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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 26, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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the regions purchase such equipment chaotically until the use of drones is 100% justified, but these devices can solve many problems, from fire extinguishing and pest control to forest management. we will discuss the topic in more detail with senator oleg kuvshinnikov. oleg aleksandrovich, you said that the introduction of drones into the forestry sector is going slowly, that’s what, in your opinion, is hindering it. what gets in the way, first of all, is personnel training - ah, development. r&d for the production of special unmanned aerial vehicles aviation systems for the forestry complex of various types, from small unmanned aerial systems weighing up to 10 kg to unmanned aerial systems weighing more than 10 kg, this is already an aircraft type. the third is, of course, software development, when a drone can transmit information online to a server when assessing forests. in order for
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this information to be processed automatically on the ground, after filming or while filming of an unmanned aerial vehicle occurs in the air, all this a large set of measures, which is now under the control of the relevant committee of the federation council. let me remind you that on the initiative of our president, a national project for an unmanned aircraft system was launched, which includes five federal projects, from personnel training to the production of unmanned aircraft systems and russian components. why is the main industry for the use of free aircraft systems precisely the forestry complex of the russian federation, and because half of the territory our country is occupied by forests, and control over forest fire situation, control over the movement of wood from harvesting to removal from the forest, forest management, forest taxation - this is a vital necessity for the forestry complex of our country. to date, unfortunately, the implementation program has not been approved. ethereal aviation systems
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by the government of the russian federation in the forestry complex of russia. not all research projects have been developed to develop models of unmanned aerial systems for the needs of the forestry complex. the ministry of transport has not approved sites for the use of free aviation systems for training personnel, their use for the needs of the national economic complex of the russian federation. the federation council committee controls the implementation of this program. and we gather regions on a monthly basis in order to monitor the progress of the national project. as you have already said, the personnel issue is very acute: by 2030, it is necessary to train at least a million specialists, including technicians and drone operators. is this how this task is accomplished? again, a federal national project, personnel for ethereal aviation systems, it has started working, already this year we should begin training more than 16 thousand cherbetish students in ours.
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now let's tell viewers a little secret. it turns out that you yourself recently sat down at your desk to learn a new profession as a uav operator. why do you need this, what are the basic requirements for such a specialist? in order to go through the whole path with your own hands from training, assembly, disassembly, to piloting, unmanned navigation systems. to do this, i purchased a semi-professional drone, and now, with the help of a simulator, i have started training in order to raise it above the forest. massif and see what is happening in
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our forests, how reforestation is carried out, how the movement of wood in the forests of the russian federation is controlled using the remote method, which of course will dramatically reduce costs and expenses of the federal budget and will allow forest management to be carried out in a short time. what are your first impressions of the process, how difficult was it to control the drone? well, the first lessons i took, lessons on a simulator, were not difficult, i’ll tell you honestly. but on the simulator ideal conditions have been created, in the forest the situation is somewhat different, firstly, these are gusts of wind, this is cloudiness, this is the weather, this is darkness, these are the treetops, you need to constantly raise and regulate the drone and the speed and altitude of its flight, and if it is used and for forest research, forest taxation, then of course this is doubly difficult, but when i go out into the forest with my own semi-professional drone, then i will tell you in detail how this happens in practice. in connection with the
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holiday season, the federation council raised the issue of rising air ticket prices. according to the latest data from rosstat, economy class flights have risen in price by 31% in six months. such anxiety. participation of experts and relevant departments. the senators discussed the statistics at the meeting , and senator alexei sinitsin and i will talk about its results, but a little later. in the meantime , my colleague, marina pavlova, will talk about the current situation with passenger transportation in aviation. yes, gennady, indeed, since the beginning of the year, air tickets have become more expensive every month, and according to intrans, the largest increase in prices is it was, oddly enough, in march. then the ticket price soared by 22%. by summer, the growth rate had dropped to 9% monthly. stat also has fresh statistics: the average cost of a flight across russia in an economy class aircraft per 1.00 km of travel in the first half of this year was 7,363 rubles, which is 17% more than the figure for the same period in 2023,
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but despite tariff growth, the demand for travel does not decrease, on the contrary , it increases, which allows airlines to create market supply. in the cabin the minimum depth of sales, that is, the period before departure when passengers book transportation, has increased, this means that citizens are ready to fly, are ready to book their trips in advance, all this together indicates that the current prices for the population are generally affordable. russians continue to actively travel around our country, this year the ranking of the most popular destinations is headed by flights to sochi, moscow, yekaterinburg, tyumen, kazan, st. petersburg, kaliningrad, sektafkar, ufa and chebaksary. sale of air tickets there and back in these directions, from the beginning of february to the end of june 2024 grew
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by almost 13%. if we return to the increase in tariffs for specific destinations, it is most noticeable on flights from various russian cities to sochi. the average bill rose to 20,000 rubles. roundtrip. the united arab emirates, egypt, thailand, did not increase so significantly, the growth here was about 7-12%. analysts claim that flight prices have increased not only due to high demand, but the cost of transportation is also increasing, sanctions play a role in this, because of which it has become
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more expensive to maintain aircraft. for some items, prices for components have increased by 2.5-3 times, and for some items up to five to six times. in addition, the delivery time for these parts has increased significantly, which has forced russian airlines to build up very large warehouse stocks, and this, as we understand, is frozen funds. the way out of this situation is to see each other alone, carry out import substitution, now it is not easy for travelers to save money, but it is possible, for example, to choose tickets for aggregators, it’s more convenient than going to the website of every airline you know on your own, you can participate.
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regions there are corresponding flights, to find out when and where you can go with subsidized tickets, you need to go to the official website of the federal air transport agency, it shows the dates, directions of the airline operating flights to each city, but you need to buy such tickets on the websites or applications of the airline or in person at the office.
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it is better to check detailed conditions with the carriers. so, let’s discuss how to make air travel more accessible with senator alexei sinetsin. well, before we talk about it, it must be said that in very difficult conditions we managed to preserve one of the most important industries for the territorial coherence of our country. this is air transportation, of course, the story is not very encouraging that every month for the twenty -fourth year rosstat and the federal antimonopoly service record an increase in prices for air tickets, but there are several factors, prices for components are rising very strongly due to the fact that we are under unprecedented sanctions, aviation fuel prices are rising, then there are objective reasons, but the most important thing is that what we have to figure out, so that there is no biased increase in prices for air transportation, we must understand that a sufficiently large number of russian routes...
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in order to be able to transport a large number of passengers, they use a dynamic pricing system, that is, when you buy a ticket earlier before departure, you pay less than the cost of this ticket, when you, the closer to the departure date, the higher the ticket price and at some point the ticket price crosses the line cost and due to this, due to the fact that you pay more, the closer the departure date, the airline’s losses from selling tickets at earlier dates are compensated and the airline’s profit is generated, that’s what you need? in order for this to happen, it is necessary that the state, represented by the ministry of transport, represented by
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the federal antimonopoly service, represented by the airline, develop clear rules for this dynamic pricing and that they be transparent and verifiable so that there is no formation of excess monopoly profit. alexey vladimirovich, i’ll take a look now, as support from the state in 202 , the aviation industry received 174 billion rubles, last year 69, this year... why is funding for the industry being reduced and are these funds allocated enough in your opinion? well , the objective reason was to support the industry in the twenty-second year, because it was in the twenty-second year that the industry was hit by unprecedented, very heavy sanctions, so in the twenty-second year there was maximum state support, because we it was necessary to preserve this industry. it must be said that these are federal support measures, there are also regional support measures, that is , flights between individual regions subsidized by the regions, and we always want to allocate more funds to this area so that citizens can fly even cheaper, so
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that we can be even more comfortable to travel, you need to understand that the state’s capabilities are not limitless, today these support measures that exist now allow us to have subsidized flights for citizens purchase relatively inexpensive air tickets. currently, russian airlines have 1,123 aircraft at their disposal, but carriers are waiting for new airliners, in your opinion, when will these airliners begin to arrive this... year, although we understand a fairly large number of problems associated with how they should now
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be adapted these aircraft to domestic components, domestic components. our task, as a legislator , is to help with regulatory regulation so that our aircraft manufacturers air carriers had as few barriers as possible to the entry of russian airliners. the market of the russian federation is sufficient to have its own aviation industry. this is not true in all industries. in the aviation industry, our market is huge, ours is huge. country, we need a huge number of aircraft, and this is exactly the unique situation that, in my opinion, will allow us to restore our aviation industry. import substitution remains a key task not only in aviation. now in production throughout the country they are restructuring their work to produce products that were previously purchased abroad. so, by the end of the year , a technology park will be opened in the altai territory, where they will design and produce parts for various equipment. it is building a site on the basis of the altai research institute. institute of mechanical engineering technologies, where they have been developing import-substituting products for several years
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and will now share their experience with other companies. the technology park will be the third for the altai territory. the region generally shows impressive industrial growth rates production. its index at the end of 2023 was the highest in the last 16 years. svetlana temerbulatova spoke with future residents of the technology park. the detail is small, but the significance is enormous. the spare part is used when cultivating the soil in order to subsequently grow and collect a high-quality harvest. this is an es-shaped stand for cultivators, one of the first projects of the altai research institute of mechanical engineering technology in the field of import substitution, this enterprise produces 20 ranges of trailed equipment for processing soils that are already naturally competing with foreign countries. previously , such parts were supplied to the russian market from western european countries, but since 2022 , import substitution projects have been actively implemented at the company’s production sites; the equipment at the plant is also
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mainly used domestically, new ones are purchased, and time-tested ones are improved. at the enterprise. we modernized this old machine from the seventies, installed a modern program- controlled system on it, now with the help of this with a computer, metal can be processed automatically; previously this was only done manually. the enterprise's domestic developments help meet russia's needs in agricultural machinery. in order to achieve even greater results based on the production facilities of the altai research institute of mechanical engineering technology, a technology park is currently being built; it will specialize in the production of standardized components using. which is possible on many types of equipment. construction of the technology park is underway within the framework of the national project for small and medium-sized businesses. and the main goal is to attract residents of small and medium-sized businesses to its site. in our case, this is more related to the production sector. at the technopark site , residents will be provided with modern equipment. machine tools,
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laser cutting machines, a welding robot, a painting line will be installed, some of which have already been delivered. the launch is planned for the end of this year; it has already begun in rubtsovsk. the first industrial technology park in the altai territory began its work. it was put into operation 2 years ago on the grounds of the tractor plant. the technology park specializes in agricultural machinery and is also aimed at import substitution of the equipment most in demand among russian farmers. equipment purchased with federal subsidies under the program cost about 300 million. this is equipment for a collective use center. at the moment, we are already producing more than a thousand units of products using this equipment. residents have an order.
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business to occupy vacated niches and develop their production, therefore, with the full commissioning of all sites, the number domestic innovations will only increase. svetlana timer bulatova, alexander shedevr and andrey litvin, senate program, altai territory. technoparks of the altai territory are only part of the country’s huge research and production complex. currently, 156 of these are registered in a special register. sites, the majority in the european part of russia, the least in the far east. the main task of a technology park is the rapid launch of high-tech production, most often in one particular area. compactly located on the site technical, managerial, and that the scientific base is very important. it is no coincidence that many of them, like the altai one, are created at the facilities of some strong nii.
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active construction of technology parks in russia will continue. at least 100 such spaces should open in russia by 2030, this task was set by the president in his message to the federal assembly. the spatial development strategy of russia, the transformation of the higher education system, as well as the preparation of a new bill on notaries. these topics were the focus meetings of the presidium of the council of legislators. the body brings together federal and regional parliamentarians who exchange experiences and formulate a unified legislative agenda for the country. it was no coincidence that the spatial development strategy found itself in the center. attention of the council, it is considered a basic document for long-term planning of all levels of government, as noted by the first vice speaker of the upper house of parliament andrei yatskin, the new edition of the document, designed until 2030, must meet national goals, new challenges, and also take into account the interests regions of their inhabitants. particular attention to small towns and villages; it is also
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important in the new document to take into account the economic and infrastructural connectivity of the entire territory of the country. russia's development requires reducing the level of interregional differentiation, overcoming the imbalance in the settlement system , primarily in siberia and the far east. it is certainly important to consolidate in the projected strategy special measures and mechanisms aimed at ensuring the accelerated integration of donbass and novorossiya into a single socio-economic space of russia. let me remind you that the inclusion of reunified regions in the russian legal framework is handled by the integration council, created under the upper house of parliament. support for families with children, rehabilitation of people with disabilities, care for soldiers of special military operations, these and many other issues were the focus of attention of the federation council committee on social policy.
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“this law is very important, it is long-awaited, it is no secret that we, since the entire economy has now resumed, are in demand for labor reserves, that is, personnel, and precisely those pensioners who have retired, but they have a lot of experience, competence, they are in great demand in production, now i believe that they will be happy to return, since the president has made a decision that they can receive wages and will have pensions they will also be indexed, like all pensioners."
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pro-correct subsistence level in the region in which this family lives, those who fall under these criteria will pay only 6% tax on personal income individuals, that is, these families can already
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receive this tax cashback in 2026 for 2025. also, on behalf of the president, it was extended until 2030 that seven people have 450 thousand rubles to pay off mortgage loans if they have a third child in the family. and subsequent children, as well as this law will also apply to the acquisition of individual housing plots for individual housing construction. in addition, standard tax deductions for parents with children also increase, for example, for a second child, it was 1,800 rubles, now it will be 2,800 rubles. and if the third and subsequent children, then 6.0 rubles. this standard tax deduction will be excluded from the taxable minimum. this is also very good support.
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we pay a lot of attention to our reunited territories, we receive a lot of requests from them, this concerns pensions, determining length of service, we even already have developments that we can introduce into legislation, this concerns the competence centers that we operate in the rostov region in crimea, which help our reunited territories, it’s time to assign pensions, so there’s a lot of work, we’ll continue to work, the expedition of the floating school of the shipbuilding prionezhye ended after... almost a month of traveling along the rivers and lakes of the russian north, this project has been supervised by deputy chairman of the federation council yuri vorobyov for many years . along the way, schoolchildren learned how to navigate a ship, set sails, and
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set up camp. conducted scientific research on reservoirs and saw many sights. after such a journey, everyone returned at least a little, but others, more mature, responsible and erudite. daria vozhigova will talk about the route and discoveries of the teams. 1,200 km along the waterways of the russian north, the expedition of the floating school of ships and prionezhye started from the city of vytigra. at the end of june, five crews have changed since then. each had eight people. teenagers on the gaff schooner onega pearl under the control of experienced mentors of the russian geographical society. over the years, the teams reached the slavedian islands, st. petersburg, and veliky novgorod. this time the shipbuilders went along the volga-baltic canal from lake anega to the rybensky reservoir and the city of rybensk itself. we have a chain going down from the end of the bushsprit, it is called the waterstay. during the trip, schoolchildren are completely immersed in ship life and
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study the structure. as the main test, setting sails is not an easy task, you need to work efficiently and in a coordinated manner. young shipbuilders learn to navigate through locks, moor, and hang fenders; they are needed so as not to damage the side of the ship. there were three largest locks on the crew's route volgobalt, they follow one after another at a distance. only kilometers, each time the schooner rose more than 13 m, this is the most interesting and picturesque section of the journey. while fishing, i threw myself at the mooring end to catch on to another ship. and, of course, not a single expedition takes place without getting acquainted with natural historical and cultural attractions. this year, the shipbuilders visited the sovor of the feropontov monastery, not far from the city of kirillov. frescoes of the 16th century, painted by the outstanding icon painter dionysius, have been preserved here, for the sake of
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who come here. thousands of pilgrims. unique paintings cover the entire internal surface of the temple, almost 800 m2. at the head is the abbot of the monastery, all the other monks, they are divided into novices. the schoolchildren visited another center of spiritual life: the kirillo-beloozersky monastery. in the 15th-17th centuries the monastery was one of the largest and richest in russia. and during the expedition, schoolchildren , under the guidance of mentors, studied the condition of reservoirs in the vologda and yaroslavl regions. water composition, microorganisms, types the fish that live in them. the guys discover many surprises for themselves, that is, they do not expect to see such a diversity of organisms under any stone they see in a stream in some, or even in a small river that flows next to their dacha, this, so to speak, increases what this is a cognitive interest , ihimin’s interest in the course of biology, geography, and other biological disciplines. the guys
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presented their scientific projects in rybensk. at the tourist information center, they talked about lake onega. the pond is beautiful a place for recreation, fishing, and also the volga-baltic and white sea-baltic waterways pass through it. mentor shipbuilders prionezhye, hero of russia, deputy chairman of the federation council yuri vorobyov noted that it is thanks to such expeditions that children develop an interest in knowledge and research; he met with the children during their journey. signs of water word movement. the senator also told the schoolchildren that he follows their route on social networks; he noted that the most valuable thing is the memories from traveling under pussies that will remain with the children for the rest of their lives, and the expedition participants will also compile a guidebook with a detailed description of the route, so that anyone can discover the beauty and charm of the russian north.
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yes. these were the results of the week in the federation council, see you on air, see you on the senate program next week. bilateral relations, international topics. and other topics, vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko also held the second day of negotiations on valaam. what is the presidents' program? dozens of group massed strikes, hundreds of burned pieces of equipment and thousands of eliminated ukrainian militants. the results of the week’s combat work were presented to the ministry of defense. three settlements have been liberated from the kiev regime, and progress has been made.


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