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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 26, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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everything started flowing again. i think it was a coup. they didn't want him to run. he was down a lot in the polls, they thought he was going to lose. they came to him and said, "you can't win the race." trump's popularity is now at its peak, 48% of registered voters voted for him 42. biden was hit by ricochets and bullets in pennsylvania. for his company, they, intended for the opponent, became a control shot. the investigation is unsuccessful. the assassination attempt continues, if the circumstances are more or less clear, then the motive is still being sorted out: the key may be posts made public by the director of the social network gap, posts by user epic microwave. behind this nickname was probably thomas crooks, who 3 years ago strongly praised biden for his anti-covid measures and immigration policy. but crooks did not appear on the fbi's radar on the internet; he refrained from making threats. in pennsylvania, the secret service is a man with a rifle. i blinked,
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i couldn’t help but blink. one of the agents who appears in this video was supposed to be up on the roof where crooks climbed, but instead he went inside because he was feeling hot. but the fbi is preparing to interrogate trump. a storm of indignation was caused by the words of the head of the department, christopher ray, who, during a hearing in congress, doubted that it was the bullet that hit the candidate’s ear. if. it was a splinter, then the politically advantageous version of the republican's miraculous salvation may fade. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin and denis sokolov, usa news. novatsky square appeared in tyumen. the grand opening took place in one of the city's microdistricts. new space - a gift from the developer group of companies country development. in honor of tyumen's birthday. on the territory of 2 gars there are places for active recreation. children
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and adults with sports and playgrounds, in the walking area there are places for relaxation with hanging swings and gomak. the central part of the home park is occupied by an area for meeting joint events. the highlight was the real dock hub, a large fenced area for dog owners. this is not the first time that a developer, at his own expense , creates a public space for tyumen residents. previously country development landscaped the embankment, and now they are building the longest boulevard in the city. it is important to have a balanced social infrastructure, starting from kindergarten, school and, of course , leisure facilities, therefore tyumen had the position when developing a complex territory to provide for those necessary land plots that will be involved precisely with this type of social infrastructure. unfortunately, we do not always meet the deadlines, which and the pace that... our developers, this is probably
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understandable, the market is always more dynamic work, but one way or another, everything that is provided for in our master plan, all the sites for objects of local importance in the form of social services, they will be brought to life, social areas where you can exercise, in the center of the park they provided such a semicircular large swing they made such swing, large volumetric in the center, well, we made a christmas tree there for the new year's bud, around all the trees we have provided pedestrian paths, now we see that it doesn't matter... in this part a small swamp appears, now we’re still thinking about planting pine trees, the pine trees suck out this moisture well and the ground dries out a little, and it’s like the swamp turns into a dry part. crimea is expanding its cinematic capabilities . construction of the first stage of the yuk-kino studio has been completed on the peninsula. this is the largest complex for filming a full cycle of any media projects, which will have everything that directors need for the creative realization of any plans. today, on the first
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day of the tavrido art festival of young art , a model of the new pavilion was presented. according to the guests of the ceremony, festivals and his projects open up broad prospects for filmmakers. including because crimea was chosen as the venue. if you choose the most important place for inspiration in crimea, it is, of course, tavrida. today this is undoubtedly true, because by the decision of the president, this is no longer just a summer forum, not just the tavri and art festival. this is a year-round academy for young creators, through which tens of thousands of talented, creative, bright, extraordinary people from all over pass. countries for a reason for thousands of years there has always been a struggle for this land, only since the time of the baptism of russia by prince vladimir, we have already taken the right trends, crimea is ours, we will not give it to anyone. and in
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the pskov region, at the foot of the ancient izborsk hill, today there is a large-scale show of the ascent to victory, timed to coincide with the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of pskov. presentation from the buy... to achieve peace, sometimes you have to punch it in the teeth, the commander of the night wolves unit andrei, call sign hollywood, today also in izborsk, a new protest is waiting to return to his own to the front, how can you throw people who recognized themselves as russian, want to speak russian, want to be part of russia, and i
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don’t consider this land to be ukraine, in my opinion, there are no options, we have to go defend, soldiers from donbass hand over the capsule to the recaptured russian land, now it will become part of the iz... bor hill, filled with sand that pilgrims bring from different cities of the country. the bogatyrskaya outpost of the zemlyarusskaya, here on the border with estonia, 12 km to it, further on there are nato tanks in izborsk, a fortress city, a military ford post, which is not one for a century it has been protecting the approaches to pskov from foreign invaders. historians have calculated that pskov had to participate in 120 soldiers and withstand more than thirty assads. in this new war, modern military art is born, melodies are sad, simple sincere, chechery songs hit the very heart, i now have a lot of material such as,
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how to say, the work of a political commissar in essence, so that they know who they are, why they are coming, in general what is this all for and how? a dozen songs in her repertoire based on poems by alexander prokhanov. in '14 he went to donbass. after the start of the northern war, prokhanov issued a whole armada of poems, the war must end in peace. how can you put up with it after all this? but i don’t know how to make peace, not just quarrel. stop killing each other. i remember driving up under rzhev, there were veterans, german and soviet, sitting on a log, drinking vodka. they remembered how they fought. in this war, now there is no hatred of the russians towards the germans, but so far, of course, they are not sending their leopards again, they have reconciled, and this has happened, but here there are two, two fraternal people, let’s face each other, no, don’t quarrel us,
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don’t confuse us, art born of wartime becomes a symbol of the spirit, today on izborsk hill, where the russian land begins, different genres have been combined into one poem: about peace, war and history, which must not be forgotten. elena erofeev, elena fenoshina, anton kasimovich, maxim sidorin, news. now let's return to the first topic of the issue: the dam failure at the kiolimskoye reservoir in the chelyabinsk region. the village of kiolim was completely evacuated; it was the first in the path of water after the destruction of the platinum. about it reported the press service of the head of the region. residents of three more villages are being evacuated. there are about 200 people in the flood zone. a state of emergency has been declared, local authorities said that there were no casualties due to the dam break, temporary accommodation facilities are available for residents in the karabash urban district, water supply may be turned off in the near future, a section of the mias karabash, kishtym road with
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a length of 3 km is under water. emergency situations ministry employees are working at the scene of the emergency. the dam failure was reported to have occurred due to persistent rainfall. more the day before, on behalf of governor alexei teksler, services with the leadership of the karabash urban district, this evening there was a dam break on the kialim reservoir in karabash, the village of kiolim was flooded, then the water flowed towards other settlements, residents were evacuated from kialim and placed in... . in karabash in temporary accommodation centers, some people
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are staying with relatives, evacuation is also being carried out in other settlements where there is a threat of flooding, these are mukhametova, baidasheva, karaseva, in karabash. we have deployed temporary accommodation centers with food, water, operational services, the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of internal affairs, the municipal administration are working on site, there are no casualties at the moment, everyone worked quite quickly, i keep the situation under personal control.
10:42 pm
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this is america, a program about a country that hard to understand. hello. the past three weeks, which turned american politics upside down, will certainly go down in the history of the united states as a separate chapter. the shooting of donald trump in butler almost
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became the second shooting in dallas, a sudden exit. biden's presidential race has an intrigue worse than the watergate scandal; the last time this happened was 56 years ago, when democrat lyndon johnson also suddenly withdrew from the election, but at least he immediately explained everything. biden, mysteriously self-isolated, and maybe isolated in his beach house vriehut beach, he dragged on with explanations for four days, after a tweet with a letter in which many drew attention to his strange signature, why fly to washington again without comment, only then make his first public appearance in the oval office. nothing can stand in the way of saving our democracy, including personal ambition, so i decided that the best way forward was to pass the torch to a new generation as the best way to unite our nation. please note that
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the lines are reflected in the window of the oval office teleprompter, but... none of the team is tense anymore. biden is a lame duck. nearby, they say, there was also a support group, almost 40 people, members of his family. all his problems began during a trip to las vegas, there was supposed to be an election event there, but suddenly everything was canceled due to covid. biden was taken to the same town of rihoboth beach, and after that biden completely disappeared from the public field for several days, only commenting on it. only with the help of various leaks, and the white house continues dosedly give information that biden is not withdrawing from any race, here is a sudden absolutely on sunday day, a 180° turn, during which the same letter appears with lightning speed that biden decides to suspend his participation
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in the election campaign, then appears a tweet where he says that... he sees kamala haris as his successor, and clearly agreed with the team of democrats, such an insight is published by a political newspaper. even on saturday morning, biden said that the election campaign was in full swing, but in the evening he changed his mind after a long discussion with two of his closest aides. this was not because the president was tired of defections within his own party, although that was true. the fact is that biden finally realized that he could not win, the abandonment of plans for re-election became the last opportunity for him to present everything as if the decision was made on his terms, well, as i said, this is an insider version, but clearly agreed with dim party, there is another one, one might say that it is not censored, it is much ruder and the reality there is much more prosaic, this version was published in the pro-republican
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new york post, which is directly called: according to an insider, the disastrous debate against donald trump was part of a strategy to convince democrats of biden's inability to run for president, although publicly the majority is on the left supported biden, behind the scenes party officials threatened to invoke the twenty-fifth amendment, which allows the president to be removed from office if he is incapacitated. twenty-fifth amendment - this is a shame for life. this is a red button in the american political system, it must be said that it was never used, that is, of course, heavyweights, people who could put pressure on biden, should have gotten involved in this matter, and apparently, they were the ones who got involved, well, who are they maybe barack obama, the clintons, bill and hillary, but the most important character who is talked about
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openly is nancy pilosi, the former speaker of congress, who in fact and pro... against trump would be devastating for them blow, pelosi knew it, these were her behind-the-scenes games that had been taking place all this time, they were as brilliant as danger.
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it doesn’t matter, you can praise, because harris is already the president of america, but all this now she has gained the necessary votes for nomination, in general, they always said about kamela harris that she has been breaking through glass ceilings all her life, she always tries to be the first, she was the first woman district attorney of san francisco and attorney general of california, the first and... indian american in the senate , and finally the first woman vice president of the united states. however, there are different opinions about the harris san francisco prosecutor, for example, it is estimated
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that while she worked there, the proportion of convictions increased from 52 to 67%. this was the most noticeable surge in 10 years, harshly waving her saber from right to left, kharis spoke out, for example, she was categorically against school truancy, many parents from... because of this they even went to jail, she treated strictly with those detained for marijuana, gained , of course, a bad reputation among the black population of this city, for the belm workers, for such completely leftists american liberals, kamala haris is a complete stranger. elite democratic party billionaire donors are trying to manipulate black voters by appointing. luharis and an unknown vice president without a primary vote, this is a drunken disregard for democratic principles. not just the elite, the very core
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of this elite is the real american deep state. kharis is called a clinton man, she is openly supported by the soros, both generations, the older and the younger, and this is such a left-wing liberal leaning that can damage. karis, therefore, much will depend on the figure of the vice president, who will have to balance this tilt. about a dozen people are being considered as possible candidates for the post of vice president kamela haris, which suggests that haris' headquarters is considering a variety of options. among them are several governors: josh shapira from pennsylvania, roy cooper from north carolina, andy beshear from kentucky, tim volz from minnesota, jay rober.
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victory in america, primarily in swing states, while trump, in general, has no were afraid of kharis, we all remember his comments made even before she joined the company, as if filmed by paporazi, when he sits on a golf cart and says that he is ready for kharis to join this company, and how now it turns out that insiders are also emerging from within the republican company, it turns out that what they were most afraid of was not kaml and kharis, they were most afraid that michelle obama might enter the ring instead of biden, it’s not clear how to act against her, askharis, as again now he shares with press details. v
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for the further campaign of representatives of the republican party, everything is easier, even many points do not need to be rewritten in slogans, because harris is very closely united with biden. as you know, 3 days ago we officially defeated the worst president in the history of our nation, and now we have a new victory ahead of us against the deceitful kamela harris. everything she touches turns into a disaster. look at san francisco, 20 years ago. was the best city in the country, now it is impossible to live in it. in liberal san francisco, there really is a riot right now crime, but haris must be criticized carefully, it’s like walking through a minefield, the racial issue, plus the female gender. the republicans have even sent a manual to their congressmen so that these topics are not touched upon, but harris’s mental state is not a taboo, everyone is well familiar with
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harris’s various... blunders and strange behavior. trump, of course, is already openly taking advantage of this, he calls his rival a little bit crazy, well, for example, for her infectious and sometimes very strange laugh. however, people from deep the states that nominated kharis are not embarrassed by this; now all their thoughts are focused on the party congress in chicago on august 19. went like clockwork, so they hedge their bets in advance and prepare to conduct a roll call in advance so that there are no surprises later. democrats are planning to hold a virtual nomination on august 7, and if you think that's too fast, it actually brings us closer to other democracies. in britain, for example, the election campaign lasts 5-6 weeks, in france no more than two
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weeks, so we're going nowhere. don't rush, we're just holding elections eurostyle. another important point, ironically, biden handed over the palm not only to kamali harris, but also to trump, because now trump, at 78 years old, is the oldest presidential candidate in american history. with biden out of the race, the focus on health has shifted back to trump, who is just 3 years younger. if elected... he will leave office for a second term at the age of 82 years and 7 months, making trump the oldest president in us history. in general, trump would still be better off with biden, and poll results confirm this. in this new confrontation, kamala haris will retain 95% of biden's voters, and trump will retain only 92% of his voters.
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however, before the elections. another 100 days, and in modern times in american politics this is of course an eternity, this was america, all the best to you, here in avdeevka people were driven to death, there was terror, everything flies here, guys, the war is real, people here are completely lives for another. you weren't offended here, until our people arrive, don’t ask, i’ll see how the wolf will hide in the basement when they’re hammering here outside the window, just like that you sit and think whether the next one is for you or not, at the last explosion there were 18 people left here under the slabs, who lie until still, god help me, oh, thank you, that’s all, we ’ve come here forever.
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at the beginning of the release, the latest information about the dam break at the kiolimskoye reservoir in the chelyabinsk region. the village of kealim was completely evacuated. residents of three more villages are being taken out of the flood zone. total in it was located. about 200 people, a state of emergency has been declared, local authorities said that there were no casualties due to the dam break, we will find out details from the emergency zone from our correspondent alexey sanochkin, he is in direct contact with the studio by phone, alexey, greetings, what is known to this minute, and good evening dmitry, or rather good night here already in the chelyabinsk region, we are literally counted kilometers from...


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