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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 27, 2024 12:30am-1:00am MSK

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but this is the largest complex for filming a full cycle of any media projects, which will have everything that directors need for the creative realization of any plans. today, on the first day of the tavrido art festival of young art , a model of the new pavilion was presented. according to the guests of the ceremony, the festival and its projects open up broad prospects for filmmakers, including because crimea was chosen as the venue.
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equipment testing has begun at the krasny bor training ground in the leningrad region for the disposal of accumulated industrial waste. the work is being carried out by rosatom as part of the national ecology project. after processing toxic soil, you should get clean water and technical equipment. soil, dmitry akimov will tell you more about the technology. this is one of the most dangerous parts of the test site, krasny bor. in fact, all this is a huge pool with a depth of 24 m, the size of a nine-story building. and there, inside, is almost the entire periodic table. there are five such pools, the correct name of the map. the landfill was opened as a temporary warehouse back in the sixties ninth year. industrial goods were brought here from all over the union. toxic waste
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of the first to fourth classes, that is, all the most harmful and dangerous that remained from the chemical, oil and defense industries; various wastes were brought here from all over the soviet union, including from the baltic states, and then this is the territory that is located on the territory of the leningrad region, waste from all over the soviet union, well, then it was transferred to the balance sheet. from the city of st. petersburg, but it was wrong, unfair, because the city was forced to hold appropriate events here and invest appropriate money here. all this waste, not only accumulated, it poisoned everything around and reacted with each other, forming even more dangerous compounds. those chemical reactions that took place inside the cards, well , they are especially dangerous, here both the secretions that come from the cards and the cards are dangerous.
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can penetrate into surface aquifers . today, the landfill is included in the list of the federal clean country project as part of the national ecology project. first all the cards are here covered with pantons and strengthened the banks. the next stage of protection is an anti-filtration layered curtain, a huge foundation around the entire landfill, it is 3.5 km long, 3.5 m wide and extends 8 m. the site for building the landfill was also not chosen by chance in the soviet union, they were looking for a place that would prevent the migration of pollutants from the landfill, here at a depth of just 8-12 m cambrian clays were discovered, which have a layer of about 100-110 m. it does not allow downward, and layered protection blocks the exit limits in the horizontal plane. the next
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stage is the processing of liquid post-type waste. for this purpose, a whole complex of industrial buildings was built, there are 13 of them in total . they will start operating at the end of this year. deputy chairman of the government of the country dmitry patrushev, together with the head of rosatom alexei likhachev and the minister of natural resources and ecology, alexander kozlov , today launched tests of technological equipment for the neutralization of industrial waste accumulated at the landfill. when complex will work at full capacity, the output will be clean water and technical soil, which will be poured back into the cards. the reclamation of this object has been completed by 60%, and of course, this object no longer poses such a danger as before either for the environment or for people, but nevertheless, the work must be continued, it is still ongoing, we see it, given
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the scale of the problem that exists, but they will last for several more years. work at the krasny bor landfill should be completed in the middle of the twenty-sixth year on site dangerous. green hills will appear, the elimination of the landfill will improve the quality of life of more than 6 million people. dmitry akimof and andrey kupaev, news from st. petersburg. one of my friends has the fastest mobile internet. cool video. what a high speed anyway. you haven’t connected this yet with 5g. although you better not. megaphone number one. by speed coverage, fairy chicken is needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for burgers at a tasty point, new
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into a fantastic one, i love to cook. sewage, rats, homeless people, worker reserves, and also, of course, the so-called free agenda, this is the reality of not a provincial neighborhood somewhere on the outskirts of the city, and the opening of the olympics in paris, with the exception of recognizable national symbols, for example, queen mario antoinette, of course, without a head, during the ceremony she was put out the window of the concergerie castle, by the way, that’s where she and was imprisoned before execution. but it seems that from the very beginning there was something wrong with the paris olympics. in the first minutes , some of the spectators left the ceremony due to heavy rain. volunteers handed out
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raincoats, but that didn’t help either. and the drooping flags were tossed by the wind. the competitions themselves will be take place against the backdrop of scandals and sabotages, both those that preceded them and those that flared up with renewed vigor. just look at another homeless protest: more than three hundred men and women, whom the authorities tried to evict from paris before the olympic games, organized a spontaneous rally near city hall, and they already had company... billions of euros to justify such expenses last week in it first
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the minister of sports of france swam, and then the mayor of paris, president emmanuel macron promised everything, but apparently decided to take care, this is on alexandra perfilyeva looked into the background of reports that the level of e. coli contamination in hay is higher than normal, and what all this means for athletes. for the races. with dangerous bacteria, a few days before the olympic triathlon, the european media are discussing not the athletes’ chances of winning, but the bouquet of diseases that the hay can give them. the water contains a large number of bacteria, even demonstration swimming in the river, first the french minister of sports, and then the mayor of paris, did not convince the public and journalists that the swims were safe. this again, well, it was felt by the french as complete window dressing, moreover. something else happened here, the fact is that there was a lot of rain, so the level of the stage was very high, even
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these boats, you know, tourist boats, the so-called boatman, could not work, the current, of course, was very strong, so such competitions , swimming in the seine was generally impossible; for more than 100 years, swimming in the seine has been prohibited by law; the ban was introduced back in 1923 , and the reason was precisely water pollution. the fact is that the sewage system the french capital was designed in accordance with archaic principles; its creators did not even think about fighting unsanitary conditions and epidemics. sewage in paris is unitary, that is, rainwater and sewage flow through the same pipes. such a system is easier to maintain, it is generally cheaper, but there is a nuance. during heavy rains it simply overflows. for example, when precipitation is particularly intense, the flow of the paris sewer reaches 300 cubic meters. per second, this is comparable to the average consumption of the hay itself, so the contents the collectors did not come out; excess water
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, under the so-called storm overflow, was discharged into the main river of france. in theory, by the time of the peak of the underground flood, the most contaminated part of the currents should already be in the treatment plant, and yet, over the past year , 1,900 cubic meters of sewage got into the hay through storm discharges, this volume would be enough to fill... 750 olympic swimming pools , but hay crosses the entire city, and the olympic venues where open water competitions will be held are located in its lower reaches, where all the infrequencies of the french capital are being eliminated. the austerlitz collector should have solved the problem at least partly. it is a huge reservoir capable of holding up to 45,000 cubic meters of rainwater, thereby preventing it from overflowing the city sewer network. however, according to experts, for a river like the seine, whose length is almost 800 km,
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this is too little. the reservoir, it can only accumulate, well, in my opinion, there is 5%, as far as i remember, of the entire capacity of the private structures of the city of paris, maybe a little even less, if we have increased amounts of precipitation, of course, it will hold back this water a little, but completely saving 45,000 is not, this is certainly not perfect enough. the authorities of paris have already invested in cleaning the seine in the 1.4th
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century, nothing has changed, the french throw away everything, but old tvs, refrigerators, bicycles, scooters and even batteries, annually more than 350 tons of large-sized garbage are taken out of the river, and of course on... which can penetrate through the skin, it is not necessary to even drink this water, through cracks, through cuts, it can penetrate inside and give a severe fatal infection, leptospirosis and rock rats get onto human skin or into a person’s mouth, through water. in addition to leptospirosis, a person who immerses himself in hay runs the risk of contracting,
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for example, hemorrhagic colitis, caused by a cola stick, one of the markers of water pollution. sewage, a very unpleasant condition, characterized by damage to the walls of blood vessels in the intestines, symptoms resemble dysanthery, you can also get a disease of the genitourinary system, cystitis and pilonephritis. the threat of infection with e. coli, the threat of being blocked by interocci, even i think that helminth eggs can be, well, they can also spread through water, according to russian standards we would have hung a whip there, which is prohibited not only, not only going into the water, but and approach the water. however , there are no universal means of protection. athletes are simply recommended to cover up skin lesions; some even take broad-spectrum antibiotics during competitions. but, for example, the british swimmers were specially vaccinated against typhoid fever and hepatitis a before the olympics in paris
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. however, the athletes themselves say, no matter how many pills you take, the disgust of dirty water will not go away. and it might even. affect sports results, the psychological fear of infection in an athlete causes breathing failure, if we are afraid to take a normal breath calmly, knowing that water is unsafe for health and can promise unpleasant consequences, the athlete will begin to think about it, and accordingly, breathing will become erratic, uh , the consequence of this will be is that the muscles... will be supplied with oxygen to a sufficient extent, the athlete will swim more constrained and may show worse results. during the first half of 2024, the water in the hay never met sanitary and epidemiological requirements, and only on the eve of the olympics, after the cessation of the torturous rains, did the tests return to normal, for how long? in the organizing committee, igor
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understands that the weather is changeable, so they are preparing a plan b. it provides for the possibility of holding a triathlon in the city of versurma. or competitions in general reformatted, in 2015 the promise to make the hay suitable for swimming was the highlight of the paris olympic bid, so moving the marathon swims to another location will be a serious blow to the image of france while everything is moving towards this. this weekend, weather forecasters promise heavy downpours in the ile-france metropolitan region; if the forecasts come true, the olympic water will once again be teeming with pathogenic bacteria.
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12:50 am
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what the owner demands and what not, the rights of the tenant are fixed in two codes at once, civil and housing. we will tell you which ones in 5 minutes in the program instructions. one of the basic ones is the right to conclude a written agreement with the landlord, only then is it valid. if the owner refuses. this is a reluctance to pay taxes, explain that the agreement itself does not attract the attention of the tax office, unlike regularly received income. if the contract is concluded for a year or more, it is registered in the russian register. it's scary some landlords, but essentially nothing changes. the federal tax service also has other sources of information, but for a tenant there are advantages to a long-term agreement. those agreements that are mostly concluded now are still short-term agreements and, accordingly, from this we see that the scope of rights that the tenant has is significantly lower than under those contracts that are concluded for a long term; at least, when concluding
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a short-term contract, the tenant will not be able to claim the right of first refusal the re-conclusion of such contracts will not be able to accommodate other persons, and there are other restrictions: if the contract is concluded for one year or more, the tenant has the priority right to renew it on the same terms or on others, if the owner of the apartment warned about the change 3 months in advance , if a long-term contract has ended and nothing happens, it can be considered that it has been extended for the same period under the same conditions. you can only evict a tenant through court or for compelling reasons. the tenant has the right to live in the apartment until the end of the contract, even if the living space was sold or pledged. this is guaranteed by the civil code. the new owner automatically becomes a renter. the only thing is that you need to notify
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the owner about this 3 months in advance or within the period specified in the contract. the tenant has the right to check the apartment and inventory the property. inspect the property before concluding a contract and record what exactly is in what condition it is there. the inventory will come in handy when. you will move out so that it does not turn out that the battered sofa has fallen into disrepair, allegedly precisely during your use, and not don't forget to sign the document with the owner of the apartment. a rental agreement is still a bilateral transaction, that is, there is a landlord, there is a tenant, and so that the document has some kind of force there, including so that it can be used later in the event of a conflict in court , including, everything first of all, it must be signed by both parties. or their legal representatives, there persons who, for example, act on their behalf by proxy, the presence of other persons when performing these actions there is photographic recording or logging, it is absolutely
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optional, nowhere in the law does it contain such a requirement. another right to receive documents for each payment. if you give money in cash or transfer it to a card, take a confirmation or receipt. if the owner has registered as self-employed, he can send a check via sms or email. straight from your phone. if payments are late, this does not mean that the contract will be terminated immediately. the tenant has the right not to move out at the first request of the owner. the delay must be 2 months for a short-term and six for a long-term contract. please note that the months may not be consecutive, but you will still have to terminate the contract through the court. and the tenant also has the right to take the security deposit when leaving the apartment or count it off for the last month. for the landlord, this money is insurance against violations; if there were none, there is no reason not to give the deposit, an exception when you yourself agreed to such a condition in
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the contract. temporary registration is also the right of a tenant; it is necessary if you you have been in a new place for more than 90 days. the one who rents and the one who rents can register. if you don't do this, both may face fines. you don’t need to ask the owner’s permission to move in minor children; they don’t even need to be mentioned in the contract; this is also the right of the tenant. the place of residence of children is the place of residence of their parents, that is, it is assumed that. children do not live outside the place where their parents live, so a priori, if a person has children, then the legislator also assumes that naturally they live with their parents. but for other relatives, the consent of the apartment owner will be required. and finally, the tenant has the right to compensation for losses that he suffered due to the fault of the owner, for example, the battery burst and water ruined your furniture, or the owner of the apartment suddenly...
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changed the locks and does not allow you to pick up your things, or he terminates without warning contract or refuses to renew it, you have to pay a realtor to find a new home, although most likely for compensation you will have to go through the court. let us repeat, the most important thing: the rental agreement is concluded in writing, tenants under long-term contracts have more rights, for example, the opportunity to renew the contract as a matter of priority, move minors in without asking: the consent of the owner of the apartment, if the owner has changed, the contract does not terminate, the tenant has the right to receive documents for each of his payments, and he can also demand compensation for losses if the owner of the property is to blame. you still have questions and want to know how to act in the real estate market, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will consult with experts and tell you about this in one of the next issues of the manual. “the lights you
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1:00 am
at the beginning of the release, the latest information about the dam break at the kiolimskoye reservoir in the chelyabinsk region. according to the ministry of emergency situations , more than 160 people have already been evacuated from the flood zone. it was previously reported that the total in it there were about 200 inhabitants. a state of emergency was declared, local authorities said that there were no casualties due to the dam break. details from the zone via.


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