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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 27, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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the fence is one of the largest american military bases in afghanistan, stretches for many kilometers, an area comparable to a small city. there is this soviet fighter in the square in front of the checkpoint. perhaps, out of respect, the americans did not demolish the monument. the taliban also left it because it still looks powerfully beautiful. nothing has really changed, just new guests have moved in. this. the taliban warriors, who control almost all of afghanistan, are the only power here. look at what's left of we failed to have an american presence in afghanistan at the base. we were able to see this 3 km from the military facility. everything that is here was located at the american base, next to kardagar near the airport. helicopter
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and automobile, ships for machine gun belts of different calibers, helicopter stretchers, a kilometer in one direction and a kilometer in the other, and several streets across, all from the base, do not try to translate the name of this market , sdari or sposhtu, there are no such words, it’s called a bushbazaar, goods from george bush, high quality. new uniforms sold out for a long time, there were second-hand things that no one needed at all. an engine from a black hoke helicopter, the original cost was $7,000, but you can buy it at an afghan bazaar for 80 bucks. well, if you don’t haggle, rotary engines, aircraft turbines. i’m walking here and thinking, it was worth it to drag all this here for crazy billions of dollars.
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unlike kabul , no one skips friday prayers here, now all the men and women are in the mosques, and the city is absolutely empty, as it should be in a mosque and even in... such a huge beautiful decoration inside quite modest, people come here to the museum, not to look at the beauty, but to turn to god, well, friday prayer is over and everyone is now going home, it’s a day off, as usual, everything is prepared, everyone is getting ready.
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they remember us and remember us well and were not very friendly, well, let’s say they respected us, but they didn’t intend to be friends, but as warriors, there was a very tough confrontation standing here. the islamic emirate of afghanistan has won this freedom, including in order for our guests to feel calm here, we guests are very welcome, everyone who comes with good intentions, there is no need to come here with weapons, it’s useless. during the presence of our troops in afghanistan, this place in kandahar was, perhaps, one of the most unsafe, it was called the black square, although from the black color here... there is literally nothing, but frequent attacks on columns, on individual military personnel, with using firearms, mortars and even knives. since then, everything has changed, and this is one of the safest places in kandahar, where russian journalists feel
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absolutely calm. an echo of a distant war, in kabul we saw a working kalashnikov assault rifle from 1967 in one of the taliban.
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here are his wives, one of them chose blue, great, and the other, what did she choose? and the other one chose burgundy, it seems, yeah, yeah, beauty, beauty, well, now it turned out that afghan men do not spare money for their women, this dress, which one of the beauties just chose, costs 60 dollars, well, i must say.
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uh they react differently to me talking to a woman, however, i managed to persuade her, she told me why she bought such a large amount of fabrics, my second wife and i buy fabrics for our husband and my six sons, i do this twice a year, on holidays, it’s expensive, of course, everything costs about 300 dollars, but this is necessary, family is definitely in second place after religion among the pashtuns. the haram house is also a holy place, the traditions of blood feuds are strong here, paradoxically, but perhaps, this is why life in the city is so calm and safe. everyone knows that for sins against their neighbors he will pay another this world in kandagai. we will definitely
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come back here next time, but for now there is one more long-planned story left. afghanistan was changing before my eyes. i saw how the war between the americans and the taliban began here, and how after 20 years of this war the taliban took power into their own hands. i can say one thing: the last 2 and a half years have been the calmest time. the fighting has stopped, and the streets have become much safer. take my word for it, this is not a staged story. patrols on the streets of kabulol, one of which we met now, this is an absolutely normal thing. thanks to these guys, who inspire some fear, the city is quite calm. with such protection, people feel more confident and they have hope
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that the taliban warriors will win from the worst. this is footage from october 21, when it seemed to me that nothing would change here under the bridge of drug addicts. this is the most dangerous place in kabul, the police visit here regularly. the first taliban raids gave only temporary results, they were caught.
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when we met several years ago, you told me that we would achieve the complete eradication of drugs in afghanistan. to be honest, i didn’t believe it then, but now i’m just amazed how you managed to achieve such amazing success? if we promise, we deliver. we explained to the people through the media and through the clergy that we would punish drugs and after that we began destruction operations. according to the un, you have managed to cope with the drug problem in afghanistan by 90-95%. how much is this figure correct? our statistics differ by 1%. we know for sure that we destroyed more than 95% of the crops. they prepared for a long time and dispersed all the dens literally in one night, at the same time they arrested major drug dealers, there are rumors
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that most of the drug dealers were hanged for the edification of others, those who are now also being held in custody, undergoing compulsory treatment. we are in one of the most closed prison hospitals in kabulul. well, we are actually entering the territory where the wards are located, several thousand people, there are those who will not survive, there are those who are gradually emerging from this hell are practically healthy people, specialists in absolutely all fields, from computer programming to.
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for a month he has been asking to be released to a family that exists only in his fantasies,
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i have 40 sons and three daughters. for 2 years, this man also used heroin, resulting in homgren and amputation. look, my prosthesis is completely worn out, buy me a new prosthesis. want to try it, it's just a mixture of tobacco and lime instead of cigarettes. this allowed, it calms me down. but i want to tell you, if you start using drugs, then you begin to destroy yourself very quickly and become part of another world, a parallel one, where there is only death. 25 years ago, hassan studied online in russia. in stouropple, after completing his studies, he decided to return to afghanistan, here the war was in full swing, there was no work, the bad guys got him hooked on drugs, he didn’t have time to get to the worst, hasan is already recovering, you ’re talking to me now, but before that you talked for 25 years back, yes, your russian is brilliant, you they didn’t forget him, they didn’t forget him, thank you, you too,
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thank you very much, thank you, and get well, never go on drugs, it’s very bad, you see what they’re doing here now, no home, left his wife, no children, that’s it , these people have nothing, the drug is very bad, for those who are one step away from recovery, the administration allows them to work, improve the territory, and cook.
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i don’t know which ones, but here’s one of the chambers. the red zone in our understanding is when you are dressed in a certain suit, which you then throw away, but you feel yourself in it it’s quite safe, there’s a mask and gloves, that’s all. all forms of hepatitis, open form of tuberculosis, sleep, non-healing wounds, and doctors are struggling with all this. people in white coats here simply need to erect monuments; if these people had not been collected on the street and brought here, they would either have died or simply decomposed alive. in the red zone we were accompanied by oleg ivanovich gontsov, a veteran of combat operations in afghanistan. i will not hide that without his help we would not have been able
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to film this report in the most dangerous place he might not have gone to camp. yes, this happens very often among drug addicts, when the skin is affected, and quite deeply, there are open ulcers, there is not enough medicine, this is the main problem, at first the west made sure that these people were crippled, and now they are not responsible for this in any way, because from their consent , they grew drugs in afghanistan, the americans did not fight it at all, and now that they have left, there is no responsibility, they do not help
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us treat drug addicts, they continue to kill afghans. we spent a very long time trying to get this filming done; the afghan ministry of internal affairs found it difficult. organize, everything that was stored in warehouses in kabul was destroyed long ago, the remains were collected in the provinces, we can say that we will now see the last major fire with drugs in afghanistan. this, this is hashish, it smells like a pine plant, this is what drug addicts in afghanistan begin with on their short path to death, then everything moves on to pills, harder drugs. yes, please tell me how important this issue is for afghanistan, for the current
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leadership of afghanistan, the destruction, total destruction of alcohol and drugs territory of the country. american bases are no exception, this vodka was made in ukraine, guys, you shouldn’t
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have supplied it to the americans, i’m pouring your vodka on the afghan hashish with british american whiskey, all on the fire, all this is subject to total destruction in afghanistan. that’s it, we try not to deviate from tradition, only our group and our colleagues from afghan television burn drugs, ready, set it on fire. it's not safe to stand downwind now, because the drugs give off
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very acrid, disgusting smoke, which you can even enter a state of euphoria. oleg ivanovich, even if 10 years ago you would have been told that you would stand next to the taliban to destroy drugs. what would you answer to this person? well, i would say that i have seen science fiction, but not to such an extent, now it’s all real, so all i can do is shrug my shoulders. well, we are leaving afghanistan with the feeling of a job done, we have just seen the destruction of drugs worth more than one hundred thousand dollars, a large fortune.
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only a new afghanistan, independent, unknown stories and acquaintances, open and free ahead. we are not saying goodbye, there will definitely be a continuation. as we age, changes in vision can change the way things are done. tolfon was created to nourish and restore the youth of the eyes; it is recommended to use it daily for 3 months. touphone is now in new packaging, especially for course use. still thinking about the perfect home? it's time to go to domklik to find housing to suit every taste. with a mortgage for building a house, a new building. or secondary, choose what everyone will like it, everyone will find housing for themselves at domklik, discounts until august 14, build a sovid for your home faster, one of
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restoration work on filling the dam near the chelyabinsk village of kiolim will begin as soon as weather conditions allow, the head of the region, alexey teksler, announced. the day before, the protective structures could not withstand the volume of precipitation that fell on the region, the bulk part of the dam was washed away, the water threatened to flood several settlements, 163 people were evacuated from them. report from the affected area.


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