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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 26, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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now every 200 m. problems with olympic venues. the head of the subjudo federation criticized the arena where the competition is to take place. there are not enough flooring boards, there is too much dust. our judaists fight with bass in kimanos. we have to find a way to get less dust into the room by saturday. athletes complain about safety. a few hours before the opening ceremony, brazilian football legend zico was once again robbed of half a million dollars. they took it away. watches, jewelry and money, just when it seemed that things couldn’t get any worse maybe meteorologists are predicting a downpour, which threatens not only to spoil the opening ceremony, but to call into question the triathlon competition in the seine river; as you know, with rains, infrequent amounts from the city sewer enter it, there is a risk that instead of victorious emotions, the olympic water will give a bouquet of infectious ones diseases. alexandra perfilyeva, lead.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we watch, in application or on the website, fight in the knee, fight in the back, maybe in the neck, pentalki, extragel, pentalgin extragel against pain in muscles and joints. start your business journey with
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sber support. sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register. and all this is free. we open the way to business. sberbusiness. i am chef cat aganezov. on my blog i share simple and quick recipes. and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important. and the story. now it's definitely delicious. grandfather disappeared in the garage for weeks. father for days, and a few minutes in the garage is enough for me, drive your car into the avito auto garage and you will immediately see the suitable spare parts. avito auto garage, the garage of our time. register your car at the avita auto garage and get a chance to win a new car. the problem of cystitis is known to many women. the main cause of cystitis is bacteria. cyston helps fight cystitis. when cystitis, then. honor of
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the russian lotto anniversary, more frequent drawings, more draws, more prizes, more chances of winning, buy tickets on the website, in stoloto branded stores and... video eldorado is giving out super discounts and 500 discounts to everyone on the honor 90 lite smartphone for only 18,999. video by iltoran, chief technology expert. sansoy, this is what asian taste sounds like. you don't decide which option you get, but you do decide what your future will be. go wherever you want, with a student loan and government support. calculate payments right now sberbank. a pair of chicken premium chicken hit with new kari sauce at a competitive price. toufon eye drops are created specifically for nutrition, restoration of preservation youthful eyes. toufon - triple action for eye health. magnit plus makes shopping even
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more profitable. activate personal discounts and bonuses in the application and magnet. magnit plus is personally yours. let's open the treasures. sit down with your favorite dishes with the taste of classic provençal from the brand i love to cook, it will turn a good dish into a fantastic one, i love to cook, still think about the ideal housing, it’s time to go to
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islam, like other religions, does not accept terrorism and extremism in any of their manifestations; this, as well as the need to preserve spiritual and moral values, is stated in the resolution signed by the heads of muslim centers of the brix countries. the meeting
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took place in kazan. we, as muslim religious leaders, are on the eve of the summit of heads of state. the geography of the participants was not limited to this association; the best readers came from more than twenty countries; the first place was taken by the representative of bahrain. in tyumen an innovative square appeared, the grand opening took place in one of the city's microdistricts, a new space, a gift from
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the developer of the strana development group of companies in honor of tyumen's birthday. on an area of ​​2 hectares there are places for active recreation, children and adults with sports and playgrounds. this is not the first time that a developer, at his own expense, creates a public space for tyumen residents. previously, the development country improved the embankment, and is now building the longest boulevard in the city. it is important to have a balanced social infrastructure, starting from kindergarten, school and, of course , leisure institutions, therefore tyumen had the position when... developing a complex territory to provide for those necessary land plots that will be
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involved precisely with this type of social infrastructure. unfortunately, we do not always meet the deadlines that our developers set, which is probably understandable, the market always works more dynamically, but one way or another, everything that is provided for in our master plan, all sites for objects of local importance in the form of social services, they will be brought to life. social territories. you can do sports in the center of the park , they provided such a semicircular large swing, they made such a large voluminous swing in the center, well, they made a christmas tree, which means there were pedestrian paths around all the trees, now we see that anyway, in this part, a small swamp appears, now we’re still thinking about planting suckers, but suckers suck out this moisture and the soil well is being drained and, as it were, the swamp is turning into a dry part now.
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russia, china and mongolia are preparing to launch a tourism project, the great tea route, which will repeat the route that appeared. back in the 18th century to export tea from china to russia. details in the report of our special correspondent alexander baletsky. right after the commercial. enjoy rolls from tasty point. caesar roll with tender chicken in crispy breading with tomato and cheese. try a caesar roll and other rolls at a tasty spot or go pick them up at your drive-thru. it's arrived alfabank time, time of benefit for everyone, from
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beijing to the baltic sea, with instant delivery of cards to thousands of cities, time of the best bank for millions of entrepreneurs, time of super cash and the best application for dozens. a few minutes. drive your car into the avito auto garage and you will immediately see the suitable
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spare parts. avito auto garage is the garage of our time. register your car in the avito auto garage and get a chance to win a new car. sansa. this is what asian tastes like. watch the sportmaster broadcast app. these are expert reviews and favorite brands. in mvidio eldorado u. everyone who blinked, it's ready, place an order online and pick it up in 15 minutes in the video or eldorado. start your business journey with sber support. sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register. and all this is free. we open the way to business. sbertbusiness. honor of the russian lotto anniversary, more frequent drawings, more draws, more prizes, more chances of
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winning, buy tickets on the website, in stoloto branded stores, when you live in speed x2, without sparing the stomach, without patalen duo for pain and bloating, you are not alone, us duo, duspatalin duo, order on zdrav city, fairy chicken is needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers. and the most tender chicken for burgers at a delicious point. new kari sauce in chicken premier and chicken hitcarry. try it at a delicious spot. what do we bring?
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if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable. every year china produces 3.5 million tons of tea, which is almost half of the world's total, and from china. not only do they produce more than anyone else, they themselves drink more tea than anyone else in the world and export it, including to russia, where the number of tea lovers from the middle kingdom is only growing, this is china with alexander baletsky and one of its main symbols - tea. it’s early
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morning, it’s not yet swelteringly hot and it’s time to go collecting. “we leave at 5 am, sometimes earlier, look how clean the air is here, but by lunchtime we still can’t breathe, it’s hot, so we rest for a couple of hours, and then we continue collecting hours up to 4-5, this is fuding, the birthplace of the most famous and , as it is considered, the best white tea, this is a miracle, ani tea, what buds, leaves, the most beautiful thing that nature could create." in the sun, if you look closely, cascades of tea terraces, turning silver, you see the leaves, on their tips there is such a silvery fluff in the orsinki, and the same silvery tips of the leaves, thin as needles, this is the youngest tea, it is collected in early spring, with deft movements of the hands the tea leaves
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are sent to the bag, here everyone works village, but for jan qun it is also a family business. everything harvested from these slopes goes to her sons' factory, and junior jen wei jo shows how new technologies can speed up sheet drying without sacrificing quality. it’s like an artificial sun, and here the necessary humidity, temperature, light are maintained, you can, of course, dry it the old fashioned way, but it takes longer, and essentially everything is like in nature. 8 years ago they decided to turn the village area into a manufacturer. environmentally friendly tea in the middle kingdom, everything worked out when in 2016 we came to these slopes, all the tea trees were eaten away by insects and produced almost no harvest, we planted everything around with rapeseed and peach trees, it turned out that this is the best that nature has come up with for pest control, no fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides can compare with natural
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means that, on the one hand , attract beneficial insects, and on the other hand also... cleanse the soil of harmful metals. drinking tea in china began before our era. the oldest tea leaves discovered in shandong province during excavations for burials jou dynasty. then, however, it was more considered a medicine, an everyday drink; tea most likely became available during the han dynasty. but tea culture is believed to have finally taken shape closer to the seventh and tenth centuries. it was then that the famous tea canon, the first treatise in history, was written. and... tea and tea parties. in general, of course, it’s a very monotonous job, and when you do it for several hours in a row, it’s very exhausting, so you just need to have tremendous patience, but in general it would seem that little a leaf, but for the chinese it’s a whole world, it ’s not just tea culture, it’s a whole
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tea philosophy. that's it, you definitely need to feel all the shades. a narrow, high cup, wanxia bey, to catch all the subtleties of the aroma, a wide chaby to enjoy the color and taste, drinking tea as a high art, this is how the gumfucha tea ceremony is translated from chinese. for us, this is a belt of harmony, just as yin and yang complement each other, here too. taste, smell, atmosphere, this is how a unity of peace is created, as for everyone ceremonies, there is a special attitude towards the teahouse in china; it is not customary to rush. first you need to get acquainted with the tea, look carefully and smell it. the first brew is drained, the dust is washed off from the dry leaves, only
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then the tea party itself, one cup, the second , the third, the twentieth, the chinese drink every cup this way, yes, i probably do it very loudly, but that doesn’t mean that i do that -it’s ugly or uncultured, that’s why... all the notes of tea, its richness, and this is a whole ritual, who, where and how will sit, in which direction of the teapot the spout is pointing, in no case in
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side of the guest, and you need to pour strictly counterclockwise, this art in china is taught over the years, sometimes the ceremony can be like this one in sachuan province, or a circus performance, or elements of chinese martial arts, but definitely... a unique technique . this tea brewing technique imitates the various movements of dragon dance, conveying the sensations of soaring patrons of the heavenly realm. it brings the spirit of the dragon and zen philosophy. in general, in order to catch zen, the chinese came up with all these ceremonies. the external appearance of tea trees is almost are different. bel it will be green, red or black tea, it all depends on the degree of subsequent fermentation of the leaf, though. sometimes it doesn’t ferment at all. many people associate chinese tea with such pancakes, called bencha, they can be 400 or 500 g, but the traditional gold standard is exactly 357 g. the tea is poured into a special
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form, then steamed, pressed, and dried in special round bags . the most revered green in china is the unfermented one. and the most famous, perhaps, is lunzinzin, which is collected in near lake xihu. now, more and more often you can see the following picture: special robots drive around the tea terraces, they collect tea no worse than humans, and certainly faster. he can move between bushes as freely as a human and can detect buds that are hidden by others. leaves, approaching them from different angles. such a worker is not afraid of the midday heat, and the electronic eye, the scanner does not blur, in 2 seconds it identifies and
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carefully cuts off the leaf along with the bud, but for one kg of tea, such leaves are needed approximately 80,000. known to every shuttle traveler of the post-soviet space who has at least once been to china, the district of ulu, the kingdom of consumer goods, where there is bed among the sneakers.
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you can’t even imagine this, so yes, try it, buying even a small bag can take a whole day. after the pandemic, trade went mainly online, while its volumes grew, entire tea trains are sent along the so-called new tea route from the city, the name of which the whole world learned at the beginning of 2020. about wuhan in russia, however, as a the wuhans recognized russians back at the beginning of the 15th century, because it was from here that the famous tea house began. the path to europe, which was 70% controlled by russian merchants, is now on the embankment in wuhan, a monument to them. green tea has not taken root in russia, but
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black tea, which is actually called in china. red has not only taken root, but also grows beautifully in sochi. here it is the birthplace of the chinese chayakimun closest to russians, here it is called qimen huncha, that is, red tea, heroic gate, anhui province is barely considered here at all isn’t it the most tea-like, because three of the ten best chinese varieties are from here? keemun, also known as cemen, is the only red tea awarded imperial status in china; its study here is approached with all scientific precision. all tea differs in shape, in leaf structure, you see, here are the pointed tips, the head of the oldest tea research institute in china, professor wang , specially brought samples from sochi to find out their dna. we have been working with a scientist from sochi for a long time, and it turned out that tea culture in russia is also very developed, the keemun that grows here has the same taste, the same color, but the aroma is completely different, and we want to understand what influenced the tea genome. freshly cut
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leaves are poured with liquid nitrogen and ground into powder. now this is the material from which we will get the extract. the extract will be run through dozens of devices using hundreds of parameters, a full chemical analysis, again an important indicator is the aroma, here it is fruity, with a floral tint. you feel it, right? in china , it is believed that it has an amazing ability to enhance beneficial properties.
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here clones are organized everywhere, peasants hand over everything they collected to wholesalers and representatives of large tea companies, and here exclusively local varieties, leaf to leaf, weight in china is measured not in kilograms, but in dzin, one dzin is 500 g, half a kilo, and the price tea per day varies from ten yuan to several thousand and even tens of thousands. the most expensive tea in the world is dahun pau, a fermented moon tea, the price per kilogram reaches 1.5 million dollars. all because the petals are very rare, they grow in a single place in fujin province, manufacturers literally pray to them. zen yongzi, the owner of a large tea brand, also starts his morning with prayer. so, mr. zen believes, things will continue to go uphill. yes, hunpau, his factory may not produce it, but what is packaged here is sent to north america, to the south, to europe, it turns out. that
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chinese tea is also something like the soft power of heaven. probably, if the west drinks more of our chinese tea, and at the same time immerses itself in our tea traditions, then it will understand china better. it is, of course, very difficult to fully understand, and some brand had to adapt it to the tea taste of foreigners, which is very different from chinese, but zen yun tzu does not despair of tea culture. instills modern means, experimenting with flavors and aromas. so, in my opinion, you need to add more peach and milk. and expanding the line of the now popular bubble tea, cold fruit and milk tea with topioka jelly balls, also a chinese invention. and may young chinese increasingly prefer ceremony of a transparent plastic glass on the run, this does not
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affect the love of tea in any way, it is in the sky. like the tea itself, just as strong, a dam broke on the kiolim reservoir in the chelepinsk region, destruction. the operational headquarters stated that in the flood zone there are the settlements of kiolim, mukhametova, karasaeva, baydasheva and saktaeva, about 200 houses in total, local residents need to be prepared to evacuate, in the near future it is possible to turn off the water supply in the karabazhi urban district, they are working at the scene of the emergency employees of the ministry of emergency situations, we
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we keep an eye on what's coming. we will definitely return the information.


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