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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 27, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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the services of the chelyabinsk region promptly responded to the dam break in order to avoid human casualties, according to vladimir yakusheb, the presidential envoy to the urai federal district. he held a meeting of the operational headquarters; restoration work on filling the dam near the village of kiolim will begin as soon as the weather permits. kirill bortnikov is monitoring the flood situation in the chelyabinsk region. on its way, the sofa floats literally like a sliver, but this is not the worst thing, the whole fence was demolished, the outbuilding, everything demolished, maria was at home at that moment and there was no sign of trouble, when the windows are flooded with water like this, and you don’t know, now the house will drown, and you will drown with it, there is water in our house, we barely climbed onto the roof here, big water came to the village of iolim at ten o'clock in the evening, almost two dozen houses, agricultural equipment, cars, livestock were flooded , residents were rescued by hand. and... due to
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flooding, they even blocked the mias karabashki highway in both directions. this is what the dam looked like on friday afternoon, then the water went through the top of the locks. there is nothing more. due to heavy, prolonged rainfall, the level in the kiolim reservoir rose rapidly. vladimir nikolaevich, the chief engineer, was at work at that moment. at half past seven the water level began to rise sharply, right before our eyes. my car was parked here. then her. the guys only managed to drive it away. together with his colleagues, he tried to open the floodgates, but events developed so rapidly that it was already useless. the stream of water dragged the logs. and so it all got hammered. logs now they are on the other side below. this is all that remains of the dam, which could not withstand the pressure of the rising water. it’s dangerous to get closer, the soil is being washed away now, but you can see those metal structures there, this is the foundation of a hydraulic structure. a section of the dam with a length of 100.
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rescue measures were organized in a timely manner. the big water left the village, perhaps as quickly as it came, leaving behind demolished outbuildings and fences, the assessment commission has already started work, compensation is being approved damage to the victims, after this the issue of restoring the dam on the kiolim reservoir will be decided. kirill bortnikov, nikolay starosttin, gennady lugunov, lengalyaeva, vesti, chelyabinsk region. russian troops, groupings center. a unit of the group of troops center took active actions to liberate the settlement of lazovatov donetsk people's republic. in addition, the formation of the 32nd, 53rd, 151st mechanized, first air assault , 59th motorized infantry, 68th infantry brigades of the ukrainian armed forces was defeated areas of settlements torets. ivanovka,
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ukrainsk, novgorodskaya, shcherbinovka and novoselovka of the first donetsk people's republic. in dagestan kaspiysk , three people were detained who were planning to carry out a terrorist attack in an orthodox church. the fsb reported this. in addition, they intended to cause sabotage against law enforcement agencies. the detainees have already given confessions with details maria valieva. one by one, the three saboteurs are taken out of the room. fsb officers together with the ministry of internal affairs managed to prevent handcuffing a series of terrorist attacks in dagestan. during interrogation, detained residents of kaspiysk spoke in detail about the preparation for the crime. on lenin street they were going to blow up the church of the kazan icon of the mother of god. we decided to make a bomb with muhammad. well, we didn’t really have any such options.
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this is the church, blow up the church on lenin, at the end of lenin opposite the molod gym, in those parts the church, during a search in the house of the suspects , they found improvised explosive devices, weapons and instructions for conducting combat operations both in the forest and in the city, on church, and this is already like defense with knives, i told him, muhammad, knives, i say, no, time will not pass, he says, then we will have to take weapons, he said, i, he says, can look on the internet, i purchased components for an explosive devices in stores, markets, the city of kaspiysk, i learned
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how to make a device in the telegram channel. the detainees also admitted that they were planning an attack on police officers patrolling the streets. since we did not consider them fellow believers, in our circle we considered them collaborators law enforcement agencies believed that they were possible. for purposes of conspiracy , the attackers called the weapons fishing rods and the explosive device a sword. now a criminal case has been opened against them on several counts: preparation for a terrorist act, organization of a terrorist community, participation in it and illegal production of explosives. maria valieva and vladislava musatova news. the accused of blowing up a car in the north of moscow partially admitted guilt and spoke about the details of the crime. this was reported in investigative committee. today, evgeny serebryakov was again brought to the crime scene to restore the chronicle
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of events. let me remind you that on wednesday an suv was blown up in a courtyard in the north of moscow. two people were injured. investigators quickly identified the perpetrator thanks to surveillance cameras. as it turned out, he was in a hurry. left russia, but in the evening he was detained in turkey. at the very first interrogation , serebryakov said that he acted under the control of the ukrainian special services. sergei lavrov arrived in the capital of malaysia from laos republics, where the russia-asian east asian summit ended, where the foreign minister held a number of bilateral meetings, he noted that the main goal of the defense alliance, which includes australia, the united states and great britain, is to instill tolerance in the asian region in terms of deployment there are components of nuclear weapons. sergei lavrov emphasized that the asian countries do not want to enter into confrontation with the americans and their allies. they
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also see a threat to their leading position in matters of security and cooperation in asia-pacific region in southeast asia and
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greek newspapers, an american journalist came out with a similar headline today and colin ruck, in turn, wrote that the organizers of the event ridiculed the faith of 2.5 billion people. let me remind you that the most scandalous episode of the show in the french capital was the allusion to the painting the last supper. transgender people were made the heroes of the production, then they were joined by nude ones... a dancer who was painted blue; at the end of the ceremony, the organizers failed to raise the olympic flag, the canvas was installed upside down. there were also complaints on social networks about ill-thought-out logistics. the ceremony took place in different parts of the city. the pouring rain also did not
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add a pleasant impression to the audience. a special program was organized in valaam for the families of the special operation participants. art psycho sessions will be held for them. therapy, as well as meetings with priests. the trip was organized with the support of the svetvaama charitable foundation together with the st. petersburg branch of the committee of families of soldiers of the fatherland. with details. valaam, mysterious island silence, and also an island of transformation, this is the name of the program of the svetva laam charitable foundation and the st. petersburg branch of the committee of families of soldiers of the fatherland. participants 20 people, parents, wives and children of fighters of a special military operation. many, of course, are withdrawn, anxious and worried. every day thinking that there is a son or husband, yes, that he is alive, and... support, especially when there is no communication for two or three months, of course, these are difficult emotional
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experiences. for centuries, this picturesque place of the symbolic mount tabor has attracted those who looking for an opportunity to heal emotional wounds. a group of special pilgrims have 5 days to experience the healing atmosphere. but everyone was warned, the trip is not entertaining, this is the time to feel inner silence and calm your heart at least a little, it is important to knock and they will open it for you, and that’s why. there are stupid questions, that is, our questions, our requests, we must ask, the one who seeks will always find, including our spiritual needs, the lord will not leave either. where else if not here to look for ways of transformation, the way of monastic life, which has already been revived more than once, is the search for purpose. in the shrine of the valaam monastery, the orthodox consider it miraculous; here you can venerate the relics, venerate the icons and pray, if this is at the call of your heart.
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and conversations between excursions to the monastery farm, where raccoons and alpacas live. some kind of fluffy, sports activities, bending over, exhaling, inhaling, and even master classes, choosing, well, how can i say a composition so that it would be beautiful when the husband went to a special zone military operation, milana kunashova was left alone with three children, the eldest son then became seriously ill until his father returned home... the middle mark helped his mother, i like the fact that it’s so cool here, i
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like how those peacocks that are there somewhere sing. then they sit, no one asks anyone to do anything, there is only rest, carefully and carefully, a psychotherapist works with childhood traumas, it is more difficult for children and teenagers to cope with anxiety, 5 days on valaam surrounded by like-minded people who can be trusted with their fears, you helped. ..
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get, but only you! you decide what your future will be, go where you want and don’t worry about tuition payments with an educational loan selected with government support, calculate payments right now, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand, hello, the weeks that turned the american politics will probably go down in the history of the united states as a separate chapter; the shooting of donald trump in butler almost became the second shots fired in dallas, joe biden's sudden withdrawal from the presidential race is an intrigue worse than the watergate scandal, the last time this happened was 56 years ago, when
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democrat lyndon johnson also suddenly withdrew from the election, but he... at least he explained everything right away. biden, mysteriously self-isolating, or maybe even isolated in his vriehut beach beach house, delayed explanations for four days. after a tweet with a letter, in which many drew attention to his strange signature, nothing. and now the flight to washington, again without comments, only then in the oval office the first appearance in public. nothing can stop the salvation of our democracy, including. the lines of the teleprompter are reflected, but none of the team's attention is strained in the window of the oval office. biden is a lame duck, they say there was also a
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support group nearby, almost 40 people, members of his family, all his problems began during a trip to las vegas. there was supposed to be a pre-election event there, but suddenly everything was canceled due to covid, biden taken to the same town of rihut bech, and after that biden completely disappears from the public field for several days, commenting on this only with the help of various leaks, and the white house continues to dose out information that biden is not leaving any race, so an absolutely sudden reversal on a sunday. at 180°, during which the same letter appears at lightning speed that biden decides to suspend his participation in the election campaign, then a tweet appears where he says that sees kamala haris as his successor, well, clearly agreed with the team
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of democrats, such an insight is published by the political newspaper, on saturday morning biden stated that: the election campaign is in full swing, but by the evening he changed his mind after a long discussion with his two closest assistants. this was not because the president was tired of defections within his own party, although that was true. the point is that biden finally realized he couldn't win. giving up plans for re-election was his last the opportunity to present everything as if the decision was made on his terms. well, as i already said, this is an insider version, but clearly agreed with the dim party. there is also a friend. which plainly calls what happened a well-planned palace coup. according to insider, the disastrous debate against
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donald trump was part of a strategy to convince democrats that biden is unfit to run for president. although publicly most of the left supported biden, behind the scenes party officials threatened to invoke the 25th amendment, which allows the president to be removed from office if he is incapacitated. the twenty-fifth amendment is a shame for life, it is a red button in the american political system, it must be said that it was never applied, that is, of course, heavyweights should have gotten involved in this matter, people who could put pressure on biden, and judging apparently, they were the ones who got involved, well, who could it be, barack obama, the clintons, bill and hillary, but the most important character, about whom they say openly is nancy pilosi, the former. speaker of congress, who actually intrigued and made it so that biden not only left the game, but also pointed to
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a potential successor, replacement, kamela haris. pilosi's mastery of chess never ceases to amaze, let's face it, she knows exactly what she's doing, early debates are the only way to get donors to drop their support for biden right away. trump would have been a crushing blow for them, pilosi knew it, it there were her behind-the-scenes games that were taking place all this time, they were as ingenious as they were dangerous. mafia style is a mixture of the godfather's house of cards. biden was essentially made an offer that he could not refuse. well, all that remained was to watch the hands, that is, the liberal american press.
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necessary for the nomination of votes, in general , they always said about kamela haris that she has been breaking through glass ceilings all her life , always trying to be the first, was the first woman district attorney of san francisco and attorney general of california, the first indian-american in the senate, and finally the first woman vice president of the united states. however, there are different opinions about harris san francisco's prosecutor's office, for example, it is estimated that while she worked there, the share of the accused. sentences increased from 52 to 67%, this was the most noticeable increase in 10 years,
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haris waved her saber harshly from right to left, spoke out, for example, she was categorically against school truancy, many parents even went to jail because of this, she treated strictly earned by those detained for marijuana, of course itself a bad reputation among the black population, this is... a city for the balhamites, for such completely left-wing american liberals, kamala haris is a complete stranger. the democratic party elite and billionaire donors are trying to manipulate black voters by installing kamula haris and an unknown vice president without a primary vote. this is a blatant disregard for democratic principles. not just an elite, the very core of this elite is a real american deepstate. haris is called a clinton man, she is openly supported the soros, both generations, the older and the younger, are such a left-wing liberal
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bias that can damage harris, so much will depend on the figure of the vice president, who will have to balance this bias. i am considering kamal and haris as possible candidates for the post of vice president. roy cooper of north carolina, andy beshear of kentucky, tim volz of minnesota, jay robert pritzker of illinois and gredchen whitmer of michigan. what no vice-president can definitely do is save haris from ariol’s failures with her biden's own vice presidency. he was the one who dumped her. on illegal migration, he put him in charge of the border, so that the boss’s anti-rating would cover her too. if you're wondering how joe biden screwed up
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the border so badly, remember he had help. here biden appoints kamela haris as his border queen, who must solve the problem of illegal migration, here are illegal migrants, 10 million, their number is growing. there was no sensible recipe for solving this problem. haris couldn’t even formulate it all normally, from the outside it looked very comical, the american press even used the expression word salad. do you have any plans?
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should help her gather the female electorate in america, primarily in the swing states, while trump, in general, was not afraid of kharis, we all remember his comments made even before she joined the company, as if taken to flog when he sits on a golf cart and says that he is ready for kharis to join this company, and as it now turns out, insiders are also appearing from within the company. there haris, they were most afraid that michelle obama might enter the ring instead of biden, but it turns out that they were most afraid not of kaml and it is not clear how to act against her, sharris, as again, now he shares with the press the details of the further campaign of representatives of the republican party, everything is simpler, even many points do not need to be rewritten in slogans, because harris is very closely united with biden. as you know, 3
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days ago we officially defeated the worst president in the history of our nation, and now we face a new victory over the deceitful kamely harris. everything she touches turns into a disaster. look at san francisco, 20 years ago, it was the best city in the country, now it's impossible to live in. in liberal san francisco, it’s true that crime is rampant now, but charis must be criticized carefully, it’s like walking through a minefield. racial. question, plus the female gender, the republicans have even sent their congressmen a manual so that these topics are not touched upon, but harris’s mental state is not a taboo, everyone is well familiar with various blunders and strange behavior, harris. trump, of course, is already openly taking advantage of this; he calls his rival a little bit crazy, for example, for her infectious and sometimes very strange
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laughter. however, the people from the deep state who nominated kharis are not embarrassed by this, now all their thoughts are focused on ensuring that the democratic party congress in chicago on august 19 goes off like clockwork, so they are insuring themselves in advance and preparing to hold a roll call in advance, so that only later there were no surprises. democrats are planning. on august 7, hold a virtual nomination, and if you think that this is too fast, then in fact it brings us closer to other democracies, in britain, for example, the election campaign lasts 5-6 weeks, in france it is only no more than two weeks, so we are not in a hurry, we're just holding euro-style elections. another important point, by wicked irony, biden passed the palm not only to kamali harris, but
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also to trump, because now... at his full 78 years old, he is the oldest presidential candidate in american history. after biden drops out of race, focus on health returns switched to trump, who is only 3 years younger. if elected to a second term, he will leave office at the age of 82 years and 7 months. this would make trump the oldest president in us history. in general, trump would still be better off with biden, and this is confirmed. and the results of the polls, in this new confrontation, kamala haris will retain 95% of biden’s voters, and trump will retain only 92% of his voters, however, there are still 100 days before the election, and at the present time in american politics, this is, of course, an eternity. this was america all the best.


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