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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 26, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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has no effect, it is in the middle kingdom, like tea itself, as strong, on the kiolim reservoir in... there are only about 200 houses, local residents need to be prepared to evacuate in the near future, a possible shutdown of water supply in the karabash urban district, they are working at the scene of the emergency ...
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a criminal case has been opened regarding this fact, the investigative committee reports. according to the ministry of emergency situations , 25 residents were saved; the fire area was 200 km. one of the causes of the fire was the explosion of a gas cylinder. district prosecutor's office city ​​of ulena. so, based on the fact that today, july 26, 2024, a fire in a new apartment building number 2.19 on korunkova street, they are checking the implementation of housing legislation and fire safety requirements. the progress of the inspection and activities carried out by the investigative authorities is under the control of the prosecutor's office of the ulyanovsk region. in addition, the prosecutor's office has organized interaction with local government and social protection bodies on the issue of providing social support measures to affected families. person involved cases of bombing of a russian officer's car were brought to the crime scene. there's accusing.
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and evgeniy serebryakov described his actions to the investigators, the interrogation lasted about 20 minutes, on friday night serebryakov was extradited from turkey to moscow, in the fsb video he admitted that he had planted a bomb under the car, which he collected under the control of a curator from the sbu, it is already known that for the murder of our military man, he was promised from 10 to 20 thousand dollars and a ukrainian passport. anton potkovenko studied the accused’s social networks. connections with foreign intelligence services, past on the swamp ukrainian nickname on social networks is emerging with an increasingly detailed and very characteristic portrait of evgeny serebryakov, extradited from turkey, where he tried to hide, to moscow, serebryakov understands why he was detained, for the production of installation of an explosive device, as well as means of propulsion, who asked you to install equal device, and the person i saw with.
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one time who imagined where he was from as a person? uh, i guess from ukraine. for the attempt on the life of a russian officer, the ukrainian special services promised serebryakov from 10 to 20,000 dollars ukrainian passport. where were you planning to hit? ukraine. it is unlikely that serepryakov was difficult to recruit. he’s from that quote-unquote group of people with beautiful faces and extremist intentions, like the terrorist fbk. participated in an unauthorized rally on the swamp square in 1914. and this is a photo from the tender square the same year, supposedly a peaceful rally, it is clear that a fight is brewing with the police, so the silver men are clearly inspired by what is happening, from such people they make terrorists, some changed into relocants, some stayed here in the form of so-called waiting terrorists, it is very easy to establish contact with them, because they essentially began their activities in an extremist community, such as... fbk and
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other organizations, their activists are blowing up russian citizens, russians , for dirty ukrainian money officers, and then flee the country. however, serebryakov ran away not far away, but what’s on his social networks? photo with a weapon in dark glasses. serebryakov has not logged into this account since 1916, but in another one, where he evgen serebryakov was in the ukrainian manner quite recently, subscribed to ukrainian communities with an obvious. some of those who communicated with him recorded him as zhenya khokhlyatsky stranets. serebryakov studied at the higher school of economics, faculty of economic sciences, and enlisted 4 years ago, went to prague on an exchange, for some time was an altar server in one of the catholic churches in moscow, but recently he was not seen there, he typed in a search engine in messengers protest, nationalism, opposition, when a person within
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the country, within society lives in extreme in a negative, imaginary world, he begins to think that everything here is bad, it was, is, will be. but everything is fine there, everything is normal, and he begins to look for some ways to do harm with the help of people, as he believes, from somewhere there, from a wonderful world, everything, the claw is stuck, the birds are lost, and the man, the silversmith, is like he gets a connection, the trap slams shut, that’s it. the biography of yevgeny serebryakov’s brother alexey also has subtle moments; he posted photos of rallies of the same extremist on social networks. was a listener seminars in oxford, in the eighteenth year he received income from the foreign agent echo of moscow, who was liquidated for false information about the svo. on november 15 of the same year, after a repost about a gathering of supporters of an unauthorized protest in moscow, alexey serebryakov suggested that chat participants gather on saturday, but
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the ukrainian western intelligence services are closely monitoring the contingent for the recruitment of performers, who are made expendable, and no one will pay money to intercede . you flew away. somewhere else, there is still international criminal law right, you will be caught there and you will be arrested , no one negotiates with terrorists, when you blow up a car, a transformer, considering yourself some kind of partisan, you still must understand that according to the law of the russian federation you will answer, you will ruin your life, you will get this is a huge period of time. evgeniy serebryakov faces 20 years in prison on charges of illegal sale of explosives, explosive devices , attempted murder, while he is in the status of a... in the near future he should be sent to a pre-trial detention center for 2 months, and ukrainian curators are talking about him i already forgot to think. anton potkovenko, anna pogonina, lead. the atmosphere is friendly, communication without ties, but the format is closed, and the agenda is serious. vladimir putin alexander lukashenko second day on valaam.
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the focus is on the development of bilateral relations, alliance projects and regional security, as well as issues of international politics. key moments of the meeting in alexey golovko's report. under the clicks of cameras, screams of either peacocks or seagulls, both of them are on valaam, vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko arrived on the bright island of the valaam archipelago. in the gazebos overlooking lake ladavskoe and the kareal forests, the guest from minsk begins to speak, and the local weather that surprised him the day before, after all, he was flying north, and it was hot as in the south. if it weren't hot, of course, it would have been good. well, it’s cold, well, you can live,
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of course, of course not, well, here it’s not the north, well, yes, not at the pole, the ramparts, although southern, are still karelia, the region is as beautiful as it is harsh, but it’s similar here too. reaches, covering the whole world, warming wave, change, the presidents are having this conversation at the fence of the chapel of the valoam icon of the mother of god, it was built relatively recently in 2010 and is located on the top of svetly island at the entrance to the large monastery bay, on the opposite side of the nikolsky skid, that’s how figuratively 14 years ago, opening the chapel about what is the plan behind this location, the patriarch of moscow said this is a wonderful building, a marvelous chapel, at the entrance to the monastery harbor, really two churches that form a kind of passage, create the illusion of a holy gate. here, near
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the chapel, there is a tree that the russian president planted several years ago. vladimir putin comes to valaam almost every year and this is the third time he has invited alexander lukashenko here. for the first time, the president of belarus visited holy places. in 2019, i am glad that for the first time, unfortunately, i came here surrounded by my friend, then together they toured several churches and prayed at the relics of the founders of the monastery, the venerable wonderworkers, sergei and herman. saints sergius and herman were greeks and most likely lived here in the 20th century, just when...
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they also came to the valama and visited the temple, where they were greeted by pilgrims. such regular trips give a clear idea of ​​how the monastery is being revived year after year. its abbot is the abbot. pankratiya, it is he who always accompanies the president, he led the brethren back in 1993, he remembers very well how difficult it was to live here, to work without basic amenities, without communication only with an old gromos portable telephone, which means i climbed the bell tower, because with the bell tower could be reached to the shore, from there it means he shouted, your holiness, bless, now the islands have all the necessary communications with the big...
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that’s what they call in monasteries the room for receiving distinguished guests, the presidents had an informal conversation there. alexey golovko, natalya lundovskaya, nikolai zakharov, alexey korpukhin and andrey sorokin. news. within a week, the russian military occupied three settlements: ivanodaryevka in the dpr, rozovka in the lpr. and nizhnepischany in the kharkov region, this was reported to the ministry of defense. in the department also stated that during the same period
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, almost 14,000 militants of the kiev regime were killed in all directions of the special operation. details from the weekly report of the ministry of defense in the article by varvara nevskaya. powerful table of white smoke, iskander working. in the footage of the ministry of defense, a precise missile strike on a missile and artillery weapons depot, fifty-sixth. a separate motorized infantry brigade of the ukrainian armed forces and a hidden storage site for artillery weapons and armored vehicles in enemy-occupied kramatorsk. in addition to warehouses, kyiv also lost a hymer launcher from five degrees, the same number of tanks and up to 10 armored vehicles. from july 20 to july 26 , the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 33 group strikes with high-precision strike weapons.
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the enemy's equipment and manpower were destroyed by the crews of mi-28 nm helicopters of the army aviation in the area of ​​​​the settlement of krimenaia. in the interests of the north group, the pilots successfully struck a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces. destroyed the enemy with the help of unguided rockets from 13; there was radiation exposure during the maneuver enemy. we did it.
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1,640 personnel, four tanks and 10 armored vehicles, including western leopards and american m-113 armored personnel carriers. in the donetsk people's republic, the southern group of troops liberated the village of ivano-daryevka. the russian army defeated five mechanized, two airborne and four assault brigades of the enemy. the ssu lost up to 4,640 troops, six tanks, two. during the counter-battery fight, 13 field
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ammunition depots and 64 artillery pieces were hit, 37 of which are western-made. rare footage in absolute darkness, in order to remain unnoticed by the enemy, russian soldiers load the tor m2 anti-aircraft system with missiles. the enemy hunts for this machine day and night, because there are no analogues... it goes four at a time, regularly destroying enemy birds. the good thing about an evo vehicle is that it is constantly mobile, constantly changing its position on the go, now we are here, tomorrow we will be there, the enemy does not expect this position. over the past week alone, our army shot down 623 ukrainian drones, also, the russian armed forces once again significantly reduced the ukrainian stockpile
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of western weapons, destroying two hymers and two radar launchers. stations of the patriot anti-aircraft missile system, a downed mi-8 helicopter and 10 atakms missiles, nine french bobhamers and 36 hymers shells. varvara nevskaya, news. the first all-russian digital forum of the defenders of the fatherland foundation is ending in grozny. more than five thousand participants from all regions gathered. the focus was on promising digital trends, as well as problems with digitalization of support measures for special operation participants. and their families. details in the report by artur mustaev. the first all-russian digital forum of the fatherland defenders foundation gathered participants from all over the country in grozny. on the agenda is the digitalization of social support and adaptation of northern military district veterans. experts representing federal and regional departments are discussing technologies that will significantly simplify the receipt of government services using the
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one-stop-shop principle. each employee of the fatherland defenders foundation is a person who knows by name. formation, so we hope that the chechen republic will be among the pilots. psychological and legal assistance - obtaining the status of veteran of the northern military district, employment and adaptation. all social support measures must be completed online without leaving home. to do this, it is necessary to carry out large-scale digitalization of the internal processes of a number of departments. these are our most respected people, they chose the path
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of protecting their people.
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provide for digitization at the development stage. i must say that in chechen republic support for svo participants and members of their families under the special control of the head of the region. they receive a lot of assistance, including from extra-budgetary sources, and this is also a lot of painstaking work, which will be greatly simplified by digitalization. artur musaev, zelimkhan buntashev and aslan laluev, lead grozny. acting secretary of the general council of united russia, pol. president in the ural federal district vladimir yakushev, as well as first deputy prime minister denis manturov. they went together to the kurgan machine-building plant, toured the production facilities, got acquainted with the enterprise’s development plan, awarded state awards to employees, and then at a separate meeting discussed the development of the region. we looked at a defense-industrial complex enterprise
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to see how investment programs are being implemented. investment programs, colleagues - practically started implementing these investment projects on wheels in the twenty- second year, today we can already see the results, how the tskha are updated, and updated significantly, this is an increase in quality, this is an increase in labor productivity, take an indicator there.
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yakushev also visited a traveling exhibition of captured equipment and special operation zones for remembrance day. in one state, when there really were emergency situations, we remember them, yes, when we had floods, when we had floods, the volunteer movement unfolds in a completely different way when
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we begin to fight the coronavirus, without the help of volunteers, i i think that a huge number of people, especially the elderly, who were then left alone with this misfortune, of course, without you it was very difficult for them, the young guard is taking an active part in this, united russia, i want the guys. say thank you to the all-russian popular front of the first movement. at these moments , the opening ceremony of the olympic games is taking place in paris. for the first time in history, it is not held at a stadium, on the river bank. huge crowds of people gathered in the streets, and as many noted, the platform for spectators is so inconvenient that it is almost impossible to see anything. i note that russian athletes will not take part in the parade of athletes. at the olympics itself , russia will perform 15. in a neutral status without the russian flag and anthem, their awards will not be
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displayed in the medal table. despite the sabotage of the train tracks in paris, the opening ceremony is going on as scheduled this afternoon, and this should not have been the purpose of sabotage, at least that is what french authorities believe, according to them, the attackers were trying to disrupt the weekend plans of almost a million. actually i'm very upset i took i have a day off from work because of this, and now i can only wait, i don’t have any news right now, i see that many trains are cancelled. according to the authorities,
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the railway lines were subjected to a massive attack on the night before the olympics, traffic was paralyzed on two of the three lines, and our european correspondent managed to travel along the third line. while already on the train, we heard an announcement that this was due to vandalism on the tracks, we were constantly given new information, now we are already...
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olimpia. forty-year-old kirill griznov from perem in russia he is known as a chef who has participated in culinary shows more than once. in 2010 he came to work in one of the restaurants in france. hello, welcome to visit us, come in. as they write in the joint, so -called. the french government, instead of thinking about those who come here, thinks about those who pass by to another place. we have french children who are not from
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a country other than france by birth. who thinks about them, first of all they are the future of this country? these families were victims of the russian purge french government, they were evicted from their housing for the sake of tourists. because of the situation in the city, parisians are also fleeing, because it is simply impossible to move around in paris, even sometimes to return to your home, there are checks everywhere, qr codes are everywhere, sometimes it comes to the point that the police do not have equipment to read. these qr codes, so they ask you to prove exactly where you live, and you don’t walk around with your electricity or water receipt all the time. because of the qr code system, the french now have to play sports through bars. like these ones iron fences, now every 200 m. problems with olympic venues. the head of the subjudo federation criticized the arena where the competition is to take place. there are not enough flooring boards, there is too
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much dust. our judokas fight in kimanos, we must find a way so that by saturday less dust gets into the room. athletes complain about safety. a few hours before the opening ceremony, the brazilian football legend zico was once again robbed of half a million dollars, his watches, jewelry and money were taken. and that's when it would seem that things can’t get any worse; meteorologists are predicting a downpour, which threatens not only to ruin the opening ceremony, but to call into question the competition.
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flooding of a 3 km section of the mias karabash-kim road is also reported. the dam's failure was reportedly due to prolonged rainfall, but no casualties were reported as a result of the dam's breach. after a short advertisement, our broadcast will continue with the vestry program.
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