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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 27, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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with undisguised pleasure we leave the dirty market, nothing happened, but strange feelings of danger constantly haunted us while we were there, and the huge half-empty square seemed to us all like a saving island, well, look how far i’ll walk now, well, probably 10 meters now, yes? 15, 20, and so
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on for another 500 m forward, all these are exchange offices, you can buy absolutely any currency, yens, rubles, dollars, francs, swiss francs, whatever, this has always been the case for decades, in this sense, nothing not changes, the ruble exchange rate, by the way, is very good, it’s more profitable to change here.
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rose to the rank of colonel, now retired, works as a money changer, currency exchanger in az of russia, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 yes b vd, klashenkov, peak, dektors, rpg, rockettand, pone. a seller of pigeons from a dirty market let us down; he didn’t show up at the appointed time, maybe he changed his mind or was afraid to lead us to a mountain village, where most likely a not-so-hot meeting would have awaited us, and there were probably never any pigeons there. in kabul we met another person. the owner of this dovecote has long lived in europe for a while. and returned to afghanistan
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, including for the sake of his pigeons, i don’t understand this professionally, but i understand why i lived and worked in austria and switzerland, it now ranks high. is another car flying now solely for the pleasure of the owner? of course not, the birds flew out on a mission, free hunting, there is, yeah, that’s where the excitement lies, you can catch a stranger, he joins the flock, then
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lure him to catch him, he will live for another week in a cage, he will be part of the flock, the stranger’s owner will come. will pay for it, there's something about it yes, good, yes, yes, excellent, kabul from a bird's eye view, and even in such beautiful weather, it is a huge, very beautiful city, all the contrasts begin down there, there are even more of them outside the afghan capital. we spent 18 hours on the road, the pakistani border, today islamobat blocks it from time to time, transit is vital, in pakistan they understand this very well, they take advantage of the plight
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of their neighbors, bargain something with kabulul, probably, as has already happened, they offer to reduce prices for one or the other without that cheap products. ablution, the owner of this establishment, proudly showed us his income for the week, considering that the afghani is a little more expensive than the ruble, the amount on the table is considerable, that’s what a busy place means. we have already eaten, but i can’t help but say a few kind words
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to the owner of this establishment. a wonderful person who keeps everything more or less afghan-style, clean, and has the freshest products. they buy meat right opposite, it boils in the cauldrons over there, i really don’t understand why they don’t skim off the foam, but probably, in order to make it even more satisfying, we were sitting there at this table, it had already been practically cleared, the restaurant had been lowered, because lunch time was over, people were starting to work again, to work, to work. we came to this tent city by accident, passing by. the weather is very nasty, light, sharp rain, cold, dank, but on the other hand, it completely corresponds to the living conditions of these people.
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the nomads, the baluchis, live here. a small tribe of ten million people living in pakistan, iran, aman and afghanistan. about 300 gentle tents, about 60 families, live here for a season, while it is comfortable, they consider this weather good, not cold and not hot, when it is +50 here, they will remove their camp and move hundreds of kilometers from here, closer to the pakistani border, the camp is protected from the wind by a low rocky hill; those who fought here in the last century probably remember how many dangers these seemingly harmless hills are fraught with. by the way, under these pipes, the mujahideen came down and attacked our columns, attacked our the guys, in fact, were also being shot from the mountains with
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grenade launchers, and there was somewhere to go, look, here’s a rock, you can’t see what’s behind it, here’s a huge village. where you can hide and no one will find you, but the baluchis did not fight with us, in the seventy-ninth year of the last century they received generous help from moscow from that moment on. support for our troops. in the southern provinces of afghanistan, the shuravi, literally soviet, relied on these tribes. there are known facts when nomads did not allow the mujahideen into their lands and fought with them, a proud, wayward people, but poor. during this season, the baluchi survive, the mountain trails will become warmer and more accessible, and the main source of income will open. smuggling. total. from auto parts to weapons, services are in demand, and the profit, oddly enough, is small, and
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it is divided among the entire tribe, just enough for food, but now, when the passes are closed, the youth feed everyone, they leave here for work in kandahar, their earnings is about, now i’ll calculate 150 rubles a day with our money, terrible living conditions, it’s impossible to convey it
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and explain, but the baloch have been living like this for years, decades since birth, they have no land, they have no real estate, they only have tents, which they move with the advancement of heat throughout the country in neighboring pakistan, the border is more or less open for them, because that on the other side in pakistan there are... also their relatives, their families and they cross the border freely, and live there in the same terrible conditions, this is life, this is a test, i don’t remember when we lived differently , yes, we don’t need to live differently, if only we had more food, the holiday of eid al-fitr, breaking the fast after the strict fast of the month of ramadan, the baluchis were also preparing for this event.
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that balochis will never be sold for any money, these dogs are bred in moscow kennels and they say that they are purebred, but here he is, a real alabai, growing up as a camp guard, yes, tough, of course, but such a dog should know, such a dog should know , who is the head in this house. hides, hides, feels protected in me, but all i had to
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do was pet him, there is a special relationship with animals, nomads eat meat several times a year, on special occasions, too expensive, goat rams are raised only for sale, villages are kept only for milk, where do they get food, we already know, where do they get water? listen, well, this is really the stone age, here there is water from the sky, here they save it, like this, the stento of the tent, where it sagged, they collect rainwater, and then in a barrel, and store it for a week, two, three, until the next rain won’t go, maybe this will surprise you, to be honest, it surprises me too, during the time the camp has been standing here, several children were born. here in this tent there is a little less, the youngest is 3 months old,
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but there is no medicine, there is no doctor, in general, as the elder of this camp told us, all hope is in allah, well, life is not easy, there is not always food, we generally need everything, but on the other hand, we have life, and this makes us happy; my wife, the only one, is hiding under the covers. if she had money, she wouldn’t be the only one, but as long as she can only be fed, the fire is always maintained, because if it goes out, what ’s inside. and the tents were all frozen, from above kettle, the stove itself is made from a mosque, well , it’s more like a painting tent, look, they’ve washed all the prices, the rugs are neatly lying, prayer five times a day, i can’t even imagine what these people can ask
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god for, probably for tomorrow to come , the tent camps of the nomads are emptying, they got ready for the journey a long time ago, closer to the border, the journey is at least a month, but this is a way to free yourself from fasting during the month of ramadan, a traveler can eat and drink, a reward awaits ahead, the opportunity to choose the best place for parking lots and pastures, most likely already on
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the territory of pakistan, they will choose a new parking lot and a new place to stay. and these 150 km of the kabul-jallalabat highway still need to overcome a third of the route; the mountain serpentine pass, it starts at an altitude of 1790 m, literally does not fall into the valley until the 575 mark, nearby, overtaking cars, the kabul river rushes with the roar of a waterfall, we are driving along the most dangerous mountain ...
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in details unfamiliar to anyone, look how many people there are, you see, this is just confirmation of my words, 35 years here there was not a single russian person, and there was really a burning interest in russians, that’s how it is, that’s how it is, after all, we did a lot of good things, a documentary chronicle that takes us back to the eighties of the last century. a column of russian equipment is heading towards jalalabad. the footage taken from the lead vehicle cannot be repeated. the ancient bridge, which served for more than a hundred years, was blown up by the americans. near the ruins, they quickly threw a new one for their equipment. and that’s how they treated everything, without respect. as a result, they paid for it. bridge over red
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don’t forgive them by the river either. there is absolutely everything here. the river is another proof of this; it originates in the foothills, where copper deposits are located and this copper can be mined by open-pit mining. hundreds of cars loaded with copper ore, coal and other minerals are heading towards pakistan. it will take at least a day for those standing at the end of the line to cross the border. there are no delays, everything is clear, but the largest terminal simply cannot cope with such volumes. i have a big car and i am completely satisfied with my work, wait you can, if you get 600 dollars, from loading to moving to pakistan it takes me about 2 weeks, but it happens that...
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the american press reminds about the blockade as soon as islamobat introduces new restrictions, but no one consciously says that the measures these are temporary, that this is just an element of pressure from pakistan, an attempt to get more favorable trade conditions, no one will close this border, this is a business, here to my right there is a hidden gallery along which people pass to pakistan and back.
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if i take five steps i'll end up on territory of pakistan and these guys, you can point in the same direction again, they can stop me, this is their security service, everything is absolutely calm at the border, the parties manage to agree so that the transit of both people and equipment with goods does not stop at all on one day. enjoy rolls from tasty spot. caesar roll with tender chicken in crispy breading with tomato and cheese. try a caesar roll and other rolls at
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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today.
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and all the premises will be dried, decide what we will do with the housing stock, so this is a fundamentally important task so that after the emergency situation passes , every person who...


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