyone here. there are a lot of interesting children's areas, in general the city changes every year and this, of course, pleases. the comprehensive development program for kislovodsk today includes 58 projects worth 13 billion rubles. among them is the oldest park in the city, komsomolsky, which spreads over 7 hectares of relict forest. you see the pedestrian paths here, you see the opportunity for an evening promenade here. there will also be a recreation area for the child population of our city. no work has been done here for several decades; the park is being transformed before our eyes. the main point of attraction of komsomolsky park has become this summer amphitheater with a stage that is already ready, located
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behind me; the main open-air events of the city will be held in this arena. but besides this they are planning recreate sculptures and animation paintings based on. of russian folk tales that were here 40 years ago, valentina matvienko also inspected the updated part of the park, now it’s important to finish everything efficiently and without pawns and... what you like, what you don’t like, something can be completed, something not enough, but basically today 70% of the work has already been completed, and as i already said, this is an object that the residents of kisloudsk have been waiting for a long, long time. among the pearls of the resort city there is an old lake, a few years ago it was in disrepair, now after reconstruction, this is a modern , well-maintained beach with sifted sand, recreation areas, canopies and...
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reconstructed streets that appeared recently, where there are really a large number of vacationers, many holidays take place there, and people are happy to go to kislovodsk, you try it today in kislovodsk, book a room in a hotel, in a sanatorium, and even in the private sector for these places, everything is full, that’s what it says, it says that every cloud has a silver lining. on the contrary - time has shown our current time is that in our country we have
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enough where to go, where to relax, where to improve our health. alexey mak, yuri bilov, mikhail chuprasov, senate program, kislovodsk. the federation council approved the law on the use of scrog brushes in the construction of private houses. let me remind you that this mechanism allows you to buy housing at the construction stage and not worry about the safety of your money. they will remain in a closed account and will only go to the developer. after delivery of the object. in 2019, the scroll mechanism began to operate in the sale of multi-apartment houses. since march last year, it has been extended to cottage communities. now the end of private houses has come, which are being built by construction companies under an agreement with the buyer. we talked in more detail about how escrow believes it protects the interests of shareholders. andrey anatolyevich, let’s talk in more detail about the mechanism of escrow accounts and how it will work in the context of the new law. let me remind you that starting in 1919, when the mechanism of spark accounts was introduced,
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there were supporters and opponents, but today we can say that the problem of defrauded shareholders went away when the mechanism of spark accounts was introduced, the time has come, you really said, to introduce a spark account today for the construction of liquid and liquid liquids, so the recently approved two laws, two parallel, long-awaited laws, they will will begin to operate on march 1, 2025, which today provides a mechanism for the use of separate accounts in individual housing construction, well, it will begin with the fact that, firstly, this is the safety of funds, and secondly, this mechanism allows today we work in what is called a more civilized, more open manner, and most importantly, when using secret accounts, the contractor who comes to the construction of this individual residential building must be registered in a unified
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system, that is, he discloses information about himself, what the company, what it owns, what it builds, let’s say a customer, i can trust this company if i am sure that it is licensed, it is in the register, it will not go anywhere, i can entrust this company with the purchase of a ready-made kit, a house kit, i would like to return, probably, to the issue of lending itself, the customer opens an spark account in the bank where the contractor takes out a loan, well, this is logical in fact, but if there are contractors who do not use loans today, and he actually has working capital? then, by agreement with the customer, they choose an authorized bank that will mark the spark account, and another point is that the insured amount will be no more than 10 million rubles. upon the occurrence of an insured event , 100% will be paid. one more moment very important - this is the use of maternity
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capital, this is also a very important point, they made it possible today with the adoption of this law, given that... and the spark account we say is openness, this is transparency, this is reliability, this is the use of maternity capital in the construction of an individual residential house . andrey anatolyevich, how will the adoption of the law affect the individual housing construction market? well, i want to remind you that 2023 was an absolutely record year for housing delivery, more than 110 million square m2 were delivered, this has never happened before. the history of the soviet union is not in the history of russia and more than half - this is about 58 million km - is individual housing construction, that is, more than half of our houses today are built by private owners on those lands according to the projects that they have, but what i want to note is that unfortunately, in most cases so far, this is the so-called gray market, that is, companies that are not accredited, companies that the customer himself is looking for, companies, maybe even
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some free crews who come there for the summer to work, and there are such and it turns out. sometimes that an abandoned house, an unfinished house, the contractor may leave with the money or may not be able to build, but one more thing, the introduction of the mechanism of spark accounts makes it possible today, for example, when buying a house kit, it makes it possible today for the bank to take as collateral property and accordingly issue a normal loan, because today, unfortunately, the mortgage that we know is used... in general, almost 80-90% are used when purchasing, if we are talking about apartment buildings in mkd, then today vzhs only 16% is the maximum, from 14-16%, this is the use of mortgage funds for the construction of a residential building, so this will make it possible to make the market today more open, civilized, well, in general, of course
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, the volume of the market should increase. the business program of the eurasian women's forum has been determined. will be held in september in st. petersburg, its main theme is women for building trust and global cooperation. among the key issues of innovation in medicine and economics, ecology, culture and traditions. i note that the forum will be held for the fourth time, it usually attracts thousands of guests from all continents and millions follow what is happening online. this year, delegates from almost a hundred countries confirmed their participation. the main goal of the forum is to exchange experiences, share achievements and
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more than 100 events are planned in the main program of the ezhf, while for the first time on its site they will launch an exchange of business contacts and hold the brix women's forum. there are requests, we have bloggers from china and india, who each have 5-7 million subscribers. also, meetings will be held with the participation of foreign guests women's twenty club of the international ats competition and dialogue of women from central asian countries. according to the speaker. federation council, the upcoming forum will become one of the most notable events in international life. and now a short advertisement. there is still a lot of interesting things ahead, don’t miss it. sansoy, this is what asian taste sounds like. you don't decide
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we spent so much effort trying to drive the americans out, we won, the russians helped, they didn’t care about the people, the americans only bombed and killed, they were of no use. first the west made it so that crippled these people, because with their consent , drugs were grown in afghanistan. we explained to the people that we would punish people for drugs. what the taliban are saying has real confirmation.
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this is the senate program, see below. i can see everything from above; senators are working on introducing drones into forestry. our children must learn to operate unmanned systems. the federation council took control of solving the problem of expensive air tickets. the government would like to understand the pricing system and not there were unreasonable ticket prices. support for pensioners and families with children are the key social laws of the spring session. these families could receive this tax cashback as early as 2026. schoolchildren's expedition to the russian north. senators support educational projects in their regions. water signs.
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nightingale movement on the river is no less, even more, than on the roads. one of the main topics of the past week is forest fires in yakutia. huge areas have been destroyed by fire, hundreds of hectares. the main difficulty for firefighters the problem was that the flames engulfed mainly hard-to-reach areas with difficult terrain. access for heavy earthmoving equipment is limited there. every day the ministry of emergency situations and the aviation forest service eliminate outbreaks, but... new ones appear. at the same time, unmanned aerial vehicles can become one of the most effective tools for preventing fire extinguishing. drones can reach anywhere and find even the smallest fires. the introduction of uavs into forestry is supervised by the federation council. but now, as the senators note, despite the fact that considerable budget funds have been allocated for the purchase of drones; regions are purchasing such equipment chaotically. and so far the use of drones is not
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justified. 100% but these devices can solve many problems, from fire extinguishing and pest control to forest management. we will discuss the topic in more detail with senator oleg kuvshinnikov. oleg alexandrovich, you said that the introduction of drones into the forestry sector is proceeding slowly. what do you think is stopping you? first of all, personnel training is a hindrance, and the development of neo-development for production special unmanned aerial vehicles. aviation systems for the forestry complex of various types, from small unmanned aerial systems weighing up to 10 kg to unmanned operating systems weighing more than 10 kg, this is already an aircraft type. the third is, of course, software development, when a drone can transmit information online to a server when assessing forests.


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