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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 27, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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there were no such options, as if well, well, we didn’t know what to do, and this one, and well, we came to the conclusion that one of the options is a church, blow up the church on lenin, at the end of lenin opposite the hammer gym, there is elsan in those parts of the church, during a search of the house , the suspects were found.
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i will teach you in stores in the markets of the city of kaspiysk, i will learn how to make a device in the telegram channel. the detainees also admitted that they were planning an attack on police officers who patrol the streets, since they did not consider them fellow believers, we in our around us, we considered law enforcement officers to be kafers and believed that they could be killed. for purposes of conspiracy , the attackers called the weapons explosive fishing rods. device with a sword, now a criminal case has been opened against them on several counts: preparation for a terrorist act, organization of a terrorist community, participation in it and illegal production of explosives. maria valieva and vladislava musatova, news. in russia today they remember the children of victims of the aggression of the kiev regime, this date was established authorities of the dpr, but other regions of our country, suffering from shelling from the outside, also joined it. the dead children are remembered in
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the belgorod, bryansk, zaporozhye, kursk, kherson regions, crimea and lpr. a funeral litany was held today in the donskoy monastery in moscow. in the donetsk people's republic alone, due to the criminal orders of the kiev regime, 282 children were killed and almost 760 were injured. a memorial candle event was held in the zaporozhye region. the youth of the region lit a thousand candles. participants paid tribute memory of the children of the victims of og. since 2014, in the donbass, zaporozhye and kherson regions, as well as in other regions of russia, the ukrainian army has killed more than 300 and maimed over a thousand minors. now a short advertisement, then a continuation of the documentary film "afghan route". no, in the neck there may
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the fact that we are russian and the fact that we are not lying. on during the meeting with the chiefs of the checkpoint, oleg ivanovich gantsov was asked the question: did he fight with the afghan? and the honest answer: yes, he opened all the gates for us, this is what they are, everything is straightforward, as it turned out, the boss, who is also the commissar, also fought with the shuravi, literally with the soviets, we are now not just in the border zone, but we are actually at the zero level , now , dear mr. commissioner, he is showing us, showing us the pakistani territory, which is just one step away here, you see. relations between russians and afghans, and between those people who fought with each other 40 years ago, it’s amazing, it’s even hard to comprehend, we were brought to a place where it’s unlikely that
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any foreign delegation would be brought, just out of friendship, here it is pakistan, here it is afghanistan, here they are cars, here... the checkpoint is supposed to be a secret object, no, please look, take pictures, you are friends, this is expensive, it costs a lot, it costs a lot, the border checkpoint commissioner told us that the crossing of the afghan-pakistan cordon by trucks is a little slowed down by these people who every day once in a while at once they strive to cross the border like hares, without visas, they choose an empty truck and hide in the back, that’s it... young people, they try by hook or by crook. restoration work on filling the dam near the chelyabinsk village of kiolim will begin as soon as weather conditions allow. this was announced by the head of the region alexey texler. he is in direct contact with us now.
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alexey leonidovich. hello. do we understand correctly that the water passed through only one settlement, and is there a threat to others? yes. everything is so, it would be, there, point, village, they were immediately identified, the residents of the village, i am, by the way, opposite the accommodation point in the city of karabash, there are residents of this village, before the rest of the settlements that were. as the waves moved, in fact, the water only reached a tangent point, but houses were flooded, and
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all settlements were evacuated, but people are already returning home, to those settlements that were not... damaged, now i held a meeting of the village. damage, but the work is all organized, the operational stage was carried out today with all emergency
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services, with all interested structures, accordingly, all assistance to citizens of the damaged settlement is provided, but what is supposed to be done with the destroyed dam, can it be left for such a period, well, now. we'll talk after we've worked through the situation,
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we'll talk then. alexey leonidovich, thank you for answering our questions. let me remind you that the head of the chelyabinsk region alexey teksler was in touch with us, now the continuation of the documentary film “afghan route”. water movement across the border was canceled not so long ago, 8 years ago, when
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islamabad decided to tighten the transition, there was a shootout here, pakistani army major ali javad zhanghi, a well-known personality on both sides of the border, stood up for the rights of refugees, the terminal on the pakistani side is now named after him, however there is also a name familiar to both sides, turkham. 5 km from turgam, a refugee camp is fully prepared to receive people. this plate was made in afghanistan, it is used to heat water in any object, in a kettle, in a saucepan, you can even cook food on it. solar energy is accumulated, falls here to the bottom and heats up the water within a few minutes, made in afghanistan.
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the moment has come when the equipment of the so -called coalition troops benefits the afghan people. here are these two captured water carriers and this truck, which delivers cereals and flour to the refugee camp. in one of the rooms where humanitarian aid is stored, we also found products from our country. literally from the first days after the americans left, ministry of defense aircraft tens of tons of cargo were delivered to russia in kabul. the taliban delivered everything to its destination. in the camp of refugees, afghans who
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are returning to the country, sunflower oil from the krasnodar region, well, this is great, this is friendship, real friendship. refugees will travel along this road, the main transport artery running through the entire country. this is the same situation when, as they say, i take my hat off, or rather, my hat, to efficiency. and the business acumen of the chinese comrades, this is the road that leads from pakistan to afghanistan to the capital to kabul and beyond, its they are restoring partly chinese.
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how do you manage to sort all this out, i don’t know how, it’s not easy, but there’s nothing to do, it’s like this every day, the traffic police here have a lot of experience, they’ve been working in one place for 30-40 years, they’ve survived more than one government, every
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new one of these did not change people, without experience. here you’ll just go crazy, that’s why there’s such traffic, they don’t know the rules, it’s always been like that in kabul, they drive as they want, they don’t know the law at all, we help figure it out, otherwise the city will get stuck in traffic jams, caught i thought to myself that in the city now you don’t fear for your life, even though terrorist attacks in crowded places are still possible, but before in broad daylight you could easily be poked with a pistol and demanded.
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we arrived in the city calmly, and i understand that this is thanks, including to you, you are doing an excellent job, how is the situation in general, thank you for your kind words, we were really able to restore order in kabul, traffic on the road does not count , let's sort this out, the main thing is that there are much fewer explosions, the americans were kicked out, isis let's finish and allah knows, afghanistan will live well, thank you, good luck to you, thank you, you need a permit for any firearms. so which one of these guys do you think is jealous of the other one? well, of course, the one on my right, he has a real machine in his hands, trouble-free, and i don’t even know
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what it is, but he’s polished or something, polished?
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only now has it ended, his area, beyond which he never left, has come into the world, albeit a joyless, shabby one, but a world nonetheless, literally all russian magazines. his built by soviet builders , soviet specialists lived in it, the same people who
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made roads, tunnels, automobile factories here, built bridges, power plants and much more that improved people's lives. with their departure, the situation, of course , changed, and these houses are no exception, they are gradually falling into disrepair. no one invests a penny in major repairs, or even cosmetic ones, this is the attitude towards everything: as long as there is a roof and the house is standing, we will live in it. oleg ivanovich gontsov - a man of legend, fought for 7 years in afghanistan, and then came here for many years on the affairs of afghan veterans. his current visit with our film crew is his fiftieth. he knows so much about the country that it fills an entire series. enough, here in kabul a club of russian wives was formed, these women married afghans and lived here, there were quite a lot of them in the microdistrict, these were not only women from russia,
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this was also ukraine, well, that is, from all over the soviet union, some of these women after the departure of our troops and the change of power remained here, uh, according to my information, during these battles and confusion somewhere around ten women went missing. there were also good times for afghans until 1973, the monarchy. suffice it to say that under king zakershahi , women were not only allowed not to wear a cheddar, but also given the opportunity to receive higher education and vote in parliamentary elections. afghanistan then maintained very good relations with the soviet union. the koran does not say that allah is against communism, so why should we fight it, that’s what the king said. almost every year he came to moscow, and from here to leningrad, petigorsk, evpatoria. unique photo: for kirschakh in crimea, visiting
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the artek pioneer camp. and here is another collage from the artek wall-newspaper. in seventy-three, the king of afghanistan was dethroned by his brother, and the monarchy ceased to exist. but the people remember the royal family. a huge pantheon rises above kabul, in the center of the colonnade there is a black coffin, although it is not real, right under the tomb of zakershah there is a real necropolis for tourists, in this underground gallery they were going to keep all members of the royal family, it is illuminated natural light, the sun's rays break through the ceiling, they say that if you make a full...
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according to some reports, relatives of the last king of afghanistan live in italy, switzerland and the united states. of course, they will not return to kabul in their former capacity; only the graves of memories remain from the dynasties here. in afghanistan, they are not sure, but historians say they know for sure: the grave you just saw belongs to zakirshah's great-great-grandfather, sultan muhammad khan, given that it was. built in 1861, it has been preserved quite well, afghans honor the memory of their ancestors. the entrance to the underground tomb
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is closed to tourists, but people are allowed into the pantheon itself. my friend and i study in kabul in a madrasah, our parents sent us, when below, kabul is not as beautiful as our kandahar, it is too big and noisy, but we don’t have such a view from this mountain at home, there are generally mountains all around. the city itself is at an altitude of 2.0 m, it is a real capital, it now looks like a large lake among the mountains. we come here every friday, just walk and look. here the meetings that take place in afghanistan, they are so unexpected that i haven’t seen anything like this anywhere else, just now we were working, and tell me, well , the situation is such that this guy has a relative living in rostov-on-don, in my city . that in kabul he hopes to get a visa, he wants to go to his brother in rostov. this will be very interesting for me, i heard so many good things about russia from my brother that now i want
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to see everything. as sunset approaches , there are fewer and fewer cars on the streets of kabulul, merchants leave the central squares, considering that they live far outside the city, they have to get up at 5:00 tomorrow morning to come to the city again, offer their product, the same as thousands of others. in the evening, when work. already finished, the goods have been sold and the change has fallen into the wallet, literally every afghan man goes to either play a game of cricket or watch other players, this is the most popular sport in the country. afghans are very passionate people, cricket is their game, they do it in any village, and there is a result, not champions. more precisely, the afghan team.
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is among the top ten leaders, while the national flag, which is still on their sports uniform, has been missing for 3 years, and the unrecognized white flag of the taliban is not allowed into international competitions, the islamic emirate of afghanistan does not even have an anthem, spiritual leaders believe that music corrupts muslims should be banned, so afghan cricketers sing words from a non-existent anthem in the stadium.
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defeated england, pakistan and sheyland. after another victory in the locker room, the team no longer sings the old anthem, but the ancient afghan song song. the meaning of the words is clear. we fought and won fairly. and there are also words. happiness rarely comes to the poor. quite recently, it would seem, driving along this road was considered absolute madness. until the date of their coming to power, 3 years ago, the taliban controlled every village here. government forces and coalition troops traveled from kabul to kandahar only by air; all attempts to somehow subjugate this part of afghanistan ended in failure. it was especially hot in the province neighboring kabul. wardak province always
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was. the most powerful center of resistance to foreign armies, both soviet and american, however, the latter did not try to negotiate with the civilian population, they simply launched area missile and bomb attacks on villages, literally thousands of houses destroyed by bombing still need to be restored, but armored vehicles and heavy army trucks are not here we stopped by,
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the area was comparable to a small town. there is this soviet fighter in the square in front of the checkpoint. perhaps, out of respect, the americans did not demolish the monument. the taliban left him too, because it still looks powerfully beautiful. nothing has really changed, just new guests have moved in. these are taliban warriors who control almost all of afghanistan. are the only authorities here, we were not able to look at what was left of the american presence in afghanistan at the base, we were able to see it 3 km from the military facility. everything that is here was located at the american base, next to kardagar near the airport. ties, helicopter and automobile, carab for...


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