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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 27, 2024 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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and at the same time, the svo began in order to protect the population of the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, which, contrary to kiev's obligations under the minsk agreements, were constantly under fire, these attacks intensified day after day and we had no right not to recognize their request that we recognize them independent.
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to deploy the corresponding missiles in germany is a good decision, that is, he did not hide that the decision was american, but at one time, when president putin in december 2021 put forward initiatives aimed at in order to defuse the escalating tension and resolve the problem peacefully, initiatives were envisaged. an agreement on ukraine’s non-entry into nato and contained mutually acceptable security guarantees, this same topic, this initiative was discussed between representatives of russia and the united states, russia and nato several times, including in january 2022, i discussed this initiative with secretary of state blinken in geneva, and well, it’s probably not a secret at all. he told me very clearly that
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there are no obligations that ukraine will remain non-aligned and will not join nato, no one will give it to you. the maximum we can do - he said from all of the contents of your initiatives - is to bargain on introducing quantitative ceilings on the missiles deployed in the future, on average less. ranges around russia, that’s all, that’s why no svo has changed anything here, these plans were there, the plans remain, and, in fact, the war itself, which was unleashed against us by the hands of the kiev regime, is also declared as a war to inflict a strategic defeat on russia battlefield, they are already lamenting that if russia wins in ukraine, it will either capture the entire territory of nato.
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to live at the expense of others, using neocolonial methods of coercion. please, businessman. anastasia dambitskaya, businessman, sergei viktorovich, recently former us secretary of state, mike pompeo, outlined a possible peace plan for ukraine according to donald trump, if he comes to power in the united states. what can you say about this package of measures? well, i don’t consider it necessary to comment on the numerous ideas that have now poured out of a cornucopia of awareness in the west.
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futility and the expectation of defeat of the russian federation, in conditions when the west is increasingly aware of the worthlessness and... zelensky and his regime, and there are many such initiatives, i honestly don’t remember what exactly mike pompeo was talking about, i’m talking about trump i heard that he proposed, instead of just giving money to ukraine, to allocate 500 billion dollars on lend-lease terms, so that for many decades, then he would receive it from those who would be in kiev. change each other in power structures, get money, this approach of a businessman, i cannot comment on the numerous ideas that, in general, they are not serious, when something serious is proposed, of course, as the president said,
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we are always ready for an honest conversation , taking into account the current realities, and the realities are such that us into the constitution...
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that’s why we have stated our position a thousand times, and drawing your attention to the fact that the president has repeatedly answered the question about negotiations, in connection with what kuleba says there, we say we are ready for negotiations, russia is not ready, putin
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repeatedly said, responding to such rather intrusive appeals, that zelensky himself... forbade himself, by his decree signed 2 years ago, he forbade all his employees to negotiate with russia, well, our president said, well, at least for in order for you, the westerners, to have at least some arguments, to blame us for our reluctance to negotiate, let him publicly cancel this very decree of his, nothing happens, everyone turns a deaf ear and continues to cry out to us, so this is
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such a serious step, i’ll say about this is fair, but by the way, for the last couple of years, at such events, ministers ... of south korea have always, the predecessor of the current ministry, and he himself, as i told you, have asked for meetings, and we have never refused, in contrast to the western participants and the g20 and east asian summits, which somehow hide from us all the time, probably don’t want to be photographed with us, well, because of the same photogenicity, thank you for the press conference, thank you. thank you. this was a live broadcast of the press conference
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head of the russian foreign ministry sergei lavrov in laos. the minister spoke about the results of the work at the east asian summit in the russia osian format and the results of bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the events. to other topics. a series of terrorist attacks and sabotage were prevented in dagestan. three residents of international terrorists were detained in kaspiysk. during a special operation carried out by the fsb together with the internal affairs directorate at the place of residence of the suspects, they found a homemade bomb and components for making the same devices, as well as edged weapons, flags prohibited in russia terrorist organization, instructions for conducting combat operations in the forest in the city and other evidence of criminal activity, the detainees themselves already admitted everything during interrogation, blow up the church on lenin, at the end of lenin opposite... the gym is young there elsam is in those parts of the church in
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the caspian well, rashid decided that he would look for weapons, and there i ended up purchasing three holes, so that, well, as if to be a weapon option, and so, so that employees could attack the church, and this is already... like defense with knives, i told him to muhammad, knives, i say, no, he won’t go with knives, he says, then you’ll have to take a weapon, he said, i, he says, can look on the internet, i purchased components for an explosive device - in stores, in markets in the city of kaspiysk, i learned , learned how to make a device in a telegram channel. for
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of residents was announced. now the situation is normalizing. the situation in the flooded area is monitored using quadcopters. rescuers began restoration work. volunteers from the alexander nevsky brigade of the russian ministry of defense perform combat missions in the solidar area. among military personnel, drone operators are irreplaceable people in any modern military team. their front-line stories and footage of combat work are in our special report. this is my favorite, we are the same, you and i, brother. arkop and kasatka, our guys, by the way, these are the stars, the first who destroyed the tanks under watch, the throw was completed, the goal was achieved, our home, seimalo until the next flight, the second tank we hit, it basically detonated from the first, from the first
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shot, unlearned alone systems engineer. i worked in my profession for 3 years and then i went into business, my mother told me that my grandfather had died, of course, she conveyed her last words that she should be proud of me, so that i would never lose heart in anything, everything would always work out for me. the most difficult thing in our work is probably the responsibility, which is probably more oppressive than anything else. in my mind there is no small victory, there is a common big victory, i am a globalist, you have already completed the russian flag in kiev, well, then this goal will be, we will all cross ourselves. and home, after all always good and evil cannot get along together, no, no, in this chapel, built in honor of
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the holy prince alexander nevsky at the foot of the saura mogila mound, people offer prayers for the lives of those who serve. for the fatherland, a small temple is a symbol of hope and faith that the war will end, the tears of loss will stop, and peace will come. military units in the special operation zone are named after saints as designations. are you familiar with the military personnel of the volunteer brigade named after the blessed prince alexander nevsky? volunteers continue to work against the enemy in the chasovoyarsk direction. among the military personnel are deputies, athletes, officials, general workers, all in one detachment. one of the heroes of the report, for example, a punk rocker and a fashion model, who exchanged a carefree metropolitan life for the trenches of dugouts, became a seasoned warrior and commander of a platoon of fpv drones, among his hit targets were two destroyed tanks, we talked with the soldiers, found out what their mood was, how how the enemy behaves near a strategically important city and what new technologies the locals are coming up with kulibins? ideal, four is not three, the
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more, the more interesting, keep it on, turn it off. select, that's it, the sound is there, received, received, along the usual route, ready, for cover, housekeepers, these are my current drop points, they are under my command, this is a combat company - a uav that is engaged, so to understand how... wing reconnaissance and that means communication drones, also drones that conduct reconnaissance and make drops, within two years all this has been modernized and what is it now called service, this includes me rep department, prr department, we are now trying to move in the direction
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of kamikaze aircraft, which have an increased range, increased quality and reduced cost, we are doing this work, it is going quite successfully for us, so soon all this will be applied literally. soon, we are independently developing rep, we can say that we have our own arr, that is, we have specialists of this level, in the alexander nevsky brigade there are fighters who have this contract no longer the first in the northern military district zone, in in a small workshop, craftsmen have set up the production of new equipment for the advanced ones, engineers manage to assemble several fpv drones per day, if all the components are available, it takes a month and a half to make a new model, we have a race going on, one might say, because the enemy is also standing on the spot, everyone is trying to develop something in their own, because even in the rebbe, for example, because every day
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new frequencies appear, yes, on which we need to fly, enemies fly on new frequencies, we have to invent a new rap for this, in in a very short time, for example, the enemy flies, they have some other rap, we have to create our own frequencies for this, for this reason there is an arms race, roughly speaking, we are simply trying not to stand on an equal footing with them, than.. what to distill them, the front is big, everyone has come up with something new somewhere, for this you have to learn a lot, we are also now mastering 3d modeling, because this is an integral part of our work, because it allows us to create what. some spare parts, something new, that’s it, yes, there’s more comes to work mentally, like this to strengthen the receivers with repeaters, well, a lot of trying to somehow deceive the enemy, in this case it seems to me that the uav is one of the most important structures. in the current war, because we can’t do it with just one assault, these are big losses, the same machine gunner who is sitting there can take a lot, and if he finds him in the pier, we will take him without losses, that’s
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why it’s happening now, yes war of technologies more, a lover of everything new in general, that is, i study constantly, that is, i have no such that i stop there, at least for a day they read something all the time, i was just doing modeling, i was interested, i’m still in the sixteenth year. i bought my first printer, actually, when i was in a famous musical group, and the person who invited me here, here is our commander, so he found out about it, i showed him the group and what we were doing, so he invited me to work, well , that is, this is not all that i love, but for now this is what i’m doing here, in general i’m a very good it specialist, basically now i’ve started a lot of modeling, we develop new types of airplanes ourselves, that is... we implement them, that is, then we look through them, we have a person here who was involved in aircraft modeling, we kind of consult with him, i suppose i printed them out, he then assembles them, so we flash them , then they
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drive around testing it all out, there are ideas, but i won’t voice some of them for now, well, i think it will help, these are ideal motors, if the motors work very quickly, that means that they have basically gone their way, must be replaced because that this drone will fail in flight. calmly, since our pilots often fly over long distances with a load, the engine is an integral part, so you need to pay attention to this first of all, the most important thing is not to let our guys who did the transfer, because it depends on our developments their advancement, if we make any mistakes, nothing good will come of it, so we try. create something new, get ahead of the enemy so that ours can quickly reach victory, we’ll just punch through later
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everything on the map, we hit the mark, i don’t see any problems with the signal, that is , there wasn’t even a red one, so the problem, i don’t know what the problem is, here... i’m a pilot and i work directly in positions, all new equipment i’m trying to personally experience on the front line, my task
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is how...
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yes, colleagues, hello, it should be noted that summing up the results of the osian summit in laos, sergei lavrov noted the confidential format of dialogue, association, just with russia, in the russia asian format , emphasized strengthening interaction on the principles of equality mutually beneficial cooperation, in turn, the asian countries shared, it turns out, with moscow their concern about the militarization of the region, we are talking about the armament of taiwan, the united states, about the sanctions policy towards myanmar, about attempts to form.
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there really are a lot of confrontations in the asia-pacific region now, including military exercises that the united states is conducting with south korea, to which sergei lavrov recalled the agreement signed by russia and the dprk in phinyang on the provision of military assistance in the event of aggression against one of the participants expressed the hope that this signal would still be received. he noted that if nato penetrates the asia-pacific region, it will bring with it all the vices of euro-atlantic
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security, which...
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which was raised by representatives of western countries, promoting their anti-russian policy, they now asked sergei lavrov at a press conference about the latest statements dmitry kuleb, which he made in china regarding the fact that kiev is ready for negotiations with moscow, but the quote: if moscow will be ready to conduct them in good faith, this is how sergei lavrov commented on this statement.


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