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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 27, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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the water returned to the river bed in the village of kiolim in the chelyabinsk region, the settlement was completely freed from water, the local ministry of emergency situations reported this, the heavy rainfall the day before caused the dam to burst. yana skonechnaya, she is live on the phone, yana, hello, restoration work has already begun, when will people be able to return to their homes? good afternoon, colleagues, regarding the restoration work, we will have information a little later, regarding the return of residents, the day before they were exiled. 26
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people, and this morning, most of them they wanted to return to their houses, see what was there with their property, perhaps save pets there or gather, but now a cordon has been put up on the roads in the village itself, protected from moroders, so people could not get in, so literally in a few minutes our governor is coming here chelyaensk region, both the press and residents will go, will be able to go to their homes. and check everything, and i can also add that we saw the footage, we haven’t visited the village yet, but we saw the footage, everything looks really scary, the water has gone, but at home, most of the houses were destroyed, the roofs were demolished, the mood, also the cars floated away, heavy equipment, there was a tractor, for example, lying on its side, that is, the water was so strong that it simply swept away everything in its path, and
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thank you, in direct communication with the chelyabinsk region our correspondent was on the phone, in the special operations zone, fighters of the dnepr group of troops destroyed the enemy command post, operators. a reconnaissance drone
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detected the movement of nationalists near an abandoned house in a village on the right bank of the dnieper. in addition, the drone detected serious radio interference near the building. the scouts realized that the enemy infantry battalion's command post was located at this facility. russian fighters lifted the air with kaze drones. as a result of a precise strike, the enemy headquarters was destroyed. it all depends on the task that was received. fpv itself is used in terms of maneuverability, better in terms of mobility, it all depends on the goal, that is, if the goal there is relevant, let’s say, some kind of equipment about the extra strength of the enemy, then fp is best , that is, it is ammunition, well, yes, you can to say standard, it was made under the reset, just for the releases, well, they are 800 grams, they are heavy, we... modify them two at
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a time and work directly. foreign minister sergei lavrov met with prime minister loos. lavrov participates in meetings of foreign ministers as part of the east asia summit. today is the final day of the minister's visit to laos. let me remind you that earlier, the head of the foreign ministry held several bilateral meetings, and also took part in a meeting of the heads of foreign affairs in the russia-asian format. live together with. you can actually see a house from the air in the kaluga region, where the nineteenth archstoyanie festival opens. guests of the event will be able to watch unusual performances, take master classes and participate in theatrical improvisations, but the main highlight of the festival is the park of landscape objects. zinaida kurbatova visited nikola-lenivets. the nineteenth archstoyaniya festival in nikola lenivetsy is preparing to receive spectators. its founder and artistic director nikolai poliski is engaged in construction. gantskaya bathhouse, where
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a whimsical design idea is combined with a traditional function: not so much to take a steam bath, but to argue about the eternal, leaning on tables made of environmentally friendly materials. in this case it is hazel.
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sasha nikitina is building three rooms in a clearing, where intellectual practices will take place in order to better feel themselves and nature, straw will help, and at the same time a reason for city residents to learn to distinguish straw from hay. this is a performance, to find your own, it’s called, it’s written according to the text, about the story of a person who was somehow born, somehow appeared, and well conditionally about each of us, and who then somehow searches for this world, only very figuratively, it will be very beautiful, and we will be like the narrators of this story.
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the festival invites you to performances with singing, unprecedented fish and animals and master classes with the opportunity to work on a five-meter canvas or participate in theatrical ones.
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will talk about information warfare technologies against russia and expose the issues of ukrainian propaganda. ukrainian western media
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still insist that there is no nazism in ukraine, all specific cases are allegedly invented russian propaganda, although evidence to the contrary appears literally every day. we’ll tell you right now in the stopfake program on russia-24. so, let's start with a resonant article by the new york times, which saddled the topic of moral suffering of the older generation of ukrainians in order to compare russia with nazi germany, they say, those who survived the great patriotic war are now supposedly back in time and you can’t argue with that, the parallels suggest themselves, but quite not in the sense that the american press writes about, here are typical news from the city of poltava, where pushkin street was renamed in honor of yulian matveychuk. from the svoboda party, which is typical in the era before the maidan, foreign media, such as the bbc, did not hesitate to brand it as ultranationalist, they were absolutely right, it was no coincidence that the original svoboda logo had a wolf hook, not to mention the fact that they had a political program more than eloquent, in
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fact, the original name of the organization will be the social nationalist party of ukraine, an obvious reference to the national socialist party of germany, but with all... the resulting racial , interethnic, anti-semitism prejudices, there was always a full set there, only during the elections, when the yushchenko bloc was formed. our ukraine, in my opinion, in 2002, in exchange for the fact that their candidates, her party were allowed into this bloc, they were forced to change their name, they began to be called freedom, and most importantly, the west knew very well about all this, but now the same editors of the above-mentioned bbc question the existence of ukra-fascism, they write that they conducted a fact check and found no nazis, but apparently they didn’t search well, because even individual ukrainian publications were there. confused by the new toponymy of the city of nikopol, dnepropetrovsk region, they in particular decided to give one of
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the streets the name of pyotr dyichenko, who is positioned by a number of media outlets as an outstanding commander who did not lose a single battle, in fact, right from the beginning of world war ii and fought on its side until its end third reich. in 1945, shortly before the defeat of hitler's germany, her henchmen managed to receive the iron cross, for which there is documentary evidence. he spent internal punitive operations, that is. carried out purges, killed jews, poles, belarusians, actually killed ukrainians themselves, it’s very interesting when a representative of israel comes to nikopol, and either the united states, and will have to drive along this street there, nothing will falter, somehow coming on the one hand, talking about the holocaust, on the other hand, i understand that these people who created the holocaust, they are now here not just in favor, but they lie in the foundation of this state, and these
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there are people now standing in front of you who are ready to repeat what their grandfather did. by the way, the attitude of the ukrainian authorities towards the ss division galicia, where the same dyichenko served , changed in a very mysterious way. 3 years ago, zelensky’s office condemned marches in independent cities dedicated to it, but in december 22, the supreme court of ukraine ruled that neither the division itself nor its symbols were allegedly nazi. special emphasis was placed on the decisions of the nuremberg tribunal; again, it allegedly did not include gilichina in the list of criminal organizations, but here you just need to be able to read, then it won’t be difficult to make sure that the nuremberg verdict implied an equally criminal status for all formations within the ss. ukraine lives in its own way in its own paradigm, and if, as they claim, if this is not mentioned in the historical context, if the court decision does not specifically accuse ss gelchin, then... ts golchin was doing nothing more than liberating ukraine from influence and from
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control of the soviet union, that is, this is an attempt to rewrite history, this is directly a tool of hybrid war, when you reformat the heads of your citizens and say that black is white, and white is black, and in the case of the golich residents, the evidence that indicates their atrocity was collected in abundance, in just 3 months, from march to june 1943 over 80,000 brody voluntarily signed up for the division. galicia was completely defeated by soviet troops, after which personnel had to be recruited anew, not for combat operations, but for punitive actions. in february '44, one of the gollites regiments coldly dealt with five hundred residents of the polish village of guta-penyatskaya. in march of the same year, another 250 poles became victims of brutal murder.
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different regions of europe, well, in the third reich, they were mainly used not for combat operations, but for, let’s say, tasks in the rear, including the suppression of the partisan movement, well, the fight against... today’s work, well, security areas and others all these convoy tasks. for the wehrmacht this was beneficial from the point of view that they did not waste the resources of the german nation on maintaining order in the occupied territories. in general, those are still heroes - not counting bandera and shukhevych, whose surnames regularly become street names, next in line are chernigov and kharkov, where the final decision does not seem to have been made yet, but a symbolic flash mob has already taken place. its participants hung up bandera signs without permission. on academician pavlov street, which is actually proposed to be renamed, and the kharkov mayor terekhov, who previously promised
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not to allow anything like this, seems to have no intention of taking any measures counteraction. moreover, they are already trying to use the cult of the executioner as a weapon of information warfare outside of ukraine, take belgorod for example. a monument to bandera with panoramic photographs suddenly appeared on his map in google services. to some, this, of course, may seem like a bad joke, but they still underestimate the significance of such things. there is no point in provocations, this is another mockery of the ukrainian authorities against the residents of belgorod, this is a direct information operation, which the kiev authorities tried to show, that in... in russia there are people who sympathize with ukraine, in russia there are people who are supporters of stepan bandera, in russia there are people, so to speak, who are ready to help ukraine, who are ready to fight against the current government, that is, this is a virtual attempt to show a certain existence of a virtual sabotage force, nothing more, nostalgia for stepan bandera
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, nazi madness in ukraine is not at all limited, because his modern followers are also gaining in abundance. pay attention to the photo in the official telegram channel of the city of belaya tserkov, kiev region. on the left is the local mayor, on the right is a smiling representative of the intelligentsia, the headmistress of a music school, and in the center a certain humanitarian aid collector is posing, wearing a t-shirt with two fascist zik runes. apparently, this alleged volunteer did not have a more suitable dress code. and most importantly, the fact that the picture was taken in a white church adds special cynicism to the situation. what is hidden behind these runes? who are now so enlightened in the white church, and they are hiding in the forty-first year, when the germans took the white church, and took out children, orphans, children who had lost their parents, mothers, fathers, they cried, and so that the children would not cry, they decided to kill them, when this lesya yuryevna , the director
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of music school number one, whose children could also be taken somewhere and could also... be destroyed by such bearded red animals, when she hands them drones, this is where serious questions arise, and alesya yuryevna was then forty in the first year i would not have locked the house where they drove 90 children. as for the guys in t-shirts with the nazi logo, he quite predictably turned out to be a representative of the banned terrorist group, which in recent months has been going out of its way to wash itself of its neo-nazi reputation. here is a joint pr with the stars. black show business, an honorary title received from the leadership of the junta and, more importantly, permission from the us state department to supply american weapons to the people of azov, they say that their xenophobic views were once an obstacle, but in washington’s opinion these remained in past, since the regiment underwent a serious rebranding, renamed the third assault brigade, removed the ill-fated wolf
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hook from the logo and supposedly underwent a course of moral correction, but only the legend was fresh, it was formed - well, on the basis of ... the former azov battalion, the third assault brigade, here, but at the same time there remained the azov regiment, which was part of the national guard, that is, formally now two azovs were attracted from these, from the youth, they were attracted from the movement, which was civil, this is the azov, and accordingly, they formed this full-fledged brigade, it has grown in number and, in fact , military operations are now underway, and the national guard regiment... it remained a little in the shadows, it figures much less now, although in principle they are still the same people , the same structure. the rear branch of the azov movement of the national corps has not gone anywhere either, which, however, categorically denies its connections with the fascist combat units, even when the cia drain barrel agent bellinked writes about them, although the leader of the national corps remains the same to this day andrei beletsky, nicknamed the white leader,
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is an open anti-semite and supporter of the ideology of racial superiority, whose activities in ukraine are completely legal. the pioneers, who, well, in general, were involved initially, trained in various security actions there, they gained all their popularity there by beating some people drinking beer on a bench, in fact, this was an attempt to drag them into such extremist organizations , as many young people as possible who are bored there, idle, and don’t know how to build some kind of their own there career, of course, there was also russian ideology. yes, there is a white man there, which means the same anti-semitism, the same torchlight processions, well, in the end, this organization was supposed to supply militants for paramilitary formations, and it would be nice if one such organization was legalized in ukraine, but no, it stands out among the particularly odious cannibals, for example, the sich group, involved in
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the murder of the writer oles buzina. in 1918, these thugs organized a series of attacks on gypsy camps, slaughtering them. stoned children and also attacked participants in anti-fascist demonstrations, moreover, received official permission from the authorities to patrol the streets of kiev, the freikorps movement belongs to the same category, in the nineteenth its participants threw the kharkov bust from the pedestal, marshals zhukov attacked the women's march on march 8, and a couple of years later no one stopped them from holding lessons of so-called patriotic education for schoolchildren, to whom the freikorps showed sss runes. in addition, to this day... the mesatropic division, which has taken on itself, is not prohibited by the kiev regime responsibility for the murder of the legendary battalion commander motorola. these neo-fascists are so radical that their ideas about racial purity do not even correspond. the association of crimean tatars loyal to kiev, even khrushchev pardoned, rehabilitated crowds, crowds of banderaites, crowds of nazi collaborators
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who were in ukraine, because as they say, his wife whispered in his ear, the ukrainian woman herself, that’s all, it splashed out, then this hell was open then, no one tried to stop it, on the contrary, they tried to take control use, ah... this chimera, this frankenstein, it got out of control, and now these militant groups act on their own, because they have funding, they have their own charter, and there is an understanding that this group of khutar lucifers are capable to do what they want, and that they are now ruling ukraine, the result of a long-standing trend is obvious, and even the owners of the gang with the bank cannot ignore it, a vivid example, a scandal in germany, where they were caught for displaying nazi symbols. seven who were undergoing training militants of the ukrainian armed forces. of course, ukrainian pseudo-journalists reacted to the report of this with skepticism and pointedly put quotation marks in their headlines, as if the data were
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unverified or even fictitious. well, here you go, the website of the german government, where it is written in black and white that the bundesfern instructors were really not satisfied with the right-wing extremist beliefs of the trainees. and the more absurd is the note on the website of the german foreign agent deutsche welly, whose authors propose to consider ukronazism element of the russian and... information and psychological operation, a large number of ukrainian nationalists come for treatment, come for an internship, to study in germany, a large number of these nationalists wear fascist nazi symbols, they use nazi slogans, they use nazi symbols, and this of course, even the germans themselves notice, so when this uncontrolled content appears in the media space, they try in every possible way to open it... in every possible way to say that this is the hand of the kremlin, this is the kremlin’s information wars, this is the kremlin’s information and psychological operation. by the way, the dark essence
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of ukrainian nazism is highlighted, including by mercenaries from among the ukrainian armed forces who fought in the country. the story of czech citizen philip simon, who joined the carpathian sich battalion in the spring of the year before last, created a lot of noise in europe. this is, perhaps, one of the most popular units of the armed forces of ukraine, notable for the fact that, according to professional liars, its ranks include heroes... they, quote, save each other at the cost of their own lives, they earn a little or a little, eternal glory, through selfless deeds, they fight back against some aggressor, without knowing either sleep or rest, and their deputy battalion commander is a woman, and also a mother of three children, in short, a media the image turns out beautiful, with a touch of romance, but only if you close your eyes to the obvious details, from the banner in red and black colors of the banned organization of ukrainian nationalists to the regular marches of reservists.
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as they are called, portuguese rick's volunteers chavvez was mourned just a couple of weeks ago in his homeland, they say he was a harmless fireman by profession, he went to ukraine at the call of his heart to help peaceful people, however, judging by the photos on social networks,
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he is a classic nazi character. with the black sun, that is, well, such are azov’s ranks, recruits mercenaries with the corresponding views, that is, not just those who fight under well, because they are paid money, that’s how it often happens, but they are looking for like-minded people, specifically ideological ones, these... which are basically theirs either destroyed on the battlefield, or if they are captured, then they must suffer the most severe punishment for their crimes, of which they have more than enough, but still the czech soldier of the carpathian sich simon stands apart, if only because he managed to survive and returned to prague, where he went on trial for looting, and, according to ukrainian information dumps, he robbed purely individually on his personal initiative, however, from the unequivocal testimony of the defendant himself , he puts together... a fundamentally different picture, according to which the crime was committed by the entire contingent of the battalion. this happened, attention in the very cities of irpen and bucha, where
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they tried to blame the cruelty of ukrainian militants on the russian army. but simon's testimony puts everything in its place. he admitted that the carpathian sesh carried out a filtration purge in the kiev region, that is , it hunted everyone who was suspected of sympathizing with russia, and, if necessary , literally served as executioners, or , more simply put, was engaged in the killing of civilians . in addition, simon witnessed several gang rapes and appropriation of other people's property, be it cash, gold jewelry or expensive gadgets, well, they complement the extremely disgusting chronicle of events in multiple ways. episodes of robbing the bodies of the dead, to the point where their wedding rings and earrings were removed. what was kremlin propaganda 2 years ago is now becoming the content of a trial in the czech republic. such characters have taken on the function of ridding the population of unnecessary material wealth; in general, they often go there, exactly for this purpose. moreover, let me remind you that
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ukraine has become simpler. such a training ground for advanced training, for example, there are a lot of mercenaries from colombia. against this background , it is becoming increasingly difficult to comment on the insinuations of western mass media disinformation, which with amazing persistence spin stories about the absence of nazism in ukraine and the existence of a certain nazi problem in russia. this is the headline on the website of the once respected american newspaper the hill, but it does not provide proof, apparently for the simple reason that the author article turned out to be a well-known native of square. joined the ukrainian nationalist congress and repeatedly appeared on the front lines of donbass during the ill-fated ato. accordingly, it is just right for him not to notice the signs of ukra-fascism, even if they simply shout about their existence, one has only to look through the pages of popular, knowledgeable bloggers. first there are jokes about hitler, jokes about swastika, jokes about zigs, and then these jokes
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turn into this. already everyday nazi manifestations, if you ask man, why did you put that swastika on it, are you a fool or something, he will say, well, yes, you’re a fool, i just did it like that, just for fun, it’s like drug addiction, why are you injecting drugs, yes so just for fun, okay, and then it turned into an addiction, the same thing here, why do you go and force children to zig, and children, why do you zig, well, it’s for fun, and what is it fun , and what is it, we’re not serious, i can quit at any moment, at some point my hand won’t give up. overall concentration nazi abomination in ukraine is so great that you could enumerate its manifestations for hours, and in 20 minutes we managed to cover only a small part, but this should be enough to leave no illusions for anyone except regular consumers of ridiculous fakes, which we will definitely continue to expose in the stop fake program on the russia-24 tv channel.
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