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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 27, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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our fellow citizens, millions of crimes are committed over the phone from colonies and pre-trial detention centers. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. we immediately came to the boss and said: today we will have investigative actions. therefore , of course, we were not happy, the doors were blocked, there was opposition.
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in the offices of operatives we found more than 300 such phones, you will need to tell the card details until what month and year it is valid, as soon as some telephone subscriber starts asking you these kinds of questions, you know that this is definitely a criminal, this is definitely a scammer. in many russian prisons, pre-trial detention centers , fake banking... centers have been operating for many years. citizens convicted and accused of crimes call people under the guise of managers of financial institutions. they report that the banking system has failed and they urgently need to protect their money. there may be other deception schemes, but in the end it all comes down to one thing: scammers lure the card number and pin code from gullible clients , after which they empty the account. how it gets there. behind the barbed wire telephones, up to
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how long will criminals deceive our fellow citizens with impunity, who covers up prison swindlers? we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. hello, good afternoon, is it from the bank that is bothering you, the security service, what is your account? did you become the winner of the cash lottery, should you go out and get a prize? of course, how many are there? 10 minutes ago someone tried to pay with your card in a store. i don’t go outside anymore for several days.
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great, what needs to be done? your account had to be blocked, do you want to continue? use a bank card? yes, of course, you will now receive an sms message, there will be a password, dictate it to us, please, dictate, please, the code on the other side of the card, there are three numbers, these are 7 4 1, that ’s right, thank you, all the best. early in the morning of july 15, 2020 , a minibus with tinted windows drove up to the service entrance of the capital's season number one, popularly known as sailor's silence, and several people in civilian clothes got out of it, showed their service ids to the detention center employees, and demanded to be escorted to to the boss viktor pastushenko. in the office
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, the colonel was informed that his subordinates have been bringing mobile phones, chargers, headphones and wi-fi routers into the territory of a secure facility for many years, and then hand them over to prisoners, who in turn engage in telephone fraud, deception of ordinary citizens throughout the country , so right now , in sailor silence, searches will begin in the cells where... the defendants are sitting and in the officers’ offices. the head of the matrosskaya tishina detention center was surprised your visit? i think yes, he was surprised, because no, before the moment it started, yes, that is, it is clear that we immediately came to the boss and said: today we will have investigative actions, we need your help, we need your assistance, refuse us , i think that would be stupid, so everything that... we needed for
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acceptance, for us to record and criminal actions, of course, the leadership of the pre-trial detention center helped us. unexpected guests asked the head of matrosskaya tishina to call experienced employees for their escort, they had to search cells containing several dozen prisoners, including those suspected of especially dangerous crimes. in general, the event is not ordinary. it turned out to be not so simple.
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the pre-trial detention prisoners tried to get into the cells this way, because the doors open outwards. the answer is simple, the fact is that the keys and locks have nothing to do with it, the sedel residents block the entrance from the inside, insert a piece of reinforcement into the door strut and it gets tightly stuck in the metal frame, then there is only one way to loosen the door strong blows from outside. but even this method of unlocking the doors did not help this time; the entrance was blocked by a wooden barrier.
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finally, they managed to open the door, the operatives entered the cell, they were immediately surrounded by the inmates of the pre-trial detention center, dissatisfied people rose up, the work of the call centers stopped, and this is the main one.
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how the inmates greeted you in the cell, what did you say, they weren’t happy, they weren’t happy even once, some of the arrested even said that you are coming to our house, this is our home, and you are guests here, so the arrested have a slightly different understanding, yes to this problem, to this situation, so of course we weren’t happy, the doors were blocked, there was opposition, right?
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the contents of bags and trunks, personal boxes, hygiene items, they removed the back covers of tvs, even checked boxes of matches to see if it was a charger, it would be possible to charge something, right? denis and look for metal at the reception, take it to the dressing room urgently, i’m with the group on the bass, give it to the table , headphones, to the star, in the cells they found so -called fishing rods,
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sticks rolled out of paper, the prisoners put them through the windows and pass them from cell to cell small items. and in this room, high-speed internet was discovered. a stable wi-fi signal was set on the operatives' phones. i had to look for the source, then one of the inhabitants of the cell will become very nervous and nothing is normal, don’t shout, don’t shout , let’s try to film while it’s being shown.
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we have several ways of how mobile phones get into our institutions, first
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of all, of course, this is smuggling, bringing in by lawyers, close relatives, this is the arrival of phones through parcels, this is transportation in vehicles, unmanned vehicles, etc. say, drones, well, and of course, the most unpleasant way of appearing is when employees attach the interests of the service for a certain bribe, so to speak.
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you can hide it anywhere, even in the body of a prison refrigerator, where else is the expense,
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look, it’s specially a telephone, guys, remove everything from the tables here, all the food here and we’ll dismantle the boards, the prisoners could set up chargers for phones in benches and tables. the operatives guessed about this, so they had to break the decorative covering, and carefully right this, he pulled out, these are the secret places for mobile phones, the recesses were carefully hollowed out. the tables are covered with plastic, is that the same? it’s clear
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that there’s nothing there, no, well, it’s clear that if it’s like this, it’ll be obvious, then no one will do it to us, the investigative arrestee is on the territory of the regime building, and also in their cells almost around the clock, so...
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initially having examined the cell, one cannot immediately assume that if we did not have a sufficiently experienced operational officer with us, who worked quite a lot on the territory of the pre-trial detention center long and long ago, then, of course, to find all the hiding places, we would not have found it right away. the search began from the upper floors of sailor's silence and went on for several hours; they found chargers, headphones, hiding places for phones, but there were no mobile phones themselves, what did they do? secret, we’ll tell you a little later, i’m listening to you, you are greeted by the financial monitoring department of sberbank of russia, my employee id number is 75075, please tell me how much money was on your card, your sberbank online personal account was hacked, have you received your card documents recently not
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lost, there was an internal information leak, you must pass verification, otherwise the bank will block the card. he will tell you the card details, now name the sixteen-digit symbols on your credit card, until what month and year, it really is, you urgently need to cash out money from your card so that they don’t get stolen, are you a sucker and decided to call what? or what? and this is the same thing when you shade yourself? but i didn’t understand you, once again. telephone fraud is a criminal hit in recent years, and the lion's share of calls falls on pre-trial detention centers and colonies, which is why inmates strive to get a mobile phone at any cost, because a means of communication is the main tool of swindlers behind barbed wire, they deceive young people and old people, they mainly steal money from bank accounts, the schemes
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are different. scheme number one. scammer. offers to transfer money to another account to protect it. the attacker reports that there has been a data leak; in order to protect your savings, you need to transfer them to another card. after receiving the money, the scammer disappears. scheme number two. the scammer reports that there was an illegal withdrawal of money. the criminal introduces himself to bank employees and reports that someone tried to debit money from the account in order to stop a suspicious transaction, asking for full card details. scheme number three: a fraudster wants to buy your product and asks for your card details. if you have posted something on a sales site, the attacker offers to buy it and asks for your card details in order to allegedly transfer money to you. it removes not only the number, but the expiration date, as well as the three-digit code. scheme number four.
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the scammer asks you to hand over your card details to law enforcement agencies. the swindler introduces himself to bank employees and reports. that a criminal case of theft of money from accounts is being investigated, so tomorrow the police will call and ask for the card number to help the investigation. scheme number five. the scammer asks to transfer money because he is in a difficult situation. the scammer pretends to be a friend or relative and says that he was in an accident, and the policeman is extorting a bribe, so you need to urgently transfer money to his card. phone scammers, first class psychologists.
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money, an analysis of the possible sources of these calls, which we actually conduct, shows us that approximately 40%, plus these are calls that are made from our colonies, from our prisons, this means that there are actually some people working there and legalized, in quotes. centers that bombard the entire population of the country with calls, this is of course an unacceptable situation. to show the scale of the disaster, we were invited to the sberbank cybersecurity center; for simplicity, let’s call it this: it’s a cabin-like room. spaceship, circular screens, supercomputers, dozens of operators and millions of monetary transactions that are displayed on monitors, we asked
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how many scammers are now trying to deceive russians in real time, look, this is a moment in time, what is happening now, you see all sorts of different prisons, we can increase this, the guys will help us now, for example, what do we want to see, some tomsk, omsk, where have you been? in tomsk in omsk, in ulanu we were in chita we wanted, let’s say, yes, this is ulanud, probably ulanud, no, here, here, here, yes, ulanud, exactly, ulanud, we enlarge the map, we see what kind of correctional institutions there are, yes, well, actually the map is enlarged, yes, yes, yes, yes, everything is clear, right in the city, in the city center, and then we will enter the list, yes, yes, and now show the transactions, here they have a stripe. runway, here are the attempts, here is the amount of theft, please note, the amount of theft, krasnoyarsk territory is 2.291. this is the amount of theft that occurs
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from these prisons, this is per day, per day, so this is for a month, yes, this is analytics for a month, yes , one by one, one provider per month, one by one provider only, these are not all telephone channels, now transactions are going on, now they are coming from a colony, from a specific colony, now that’s it i'll tell you, right? that is, from colony to colony from colony to colony, yes, we even see this, we have now opened moscow, this is a colony, this is pre-trial detention center number 2, this is butyrka, yes it says season number, yes, season number two, here in current moment, i understood correctly, eighth today is october 8, 18:10, these are the ones coming and which ones are coming from there? they showed us how
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fraudulent actions are blocked in real time, and they decided to call a randomly selected client from whom they had tried to steal money from her card a minute ago. hello, yes, i am an employee of sberbank, my name is svetlana. there is an attempt on your card to write off funds via the internet, please tell me, did you carry out this operation? no, nothing, i ’m telling you, someone already called me, i called a girl there, please check the details, did they tell this girl, the card number, expiration date, the security on the back, the passwords that came from the 900 number? number, no, password nikolaevna, you communicated with scammers, scammers ask for this information in order to write it off.
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i can say that we stop 98% of all attempts that are already, in quotes, successful for scammers, in this way, still think about the ideal housing, it’s time to switch to domklik to find housing for any, most daring taste, with a mortgage for construction houses, new buildings and... resales, choose something that everyone will like, at domklik everyone will find housing for themselves, at an excellent percentage,
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of course, well, i came on business, i’ll say, oh well, come on, come on, look, i ’ll be driving up in about 30 minutes, well, come on over, i’m lucky to have some fun, because i’ve changed several regions in my life, when he’s like that, i i say, are you going to murmansk, he’s like this yes, and where are you passing now, well, this one what’s his name, this what’s his name, it’s not far from there, i say, belogorsk or something, and belogorsk is a city in the amur region, where i’m from, but naturally murmansko and belogorsk are
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incompatible distances there , it's 1.9 there. he is such a belogorsk, the so-called old friend called again, when igor had already arrived home and made an unexpected request. hello, hello, hello, listen, why am i calling, to find out if you have a friend, and what is it, for two solid ones they stopped the decision of the rights, he speaks six months, imagine, well, there are no acquaintances, they are afraid to negotiate on the spot, they give thirty to the battalion. that i’m setting him up, they recently set someone up, they’re afraid to take money, i say, commander, well, i’m not a set-up, i’m going to visit, well, i say, don’t believe me, they’ll answer the phone for you there, i ’m going to visit, no not a fake, let’s somehow decide on the spot, naturally, the person starts to pass the phone to this one, uh, hello, the person is uh, well, a good friend, he’s trying to get rid of his fictitious earring, traffic police officer, like, i don’t take money.


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