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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 27, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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the distance there is incompatible, it’s 1.9 km, he’s like: yes, belogorsk, the so-called old friend called again, when igor had already arrived home, he made an unexpected request: hello, hello, hello, listen, what am i calling to find out about, you have gaittu has friends, but what is it? in two continuous periods they stopped the deprivation of the right to speak for about six months, can you imagine? well, don’t you tell your acquaintances on the spot? they give thirty from the battalion, they are afraid to take it, that i will set him up, they recently set someone up, they are afraid to take money, i say, commander, well, i’m not a set-up, i’m going to visit, well, i say, don’t believe me, i ’ll give you the phone, they’ll confirm for you, i’m going to visit, i’m not a fake, let’s somehow decide on the spot, naturally, the person starts passing the phone to this one, “hello, man, uh, well, good friend, he’s trying to get rid of his fictitious earring, the traffic police officer is like, i don’t take money.”
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alexander vladimirovich, then the situation is as follows: i can’t take money like that for two reasons: firstly, i have everything recorded on camera, since he didn’t steal it once, so it will have to be deleted, secondly, in a new way according to the legislation of the russian federation, when i am on duty, i do not have the right to keep cash, it is clear, yes, we are fighting corruption, there is a responsible inspector, all this is controlled, so what do you propose? so, that means, i’ll give the card number, it’s my partner’s card only, i can’t take cash here, for what reasons, i’ll explain to you, well, you give it to him, why should i, let him transfer from the card, i- what is all this information for, sorry, the connection has been interrupted, i’m listening to you, the financial monitoring department welcomes you sberbank. my employee id number is 75075
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, please tell me how much money was on your card, did you have an accident in your sberbank online personal account? have you lost your card documents lately? has there been an internal bank information leak? you must pass verification, otherwise the bank will block the card. you will need to provide your card details. name the sixteen digit symbols on your credit card now. until what month and year is it valid? you urgently need to cash out money from your card in order to not stolen. did you decide to call a sucker or what? and this is the same thing when you lean back? but i didn’t understand you, once again. let's return to the searches in season number one, also known as sailor silence. let us remind you, operatives. raided the capital's
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detention center in june 2020, after they received information that the employees of the institution were turning a blind eye to calls from the cells and even themselves supplied the prisoners with mobile phones, sim cards, chargers and routers for distributing the internet. prison scammers work day and night, this confirmed the notes containing phone numbers, numbers, bank cards and passwords for social...
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there is a ventilation system in the detention center; the prisoners do not have access to the air ducts, however , using sharpening spoons, they make holes in the walls of the detention center and thus create an extensive network of passages, interconnected burrows, an excellent opportunity to exchange any small items; for this, the residents sew covers and tie ropes to them, sometimes on such a cord there are several tripartite containers, a kind of a belt... made from cases filled with phone chargers can move from camera to camera vertically and horizontally. to camouflage the secret labyrinth within the walls of sailor silence, the prisoners block the entrances and exits from it with bricks. here they are in
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the video. or they cover the holes with temporary wallpaper, a trick net, and the operatives discovered it. everything goes from there, everything is gone, everything, everything is thrown here, holy shit, you see, this is it, yes, someone tore both of them, with a flower. so that all this does not happen and is avoided, it must be eliminated today, then i have to plaster these ones, plaster them, and very quickly, very well, pour them directly with concrete,
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three hundred you know, m300, 300, then then you will need to drive the kamaz truck here. only now did it become clear to the operatives why they could not find the charging phones at first. the prisoners were always one step ahead, while the search was going on on one floor, cases with mobile phones were lowered on ropes down the shafts. realizing this, the security forces rushed down to the first floor, blocked the outermost cells on the left and right along the corridor, and began. opus, which finally brought results, oh dear, now we’ll find what kind of camera, now let’s see, phone, chargers, wireless headphones, wireless headphones,
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holy crap, here’s another headset, phones, cell phone, samsung, cell phone, and they’re the same, obviously, someone of the same batch brought in what they found in the cells on the first floor: phones of all kinds of brands, chargers for them, wired and wireless headphones, routers for the internet, smart watches or a stationery knife, by the way, even when the prisoners were searched managed to destroy mobile phones. after the phones were confiscated , a riot almost broke out in the sailor's silence; prisoners on all
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floors began banging on doors, knocking on metal beds and shouting threats. it started there, they called in a reinforced squad there, because they beat on the doors, the locks, everything there, that is, such quite unpleasant things happened, they showed in every possible way that they were against what was happening in their cells, come over. and now about what was found in the officers’ offices, searches began simultaneously with the investigative actions in the prison cells, this completely eliminated the possibility of hiding anything and getting rid of the evidence.
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the detention center staff were very surprised when they saw people in civilian clothes on the doorstep. the security forces were interested in the contents of the boxes in writing. tables and safes, from which departmental documentation, official notepads and notebooks were taken. the investigators paid special attention to a statement written by a certain person under investigation, navruzov, addressed to the head of the detention center. the prisoner reports that his relatives met with employees for six months pre-trial detention center and gave them money so that they could sit in... conditions, they also found
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cell-by-cell lists of inmates, who was in which block, when they were arrested, under what article, and so on. a kind of prison house book, in fact, hand-written by the pre-trial detainees, and then, in my opinion, it was written and, well, there, accordingly, on our part, yes, maybe. of course, they were looking for phones first, but at first the officers refused, saying that we don’t have any mobile phones, we have a phone, we don’t have a phone, maybe, what’s the use of a phone, what are you doing? if you want to say, you have it, let's go, but soon the phones were found. cheap push-button mobile phones and expensive smartphones with large screens, as well as sim cards, electronic watches,
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cartons of cigarettes, in short, everything that can be sold to prisoners, in general, the officer’s stall was closed, in the cells we found more than twenty, 225 phones, while we found it in the offices of sin operational officers. more than 300 phones have already been seized, that is, the police officers, coming to the cell, conducting so -called searches, find the phone, draw up a report, after which, well, the remedy communications are confiscated, and so in the offices of operatives we found more than 300 such phones confiscated in accordance with the established legal procedure, it turns out that not only do the police officers know about this, they are summoned in every possible way, but they cannot defeat this disease in any way. two
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employees of the matrosskaya tishina pre-trial detention center were arrested, vladislav ostapenko and sergeev vaitko were accused of taking bribes and exceeding official authority; over several years, according to the investigation, they received several million rubles for smuggling phones by an inmate of the pre-trial detention center. between astapenko and voitko was the main one, of course ostapenko, who interacted with investigators a'.
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contrary to the interests of the service, they systematically received bribes from those under investigation to ensure the illegal movement of sim cards, telephones, alcoholic beverages and other prohibited items into the territory of the detention center. in total, from january to june 2019, officials illegally transported from 80 to 100 smartphones into the pre-trial detention center. presence of telephones in pre-trial detention centers and theft of citizens' funds from bank cards. for each illegally carried item fixed prices were set. for example, the cost of bringing a smartphone was 2,000 rubles. sim cards - 1.0 rub. alcohol - 300 rub. many people are interested in numbers, but what is the reaction? in relation to those employees who committed this official misconduct, i want to say that this
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year about 99 criminal cases were initiated against 56 employees of the penal system, 170 employees were dismissed from the ranks of the penal system for this reason, some came under investigation, of course, well, at present together with... with state duma deputies, we are trying, so to speak, to make additional changes to the laws so that, well, in addition to administrative, there would also be criminal liability, probably in this only way. it would seem that putting an end to telephone fraud and putting people behind bars is simple, you just need to follow the law and not ruin the honor of your uniform, not collude with prisoners and
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not trade in communications equipment, but some employees of the police do not want to work honestly, they are detained under the regime. on the territory of institutions criminal executive system for the transfer or attempt to transfer mobile communications equipment in the first half of this year - 1,719 people, in the nineteenth year there were 5,212 people, in the eighteenth year 5,064 people, that is, work is being done, but in my opinion this is not enough to completely block the circulation of mobile communications in institutions in the ssin. state duma deputies propose to decide. the problem radically: pass a law that will oblige cellular operators to block mobile phones and numbers that work in pre-trial detention centers, because according to the law, not only prisoners, but also department employees have no right to use the devices in restricted areas. today , the system makes it possible to identify that an unauthorized
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telephone number is operating on the territory of the institution, then the process is as follows: the head of the territorial...
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it was not even implemented. deputies place great hopes for establishing order in pre-trial detention centers on the current director of the russian interior ministry, alexander kalashnikov. he has been leading the department for a year now, and during this time there have been more changes than in all previous decades. with the arrival of alexander petrovich kalashnikov as director of vsin, the situation began to change. alexander petrovich will sort it out, i understood this from his energetic attitude, to restore order, including among sin’s employees. by the way, we recently passed a law according to which sin’s employees now have more rights, but more responsibility when selecting personnel, this is also no coincidence, because it is your own safety in places that is important
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serving their sentences, the new leadership of the russian penitentiary service is bringing order to pre-trial detention centers and colonies. the fight against the smuggling of phones and other means of communication is a top priority. we are trying to find technical solutions, with the help of modern technologies, modern means, to identify how many telephones actually work in the territory, we are working with telecom operators, and we are also taking measures to amend the legislation so that it is possible, so to speak...
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in the meantime, in sin russia they will fight with scammers, criminals in special institutions, ordinary citizens need to keep an ear out. never, the bank, nor employees of other banks, others , under any circumstances, nor an employee
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of credit institutions, ask for a card number, ask for the code on the back of the card or other card data, this never happens, and as soon as some telephone the subscriber starts... asking you questions of this kind, know that this is definitely a criminal, this is definitely a scammer, hello, hello, good afternoon, this is from the bank are you worried, the security service, what is it, your account became the winner of the navigation lottery, you want to get a prize, of course, how much was there 10 minutes ago with your card...
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this is how we saw the problem of telephone fraud in colonies and pre-trial detention centers, only you can draw conclusions , see you on the russia-24 tv channel.
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figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we are all the same here, doing the same work, the same tasks. traction, my record 285. i couldn’t get dressed because i was in normal shape. well salamati, 1:1. it happened
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that they recognized you, what was the reaction? oh well, well, yes, the first time i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will soon be 2 years. in the chelyabinsk region they are starting to restore the dam on the kyalimovskoye reservoir, a hundred-meter dam was washed away due to heavy rainfall, one village was completely flooded, more than 160 people have already been taken out of the danger zone, a decision was made to evacuate three more settlements, and the chis regime was declared. alexey sanochkin has details. in that
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direction, and if you look to the left, you can even see the kiolim reservoir. just yesterday there was a passable, dry, dirt road here, but today it has turned into a raging river, in the literal sense. an operational headquarters was urgently created to evacuate local residents. in the first hours after the start of the emergency , more than 160 people were brought to safety. elimination of the consequences of the emergency took over. under the personal control of the governor of the chelyabinsk region, residents are placed in karabash at points temporary accommodation, some people are staying with relatives, and evacuation is also being carried out in other populated areas where there is a threat of flooding. there are no preliminary casualties in the flooded villages.


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